Deku said:Never automate workers.
Welp I guess I need to start figuring out how to manage my workers then...
Deku said:Never automate workers.
Totakeke said:Saying that civfanatics only despises the game is a gross exaggeration. Maybe you should stop reading and start avoiding the threads that has obviously negative titles, which is mostly concentrated in the bigger threads anyway. The strategy forum remains fine and largely unscathed and is a useful resource if you wanted to know how other people think is the best way to play the game. What, are you afraid your mind is going to be changed by a game you bought just by visiting a forum? Stop being silly.
Yes, what a cesspool that is.
shermas said:where are you downloading your mods? i'm fairly new to steam, so i when i 'searched' for mods, steam couldn't find any, since i hadn't dl'ed any of them.
sorry for the newb question, but i don't game on my pc very much. civ is pretty much my cpu gaming crack, though.
dream said:The strategy section is really good but the General Discussion forum is filled with some of the most whiny, resistant to change, technically inept, paranoid douchebag pirates I've seen on any forum. And I've seen OA.
I was pretty mad when CF was down earlier today, because I like to read that part of the forums. Guilty pleasure. They're just so funny :loldream said:The strategy section is really good but the General Discussion forum is filled with some of the most whiny, resistant to change, technically inept, paranoid douchebag pirates I've seen on any forum. And I've seen OA.
CalamityDaunt said:Sorry not been int he forum, been playingbut has anyone been stuck in a peace treaty. I want to smash America but it's not letting me
Only Chicago and Washington left![]()
i conquered a city on an island and built a harbor... yet it wasnt connected to the trade network. does one of my "main land" cities need a harbor too
Earthstrike said:Well, after playing approximately 30 games of online multiplayer, I must conclude that the game mechanics of this game are FAR superior to those of Civ 4. There is no game breaking slavery + hered rule civic combo. There is less variance in combat as a consequence of the elimination "always a winner rule" (except for mounted retreat odds) and the bizarre distribution of combat damage (your archer just took no damage attacking my warr in forest. Really?)
I'm gonna throw this out there a second time for this thread. SP is boring, and if you are interested in the competitive MP scene for this game check out and see if you can find a game in the Steam lobby chat for the site (after registering). It is semi-hard to find a game. Especially if you are new to online, you will be considered a noob and probably have to start the game by playing CTONS. (90 turn FFAs where everyone is always at war with one another, highest score at end wins). Some of the real action in this game comes from teamers (currently 3v3 appears to be the most popular, simply because the broken online coding can't handle anything more)
Online MP is quite different from MP and is very aggressive, chiefly because the easiest way to win a game where a person is doing something other than build a military is to kill them. It's always a good idea to get an army against another thinking player. If they aren't building an army, you can build one to conquer and kill them. If they are, you better have one to defend yourself!
If anyone else is interested in trying MP and wants to talk about it or something like that just add Earthstrike to your steam friends list and message me when I pop on. I do want to warn you though. Online civ is very addictive to some people, and you can easily sink in hundreds of hours of your life playing it.
-Settling a city on any resource will grant it to you. Strategic resources are granted, luxury resources are added whether or not you already have one or not, bonus resources apply to the tile's yield.
-If you settle on a resource, the base values (food/hammer/gold) of the city will be checked versus the yield the tile currently provides for maximum benefit (golden age benefits do not apply, or matter in the end). Catherine's UA applies to the letter, no exceptions.
--e.g. Plains River with (4) Horses as Catherine will grant 1 food/3 (1+1+1) hammers (tile, resource, UA)/2 gold -- settling a city on this tile will give you a city with 2 food/3 hammers/2 gold, along with 8 horses.
--e.g. Hill with Gems tile, will grant 2 hammers/3 gold. Settling a city will result in 2 food/2 hammers/3 gold.
--e.g. Desert tile with wheat will grant 1 food. Settling a city will result in 2 food/2 hammers/2 gold.
Sober said:Also, the game keeps telling me I can't build farms on hills, yet sometimes it mysteriously lets me do so at certain hill tiles. Even after I clear the forest off of it. And then build a mine. The option for a farm still comes up. Bug I suppose?
Acidote said:Last night, Prince difficulty. Starting the Apollo Project heading for a science victory with a small empire of just 3 cities. Almost no resources in the first place, but plenty of oil and (what I'll discover later) uranium endgame.
Nobody was attacking me, as I had a pretty tight defense.
And suddenly Russia, on the other side of the map, and with her only remaining city (the rest of them conquered by Siam) declares war on me. With no sea access and sorrounded by enemies.
Dina said:Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.
Like the above, I disagree. Scientific victory is much easier with a big empire. When I do my cultural victories, I am always outpaced by my bigger rivals, as far as research (military) goes.Dina said:Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.
Dina said:Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.
Tabris said:The annoying thing I find is the huge negatives to early expansion in this game. Mainly the culture cost element. Lessen that a bit along with the happiness penalities and I would be happy. Makes large maps annoying.
Dina said:Hate that both the scientific and the cultural method seems only viable when you make small empires. I like big, world-spanning empires, but I'd not always go the military route. In general, Civ V takes a lot of the freedom of Civ 4 away. I'm not liking this game as much as Civ 4, and wonder if I'll play it a lot before new additions or interesting mods come out.
If you're surrounded by enemies, rush for and garrison War Elephants, they won't be so cocky then. Since you won't be able to retaliate (and take towns) use units and promotions tuned to your environment. If you get the Indian special building (with walls as a prerequisite) along with wonders that give bonuses to city strength and fighting in your own territory (with policies that do the same) no one will ever be able to mess with your three towns again.BigJonsson said:%$@#^^%%^&
Was on my way to cultural victory as India with 3 cities and Rome declares war on me, drives me back to my capital and then we have peace
Settle another city, get going again, close to having 2 social policy trees done and then Egypt attacks me and destroys me
No one likes Ghandi.........and I also blame the Aztecs for stirring shit up in the first place
Dina said:Thing is, why focus on a scientific victory when you have a large empire anyway? The AI is a pushover in combat when they have the overhand, it's even more one-sided when you have a large army. About the scientific victory, I guess it could work (never tried it myself, but I will next time), but it's still true for the cultural victory.
vcassano1 said:I'm loving the game but what are the reasons for no map trading? It really sucks and makes very little sense to me. Even if it meant making map trading a later tech than in IV.
It makes invading blindly riskier because you don't know where your targets are or what the defensive terrain is like. It also saves CPU and gpu cycles by leaving more of the map covered with fog, and since this game gets bogged down on huge maps, that's a good thing.vcassano1 said:I'm loving the game but what are the reasons for no map trading? It really sucks and makes very little sense to me. Even if it meant making map trading a later tech than in IV.
LCfiner said:wha? most of gaf has been loving it.
it's the Civfanatics forum that has more dissenters
Zing said:This fact alone should be telling.
Imagine two reviews of the latest Honda Civic.
One review is on and is generally positive.
The other review is on and is generally negative, saying last years model was superior and the new model has design issues.
I'd trust the hondaciviclovers more, since they are specifically fans and users of the Honda Civic, while the other website caters to the general japanese car user.
Zing said:This fact alone should be telling.
Imagine two reviews of the latest Honda Civic.
One review is on and is generally positive.
The other review is on and is generally negative, saying last years model was superior and the new model has design issues.
I'd trust the hondaciviclovers more, since they are specifically fans and users of the Honda Civic, while the other website caters to the general japanese car user.
vcassano1 said:I'm loving the game but what are the reasons for no map trading? It really sucks and makes very little sense to me. Even if it meant making map trading a later tech than in IV.
Sblargh said:In Russia, war declares you.