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Cities: Skylines |OT| Not Related to Cities XL.

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*starts to wonder if someone has made a mod that deemphasizes deathcare (so cemeteries and crematoriums only provide the service and land value boost)*


Anyone else taking their sweet time building their city? I believe I haven't went with 3x speed yet! I just enjoy looking at all the traffic going round the city.... before you know it 2 hours passes by and at best one block was completed....

Here is one area that took me two hours.... (they highway exits and the road south of it)



Anyone else taking their sweet time building their city? I believe I haven't went with 3x speed yet! I just enjoy looking at all the traffic going round the city.... before you know it 2 hours passes by and at best one block was completed....

Here is one area that took me two hours.... (they highway exits and the road south of it)

Wow, that looks really nice, good work :)


The Birthday Skeleton
So I went on a mod downloading spree and searched for functional mods to enhance the gameplay experience. In case anyone is interested, these are the ones I have currently installed:

Mod Achievement Enabler

Get achievements while using other mods.

Reddit for Chirpy
Every 5 minutes, chirpy will say the top message of /r/showerthoughts.

Public transit lines are automatically colored and given different shades, while still retaining similar color types for the same form of public transit.

City Statistics Easy Access
Adds a button to the task bar, allowing you to access the statistics without going through the menu.

Blockbuster Color Correction
Makes the colors pop more, I tried a variety of color correction mods, liked this the best, but subjective obviously.

Automatic Emptying
Automatically empties cemeteries and garbage dumps once they hit 100%.

Press F11 to hide the UI (Screenshots!)

Adds a simple clock to the task bar.

Ground Level Camera
Press tab to switch to first person mode.

Traffic Report Tool (Beta)
Click on any car/street/building to see pathways to/from that object.

Disable FilmGrainEffect
Disables said effect.

AutoSave - Configurable
Enables autosaves.

All 25 Areas purchaseable
Makes all 25 tiles purchaseable once you hit the last city milestone.

Tree Brush
Plant multiple trees at a time.

Automatic Bulldoze
Adds settings to automatically bulldoze burned or vacant buildings.

Extended Road Upgrade - One- and two-way roads!
Adds another road tool option that allows to switch between the road types, and even switch the direction of one way roads on the fly.

Text Scale Mod
Dynamically adjust the text scale you want to use.

Dynamic Resolution
Better anti-aliasing. Upscale/ downscale from any resolution.

Great selection. I went on a shopping spree myself after seeing your list.


I'm surprised and half disappointed someone from CO hasn't shown up here yet. Seeing as that achievement mod is out I should probably use some of those mods.

You'll probably have to mess with your roads again to get hearses to empty the place first, having a crematorium right next to it and speed things up.

lol my highway is gonna be a race track by the end of this.

had a hearse bring a dead person from that Maxis's in and out burger mod :p


It was going pretty well for my first city until my landfill sights and cemeteries began to fill up. Due to a combination bad placement and emptying all of the sites at the same time, people began to get sick and die.

By this time it was already too late. I got into debt and there was no demand for any buildings. Tax relief only made the debt worse.

Iv'e learnt a lot of do's and don'ts. Back to the drawing board I go.


It was going pretty well for my first city until my landfill sights and cemeteries began to fill up. Due to a combination bad placement and emptying all of the sites at the same time, people began to get sick and die.

By this time it was already too late. I got into debt and there was no demand for any buildings. Tax relief only made the debt worse.

Iv'e learnt a lot of do's and don'ts. Back to the drawing board I go.

From Toma's mod list:


Auto emptying mod for next time :)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
You can actually sorta do this already if you make a side street and only connect it to your main street with pedestrian paths.

not the same thing though and takes up more space :p I want a 6/4 lane road with 1 lane designated for buses
It's probably because you had a growth spurt about 6 years ago, and just now all of your seniors died at the same time. They really need to stagger deaths.

Just info, I guess. As far as I can tell, what kind of job doesn't affect happiness. As far as I can tell, more educated always means more happy.

I can't really tell by your pic, but it seems like your industrial trucks might be interfering with the rest of your traffic. Some suggestions:

Analyze the paths your trucks take. Build an expressway that allows them to bypass everything else either on their way, on their way back, or both. Hopefully your solution involves the least amount of traffic lights possible.

This could take the form of an elevated on ramp, or maybe something like a frontage road.

Also, put in some buses if you haven't already.

Or, you can post up your save, and I'll take a look and fix it, and then tell you what I did ;)

Thanks man. I'll try to make a dedicated ramp for trucks on that end and slowly make $120K to expand south.

I love the struggle and threat of total destruction if I move too fast or spend too much.
We definitely need a thread for mods at this rate. I'm too afraid to start one and become overwhelmed to keep it updated, but a community effort would be great.

Maybe we can make a google doc to copy and paste for OP?

Categorize a template so that we can all add to it or something.

Question: if some buildings are described as "2x2", do I need to put a 2x2 zone down, or can I just fill in the zone completely and watch the game randomly pick an assortment of asset sizes?

I'm guessing I have to do it manually


Rodent Whores
Thanks man. I'll try to make a dedicated ramp for trucks on that end and slowly make $120K to expand south.

I love the struggle and threat of total destruction if I move too fast or spend too much.

Maybe for the challenge thread, we can take someone's fucked up city, and have the challenge be to fix it within 10 game years lol.
Maybe for the challenge thread, we can take someone's fucked up city, and have the challenge be to fix it within 10 game years lol.

I like this. Someone can make a city up to a medium size city and then leave it with problems everywhere. He saves the game at like... Let's say... January 2020 in-game. Then we take it from there and have 10 or 20 years to leave it in the best shape possible.

The Real Abed

Has anyone created a mode yet that lists every single namable entity (People, places, animals, vehicles, everrrrrrything) and lets us click to find it in the city? I can't believe that's not built-in. RCT did it so well. C:S could do it so much better.


Rodent Whores
I like this. Someone can make a city up to a medium size city and then leave it with problems everywhere. He saves the game at like... Let's say... January 2020 in-game. Then we take it from there and have 10 or 20 years to leave it in the best shape possible.

It would then be a matter of defining and measuring what "best shape possible" is.

Anyone else have any other thoughts?

Hey everyone, if any of you remember, I did a contest shortly after Banished came out, and it went over pretty well, I think.


I think I'll do the same thing for this game. What do you think the goal for the challenge should be? Highest population? I think that might be too easy, though. One thing I'm considering is seeing who can get the highest industry export numbers, since that requires a really good road network, unlike population.

What do you think the rules should be? I want to say no gameplay altering mods (UI and aesthetic are ok), and no ploppable assets (RCI growables are fine since you can't alter their stats).

Should there be a gametime limit? For example, you can't run your city past the year 2050?


The mod support is really pumping me up for the longevity of this game.

I would love to see a dynamic weather mod mostly for snow storms that require plows to clear roads, policies that force people to stay home, and increased emergency support deal with trapped citizens. Of course it would put a huge dent into my bank account but I've got millions with nothing to spend it on.

The possibilities!


The can also be used as an additional transit network within your city, closed off from the outside rail.
Yep. With 240 instead of 160 passengers per train, they're real workhorses.
Also, if I put bus stops next to metro stops, will they people take a bus to the subway and vice versa?
Yes, CiMs are happy to change modes.I followed some commuters around and one guy had the following commute:

Catch a bus to the metro station
Ride the metro two stops to downtown
Get on commuter rail to Lakeside
Ride the Lakeside metro three stops
Walk to job

I already have a train cargo station up there with an outside connection, and it gets used a lot, but I still had tons of traffic driving down to the ship terminal.

I wonder if I put a train cargo center downtown, right next to the shipyard, and connected it to the main rail network. Would they ship it down by train and then load the boat? I may try that just to see what happens...

Should work. I have multiple cargo stations on an outside-connected railway and trains make multiple stops, loading and offloading at each station. Must cut down on trucks because I don't see many of them running between my towns.

Damn my trains are stuck all the time.

Segregate the three types of train (cargo, tourist, commuter) and keep the routes linear.


Photoreal Color Correction:



Also, a guide on building elevated roads/rails/paths at partial elevations in tight spaces without running into "too steep slope" warnings:


This actually short guide shows how you can force half-elevations to fit paths, roads, and rail into smaller areas. It's also good for tweaking curvy mountainous roads so that they don't turn into crazy rollercoaster humps, or for making arched bridges.






anyway to make crossing paths for people without making a road piece?

Ended up with my metro station being acrossed the street from the train station and people don't seem to want to cross the road.


anyway to make crossing paths for people without making a road piece?

Ended up with my metro station being acrossed the street from the train station and people don't seem to want to cross the road.

People will only cross roads at crosswalks, so you'll have to make a raised pedestrian path like in the image I posted above.


anyway to make crossing paths for people without making a road piece?

Ended up with my metro station being acrossed the street from the train station and people don't seem to want to cross the road.

Only an elevated walkway will do it.

I want a "Terminus" train station that connects to the road on the narrow end and has 2 (or more!) rail connections on the other. The side-mounted stations are a pain to pla around when they're terminii


Rodent Whores
anyway to make crossing paths for people without making a road piece?

Ended up with my metro station being acrossed the street from the train station and people don't seem to want to cross the road.

People will only cross roads at crosswalks, so you'll have to make a raised pedestrian path like in the image I posted above.

Yep. Or like, a tiny road stub to generate a crosswalk. Someone should make a "put crosswalks anywhere" mod.


Might be dumb question, but do landfills and incinerators work together at all? Is it possible to empty a landfill slowly into an incinerator?

And in relation to that, what can/should I do with a full landfill? :p


Was stuck at around 72k population for a while, but finally beat that hurdle. Not sure whether it was because I had a lot of seniors dying off, or because I better incentivized population growth.

Up to around 80k now:



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
My sense of aesthetics isn't letting me go beyond 20-30k pop before I restart. At one point the game just goes into hyperdrive in terms of micromanagement, I get more lax in my roadbuilding, and eventually grow dissatisfied with the layout and start all over.

Plus, pretty roads apparently aren't efficient roads. Who knew!


Rodent Whores
Question: How hard would it be to mod something like billboards? What program would I need, and would it be a simple case of taking the existing billboard asset, pasting over a new texture, and then saving it?
So what kind of gameplay expansions do you guys want to see?

Personally, I think it'd be cool if food became a commodity. Farms and crop farms produce foods to deliver to grocery stores, but you can import food from external connections for a price if you don't want to deal with rural components.

I've constantly wanted a Justice department too, to imprison cims and make crime a bigger role in the city, and parks should be much more diversified to include malls, theaters, museums (for educated cims), etc. This should correlate with age demographics, who need to be happy with their own unique placements (kids like parks, seniors like casinos, etc)

I think late-game cities would also benefit greatly from hotel districts, including casinos for tourists, which can also increase crime :D
Might be dumb question, but do landfills and incinerators work together at all? Is it possible to empty a landfill slowly into an incinerator?

And in relation to that, what can/should I do with a full landfill? :p

Yes! Landfills are supposed to be emptied into incinerators if you want to delete them anyway.

Click a full landfill and press the empty button. It will empty to another landfill, or incineration.

Also, garbage can be sent to crematoriums! Or maybe dead people can be sent to incinerators? I swear one of those is possible
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