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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands


I never really got into the previous Civs but people are freaking out about this at work.

If I didn't really dig Civ 5 will I enjoy myself more here? I do like how the cities can split into districts.

The base game is still very much the same even with new mechanics. If you absolutely didn't like Civ 5 I don't think Civ 6 would do much for you, but maybe that's changed *shrug*.
I would be very surprised if the disc was anything but a steam installer.
Just wondering which might be faster, taking in to consideration if there are possibly any day 1 patches

I can't remember how fast my CD drive is, but it's probably... Jeez... Maybe 8 years old


Did it drag on? Care to elaborate?
It took me 11 hours and at the start I had to wait like 10 turns to get a scout, 10 turns to get any tech, very slow.
Later on you get 10s of turns without anything if you are going for a slower peaceful victory.
Also the issue is that I started at King and the AIs were chumps so they offered no challenge after the first 100 turns, it still took me a long time to finish.

At least that's my experience.
Starting with a more aggressive goal, I still felt it really slow, the 10 turns to get anywhere at the start are really a bit of a slog.

Has Civ ever had an economic victory? Civ V didn't have one.
Well, Diplomatic victory in Civ5 was an economic victory at the end of the day.


Here's this garbage comment again.

Everything you've mentioned has most likely been noticed and reviewed (probably multiple times!) by the development team. But they were prioritized lower than other items that the devs felt had to be addressed instead given whatever time they had left on the schedule and the people available to work on things. Even stuff that seems easy to fix like minor typos, there's a point in development where you don't touch anything unless it's a showstopping issue. You get to the point where everything has to be frozen because changes and fixes risk breaking other stuff or introducing new issues, and once you get close to RTM you put the kabosh on everything. Hence the "showstopper only" philosophy.

So if you want to criticize their prioritization choices down the line, that would be fine. But to just blame it on "lazy devs" or "incompetent QA" is complete bullshit.

I said it seems lazy - I'm seeing issues I don't feel I usually see. I don't really care if you want to translate that as "lazy devs", "lazy QA", or "they saw it and prioritised it lower". To me it seems "lazy" in the sense that it feels like these were ignored or missed; something I don't usually see much of... so I suppose yeah it's a point about what they prioritised. Further more, I currently have 3 instances of the music going on - which sounds ridiculous, and I can't really stop the game since I'm in the tutorial, and there is no save function, yet I am mandated with doing something that is clearly going to take me more than the time I have - so my current options are start over tomorrow and have the same issue, or give up, or leave the PC on till tomorrow night

Stuff like this I describe as lazy, but I'm sure you could substitute it with a nuisance. What should this be described as for future reference?
the UI is just missing a bunch of info and features which the previous games had

i don't think it's laziness. it feels more like they're just out of touch with how non-casual people actually play the game


the UI is just missing a bunch of info and features which the previous games had

i don't think it's laziness. it feels more like they're just out of touch with how non-casual people actually play the game

I have far more problems than that though. For example the UI doesn't match the screen ratio. Clicking one thing selects another thing (and obviously I can't reverse the effects). I don't know if it is my pc, the tutorial mode left in the cold or some weird bug thats cascaded into a mess. Yes I was super frivolous with talking about typos, but this shit is infuriating. I played the last half an hour with no sound since the 3 music pieces playing at once is pretty unbearable. And I ended up giving up; there's no saves in that mode so its pretty much a wasted time considering the hours I put in. I'll try again playing the normal single player tomorrow. Meant to be doing a big multiplayer match on Sunday with friends so I damn well hope I don't stumble into this hole again.

Does anyone else's game sometimes just dim in brightness?

In the tutorial, that seems to happen whenever a tool tip pops up, and it then brightens back up when you close it - - except from the times when it doesn't, which is annoying, but at this point I haven't heard others complain so I assume a lot of this is based on something going on with my machine
Had a nice chuckle at the agenda randomization (Under intel report)


Terrible starts are super frustrating, but I always want to try to play them out. I'm stuck on some shitty peninsula that's half tundra and trying to rush out two settlers to claim some modicum of land before I get boxed in by three other civs. The only upside is my capital is pretty insane - 5 cows, 2 horses, 2 luxuries and an iron.


I'm sad there's no commerce victory, seems weird that it's the odd one out. Every other civ focus has a win condition.

I believe that's because gold is sort of a trump card you always want to have more of - You can use it to buy tiles, units, buildings, upgrade units, change policies, buy other Civs into liking you and more There's no downside to having more gold. Having a commerce victory would just have made it the most obvious to go after.


won my first 10 player game on king as Egypt by science victory in 1960 AD. Turtling and tech rushing is still a viable tactic


First impressions:
  • Graphics look so much better live.
  • UI is not that bad, although tech and civics illustrations are terrible.
  • It feels quite fresh.
  • Active tech feels good, but a bit weird. I don't have the same feeling of advancement that in older games.
  • Amenities seem to be an early curse.
  • Music is superb.
  • Other civs feel far more alive than ever before. The AI is a little more life-like. City States feel better too.
  • Movement is a bit too restrictive. Doesn't feel bad, but it takes time to get used to.
  • All in all, I think it plays very good. It will take some time to get used to, though.


Can't play this until they add ui scaling... at 1440p it's just way too annoying to use. Not impossible but the ui is small enough to make it a total nuisance.
Just starting. Gonna start with England baby :D

Anyways how do you scroll the map just by moving the mouse? Not this grab and drag movement


Wish I didn't bother with the Tutorial mode and went straight into a standard single player game, which incorporates a much less strict refresher and intro to the new stuff as you reach them. Also thus far not run into the same messy issues I had with that tutorial mode; though the aspect ratio issues remain, so sticking with mouse drag movement to at least alleviate that

Can't play this until they add ui scaling... at 1440p it's just way too annoying to use. Not impossible but the ui is small enough to make it a total nuisance.

Yeah, sadly the only option seems to be to reduce resolution till the fix it.

Just starting. Gonna start with England baby :D

Anyways how do you scroll the map just by moving the mouse? Not this grab and drag movement

Damn right! If you want to simply mouse to the edge, go into settings > interface > enable the mouse edge setting thing, otherwise you just use left mouse and drag around.


Well, so much for Rome. I'm only playing on Prince so the game isn't challenging, but Rome turned out to be a lot less interesting / powerful than it looked from the previews. A free monument is nice but hardly major, the roads are a lot less useful than in previous civs as they don't speed you up till mid game, the gold from the trading posts is minor and the legion's fort seem utterly pointless. The bath is nice but aqueducts are annoying to play at the best of times.

Not sure who to try next - maybe Kongo with those house replacements, or England for a max archaeology / culture game...
VERY impressed with the tutorial. I'm new to civ kind of. I bought Civ 5 years ago during a steam sale and never played it. The gaf thread a few months ago about civ 5 got me to try it and I really liked if (vanilla never bought the expansions). That being said a lot of things were not well explained. Civ 6 fixes that in the tutorial big time. Can't wait to start my first real game. What difficulty and game settings do you all recommend for beginners?


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
So it seems like team play isn't working currently. Is this correct? We can't seem to find a way to do it so I am thinking it's just bugged right now, not absent. Right?


Well, I managed to scout the entire continent except for a few coastal squares near my city... Turns out that's where a fairly bothersome barbarian army has been having a party. Oh dear. And I somewhat neglected military as well.
Finished my first game. Won a culture victory with Greece (Pericles) on Prince. It started rough with like four barb camps near me, Monty and Phillip my closest neighbors (with agendas bound to lead us to war), and too few city-states within reach to really leverage my ability. But with some strategic city/district placement to block Phillip's invasion, I had a free hand to destroy Monty and then wheel around to deal with Phillip and Pedro. Then I coasted.

I'm going to get my initial impressions of my chest and then go back through the thread, so forgive me if some of my concerns could have been addressed by reading as I played.

1. The UI sucks. I had maintained some optimism, based on Civ 5's attractive and pretty functional UI, but the haters were right. You can't get any useful information about your cities without going into the detail screen, which is ugly enough that by the mid-point in the game I resolved to avoid it and hope for the best. Some basic things are not obvious without going a few menus deep (do districts replace natural tile yields? where are my cities getting their amenities?), checking tiles is more annoying than it ought to be (is there a way to make the tooltips come up faster? I didn't see it in the options menu), and I had to make far too many trips to the civilopedia for things that ought to be in a tooltip. I mean, I may have missed it, but does either the culture victory screen or the tourism screen explain how your tourism production gets computed into foreign tourism?

2. I miss culture/tourism pressure. If culture had any offensive effects (apart from ultimately making me the winner), I didn't see them. Which is unfortunate, because not only is soft power projection fun, but it fits the Civ theme well and makes games more interesting.

3. I sort of like the new government/policy system, but it could use a few more government types (and maybe an overall reduction in policy cards).

4. One nasty consequence of splitting the tech tree is that by late-game, there's not a ton of excitement. They're pretty much all military techs on one side, and on the cultural side, even with some very good policies to come, it's hard to get worked up over them when you're already swimming in cards. And you have the option to change so frequently that there's no real drama to the decision.

5. Diplomacy was not much fun on this game. I'll play a few more before passing judgment (I really only needed two defensive wars to take care of my situation, so I never explored the CBs), but the UI is not great, I hate the five seconds I lose to watching the AIs little animations, and they should really put the "AI wants/will trade" info in the damn menu, along with information about hard breaks ("e.g., will declare friendship at +2"). I think this is a long-running civ system that is begging for a ground-up redesign.

6. Gears seemed *really* sparse in my game. I had three or four good cities (granted, two of them were AIs' capitals), but the rest were production-starved.

7. It's gonna take me a while to get the hang of planning multiple districts in advance. Like, I thought I did well of spotting ideal places for one district when I settled a new city, but I didn't have much of a plan for districts that would become available later and how they would best fit with wonders or upgrades I was already building.

8. Wonders were pretty strange. My best production city could make the early-to-mid-game ones in 10-30 turns. But the late game ones were often 40-60. I don't know if I was missing key resources or they're just supposed to be expensive, but wonders are already so situational in their locations and effects (and by taking a tile, there is more than just the production cost now), that I just didn't see a point in building them.

9. I did not touch religious warfare at all because the last thing I need is another unit I have to drag around the map. Maybe I'll try that next game and it will surprise me.

10. Wonder time-lapses are dumb.

But hey, it's Civ. I'm hoping for good things when I kick up the difficulty for my next game.
On UI scaling: I have a 4K tv and at native res, scaling is great. But if I try dropping to 1440p, I lose the scaling option and the UI is far too small. What gives.


Tested out 1080p and that's for sure how the UI should scale. I don't think they tested 1440p at all, hopefully a patch is out soon.
On UI scaling: I have a 4K tv and at native res, scaling is great. But if I try dropping to 1440p, I lose the scaling option and the UI is far too small. What gives.
Yeah, don't know why certain resolutions are ignored. But 4K is fine on my TV too and performance at max is good (GTX1080). Playing it on my laptop@1080p is good too. No real complaints about the UI from me.
Now, I just need to get my head around the changes.
I would be very surprised if the disc was anything but a steam installer.
I have the disc. There is definitely around 4GB of data on it but it refused to install for me. Had to use the Product Key on Steam and download it.


Canadians burned my passport
So is there a consensus on this one yet? Haven't really been following it, but is it worth getting out of the gate?
Got my Anniversary Edition in, tried to install it but my USB BR drive decided to shit out on me. Luckily, it only took about 15 minutes to install via Steam.

Played about 2 hours so far, and I'm loving it. Definitely feels like Civilization. I love the increased attention to detail when it comes to the numbers and policies. I really like the graphics (haters be damned).

My first game I decided to roll with Rome. The game placed me in an area with about 3 or 4 barbarian camps within a 15-tile radius. Because of that, I felt like I was off to a slow start, but I noticed that enemy AIs were dropping like flies. I've only played about 2 hours so far, but I plan on going back after I make dinner.
Sad I've been swamped with work, despite being in Asia and having the chance to play a little early. Finally got a chance to put a few hours into my first game. Seems like there's a lot of new/changed mechanics to learn!

Also, is it just me, or is the difficulty WAY higher than in civ 5?


Hey guys, I'm new to Civ. Only played V for a few hours.
I'm playing VI now and I feel like I'm doing a lot of things wrong. lol

I've watched a few videos, so I got the early game down.
When I get to the mid game, I have no ideia what to do... There's a lot of things to upgrade, my other cities are not doing well on resources and I feel like I'm not really advancing towards one of the main goals.

Any tips on how to focus on something or how to keep your cities good on resources?
I'm lost but I'm having a lot of fun!

Loving this game :)
So is there a consensus on this one yet? Haven't really been following it, but is it worth getting out of the gate?
Well, I think the general consensus is yes, it's worth it. I've only played Civ V before this and I've only played for a few hours but I'm happy with it. It's certainly a better game than Civ V was on first release.
My first game I decided to roll with Rome. The game placed me in an area with about 3 or 4 barbarian camps within a 15-tile radius. Because of that, I felt like I was off to a slow start, but I noticed that enemy AIs were dropping like flies. I've only played about 2 hours so far, but I plan on going back after I make dinner.

This happened to me too. Two civs got knocked out early.

I'm still not crazy about all the barbarians. Dealing with them was never my favorite part of the early game. I wish they'd at least give units increased vision so that I could clear the camps and better rely on spotters to keep them from coming back.
This happened to me too. Two civs got knocked out early.

I'm still not crazy about all the barbarians. Dealing with them was never my favorite part of the early game. I wish they'd at least give units increased vision so that I could clear the camps and better rely on spotters to keep them from coming back.
It's a shame the only option is Barbarians on or off. I'm hoping they'll patch in an option to make them a little less aggressive in future.


So is there a consensus on this one yet? Haven't really been following it, but is it worth getting out of the gate?

I think it's fair to say it's the most complete Civ basic game (and probably the most complex of them as well) so yes

they took the quest idea from Beyond Earth and incooperated them in a more interesting way into the tech trees


There's some goofy mistakes in this, like the narrator doesn't know how to pronounce Tokimune, and I saw an its/it's typo in just a cursory glance at the Civilopedia. But I am noticing a lot more attention to detail in the game itself and I like it so far. Still really early to make up my mind, though. I do like how warmongering penalties work in this compared to Civ V.

It's a shame the only option is Barbarians on or off. I'm hoping they'll patch in an option to make them a little less aggressive in future.

Also, this. The barbs are nuts and it's not really fun to fight them.
Ok, so Im playing as Greece on Prince difficulty.

There is a military City-State near my cities that I am Suzerain of (Preslav).

It is not at war with anybody but it has 12 Catapult units just wandering around.

Should I be nervous?

It this some AI bug?

As far as I remember from Civ V, city-states dont start wars with you. Am I right?

Either way, its kinda funny seeing my map filled with Catapults just wandering.


Playing on the lvl below default and damn do those barbarians really not like me LOL

Wave after wave.....unless i picked a bad spot to settle.
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