Don't skim my posts, and don't interject into a conversation with someone else if you're not going to follow the conversation. The person you replied to was NOT the same person I was originally talking to. That's your first mistake. In my original post to a different user, what I said was that certain behavior was despicable. At no point did a say the person himself was despicable. And again, that person wasn't even this latest individual who, I believe, was making a joke. That's your second mistake. Additionally, at no point did I say that I was making a joke. That was the third mistake. If you want to have grown-up conversations, then learn how to properly engage in a discussion. Don't spread lies about what I said or did. My post history is available, and everyone can see what I said. If you're saying I said something, prove it. Where is the post where I said this crap?
The Bible isn't the opinions and feelings of men. You're free to believe that that is all the Bible is, but for Christian's it is the inspired word of God. The morals contained within have not changed since the words were writ. I'm not sure what contradictions you're referring to.
You're wanting to argue and disprove my God, not understand why I believe what I want to believe. You have every right to reject God, but do you really expect me to listen to you, someone who very apparently has not studied the Bible (not read snippets, but actually studied it), about what is wrong with the Bible? Further more, where do you get off with making statements like, "you can't explain contradiction..."? At no point did you provide to me a contradiction, and then I failed to explain it. We get it: you don't believe in God. That doesn't give you the right to be an ass to Christians.