So, I was thinking. We need a whole new district/zoning option for the following:
-Court Houses that reduce crime
-Jails that imprison criminals
-Casinos (should also attract high-end crime)
-Retirement homes (should increase demand if there are lots of casinos under the idea that old people immigrate and retire in our city)
-Museums/attractions for educated population
-Some kind of attraction for uneducated population
-We need some kind of way to require more uneducated people: Industrial seems to me the main reason to keep uneducated people around, since commercial zones seem to rely on industrial goods.
Lack of leisure and attractions should possibly increase crime.
Crime generally seems very forgivable: just plop police stations around... But I wish there was more ways for crime to happen, because it should definitely be a problem
Homelessness too needs to be a real consequence of abandonment and fires. A homeless issue should also drive crime rate higher, lower land value, force emigration..
There should be a separate track of drugs too in my opinion, and some kind of system for drugs to cause higher crime rates.
Both drugs, alcoholism (should affect lower end/impoverished gamblers), and casinos should require rehabilitation programs... and if you don't have them, crime and homelessness should increase.
Basically, we need more of a challenge to spend our money on. I have $2 million, and nothing is ever unfixable for me.
Game is definitely incredibly easy, and I sort of don't want to play just to build, as right now I have all the room to expand everywhere, without worrying about my little cities.