But I'm moving goal posts? What does being colorblind have to do with circumcision? Or anything I mentioned?
Thank you for your rational, sensible posts. I appreciate your input and approaching the topic in a civil way!
As I added in an edit you didn't catch, people are just getting a bit riled up at you, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt it's just because they care and see it as an important issue, not because they personally have any ill-will towards you.
Societal change doesn't happen overnight and I can only imagine myself how I'd feel if I had it done from birth, playing more heavily into the "I don't know any better and my dick still works fine?" group.
I had a small window look into having it both ways, although it was done as an early teenager precisely because puberty was really kicking off and at high school relationships and interests in girls start to become more of a thought! Basically, I had tight foreskin issues, and while not incredibly severe ones, it was causing some discomfort. Obviously, stretching exercises and things were discussed, and partially tried, but surgery was really a sort it out never have to worry again solution.
That was opted for, and the UK NHS covered my surgery as it wasn't simply cosmetic, but medical. At that age you remember everything... which I can't say for a baby
I never said you were moving goal posts. How is it not comparable in your 'can't miss what I never had' argument?
But it doesn't matter, your continued avoidance of the questions tells me you are indeed a hypocrite.
Duuude, the guys a bit convinced in his position, but as I just said to him it can be "difficult" to see things any other way when it happened to you at birth and you don't know any better. I agree it's important to challenge minds that think that way but going in too hard will probably just send him away pissed off. Either way I do hope he can rethink some of what he is saying, and while accept he doesn't mind, the greater good is trying to change societal norms, especially in America.