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Christian fundamentalist organization publishes Michael Moore's home address

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Hmm perhaps the Christian Fundementalists should publish God's address as well. Gods got a ton of money and people have been wanting to ask him questions for thousands of years.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
RiZ III said:
Hmm perhaps the Christian Fundementalists should publish God's address as well. Gods got a ton of money and people have been wanting to ask him questions for thousands of years.

Something that doesn't exist can't have an address, I'm afraid.


Religious radicals in Iraq != Christians Sure, there have been incidents in America with these kinds of radicals (Abortion bombings/killings), but it's grossly ignorant to assume every conservative Christian organization is full of these violent, undoubtedly psychotic people (as you seem to be doing).

I never said that. I said that Religious radicals are scary people that do scary things. They are. Many religious radicals who claim to be muslims blow themselves up. Many religious radicals that claim to be christians assasinate doctors and such. In the US many fundamentalist "christian" orginizations call for the murder of people. Others imply that such people should be killed and then publish their addresses and the like. One can only assume that Moore's address was published as a method of intimidation to shut him up. The mob does the same shit. All religious radicals are dangerous people.


Junior Member
heavy liquid said:
Why is it that the more religious someone is, the more mean and hateful they are?

But they don't see it that way! I'm fuckin incredulous (I had to look that word up). This is the type of thing that pushes me away from religion. I just have to keep reminding myself that just because they preach the word of god don't make them any fuckin closer to him.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
fart said:
great. can you find me evidence that he has?
No, he can't. It's more like "Heh Sounds like a stunt I would pull".
fart said:
great. can you find me evidence that he has?
According to Borges, Moore has done the same thing to Bush. So I guess the news is out: Bush lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Please, don't arrest me.


mjq jazz bar said:
According to Borges, Moore has done the same thing to Bush. So I guess the news is out: Bush lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Please, don't arrest me.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Prince of Space said:
How is this that much different than Moore giving out that one guy's private office number in 9/11?
Because he is an ELECTED OFFICIAL (I think, wasn't he a congressman?) and there is nothing wrong with the public knowing the phone number of an elected official; and printing someone's office phone number is hardly on the same level as printing someone's and their family's physical home address. If you can't see that, I pity you.


the man also said that he was freely contactable by phone in the interview. he invited people to call him or some such junk, claiming that he had a public line. it's likely that the production team tried to find this public number and then, when it was not able to be found, requested it from the office. when the office failed to give the number, they had no other number to give out with the interview which this man gave.

it's also his office phone number, which is unlikely to be a dangerous thing to give out, especially considering he is an elected official. these people gave out a home address, which is a more egregious action by any measure.

Oh no, God forbid Moore get some hate mail. Poor him.
(1) the issue is not hate mail, but possible danger to the man's family, not to mention an invasion of his privacy.

(2) moore has a production company with an office. the address and phone numbers are publically available. do a whois on michaelmoore.com if you'd like it.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
The Promised One said:
Oh no, God forbid Moore get some hate mail. Poor him.
Considering the zeal of some religious wackos and fervent Bush supporters, he's likely to get more than hate mail when his home address is printed for everyone to see.

And what fart said. He promised to be contactable, and failed to live up to that promise. Moore fulfilled that promise for him.
Ok, then by that logic - Moore says he's a man of the people; FotF is helping him in that department. Now everyone who wants to profess their love can!
I'm not agreeing with Focus' move; I think it's pretty damn tactless. But it's really not all that different than some of the shit Moore's pulled in the past. It's a give-and-take and it unfortunately comes with the territory.


fart said:
great. can you find me evidence that he has?

No, he can't. It's more like "Heh Sounds like a stunt I would pull".


BAD MOVE [Jonah Goldberg]

James Dobson's Focus on the Family has apparently sent
out an email giving its members Michael Moore's home address. I think this is a terrible move, simply on principle. There are other addresses to send Moore mail. Why legitimate this sort of thing?

But, I should add, Michael Moore has zero-point-zero grounds to complain. After all, he did set up a webcam aimed at my parents' bedroom during the Clinton troubles and promoted it in on television, in an effort to show the whole world where my mom lived and invade her privacy. (My mom turned things around and sold ad space in the window to the National Inquirer) If I recall correctly I appeared on some show with him in which he proceeded to make an idiot out of himself on some nonsensical constitutional point. Also, if I recall correctly, any number of liberals and journalists thought Moore's stunt was hilarious. So let's not hear too much piousness about Dobson & Co. from that quarter either.

Still, I think it's just wrong to divulge home addresses for the puprose of harassing public figures.


Larson has Moore issues about his phone number

October 24, 2003

PORTLAND - Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore was in Portland Thursday night and his visit caused quite a ruckus.
He did more than speak to the predominantly liberal crowd of an estimated 8,500 at Memorial Coliseum; he broadcast the private cell phone number for conservative local talk show host Lars Larson.
Nope, still don't see a problem with it. I love how pretty much anyone who supports Bush, or happens to be "religious", is automatically a wacko to you guys, as if 9 out of 10 Christians have secret plans to blow up an abortion clinic. I've know MANY MANY Christians throughout my life, and not one of them would do something like that, nor support it, but I have meet many secularist, and libs who think killing a child in the womb is ok. Sorry, but if anyone supports death more, it's certainly not us. The automatic social labeling of anyone "religious" by you guys is sickening (but unfortunately, predictable).

And please don't start in with the "but religion cause evil things to happen" speech. Any ideology can be used for evil if someone wants to, even Atheism (Communism). The point is, does that ideology actually teach or promote such action? Hell, a big part of HitlerÍs ideology was environmentalism, but that certainly doesn't mean that one should care for the environment, does it?

Guess what guys, if some "wacko" wanted Moore dead, finding his home address would be no problem (even without some organizations help) and the man would already be dead (especially after BfC, which basically labeled anyone who supported gun ownership as a demented evil "wacko"). Worry not, your hero is gonna be fine. The worst heÍll get is some hate mail, and possibly even some death threats, but no one will harm him. If it means anything, IÍve known Christian leaders whoÍve gotten death threats from secular ñfundamentalistsî before, so I guess that means all secular people are potential murderers (that was sarcasm).

It was dumb to post his home address, but I honestly don't think the publishers meant any physical harm to the man. They just wanted Moore to stop dodging questions. Considering the crap Moore has pulled in the past, he does deserve this though.
The Promised One said:
Nope, still don't see a problem with it. I love how pretty much anyone who supports Bush, or happens to be "religious", is automatically a wacko to you guys, as if 9 out of 10 Christians have secret plans to blow up an abortion clinic. I've know MANY MANY Christians throughout my life, and not one of them would do something like that, nor support it, but I have meet many secularist, and libs who think killing a child in the womb is ok. Sorry, but if anyone supports death more, it's certainly not us. The automatic social labeling of anyone "religious" by you guys is sickening (but unfortunately, predictable).

And please don't start in with the "but religion cause evil things to happen" speech. Any ideology can be used for evil if someone wants to, even Atheism (Communism). The point is, does that ideology actually teach or promote such action? Hell, a big part of HitlerÍs ideology was environmentalism, but that certainly doesn't mean that one should care for the environment, does it?

Guess what guys, if some "wacko" wanted Moore dead, finding his home address would be no problem (even without some organizations help) and the man would already be dead (especially after BfC, which basically labeled anyone who supported gun ownership as a demented evil "wacko"). Worry not, your hero is gonna be fine. The worst heÍll get is some hate mail, and possibly even some death threats, but no one will harm him. If it means anything, IÍve known Christian leaders whoÍve gotten death threats from secular ñfundamentalistsî before, so I guess that means all secular people are potential murderers (that was sarcasm).

It was dumb to post his home address, but I honestly don't think the publishers meant any physical harm to the man. They just wanted Moore to stop dodging questions. Considering the crap Moore has pulled in the past, he does deserve this though.
Moore is a gun owner.


Someone should do a documentary about Moore, in the same style as Fahrenheit 9/11. That would be kind of amusing, if there's enough "material" for it of course. :p
Kiriku said:
Someone should do a documentary about Moore, in the same style as Fahrenheit 9/11. That would be kind of amusing, if there's enough "material" for it of course. :p
Michael Moore Hates America.


He's not a hypocrite because the movie is not anti-gun in the least.
I don't see an equivalency between inciting "hate", in the sense of suggesting that someone vote bush out of power - and - inciting "hate", in the sense of conveniently providing someones address after having written an article slamming the guy.

With the article, either there is the unspoken intent to have readers use that personal information for illegal reasons, or the writers/editors were completely ignorant of the fact that the only value in providing his actual address (not the value of it, but the actual location) is so that it can be used for those illegal reasons. I'm giving the writers the benefit of the doubt in choosing to believe that they were aware.
If he gave out personal information that could potentially lead to, and was endorsing that type of intimidation to other individuals (home address would count, location of someones office would count, where to physically find them would count), then that's another issue. Producing F9/11 is not equivalent to what that site has done, on any significant level.


MichaelMoore.com said:
"The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win."

" I'm sorry, but the majority of Americans supported this war once it began and, sadly, that majority must now sacrifice their children until enough blood has been let that maybe -- just maybe -- God and the Iraqi people will forgive us in the end. "

"Can we stop the Orwellian language and start using the proper names for things? Those are not �contractors� in Iraq. They are not there to fix a roof or to pour concrete in a driveway. They are MERCENARIES and SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE. They are there for the money, and the money is very good if you live long enough to spend it."
-Michael Moore, April 14, 2004

Sounds like the stuff you'd read on an Al Qaida website.
demon said:
Considering the zeal of some religious wackos and fervent Bush supporters, he's likely to get more than hate mail when his home address is printed for everyone to see.

And what fart said. He promised to be contactable, and failed to live up to that promise. Moore fulfilled that promise for him.

You're applying a very broad rule for one person and a fairly narrow rule for the other. That's a double standard.

As far as I'm concerned, the contact details that Moore publicizes are just as open to abuse as Moore's personal contact details. Sure, it's in bad taste that it puts Moore's direct family in the firing line, but I think it's in equally bad taste to put another person's work colleagues and innocent bystanders who might work on the next floor at risk.

I'm not even religious, yet I find myself nodding along with a phrase that goes along the lines of "Do unto others".

Moore has more than happily publicized details that are considered to be in the PUBLIC DOMAIN, and he cleans his hands of any consequence that comes of his actions by saying that he's equipping Americans with information that's freely available. Likewise, this Christian group is equipping its audience with information that's in the public domain.

They deserve each other.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
mjq jazz bar said:
Michael Moore Hates America.


He's not a hypocrite because the movie is not anti-gun in the least.

It's not anti-gun in the least eh? Ha ha. Good one.

I never thought it was too terribly anti-gun, but it's a lot closer to that than the opposite.

Obviously Michael Moore doesn't hate America, though; he makes mass money on ignorant American people... ;)


Nope, still don't see a problem with it. I love how pretty much anyone who supports Bush, or happens to be "religious", is automatically a wacko to you guys, as if 9 out of 10 Christians have secret plans to blow up an abortion clinic. I've know MANY MANY Christians throughout my life, and not one of them would do something like that, nor support it, but I have meet many secularist, and libs who think killing a child in the womb is ok.

No one said that. But said groups do have a history of conduct. It's also neat how you try to equate with abortion.

Sorry, but if anyone supports death more, it's certainly not us. The automatic social labeling of anyone "religious" by you guys is sickening (but unfortunately, predictable). And please don't start in with the "but religion cause evil things to happen" speech.

I'd argue that. Seeing as many American churches campaigned and supported war. No one attacked religious people, religious zealots were attacked. And they've more than earned their label.

Any ideology can be used for evil if someone wants to, even Atheism (Communism).

Atheism and communism aren't related.

The point is, does that ideology actually teach or promote such action? Hell, a big part of HitlerÍs ideology was environmentalism, but that certainly doesn't mean that one should care for the environment, does it? Guess what guys, if some "wacko" wanted Moore dead, finding his home address would be no problem (even without some organizations help) and the man would already be dead (especially after BfC, which basically labeled anyone who supported gun ownership as a demented evil "wacko"). Worry not, your hero is gonna be fine. The worst heÍll get is some hate mail, and possibly even some death threats, but no one will harm him.

Oh, if you just get death threats, then I suppose that's a good christian thing. And Moore doesn't implicate gun ownership as a bad thing necessarily.

If it means anything, IÍve known Christian leaders whoÍve gotten death threats from secular ñfundamentalistsî before, so I guess that means all secular people are potential murderers (that was sarcasm).

Surely. But so called secularists don't have the same history of crimes. And i'd bve shocked to hear of a "secular" website aimed at offing church leaders.

It was dumb to post his home address, but I honestly don't think the publishers meant any physical harm to the man. They just wanted Moore to stop dodging questions. Considering the crap Moore has pulled in the past, he does deserve this though.

I think Moore has a whole section dedicated to challenges on his website, and surely you've seen tons of media scrutiny regarding said project.

"The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win."

Ok. Explain to me how from an Iraqi viewpoint they are any different. Just like the colonists they are repelling an invading occupying army. They are fighting a style of war thought "unfair" just like the colonists.

" I'm sorry, but the majority of Americans supported this war once it began and, sadly, that majority must now sacrifice their children until enough blood has been let that maybe -- just maybe -- God and the Iraqi people will forgive us in the end. "

Please explain the problem with this statement.

"Can we stop the Orwellian language and start using the proper names for things? Those are not �contractors� in Iraq. They are not there to fix a roof or to pour concrete in a driveway. They are MERCENARIES and SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE. They are there for the money, and the money is very good if you live long enough to spend it."

Again, I'd like to hear the problem with this.


Setec Astronomer
Sure, there have been incidents in America with these kinds of radicals (Abortion bombings/killings), but it's grossly ignorant to assume every conservative Christian organization is full of these violent, undoubtedly psychotic people (as you seem to be doing).
And you know, muslims would tell you the exact same thing.


Not that I'm a fan of Moore and his nasty propaganda (and I haven't seen, and won't see, his latest movie, so I don't know if he gave out numbers or not), but yes, sending out his home address in order to get random people to intimidate him is impossible to justify. And no "But he does it too!" isn't justification, especially if he's merely showing office numbers of elected officials, who are *supposed* to answer to the public that they represent.

The Promised One said:
Nope, still don't see a problem with it. I love how pretty much anyone who supports Bush, or happens to be "religious", is automatically a wacko to you guys, as if 9 out of 10 Christians have secret plans to blow up an abortion clinic. I've know MANY MANY Christians throughout my life, and not one of them would do something like that, nor support it, but I have meet many secularist, and libs who think killing a child in the womb is ok.

I'd really like to believe that, but in my experience, conservative christians are the most intolerant religious group I've dealt with. The number I've viewed as friends are vastly outnumbered by the ones who refused to have anything to do with me, and equal to the ones that have physically attacked me for being an atheist.

And I have no idea what abortion has to do with it, since the main issue is whether or not a fetus can be considered a human life.


And you know, muslims would tell you the exact same thing.

And they'd be right, too. I don't know much about their religion, but I refuse to believe that they go to their places of worship to learn how to make bombs and decapitate people.

It's too bad that a bunch of attention-grabbing radicals have to ruin the image of such groups.


Hey Ripclawe, it seems that some people are ignoring your post. I'll repost it for you.

"great. can you find me evidence that he has?
No, he can't. It's more like "Heh Sounds like a stunt I would pull".

BAD MOVE [Jonah Goldberg]

James Dobson's Focus on the Family has apparently sent
out an email giving its members Michael Moore's home address. I think this is a terrible move, simply on principle. There are other addresses to send Moore mail. Why legitimate this sort of thing?

But, I should add, Michael Moore has zero-point-zero grounds to complain. After all, he did set up a webcam aimed at my parents' bedroom during the Clinton troubles and promoted it in on television, in an effort to show the whole world where my mom lived and invade her privacy. (My mom turned things around and sold ad space in the window to the National Inquirer) If I recall correctly I appeared on some show with him in which he proceeded to make an idiot out of himself on some nonsensical constitutional point. Also, if I recall correctly, any number of liberals and journalists thought Moore's stunt was hilarious. So let's not hear too much piousness about Dobson & Co. from that quarter either.

Still, I think it's just wrong to divulge home addresses for the puprose of harassing public figures.

Larson has Moore issues about his phone number

October 24, 2003

PORTLAND - Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore was in Portland Thursday night and his visit caused quite a ruckus.
He did more than speak to the predominantly liberal crowd of an estimated 8,500 at Memorial Coliseum; he broadcast the private cell phone number for conservative local talk show host Lars Larson. "


That's his home -- a condominium this man of the people,
what the hell does this have to do with anything? He makes lots of money, so he shouldn't be able to spend it how he feels? If these same people made the type of money he makes, they would probably go buy a really big house, and some cars.
Just kinda stupid comment.


Hey Ripclawe, it seems that some people are ignoring your post.

or are preoccupied searching google to find some quotes to refute it.

If all else fails they can fall back on the two wrongs don't make a right defense.
"He apparently asked the audience who he should call," said Lars Larson. "He asked the audience who they wanted him to call, apparently my name came up and someone had my home telephone number, and Michael Moore called my home telephone number."

Moore then played the answering machine message out loud to the crowd, apparently not realizing that it would mean broadcasting Larson's private cell phone number to the group.

Moore tried contacting Larson numerous times during the show, giving the number out every time the answering system picked up. Apparently giving the number out was an accident, but the result was the same.

Accident. (same article)


I would just like to say this...

These are not Christians. These are not your good Samaritans.

This goes against of the mantra "WWJD". Ugh.



Drensch said:
" I'm sorry, but the majority of Americans supported this war once it began and, sadly, that majority must now sacrifice their children until enough blood has been let that maybe -- just maybe -- God and the Iraqi people will forgive us in the end. " -Michael Moore, April 14, 2004

Please explain the problem with this statement.
Well we got rid of an evil dictator. Whether you agree with the reasons for the war or not, the result of it for the Iraqi people is freedom and democracy. For an American to say that American soldiers deserve to die in Iraq is sick and twisted. Saying that we need to pray that the Iraqi people will someday forgive us is really messed up. After the good that our soldiers have done and all the sacrifices they made they should be congratulated, not spit on by fellow Americans. This is absolutely disgusting.

Drensch said:
"Can we stop the Orwellian language and start using the proper names for things? Those are not �contractors� in Iraq. They are not there to fix a roof or to pour concrete in a driveway. They are MERCENARIES and SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE. They are there for the money, and the money is very good if you live long enough to spend it." -Michael Moore, April 14, 2004

Again, I'd like to hear the problem with this.
Well he's talking about men who were burnt alive, dragged through the streets, hung and decapitated. Sure they were working in Iraq for a profit, but why does he think that you can't do something good while also working for a profit. They're called contractors because they were contracted to go to Iraq to improve the infrastructure there and help rebuild a better way of life for the Iraqis. The fact that they were making money from their hard work doesn't reflect negatively on them at all. They certainly don't deserve to be called mercenaries. How callous can you be?

Drensch said:
"The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win." -Michael Moore, April 14, 2004

Ok. Explain to me how from an Iraqi viewpoint they are any different. Just like the colonists they are repelling an invading occupying army. They are fighting a style of war thought "unfair" just like the colonists.
What's wrong with this is that Michael Moore is an American and he is rooting for our soldiers to die and lose the war. How is there any justification for this? It's one thing to say you don't like Bush, but to wish ill on the soldiers that are fighting this war, for a just cause is demented. These soldiers are doing their duty. Wishing that they get no support is sick. How can you ignore the fact of what Saddam Hussein was? This has nothing to do with George Bush or the war, how can anyone think that the Iraqi people were better off with an evil dictator who brutalized his people?

Judging by this how are Michael Moore's desires any different than Al Qaidas? They both view the world the same and spew the same hatred for America, our soldiers, and the President.


Banstick Emeritus
Give me a call when Bush decides to go after dictators and brutal despots who don't have controlling access to oil reserves.


"The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not "insurgents" or "terrorists" or "The Enemy." They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win." -Michael Moore, April 14, 2004

What's wrong with this is that Michael Moore is an American and he is rooting for our soldiers to die and lose the war.

No he's not. Do you watch sports? There's a difference between analyzing a situation and rooting for someone to lose.

and as you can see from the movie, Michael Moore is very clearly not rooting for the soldiers to die.


Setec Astronomer
Zilch said:
And they'd be right, too. I don't know much about their religion, but I refuse to believe that they go to their places of worship to learn how to make bombs and decapitate people.

It's too bad that a bunch of attention-grabbing radicals have to ruin the image of such groups.
They probably are right, but my point was that while many people think little of characterizing Islam as a source of terrorism, people get shocked and offended to hear Christianity put in the same light.

Bush or the war, how can anyone think that the Iraqi people were better off with an evil dictator who brutalized his people?
When their democracy could possibly mirror the Weimar Republic? It's one thing to remove a dictator, and another to provide them with the security they need to actually sustain a democratic system of government. Iraqi is hardly as stable as it should be, and if it ever implodes... then they might end up being far worse off.
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