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Civilization V |OT| of Losing My Religion, And I Feel Fine...

Wasn't planning on buying this right away, but I caved to the launch hype (and I'm glad I did!)

My thoughts so far (as someone who played a bit of Civ3 and 4):

-I'm really liking most of the major changes so far. 1UPT is great, hexes are less of a change than I expected but still cool, and most of the streamlining has worked surprisingly well IMO.

-City-states are a lot more fun than I expected... It's great to have some reliable allies who aren't going to stab you in the back. They've also provided a lot of interesting tension in my current game as my competitors keep trying to take a few of them over.

-After dicking around a lot and restarting several standard random games, I decided to go straight into a marathon game on a huge map for the first time, and it's been pretty interesting. I like not having to worry about unit obsolescence so much, and I think it's forcing me to think a bit harder about long term decisions.

-Like a few people have mentioned, the late game on big maps can be a real hardware hog... I have a Phenom II x6, and it grinds to a halt between turns. I'm not sure where the bottleneck is since it's not even close to maxing out my processor... hopefully they can optimize a bit better with a future patch.


My rule for workers is to mine hills, farm plains (the ones that give 1 gold, 1 food, 1 production) and trade-post grasslands (the ones that give 2 food).
In my head, looks like it gives a good balance.

My problem is really everything else. :lol
I'm expanding slow as fuck right now because what usually happened was that I would manage stay with a 0-1 happiness empire, but then, by the renaissance, I would start to bankrupt in every area. Buildings started to cost more money then I could generate and cities started to grow to the point that I needed to spend the entire game making happiness buildings, which only worsened the money problem.
Expanding reeeeeally slow seems to be the answer.

But then, I have the problem of keeping up with the tech, maybe it is more a imaginary problem than a real one, right now I'm playing as the japanese and I just got to the medieval age with 3 cities (I would expand a bit faster if I was aiming for a science or culture victory [in this last case, that would be my entire empire, but I would have got there sooner], but since I know that once I attack Catherine, I will annex/puppet her entire empire, I'm not taking my time, I'll eventually conquer the world... right?) and the thingy said I was the most literate in the world, but it will take 15 turns to get to my next tech, which seems slow. Gold is awesome, but I am afraid to spend it because I will want to have it for upgrading units and/or supporting the empire when it finally grows after the first war.

And this is it, I wish I knew what turn I was, but only one other civ got to the medieval age before me, so I don't think I'm as slow on tech as I think I am. Am I doing this right? Is this a good pace to avoid the "and suddenly you're unhappy and broke" problem I've been having?


Saying that civfanatics only despises the game is a gross exaggeration. Maybe you should stop reading and start avoiding the threads that has obviously negative titles, which is mostly concentrated in the bigger threads anyway. The strategy forum remains fine and largely unscathed and is a useful resource if you wanted to know how other people think is the best way to play the game. What, are you afraid your mind is going to be changed by a game you bought just by visiting a forum? Stop being silly.


Yes, what a cesspool that is.


As someone unfamiliar with Civ's modding scene, are the A.I. patches from the community generally effective?

I'm wondering if the sorts of major problems people bring up with Civ V are ones that could actually be fixed by Firaxis and/or the community, or are most significant enough that they'd have to wait for a new installment?


Totakeke said:
Saying that civfanatics only despises the game is a gross exaggeration. Maybe you should stop reading and start avoiding the threads that has obviously negative titles, which is mostly concentrated in the bigger threads anyway. The strategy forum remains fine and largely unscathed and is a useful resource if you wanted to know how other people think is the best way to play the game. What, are you afraid your mind is going to be changed by a game you bought just by visiting a forum? Stop being silly.

Yes, what a cesspool that is.

The strategy section is really good but the General Discussion forum is filled with some of the most whiny, resistant to change, technically inept, paranoid douchebag pirates I've seen on any forum. And I've seen OA.


where are you downloading your mods? i'm fairly new to steam, so i when i 'searched' for mods, steam couldn't find any, since i hadn't dl'ed any of them.

sorry for the newb question, but i don't game on my pc very much. civ is pretty much my cpu gaming crack, though.
Sorry not been int he forum, been playing:D but has anyone been stuck in a peace treaty. I want to smash America but it's not letting me :(

Only Chicago and Washington left :(


shermas said:
where are you downloading your mods? i'm fairly new to steam, so i when i 'searched' for mods, steam couldn't find any, since i hadn't dl'ed any of them.

sorry for the newb question, but i don't game on my pc very much. civ is pretty much my cpu gaming crack, though.

It's on the civ main menu, the one that has "play game" and such.
Is there another patch being downloaded or did I just lost Civ to random steam bug that says the game installation is incomplete when I just played it half an hour ago?
dream said:
The strategy section is really good but the General Discussion forum is filled with some of the most whiny, resistant to change, technically inept, paranoid douchebag pirates I've seen on any forum. And I've seen OA.


The best description I heard (possibly in this very thread the other day) was 'bearded gamers'. :lol


dream said:
The strategy section is really good but the General Discussion forum is filled with some of the most whiny, resistant to change, technically inept, paranoid douchebag pirates I've seen on any forum. And I've seen OA.
I was pretty mad when CF was down earlier today, because I like to read that part of the forums. Guilty pleasure. They're just so funny :lol
CalamityDaunt said:
Sorry not been int he forum, been playing:D but has anyone been stuck in a peace treaty. I want to smash America but it's not letting me :(

Only Chicago and Washington left :(

It happened to me once with the Aztec. Fortunately, I wasn't gunning for a domination victory, so it wasn't a terrible problem, but yeah, pretty annoying when they declared war on an allied city state and I couldn't defend them directly.


You know, I really welcomed the removal of religion in this game until I realized the lack of it causes more wars than it ever caused in Civ 4 :lol


i conquered a city on an island and built a harbor... yet it wasnt connected to the trade network. does one of my "main land" cities need a harbor too


i conquered a city on an island and built a harbor... yet it wasnt connected to the trade network. does one of my "main land" cities need a harbor too

im pretty sure your capital needs a harbour too
Well, after playing approximately 30 games of online multiplayer, I must conclude that the game mechanics of this game are FAR superior to those of Civ 4. There is no game breaking slavery + hered rule civic combo. There is less variance in combat as a consequence of the elimination "always a winner rule" (except for mounted retreat odds) and the bizarre distribution of combat damage (your archer just took no damage attacking my warr in forest. Really?)

I'm gonna throw this out there a second time for this thread. SP is boring, and if you are interested in the competitive MP scene for this game check out www.civplayers.com and see if you can find a game in the Steam lobby chat for the site (after registering). It is semi-hard to find a game. Especially if you are new to online, you will be considered a noob and probably have to start the game by playing CTONS. (90 turn FFAs where everyone is always at war with one another, highest score at end wins). Some of the real action in this game comes from teamers (currently 3v3 appears to be the most popular, simply because the broken online coding can't handle anything more)

Online MP is quite different from MP and is very aggressive, chiefly because the easiest way to win a game where a person is doing something other than build a military is to kill them. It's always a good idea to get an army against another thinking player. If they aren't building an army, you can build one to conquer and kill them. If they are, you better have one to defend yourself!

If anyone else is interested in trying MP and wants to talk about it or something like that just add Earthstrike to your steam friends list and message me when I pop on. I do want to warn you though. Online civ is very addictive to some people, and you can easily sink in hundreds of hours of your life playing it.


Earthstrike said:
Well, after playing approximately 30 games of online multiplayer, I must conclude that the game mechanics of this game are FAR superior to those of Civ 4. There is no game breaking slavery + hered rule civic combo. There is less variance in combat as a consequence of the elimination "always a winner rule" (except for mounted retreat odds) and the bizarre distribution of combat damage (your archer just took no damage attacking my warr in forest. Really?)

I'm gonna throw this out there a second time for this thread. SP is boring, and if you are interested in the competitive MP scene for this game check out www.civplayers.com and see if you can find a game in the Steam lobby chat for the site (after registering). It is semi-hard to find a game. Especially if you are new to online, you will be considered a noob and probably have to start the game by playing CTONS. (90 turn FFAs where everyone is always at war with one another, highest score at end wins). Some of the real action in this game comes from teamers (currently 3v3 appears to be the most popular, simply because the broken online coding can't handle anything more)

Online MP is quite different from MP and is very aggressive, chiefly because the easiest way to win a game where a person is doing something other than build a military is to kill them. It's always a good idea to get an army against another thinking player. If they aren't building an army, you can build one to conquer and kill them. If they are, you better have one to defend yourself!

If anyone else is interested in trying MP and wants to talk about it or something like that just add Earthstrike to your steam friends list and message me when I pop on. I do want to warn you though. Online civ is very addictive to some people, and you can easily sink in hundreds of hours of your life playing it.

I miss whipping shit. :(

We should start a CivGAF Steam group to organize multiplayer games.


Finished a nice cultural victory with Gandhi and 3 cities on prince, at around 1950. It was pretty easy actually. Built most of the cultural wonders like sistine chapel and cristo redentor - without them it would've been difficult to finish in time. Also my third city never became a that great so I probably would have done better with just two. I also managed to never go to war, even though I was neighbors to Aztecs, Rome, and China. I had research agreements with pretty much everyone all the time to keep me in the tech race as my own science was a bit lacking. I really like the condition for the new cultural victory more than the old one.
So I'm playing a game, its down to me as the Egyptians and the AI as Japan

We each have full control of our own continent...........

He declared war at me and wipied my one city on his continent off his map, and hasn't attacked anything else or tried to cross the ocean to land on my shores

This has been going on for like 50 turns and I still can't get peace

His army score seems to be something like 11,000 and I'm at 2,000ish last time it came up lol

Germany is also still around but barely and will not declare war on Japan :(

I've got units stationed everywhere around my cities and am still winning in overall score.........I hope I can build a spaceship in time as I don't know if I have a diplomatic victory secured =/


Okay, so I updated my post earlier after doing some more settler spam in a game to see what works and what doesn't. I was wrong earlier about how settling a city on resources worked. Updated that post far back a couple hundred posts as well.

What actually happens:
-Settling a city on any resource will grant it to you. Strategic resources are granted, luxury resources are added whether or not you already have one or not, bonus resources apply to the tile's yield.
-If you settle on a resource, the base values (food/hammer/gold) of the city will be checked versus the yield the tile currently provides for maximum benefit (golden age benefits do not apply, or matter in the end). Catherine's UA applies to the letter, no exceptions.
--e.g. Plains River with (4) Horses as Catherine will grant 1 food/3 (1+1+1) hammers (tile, resource, UA)/2 gold -- settling a city on this tile will give you a city with 2 food/3 hammers/2 gold, along with 8 horses.
--e.g. Hill with Gems tile, will grant 2 hammers/3 gold. Settling a city will result in 2 food/2 hammers/3 gold.
--e.g. Desert tile with wheat will grant 1 food. Settling a city will result in 2 food/2 hammers/2 gold.


Also, the game keeps telling me I can't build farms on hills, yet sometimes it mysteriously lets me do so at certain hill tiles. Even after I clear the forest off of it. And then build a mine. The option for a farm still comes up. Bug I suppose?


I know I should be complaining about the A.I, but damn the satisfaction of conquering france using only one cannon and one cavalry. (both healing even when moving and both having multiple attacks per turn).
Sober said:
Also, the game keeps telling me I can't build farms on hills, yet sometimes it mysteriously lets me do so at certain hill tiles. Even after I clear the forest off of it. And then build a mine. The option for a farm still comes up. Bug I suppose?

No. You can only build farms on hills that are beside a river. There is a bug I've noticed in one game however where the river is not visible, but hovering over the tile still says its a rivered tile. Maybe that's part of the problem.


The annoying thing I find is the huge negatives to early expansion in this game. Mainly the culture cost element. Lessen that a bit along with the happiness penalities and I would be happy. Makes large maps annoying.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
is this $50 on Steam in the US?

I'd happily pay someone that via Paypal if they'd gift me it. It costs thirty dollars more in Australia. :(


Last night, Prince difficulty. Starting the Apollo Project heading for a science victory with a small empire of just 3 cities. Almost no resources in the first place, but plenty of oil and (what I'll discover later) uranium endgame.

Nobody was attacking me, as I had a pretty tight defense.

And suddenly Russia, on the other side of the map, and with her only remaining city (the rest of them conquered by Siam) declares war on me. With no sea access and sorrounded by enemies.



Acidote said:
Last night, Prince difficulty. Starting the Apollo Project heading for a science victory with a small empire of just 3 cities. Almost no resources in the first place, but plenty of oil and (what I'll discover later) uranium endgame.

Nobody was attacking me, as I had a pretty tight defense.

And suddenly Russia, on the other side of the map, and with her only remaining city (the rest of them conquered by Siam) declares war on me. With no sea access and sorrounded by enemies.


In Russia, the war declares you.


Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.

Was on my way to cultural victory as India with 3 cities and Rome declares war on me, drives me back to my capital and then we have peace

Settle another city, get going again, close to having 2 social policy trees done and then Egypt attacks me and destroys me

No one likes Ghandi.........and I also blame the Aztecs for stirring shit up in the first place



Dina said:
Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.

Scientific needs (or at least supports) a big empire, no? Since science is population based. Only problem is running out of land once the AI starts to expand. (This may be wrong, but seems to me the AI takes a while to make the second city, then stops expanding, and then all of sudden begins to pop cities everywhere)


Dina said:
Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.
Like the above, I disagree. Scientific victory is much easier with a big empire. When I do my cultural victories, I am always outpaced by my bigger rivals, as far as research (military) goes.


Dina said:
Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.

Only cultural victory really benefits from a small civ. Scientific works just fine with a big population.


Tabris said:
The annoying thing I find is the huge negatives to early expansion in this game. Mainly the culture cost element. Lessen that a bit along with the happiness penalities and I would be happy. Makes large maps annoying.

I actually really like the way that Firaxis has went about in discouraging mass expansion early in the game. It just does not fit in human history to have a land race in the first 3,000 years of the game. It simply did not happen. Putting some harsh penalties (limiting social policies) for expanding early and often has made this tactic much more of a risk. If you expand early and your social policy progress grinds to a halt, you are going to be in a pinch in the later game if you cannot attain an early domination victory.

It does not eliminate large empires. This penalty just encourages a wise delay. If you watch the AI in how quickly they take up new cities, (one of the core principles of the game being when to expand) it is obvious that they did not want to mirror Civ IV's land race. This is something I appreciate immensely.

Dina said:
Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.

How is the scientific route only viable with small empires? You can dominate tech-wise with a large empire. And, as I said above, I don't believe it is taking the 'freedom of Civ IV' away. On the contrary, I believe it is adding immensely to the freedom of choice you have. In Civ IV, you had to expand early and go for the land race. You had to do it or you would be crushed. Thanks to 'one unit per tile' and the new consequences for early expansion, people can manage a tight empire with a few cities, defend it effectively with a relatively small force, and not be forced to play a macro game to stay alive. I hear you saying you don't like the game because it does not let you play just as you did in Civ IV easily. I welcome this approach with open arms. It encourages me to learn the new game systems and approach my overarching strategy in completely new ways. That is what I want from a new Civ. I don't want what worked well in Civ IV to work well here. How boring would that be?


Thing is, why focus on a scientific victory when you have a large empire anyway? The AI is a pushover in combat when they have the overhand, it's even more one-sided when you have a large army. About the scientific victory, I guess it could work (never tried it myself, but I will next time), but it's still true for the cultural victory.
BigJonsson said:

Was on my way to cultural victory as India with 3 cities and Rome declares war on me, drives me back to my capital and then we have peace

Settle another city, get going again, close to having 2 social policy trees done and then Egypt attacks me and destroys me

No one likes Ghandi.........and I also blame the Aztecs for stirring shit up in the first place

If you're surrounded by enemies, rush for and garrison War Elephants, they won't be so cocky then. Since you won't be able to retaliate (and take towns) use units and promotions tuned to your environment. If you get the Indian special building (with walls as a prerequisite) along with wonders that give bonuses to city strength and fighting in your own territory (with policies that do the same) no one will ever be able to mess with your three towns again.

It also helps if your cities are in somewhat close proximity, if they are, try to find a spot for a Great General citadel as that will really help you fight large numbers of enemies.

Ghandi packs a mean turtle.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I'm loving the game but what are the reasons for no map trading? It really sucks and makes very little sense to me. Even if it meant making map trading a later tech than in IV.


Dina said:
Thing is, why focus on a scientific victory when you have a large empire anyway? The AI is a pushover in combat when they have the overhand, it's even more one-sided when you have a large army. About the scientific victory, I guess it could work (never tried it myself, but I will next time), but it's still true for the cultural victory.

it's still easier and faster to get the SS rocket built than to go to war (especially on a large map).

And think of all the bloodshed that would be avoided!

It's also possible that some players would have not built up their army well enough in the late stages and had focused on building city improvements instead of units, making the science victory their only option.


vcassano1 said:
I'm loving the game but what are the reasons for no map trading? It really sucks and makes very little sense to me. Even if it meant making map trading a later tech than in IV.

If they added map trading down the line, I think it would be hilarious if the maps were not entirely accurate. Didn't you hear? California is an island.



vcassano1 said:
I'm loving the game but what are the reasons for no map trading? It really sucks and makes very little sense to me. Even if it meant making map trading a later tech than in IV.
It makes invading blindly riskier because you don't know where your targets are or what the defensive terrain is like. It also saves CPU and gpu cycles by leaving more of the map covered with fog, and since this game gets bogged down on huge maps, that's a good thing.


I had no idea just how powerful the Honor tree was, in all my games up to now I've always gone Tradition or Liberty, but in my last game I was saving up policies for when patronage unlocked when Washington invaded on like turn 30. At the time I had two cities and he had five (wtf?), and flooded my borders with warriors, archers, and even a couple of swordsmen (again, wtf?). It looked like I was completely fucked, so I dumped all the social policies I had been saving up into the Honor tree and bought myself a Horsemen with the money I had been saving up to give to Maritime City-States.

Through smart use of terrain and promotions I was eventually able to wipe out his invading force, turn the tide, and bring the fight to him. Now after wiping his ass off the map I've got a number of units at level 5 and 6, with Blitz, March, and Medic promotions thanks to the double-xp policy. Blitz effectively doubles the size of your armory, and with March I rarely have to stop my offense to heal up.

Hari Seldon

HOLY FUCK is that Mesopotamian pre-order map rough! I was going to do it for my Emperor achievement but there are fucking barbarians everywhere. I had to drop it all the way down to Prince. :lol The resources are oddly distributed also. I restarted the map 5 times and only on the Emperor level did it put me in the Tigris and Euphrates area where there were TONS of resources. The other times it had me in the NW of the map which was terrible. I settled on one starting location in the SE which was slightly better. But since there is NO ONE around me all the barbarians are mine to deal with.


LCfiner said:
wha? most of gaf has been loving it.

it's the Civfanatics forum that has more dissenters

This fact alone should be telling.

Imagine two reviews of the latest Honda Civic.

One review is on japancars.com and is generally positive.

The other review is on hondaciviclovers.com and is generally negative, saying last years model was superior and the new model has design issues.

I'd trust the hondaciviclovers more, since they are specifically fans and users of the Honda Civic, while the other website caters to the general japanese car user.


Zing said:
This fact alone should be telling.

Imagine two reviews of the latest Honda Civic.

One review is on japancars.com and is generally positive.

The other review is on hondaciviclovers.com and is generally negative, saying last years model was superior and the new model has design issues.

I'd trust the hondaciviclovers more, since they are specifically fans and users of the Honda Civic, while the other website caters to the general japanese car user.

I'd trust the review from japancars.com because it is targeted at people who are not offended by change. The fan site would also not remember that their beloved model of last year had to have several 'patches' to bring it to the state they now enjoy.

Edit: And let's not forget that in five years when Civ VI is released, those same fans with be carrying on about how Civ V had it right, and these new mechanics are a step backwards.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Zing said:
This fact alone should be telling.

Imagine two reviews of the latest Honda Civic.

One review is on japancars.com and is generally positive.

The other review is on hondaciviclovers.com and is generally negative, saying last years model was superior and the new model has design issues.

I'd trust the hondaciviclovers more, since they are specifically fans and users of the Honda Civic, while the other website caters to the general japanese car user.

Civ V and SFIV are really quite similar in their approach, when you think about it.
Finished up my second game yesterday (13 hours straight :lol ). Picked Ghandi, difficulty on Prince, aiming for a cultural victory. Decent starting spot, with a Maritime city-state to my left and two Military city-states to my right. Catherine the only other Civ on the land with me, 6 others...somewhere else.

I went after wonders hard, flexed my empire out to four cities and stood pat. Made nice with Catherine, but as our borders expanded she became upset that I was taking her space and declared war on me. I lagged on unit count but made sure I had certain land bonuses to keep up. I fended off her attack on two of my cities, and during my approach on one of hers (she captured one of the city-states) offered peace. :D

As time went on, money became a problem, mainly due to building costs (I definitely wasn't as efficient as I needed to be in this area). Luckily due to sustained happiness and pumping out lots of great people I was able to put together some nice golden ages, which helped me afford to pay any cultural city-states I could find. Throughout most of the game though I noticed an unmet civ was not only winning, but dominating everyone. As I eventually set sail (I was slightly behind in tech compared to the top civvies) I found out about the terror that is Askia.

He single handedly wiped out Ottoman, Egypt and Siam, and dominated all nearby city-states, to the point of all of them combining to declare war. I'm sure the only reason the rest of us survived is because he wasn't on our land mass. He made nice with me, but as I was starting to rake in big time culture he (and China) deliberately attacked all of the cultural city-states. I was only able to protect one. This turned out HUGE because...I lost the game with one turn left!!!! Apparently filling out the fifth cultural tree on turn 499 and hitting Next Turn doesn't count. :(

Oh well. I did learn a lot about the game though. Use more trading posts on my land and lean on maritime city-states for food. Start gifting units more frequently to them to fend off attackers, or just send my guys there directly and block the way. :lol


vcassano1 said:
I'm loving the game but what are the reasons for no map trading? It really sucks and makes very little sense to me. Even if it meant making map trading a later tech than in IV.

It's a giant crutch, so are the tech trading slingshot shenanigans. I love the pace now. The middle of the game is nice and long and thats the best part. civ is no longer a rush to the modern age. And there's fewer tanks vs. spear scenarios unless you're playing a diffculty setting too low for your skill-level.

Pro-tip from an earlier discussion - Use strategic view (the 2D Advance Wars style hex-map) under filters, 'select' trade routes.

You empire's traderoute will show up in yellow highlight. you can follow it, and see exactly which route/road it is taking. Highly useful
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