Ok, so Im playing as Greece on Prince difficulty.
There is a military City-State near my cities that I am Suzerain of (Preslav).
It is not at war with anybody but it has 12 Catapult units just wandering around.
Should I be nervous?
It this some AI bug?
As far as I remember from Civ V, city-states dont start wars with you. Am I right?
Either way, its kinda funny seeing my map filled with Catapults just wandering.
Has Civ ever had an economic victory? Civ V didn't have one.
nah, I had the same thing in my game (also Preslav). The city state focuses on military units after all. As long as you are Suzerain, they can't be used against you, and you can actually borrow them for gold if you need them
it's a bit stupid though because the later turns take forever
On turn 193, not sure if this is a good gold income.. but it sure does feel like it
Lol at everyone playing Rome... :3
Im playing them too
Off topic but what's with all the games releasing Friday now instead on Tuesday?
I don't get the complaints about the UI scaling. I've already sunk +10h into this at 1440p and everything looks fine. I guess if you're playing on the couch it would look a bit small but I don't think there are any 1440p TVs...
How do you get the ability to build trading posts in your city? I can't find it in neither the tech tree nor the civics tree.
Has anyone tried the multiplayer on this yet? I will admit I haven't gone out of my way to read reviews, so I haven't seen any impressions. A friend of mine had said they were making games faster for MP in this version.
Pizza Party!
Activate Leonardo da Vinci in New York with Great Works from Michelangelo and Donatello -- and a sewer -- all in that city
Trading posts are made in the destination city when you complete a trade route.
Holy shit, barbarians make the first 60 turns of a game just drag.... on and on. Turn 34 and surrounded by two horsemen, a sling, a warrior and an archer. What the hell.
Do they intend for you to spend more than half of the first 30 turns on military production? I wanted to leave them on, I really did, but barbs just seem to make things grindy. Back to switching them off ala Civ V.
Ah ok thanks. So that only works for trade routes between your own cities? Because I have a trade route complete with roads to a city state but still no trading post.
Earlier to friend: Nah, not interested. I enjoyed Civ 5, but Beyond Earth was a disappointment.
Now: Where can I get this
Compare it to Civ 5. Every single UI element is noticeably smaller.I don't get the complaints about the UI scaling. I've already sunk +10h into this at 1440p and everything looks fine.
BE was an abomination to the CiV name. Civ vi stomps civ be.
I don't get the complaints about the UI scaling. I've already sunk +10h into this at 1440p and everything looks fine. I guess if you're playing on the couch it would look a bit small but I don't think there are any 1440p TVs...
I pre-ordered the game (purchased from Green Man Gaming) but I don't seem to have the Aztecs in my game. What do I need to do to activate them?
I had no crashes or serious bugs (besides one audio bug) in 7 hours, tutorial plus 250 turns of game, so I'm hoping my luck holds.CtD after 250 turns-ish. Luckily saves are set for every turn. Guess I was playing 6 hours non-stop. Not great for it to crash. And with newest drivers.
Started a new game. Feeling good.
"I wonder where Arabia is sending all those soldiers?"
what does the circle of red triangles (to the right of the city) mean btw?
and why can't my catapult / crossbowmen sometimes not shoot at a city from 2 tiles away, even if there's no woods / hills in between?
i came home from work at 5:30 pm yesterday, clicked "play now", went to bed at 1 am ...
I forget the in-game term, but it's an enemy's area of influence. If you move into areas marked like that, you can't move out, even if you have movement points left.