So what are cargo trains for? I mean, I can read that it says "delivers goods", but I'm not really sure what that means, or where I should be placing the stations. I put one in my industrial area - so does this mean that the stuff I produce is being sold (off map)?
What about my commercial areas? Would it help to put a station there - and would it cut down on the number of needed delivery trucks?
You need to lay down tracks to connect at least one end of your cargo station to the (already existing) train tracks somewhere on your map. Every map has a few sets of tracks that can be used for export.
Once you do you'll see trains coming in, their cargo getting lifted off of the train and then trucks driving out of the cargo station to deliver the goods. From what I understand and have observed it's an alternate way for your industry (and commercial?) to import goods without clogging up the highways.
I think.
No, I get hooking them up to the outside world - I've done that. But right now I just have one station in my (general) industrial area. I'm just not entirely sure what it's doing. I assume some/most/all of my goods are being delivered to my commercial areas, by truck, right? Is the excess being exported for money? Or if I'm short goods, does the train connection then import?
If I place another station in my major commercial area, and connect it to my industrial station, will that cut down on traffic? Although, I suspect then I'd have major truck traffic coming out of that second cargo station.....
If I place another station in my major commercial area, and connect it to my industrial station, will that cut down on traffic? Although, I suspect then I'd have major truck traffic coming out of that second cargo station.....
I'm having a lot of fun with the game, and I'm doing pretty well (city at 86,000 with a huge budget surplus and only a few red intersections) but I have little sense of strategy. Most of my city is a grid and when I'm presented with a traffic problem I have no idea where to start in fixing it. Heavy traffic bans sometimes work, sometimes don't. I haven't been able to get roundabouts to work, for some reason, they always get clogged. How do I build one well?
Anyways, how do I get gud at this game? I've seen that traffic engineers imgur guide and it was informative but it also glossed over some areas.
I want to start a second city soon but I don't really have any creative ideas on how to make it different than my first. How do I start? How do I decide when to switch to HD? etc.
Exactly this. It basically removes the need for highways between your industrial and commerical areas. With a (segregated) external connection, it also removes the need for any highway connection at all.
Although you'll find the cargo transfer station starts getting saturated around 40-50k population. If you have multiple rail connections to the map edge, then you can have multiple transfer stations. Cargo ports help too.
I've demolished all the highways on the map. Nearly everything here is two lane road (one ways and bi-directional). Loads of railways for people and cargo. No traffic congestion.
Awesome. Now all we need is a mod that automatically removes the devider from 4 lane roads when they're in front of services like Police, Fire and Hospital/Hearse. Because right now if you have one of those buildings on a 4-lane road, they have to turn right, then find a place to either turn around (A dead-end) or go around a block in order to go to the left. In real life I suspect they'd remove the median if a building like that was ever built on a road like that. The hack way to overcome it would be to use a 6 lane road just for the segment in front of the building, but it looks terrible.Crossings! Don't know if it's been posted yet. Some graphical bugs but seems to be the goods. You can even add or remove lights with the Toggle Traffic Lights mod.
Awesome. Now all we need is a mod that automatically removes the devider from 4 lane roads when they're in front of services like Police, Fire and Hospital/Hearse. Because right now if you have one of those buildings on a 4-lane road, they have to turn right, then find a place to either turn around (A dead-end) or go around a block in order to go to the left. In real life I suspect they'd remove the median if a building like that was ever built on a road like that. The hack way to overcome it would be to use a 6 lane road just for the segment in front of the building, but it looks terrible.
Also, it bugs me that no buildings add driveways. Cars just drive up on the curb. Even if it's grassy. Looks really silly.
Commercial makes sound pollution so it's not ideal.Is it fine to mix and match areas like you get a spec of commercial in a residential area
Did you guys see this?
no left/right turn on intersections mod.
Sadly not compatible atm with Traffic++ but... FINALLY.
Crossings! Don't know if it's been posted yet. Some graphical bugs but seems to be the goods. You can even add or remove lights with the Toggle Traffic Lights mod.
Might want to check out Traffic Manger:
Combines several of the traffic mods. Once this matures, we can rename the game to Traffic Simulator.
Is there around some kind of guide or tutorial for the terraform tool?
I'm desperately trying to do some pits for railroads but I just cannot seem to get what the tools actually do - or how powerful they are, or why the first button sometimes rise and some other lower the terrain...
Might want to check out Traffic Manger:
Combines several of the traffic mods. Once this matures, we can rename the game to Traffic Simulator.
How did he manage to use the exact same position for the shot every time?
How did he manage to use the exact same position for the shot every time?
How did he manage to use the exact same position for the shot every time?
I was wondering that myself. It makes total sense. And I wouldn't be surprised. Still a lot of work. But I guess if you set a timer for yourself and attach the camera movement and saving and screenshotting to a single hotkey as a script, then possibly have it move back to where you were, it would be mostly painless.Apparently there's a mod that lets you save camera positions.
I was wondering that myself. It makes total sense. And I wouldn't be surprised. Still a lot of work. But I guess if you set a timer for yourself and attach the camera movement and saving and screenshotting to a single hotkey as a script, then possibly have it move back to where you were, it would be mostly painless.
No you don't.need a screenshot mod
From left to right they are:
Raise/lower by 1 "step" ie. the same height as a press of PgUp or PgDown. LClick to raise, Rclick to lower.
Raise/lower smoothly. Same buttons, but hold them down to keep on raising/lowering.
Smooth. Average out the land under the brush. Lclick.
Level. Rclick to "read" a level from the world. Lclick to "paint" flat ground at that level.
Ramp. Rclick to set a "destination" level in the world. Lclick and drag from a starting point to the destination to create a smooth slope between the two.
Paint sand. Lclick to lay down a nice yellow sandy texture. Great for beaches.
For all the commands, numpad +/- changes the brush size, Shift + numpad +/- changes the strength of the effect. Ctrl-Z to undo (and refund) your changes. The undo is only avialable while you stay in terraforming mode. If you choose another tool (eg. roads) then your terraforming is baked in.
I'm trying to clean up the apparently 40,000 dead bodies that suddenly appeared in my city so I have the game running windowed in the background. Ugh, it's going to take forever. If it's even working. Thankfully I have $6,000,000 in reserve. We'll see how my city looks when they finish.
What I want, if it doesn't already exist, is a mod that lets me click on a Crematorium (Or other service building) and have it highlight, with light beams into the sky, that show where every vehicle is currently in the map. They could extend it to work for other buildings that have vehicles of their own like stations and docks that send out delivery trucks. Maybe extend it even more to have it show the percentage of capacity. Maybe also their current route and targets.
No you don't.
Your OS has it built in and Steam has it built in. It already has a "remove UI so you can take a screenshot" mode. It's all you need. No need for a third screenshot method.
Commercial makes sound pollution so it's not ideal.
I do it anyway, cos it looks nice and I want my cims to be able to get a pint of milk at 11pm without having to get in their car or catch a bus![]()
No you don't.
Your OS has it built in and Steam has it built in. It already has a "remove UI so you can take a screenshot" mode. It's all you need. No need for a third screenshot method.
How do you guys start a town anyway? Do you create a road that connects it to the "outsider" highway or do you directly build on that road?
Doesn't Office make noise pollution?
The thing is they all die across the entire city. At worst I zoned single blocks at a time. But they all just suddenly die across the entire city randomly like clockwork.There is a mod that increases the randomness of deaths so death waves occur less. You can also reduce it by not zoning large sections of residential at the same time.
There is a mod that increases the randomness of deaths so death waves occur less. You can also reduce it by not zoning large sections of residential at the same time.
One thing I've taken to doing to prevent and lessen death waves is to zone things with the game unpaused. I used to always zone big new sections with the game paused, then unpause and let the simulation run. It's a habit I developed from my decade+ of playing Simity 4. Playing CSL that way really encourages death waves to happen down the road, because whole sections of residential "pop" into existence right after you unpause. By zoning residential with the game running it really helps to space out the citizens moving in and then later dying off.
Noise pollution isn't really that damaging right? Since I plopped a metro station in the suburb