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Christian game makers rise to new heights [GameSpot]


The Faceless Master said:
no no no!

not *killing*!!


there's a difference...

Ok... Let me get these developers and what you're saying. In order to avoid forcing us innocent and pure gamers into killing our enemies on screen with vicious blood thirst, we show mercy by sending our enemies to an eternal hell where they suffer for eons and eons continuously?

I guess you can say it's not like Zelda, but still. If the point of "not killing" was to show "christian morals" then banishing to hell does the opposite. Eternal suffering is WORST then instant death and banishing them with a "flash of light" or whatever is like murdering with a silencer. It's less noisy and flashy but it's still murder.

Maybe if they gave you a weapon that "freezes" the enemies until the game is over or something.. o__O


I get a kick out of this phenomena.

If a game is based on Hindu teachings, the reaction is "oh ok"
If a game is based on Ancient Babylonian Occult, the reaction is "oh cool"
If a game is based on Buddhist teachings, the reaction is "oh ok"
If a game is based on anything from Jesus, the reaction is "0MG L4ME! sUxx0r! Keep Religion out of it!!!!!!111"

I've seen this happen not only with gaming social institutions but with just about anything else that deals with a community of people. Usually, the stereotypical paradigm of such people are;
(1) keep politics only to yourself, at a personal level
(2) keep religion only to yourself, at a personal level

This has got to be the strangest unwritten rule that humans have made.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
But the enemies aren't people, they are demons. They're going to hell anyway and they know it.


Dice said:
But the enemies aren't people, they are demons. They're going to hell anyway and they know it.

They can still repent. :D :p

geogaddi said:
If a game is based on anything from Jesus, the reaction is "0MG L4ME! sUxx0r! Keep Religion out of it!!!!!!111"

I've seen this happen not only with gaming social institutions but with just about anything else that deals with a community of people. Usually, the stereotypical paradigm of such people are;
(1) keep politics only to yourself, at a personal level
(2) keep religion only to yourself, at a personal level

This has got to be the strangest unwritten rule that humans have made.

for the record my reaction isn't "0MG L4ME! sUxx0r! Keep Religion out of it!!!!!!111" the game sounds cool actually. If they focus on the idea that you're inside some one's head and do puzzles based on what the person is thinking/doing ("moods" can alter the enviroment maybe..) I can see it being good. Come to think of it this reminds of of eternal darkness and the "sanity" meter... I need to play that game some day.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I'm in if someone comes out with the O.T. version of God... You know where he is smiting entire towns full of ass f*#@ers and what not...
Mock said:
I mean, c'mon, people are going to the theatres right now and paying money for a 2 hour political ad for John Kerry. I don't see how this could be any better or worse.

Good point.

My problem with the games is that they're simply lame. I, being Christian, as well as many of my Christian friends, love videogames, even violent ones (though, if the entire pull of the game is simply that it's violent, then I think it's stupid. Give me good gameplay over shock-value any day), but having your enemies "repent", is just plain dumb. I certainly want Christians to make games (I plan to someday), but I want games that are fun to play.

Preaching a message is fine. MGS, one of the most popular games to date, preaches like crazy (only instead from a secular viewpoint). Many games out there preach some sort of message, or at the very least, the writers point of view on subjects. Xenogears is another perfect example of a game preaching, but from a secular viewpoint.

I think games that told a story from a Christian viewpoint would be cool, but first and foremost, they should be entertaining. Not even I would play a game where my enemies simply repent. If it happens to some particular protagonist within the story, that's fine, but not as a way of overall "defeat" for everything that stands in your way.

I think part of this is that these guys are trying to make games that are for all ages. That's fine if that's their goal, but I just hope they're not under the stupid impression that making something more realistic, or violent, is somehow evil and anti-Christian. Just look at The Passion. It's one of the most violent movies ever, and I certainly wouldn't want little kids to see it, but it's a great movie, and Christian through and through.

Personally, I someday hope to make "Christian" games. But make them like MGS, where the story (worldview) isn't so one-sided, or obvious, that only Christians will enjoy it. A good example is LotR (the books, not the games). They're very Christian, but in a way that you pick up on it (particularly if you're Christian), not where you feel you're just reading a sermon, with a story and interesting characters attached.


Is thinking that Moore is trying to stop people from voting for Bush enough to justify saying that they worship Bush?


yeah, it's written in 2 Joshua...because nobody reads 2 Joshua!!!

like that question isn't going to derail the thread.


'usual suspects'?

funny...that sort of implies that I express my views on politics or religion often

I saw your question as rhetorical


skip said:
oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you think your question is worth answering.

agreed. if it was an honest question then it was insulting in your lack of knowledge and generalization
Gattsu25 said:
agreed. if it was an honest question then it was insulting in your lack of knowledge and generalization

It was an honest question, and I wasn't trying to insult anyone. GA isn't the only forum I read, and I've noticed that if someone is Christian, they're for Bush. I can't even tell you the last time I've seen a Christian that was NOT pro-Bush.

I apologize to you, Gattsu, for the insult. Skip, you can take your condesending, holier-than-thou attitude and fuck right off.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I'm very much Christian and I'm definitely not pro-Bush. That doesn't mean I'm automatically voting for Kerry though, I've been debating whether or not I should have such a utilitarian view of voting.
Dice said:
I'm very much Christian and I'm definitely not pro-Bush. That doesn't mean I'm automatically voting for Kerry though

I hear you there. Well, glad to meet you, sir! I can now say that I know one Christian that isn't pro-Bush. Er, two, counting Gattsu.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I know like 7 more at least, but this isn't a political thread so we shouldn't continue :p

Ranger X

The Promised One said:
Good point.

My problem with the games is that they're simply lame. I, being Christian, as well as many of my Christian friends, love videogames, even violent ones (though, if the entire pull of the game is simply that it's violent, then I think it's stupid. Give me good gameplay over shock-value any day), but having your enemies "repent", is just plain dumb. I certainly want Christians to make games (I plan to someday), but I want games that are fun to play.

Preaching a message is fine. MGS, one of the most popular games to date, preaches like crazy (only instead from a secular viewpoint). Many games out there preach some sort of message, or at the very least, the writers point of view on subjects. Xenogears is another perfect example of a game preaching, but from a secular viewpoint.

I think games that told a story from a Christian viewpoint would be cool, but first and foremost, they should be entertaining. Not even I would play a game where my enemies simply repent. If it happens to some particular protagonist within the story, that's fine, but not as a way of overall "defeat" for everything that stands in your way.

I think part of this is that these guys are trying to make games that are for all ages. That's fine if that's their goal, but I just hope they're not under the stupid impression that making something more realistic, or violent, is somehow evil and anti-Christian. Just look at The Passion. It's one of the most violent movies ever, and I certainly wouldn't want little kids to see it, but it's a great movie, and Christian through and through.

Personally, I someday hope to make "Christian" games. But make them like MGS, where the story (worldview) isn't so one-sided, or obvious, that only Christians will enjoy it. A good example is LotR (the books, not the games). They're very Christian, but in a way that you pick up on it (particularly if you're Christian), not where you feel you're just reading a sermon, with a story and interesting characters attached.

good post.


This game focuses on teaching good things...so I'd go as far as support this game.

If it focused on things that were negative...ie. killing non-Christians or whatever (remember the Simpson's episode where Bart went to Flanders house and played that Billy Graham Bible game? :D), then I can see why people would criticize it.

As far as Christians and Bush go...we all know the real devout Christians know what the Bible says about Bush...and how Moses kicked his ass. ;)


It seems that people who deliberately deconstruct religion, then exorcise it from their lives, eventually realize that maybe they're not so much smarter than everyone who's ever lived after all. When they inevitably discover that faith has a purely utilitarian value as a way of mitigating the mounting existential dread that arises from simply being alive, they generally resort to creating some kind of half-assed religion substitute. This leads to spiritual philosophies that embarrass everybody, like aromatherapy and everything Jewel believes.

Nonsense. I'd rather take up philosophy than drown in laughable religious bullshit.
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