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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands


You'll need to use siege units to effectively bring down a city's defenses, then once the city's health is 0 just walk a unit into the city to capture it. Attacking full health cities with normal melee units requires a large dedicated sustained assault.

Thanks. Another question: When I start building something, am I suppose to just move my units around the map in order to wait till whatever Im building is completed? Like if I build a unit of warriors or a monument, do I just move my units around the map in like circles so I can skip turns asap so that that the warriors and monument can finish building asap or is there something I should do while waiting for something to complete building?

A better example to question 2 might be that when I was gonna attack a city and wanted another warrior unit I just moved the current units in circle around my city to faster skip turn and to build them.

Think that's it.


So is the only way to make roads to build trade routes? The movement speed is killing me. I just want more roads.

The changes to scouts and movement in general are going to take a lot of getting used to. Not being able to traverse a plain then across a river or enter a forest/hill/rain forest is rough.

Roads don't actually increase movement speed until later on in the game. Early on, they just reduce the movement cost to 1, which can be useful but often doesn't do anything. Was a big surprise for me when I discovered Romes road ability isn't as good a second it would have been in previous versions of the game!


Love the game, have got 10 hours in so far and just wrapping up a US science win. Has anyone else had problems closing the game? It doesn't close for me unless I end the process with task manager.

Only other annoyance is the delay before the unit auto-switch. Otherwise it's a 10/10.


I have the same card and the game runs great at default (medium, 1920x1080) settings. The only issue are the loading times, which are a bit long.

eh I have a 670GTX and I feel the game is struggling, especially later in the game. I'm using whatever the Geforce Experience says is good for my spec (The game specs recommend a 770 and up!)


i love that "beginning of turn" events, like "choose new technology" "choose new policy" "choose new production" can be done in any order, you're not 'bullied' into making a certain decision.

What i don't like is that, from within a trade-with-a-leader dialogue (like when someone offers you a city so you'll stop attacking them), i don't see a way to check out the city before accepting the offer - you'll have to recognize the city by name alone.
As someone who started with Civ 5 I'm having SO much fun with this. So many improvements. I also really like the visuals. <3

Also the Eureka and Government stuff makes things so much better.


Thanks. Another question: When I start building something, am I suppose to just move my units around the map in order to wait till whatever Im building is completed? Like if I build a unit of warriors or a monument, do I just move my units around the map in like circles so I can skip turns asap so that that the warriors and monument can finish building asap or is there something I should do while waiting for something to complete building?

A better example to question 2 might be that when I was gonna attack a city and wanted another warrior unit I just moved the current units in circle around my city to faster skip turn and to build them.

Think that's it.

You can tell a unit to skip turn or to sleep (look for the arrow and the crescent moon).


Well, I assume there are other gold strategies besides "play Egypt" in this game.

England is also amazing as a trade civ. Harbors increase trade routes and their unique district doesn't add to the district cap so you can just spam them everywhere. The district also increases gold on trade routes to other continents.


So my first game on prince has turned utterly boring. After the small scuffle with Germany and taking their only two cities it's been peaceful. I'm so far advanced over everyone that they're afraid to attack, and I'm on a clear shot to science victory.

Guess I'll up the difficulty next play through and concentrate on religion or something.


Where does the benchmark CSV file end up?
Can't find it.

Quote for new page.
I've found the directory:

C:\Users\XXX\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Logs

Is where the benchmark CSV ends up.
Don't know how to interpret the results though. Just a list of numbers.

According to the Benchmark window:
On my system the FPS average seems to be a bit under 20 fps.
Agerage Frame time is 47.443 ms
and 99th Percentile is 238.518
I wish I had workers like before where you made one and they automatically start improving.

Also, how can the borders grow? I can't build stuff in my cities without destroying other things. It says culture, but i have a school and writing stuff and what not and it is hardly expanding.

How close/far should my cities be?
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this is the best civ so far.

From a technical perspective, the graphics, performance, UI, music and sound design are incredible.

The level of polish in this game makes me feel like I'm playing a Nintendo product.

I really love the new policy card system and diplomacy actually makes sense now. And districts is a true game changer that adds a ton of strategy that wasn't there before.

I love that they simplified aspects of the game that were unnecessarily complicated before, like trade. Conversely, they made builders and scouts more difficult to automate which is a pleasant surprise because it feels like a more valuable, customised experience.

Easily GOTY for me.


I wish I had workers like before where you made one and they automatically start improving.

Also, how can the borders grow? I can't build stuff in my cities without destroying other things. It says culture, but i have a school and writing stuff and what not and it is hardly expanding.

How close/far should my cities be?

i'm in 1950 and my biggest city has a pop of ... 14 ... so giving your city roughly a radius of roughly 2 tiles (thereby an area of 18 tiles) should be enough that they're not cannibalizing production / harvest ... i THINK.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
Just played a game where Russia decided to start some shit it couldn't finish, and I noticed in their attempted peace agreements that they were offering the cities that I captured from them back to me?
Is this a new mechanic replacing the courthouse or something? I noticed that before I wiped them out the cities that I captured weren't growing because it said they were occupied but once they were defeated they started.

Also can you capture relics/great works and great people? Or will great people just be killed if you try and snatch them with military?

I'm enjoying it. Going to take a while to get used to the districts and the benefits and trade offs of them

Still building wonders willy nilly, stonehenge is a must but tbh I just do the others because they look nice and it seems the AI cant be bothered with them


I wish I had workers like before where you made one and they automatically start improving.

Also, how can the borders grow? I can't build stuff in my cities without destroying other things. It says culture, but i have a school and writing stuff and what not and it is hardly expanding.

How close/far should my cities be?

Do you have a theatre district? That's where most of your culture would come from. If you don't think you'll likely have to buy tiles eventually to keep your city expanding more quickly. I think that's somewhat intentional with how more abundant gold is than generally in V.

Your cities mostly just want to avoid as much overlap as possible while being near a source of water when at all possible, and obviously have special resources to exploit. It's not necessarily bad to have them close to other cities, though, as district adjacency bonuses can work between multiple cities.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I put about 3 hours in yesterday, played through the tutorial early in the day and then did 100 turns in my first game last night. Started as Egypt and on cheiftan (or whatever the 2nd easiest difficulty is) since I'm pretty new to the series. Bought Civ V cheap a while back and put in 20 some hours, but never finished a game as I just kept messing around and restarting.

I'm liking it a lot so far. Seems easier to get into that Civ V was. UI isn't bother me since I'm in 1080p- haven't tried playing on the TV yet though.


As someone who got Civ 5 late and didn't love it. It just never managed to grab me but my friends loved it! I thought that maybe since i got it late there was a lot to pick up on.

I have some best buy gift cards and I was thinking if I get it on the "ground" floor, it would be easier to get the hang of since I am learning with everyone else. Good idea?
Does the AI start with an extra settler on Emperor difficulty or do they just really really rush the second one out?

The two games I played on Emperor every AI I scouted early game already had a second city out.


Just played a game where Russia decided to start some shit it couldn't finish, and I noticed in their attempted peace agreements that they were offering the cities that I captured from them back to me?
Is this a new mechanic replacing the courthouse or something? I noticed that before I wiped them out the cities that I captured weren't growing because it said they were occupied but once they were defeated they started.

Also can you capture relics/great works and great people? Or will great people just be killed if you try and snatch them with military?

I'm enjoying it. Going to take a while to get used to the districts and the benefits and trade offs of them

Still building wonders willy nilly, stonehenge is a must but tbh I just do the others because they look nice and it seems the AI cant be bothered with them

1. Cities you capture are considered occupied until it is ceded in the peace proceedings. If it's not ceded it'll be returned to the owner.

2. You can capture great works by capturing the city it's in or stealing it with a spy. I don't think you can capture great people, never got a chance to try it.
Just played a game where Russia decided to start some shit it couldn't finish, and I noticed in their attempted peace agreements that they were offering the cities that I captured from them back to me?
Is this a new mechanic replacing the courthouse or something? I noticed that before I wiped them out the cities that I captured weren't growing because it said they were occupied but once they were defeated they started.

Also can you capture relics/great works and great people? Or will great people just be killed if you try and snatch them with military?

I'm enjoying it. Going to take a while to get used to the districts and the benefits and trade offs of them

Still building wonders willy nilly, stonehenge is a must but tbh I just do the others because they look nice and it seems the AI cant be bothered with them

Yeah, you have to get the AI to cede the cities in the peace deal if you want that city to be much of an asset to you. Otherwise the keeping the occupied city is just for denying that asset from the AI, but it doesn't do much for you.


Man Cultural victory seems more obtuse now. Not sure how the culture and tourism numbers translate to actual tourists. The culture UI in general could use some work.


Man Cultural victory seems more obtuse now. Not sure how the culture and tourism numbers translate to actual tourists. The culture UI in general could use some work.

Yeah for sure. I'd like to know how much culture I need for one defensive tourist and how much tourism for one offensive. It's pretty opaque right now. UI in general just needs tweaks across the board. Hopefully the mod tools get out there soon and the EUI team from Civ 5 dive in.


Play Egypt and trade with people. Someone posted 150+ gold income from that earlier. I've never been so rich in a Civ game as when I played her.

I had almost 300 gold per turn as Egypt in my game towards the end, around 200 for most of the game, and that's with a reasonably large army protecting my spaceports

I mostly just used the gold to buy settlers, workers, the occasional millitary unit and to kickstart a new city. I only discovered pretty late into the game that you can straight-up buy Great Persons with gold and faith
I really like the double scout start. They are so useful in Civ VI.
slinger -> scout -> granary is the only way
Impressions from my first 5 hours. No impressions on religion as I didn't get one.

-New civic tree and governmental system are great
-Graphics are quite nice, the cartoony complaint doesn't hold up imo.
-Diplomacy is better than Civ5 (but still needs work)
-New Great Person system seems cool
-Music is great
-City States and the envoy system is better than Civ5's or even Civ5 with Vox Populi

-I'm not liking districts and wonders taking up whole tiles. I very much dislike having to overwrite resources, the need to plan out districts super far in advance, or the fact that placing new districts destroys the adjacency bonuses of old ones that relied on forests or jungles.
-Production is too slow. Wonders are going unclaimed because they take forever. Districts take too long to build. Units are pretty good, maybe just a slight lowering of costs there.
-Barbs are a huge pain in the ass.
-UI and tooltips need some work. They need to make some information much easier to find


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
From what I've played of this game, it just feels worse than Civ V in every way. Anyone else getting a similar feeling :( ?

Oh hell no, I disagree completely. I've got like 10 hours played so far and I'm loving Civ 6. It's immensely better than Civ 5 vanilla was and I even think I prefer it as it is now over Civ 5 "gold". I don't think I can go back to Civ 5 now after yesterday.

My first game on King, started no wars, no other civ likes me, never really built up my military, never went into any wars, never had to save scum, had only four cities most of the game... but I'm two eras ahead, my science output is at least double the AI on second, my culture output is more than 4x the second highest, and my score is 1.5x the second as well.

The AIs really suck at empire building.

I'm doing worse in my first game. I'm America on Chieftain level and at turn 190 I'm actually in third place on the scores, and two other civs are actually ahead of me in tech! I have not played optimally though by any means, I have been slow to build districts and such as I've learned about them, and now I realize that was a big mistake. Spain kept declaring war on me early on so I was forced into several war efforts which also slowed me down. I never did found a religion, and I'm honestly not completely sure HOW you found one, as I have like 2000 faith saved up and don't know what to even do with that yet, lol.

Just got out of an 8 hour LAN. It wasn't just me. ...Nobody could really figure out how to start a religion...

Yeah, me too, I kind of think you need to get a great prophet and use that to start a religion, but how to get an early great prophet? Not sure yet. I should probably just look it up in the Civlopedia.


I never did found a religion, and I'm honestly not completely sure HOW you found one, as I have like 2000 faith saved up and don't know what to even do with that yet, lol.

oh yeah, that happened to me too. Never got a great prophet. Japan had an actual army of monks running around my territory

I ended up using my faith stockpile to buy the last Great Engineer
So I noticed something...whenever i make a wonder, i apparently get into a war after turn 80 something...because its either

a) I took their nation's wonder
b) I'm advancing too fast to the point they are jealous

this is on prince btw.. ;_;
always keep a reasonably strong army around to discourage them from going to war. If you have lots of gold, save it so you can buy units in case of emergency

also, in hindsight, I should have declared war on the computer who took away the world wonder I was working on for 25 turns


So I noticed something...whenever i make a wonder, i apparently get into a war after turn 80 something...because its either

a) I took their nation's wonder
b) I'm advancing too fast to the point they are jealous

this is on prince btw.. ;_;


You'll need to use siege units to effectively bring down a city's defenses, then once the city's health is 0 just walk a unit into the city to capture it. Attacking full health cities with normal melee units requires a large dedicated sustained assault.

What about battering rams, how effective are? Says it makes adjacent melee units do full damage, does that mean there's a penalty when attacking cities otherwise? Either way it seems as soon as walls go up even with a battering ram you're going to need quite a few swordsmen to take a city, if you don't have that catapult yet.


What's the best way to make a civ like you more? Much of the diplomacy in the game is pretty much locked for me because I seem to step on everybody's toes (accidentally.) Even civs who are friendly towards me won't declare friendship with me, let alone go into a joint war or make an alliance with me. I've tried handing out gifts and prioritizing trade routes, but that doesn't seem quite significant enough. I wish the game would let you know how "favorable" the deal is to the other side or how much "friendliness" do you gain from a particular action...


Granaries aren't really important very early unless you didn't found your city next to fresh water. Monuments are far more important as long you have not already hit the growth cap. Also early scouts are good due to goody huts, city state envoys, and to trigger a number of eureka bonuses.

Great Prophets are necessary to found religion and there's a limited number. Hence holy site is pretty much a prerequisite unless you built a wonder.

On a side note, I don't get this news.


-I'm not liking districts and wonders taking up whole tiles. I very much dislike having to overwrite resources, the need to plan out districts super far in advance, or the fact that placing new districts destroys the adjacency bonuses of old ones that relied on forests or jungles.
-Production is too slow. Wonders are going unclaimed because they take forever. Districts take too long to build. Units are pretty good, maybe just a slight lowering of costs there.
-Barbs are a huge pain in the ass.

I don't really see any of these as cons. They are different for sure but they end up working quite well imo. Districts and planning along with the changes with workers lead to more interesting city building and fights that develop should parts be sabotaged. Barbs are more fun this way, as long as you can catch scouts before they head back, you can reduce attacks, but then sometimes you are just in their turf and need to work a way out - I've yet to find them unfair as such. Production seems to be fine to me, but I haven't experimented with the other game lengths to know if they vary massively.
I think Districts are exactly what Civ needed. I mean sure, housing and other little UI things can be improved, but it actually makes territory interesting now.


hows the AI on this one? I tend to like spying and diplomacy over combat but the AI in most of the Civ games has been fundamentally broken :(
What about battering rams, how effective are? Says it makes adjacent melee units do full damage, does that mean there's a penalty when attacking cities otherwise? Either way it seems as soon as walls go up even with a battering ram you're going to need quite a few swordsmen to take a city, if you don't have that catapult yet.

Haven't used a battering ram in civ 6, but in civ 5 they were just melee catapults where they dealt a tonne of damage to cities and I think they took a tiny amount of damage in return.

Dunno about the adjacent melee units doing full damage thing but you always have an attack penalty when regular foot troops attack anything that's fortified. If you select a unit and hold the right mouse button over the unit you want to attack, a window will show up with all the bonuses and penalties for the combat.



Game is more popular than 2K expected it seems.

(at least this game also works offline)


Good improuvement in general compared to Civ 5, I dislike a bit the "temporary" workers. But diplomacy feature is still a lack buster :(

Aaron D.

So I wanted to remap the camera controls to WASD.

Didn't see it in the Options or a possible .ini file in Documents/Civ VI.

Any ideas?


I don't really see any of these as cons. They are different for sure but they end up working quite well imo. Districts and planning along with the changes with workers lead to more interesting city building and fights that develop should parts be sabotaged. Barbs are more fun this way, as long as you can catch scouts before they head back, you can reduce attacks, but then sometimes you are just in their turf and need to work a way out - I've yet to find them unfair as such. Production seems to be fine to me, but I haven't experimented with the other game lengths to know if they vary massively.

So far I actually find production to be quicker than in Civ 5, where it took literally ages to just get a worker up and going.

Pillaged districts are a disaster though, takes a while to get those back up.


What about battering rams, how effective are? Says it makes adjacent melee units do full damage, does that mean there's a penalty when attacking cities otherwise? Either way it seems as soon as walls go up even with a battering ram you're going to need quite a few swordsmen to take a city, if you don't have that catapult yet.

Melee units suffer a hefty penalty for attacked a walled city- they take off about a sliver of health per attack, while taking a lot of damage. Battering rams make it so that a melee unit will apply the same amount of damage to the city wall as they would if they were attacking an unwalled city center. That is very helpful, since a city cannot bombard without walls- destroy it's walls, and your units can move in without fear of city bombardment.

Siege towers, on the other hand, make your melee units ignore city walls and directly attack the city center. That's a faster way to take the city, since you won't have to worry about bringing the wall's health to zero, but your units would be bombarded by the city right up until you actually take it.


Anybody know if the physical/retail copy is a steam key? Probably going to get this at Best Buy with my GCU discount.


I am really enjoying this so far but I must say that the continents (the feature that effects America/England not the map type) logic is pretty silly. Most of them just cut landmasses in half randomly


did they made the diplomacy better compared to civ v?
do the other civilizations still count you as a warmongering psychopath for that one war you did in the stone age, or can you finally switch strategy mid-play doing both war and peace just like any civilization ever in real life?
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