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CIVILIZATION VI |OT| He's Got the Whole World in His Hands


Taking a break from the game, and thinking about the great library, the two leaders that could potentially take it furthest are Trajan from Rome and Gorgo from Greece. Early culture is important, so Rome for example could totally ignore infrastructure and go on a wild settler spam early on, as every city it makes gives two extra culture right away. Free roads are a big plus as well. On the tech side Rome could beeline to iron working and grab legions. But before we even consider the math what do we get?

The main issue is that a lot of the ancient and classical eurekas are based on worker improvements which is something you want to do anyway. Even if we do settler spam entirely early on we still want to build improvements after great library is done, so those eurekas aren't worth much. Writing is required to build the GL, so we're potentially left with the sea techs up top, sailing, astrology, celestial navigation, shipbuilding; infrastructure techs such as currency, mathematics, engineering and lastly construction. I'm going to discount archery because it seems unlikely to go settler spam without making any slingers, so then the remaining eurekas are whatever type of improvements that we don't have resources to build on.

So that's potentially eight eurekas but three of them are purely for coastal cities. With the right conditions it could be worth it to execute such a narrow strategy to catch up on science. However I do think people miss the fact that the great library also gives two great work of writing slots though, and the only non wonder building that gives that is the ampitheater which costs 135 production to build after constructing a theater district. That's at least 270 production plus two districts and the great library itself costs 400 production.

In the end, the great library is probably not worth building unless you're executing a strategy to build it and to maximize eureka gain. Otherwise it belongs in the group of wonders that mainly serve to store great works and it's still unclear how much those are worth. If those are worth building then the Great Library is relatively cheap for two slots compared to the other wonders in this category.


Is there no screen where you could see all currently made deals? If a civ has a luxury resource for trade, how am I supposed to know if I traded that with someone else already? There's over 10 other civs in my game so it's kinda hard to keep mentally track of.
hey totakeke member when you told me to play on harder difficulty

immortal religion victory just now. so damn easy too.

game needs a crazy amount of polish. i'd also like it if the ai's acutally upgraded their dudes instead of clogging up the whole damn map


Yea I feel like this game needs quite a few patches. Particularly, in the ai department. I also feel there are general QoL improvements that need to be made regarding the UI.

Great game tho.
Got the Deity achievement by playing duel map against Kongo with only religious victory on. Not even sorry. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

and protip for those bummed with the very slow building of scientific victory project. You can chop trees and it gives quite a significant boost!
I'm so used to workers just improving farms and mines that I totally forgot this worker functionality. I only remembered this when France was leading in science victory and I am so close to launching my modules too.


Is there a way to get into religion game with all Great Prophet gone?

BTW, Scythia early game is so sick. Extra unit for each cavalry unit built is pretty ridiculous. Plus the horse archers is raining glory.


It's because you let a scout reach your city and then go back to the barb camp. Once it does it'll spawn units that will go straight for you.

This doesn't explain their "sudden" advancement in technology just when I was attacking. After I conquered them there were still a few scouts I couldn't kill and they came back with weak groups.


The AI accepts some strange deals sometimes. Rome proposes Open Borders for the both of us, I change the deal to a Luxury Resource (Jeans) and Open Borders from him in exchange for 1 gold per turn from me.

Deal accepted


The AI accepts some strange deals sometimes. Rome proposes Open Borders for the both of us, I change the deal to a Luxury Resource (Jeans) and Open Borders from him in exchange for 1 gold per turn from me.

Deal accepted

Diplomacy is broken currently - if you adjust offered deals they can break and be persuaded to accept anything. ATM its best not to fiddle with offered deals.


Just finished my first Immortal game (standard size, Aztec) in rather anticlimactic fashion. I'd previously played a game on Prince and then King, and found it much too easy once you'd made a decent start, with super passive AI allowing me to steam ahead in science totally uncontested. So I thought I'd bump it right up and see how badly I failed.

I had expected to lose from the start. It was the first time I've played Immortal in any Civ, but I was still surprised to see a barb camp spawning three horsemen on my lone slingers during the first handful of turns. Anyway, it was much harder than King, as expected; all other civs rushing ahead of me in basically everything, me struggling to keep up in science while fighting off a super aggressive Norway to my south (who I stomped and then left to die a slow death, trapped between me to the North, the arctic to the south and Greece to either side). Both Sumeria and Japan were exceeding my research by ~10-15 projects, and by the time Sumeria had almost all their research completed I was only just ready to launch my moon landing. I figured what the hell, I'll play on and see how far I can get.

But Sumeria, with a ton of land, resources and tech and army far exceeding mine, rather than actually use the two spaceports I could see they had just got engaged in an endless bottle-necked war with Greece. So while they were dozens of turns ahead of me, I was left to just slowly complete my projects, and ended up winning. It was quite disappointing; they absolutely should have won. It was almost like the AI had a preset Dom victory it would stop at nothing to achieve, but so many resources that it still researched and built absolutely everything anyway and then left it to gather dust. Is this common? It's actually killed my enthusiasm for the game a bit, the idea that i might be able to win on higher difficulties because the AI plays like a (rich) idiot. I know they have Agendas but this can't be how they're intended to function.


Is anyone else spamming space plus enter at the end of each turn in advanced state of game?

I am at turn 350 something with Teddy going for science win if possible and the amount of units really increased. Tarjan is pain in the ass and I don't fortify units because he is in my place between my borders.

Tap tap tap tap keyboard.


hey totakeke member when you told me to play on harder difficulty

immortal religion victory just now. so damn easy too.

game needs a crazy amount of polish. i'd also like it if the ai's acutally upgraded their dudes instead of clogging up the whole damn map

And back in the thread before release I already noted that the AI seems bad. But good for you, either way it made no sense to make your criticisms based on prince difficulty. So feel free to complain to your heart's content :p

This doesn't explain their "sudden" advancement in technology just when I was attacking. After I conquered them there were still a few scouts I couldn't kill and they came back with weak groups.

I doubt it but it would be remarkable if the AI could cheat that way.
Playing as France, going for a culture victory and I'm lucky enough to start on a map where I have a good section of the main continent to myself, with a narrow access point controlled by a city state. Naturally Japan, on the neighboring continent, plants a city in one little corner of my space. I figure I'll declare war while it's early, wipe out the city and move on with my life. I take the city easily... and then the war just drags on and on. Japan keeps building a massive army and trying to send them across the channel between our continents, my ships keep destroying them and keeping them from landing. Japan has a much stronger military so he refuses to ever accept peace and at this point war weariness has my amenities deep in the red in all my cities and my will to live has decreased dramatically. I feel like I'm in the naval equivalent of Vietnam.


Elden Member
Playing as France, going for a culture victory and I'm lucky enough to start on a map where I have a good section of the main continent to myself, with a narrow access point controlled by a city state. Naturally Japan, on the neighboring continent, plants a city in one little corner of my space. I figure I'll declare war while it's early, wipe out the city and move on with my life. I take the city easily... and then the war just drags on and on. Japan keeps building a massive army and trying to send them across the channel between our continents, my ships keep destroying them and keeping them from landing. Japan has a much stronger military so he refuses to ever accept peace and at this point war weariness has my amenities deep in the red in all my cities and my will to live has decreased dramatically. I feel like I'm in the naval equivalent of Vietnam.

So why dont you go on the offensive and aim for his capital? Cause enough destruction in his terriroty and he'll give.
It's because you let a scout reach your city and then go back to the barb camp. Once it does it'll spawn units that will go straight for you.

I dunno man. I had cleared out the barbarian camps around me, and was sitting pretty just working on stuff. Russia had hidden troops in some nearby woods and declared a surprise war on me, then marched out en masse. Despite being outnumbered, they were only warriors and I had a bunch of archers nearby.

During the same movement he declares war and moves his guys in? Three barbarians march in from the completely different direction. It was too well coordinated just to be crazy random happenstance.

I still managed to fight them all off, and took a Russian city in the process, but no way that was a coincidence.


Really missing the ability to pay off nations to declare war on each other :(

Really need a mod to remove that constant fucking Future Tech/Social Media policy selection spam when you've got nothing left to research. This shit should be automatic, not something i have to manually select every turn. How is this still a thing?

Hari Seldon

Won my first game on Science but besides some idiotic invasion attempt late in the game when I was way ahead on Science, the game was pretty boring. I started a new game with Scythia where I plan to just warmonger as much in the early game as possible. Found out the hard way that ranged units cannot take cities. Even when you pound them to zero health I could not figure out a way to send them to capture the city.

I have played literally nothing but Civ since it launched lol. I still haven't booted up BF1 that I got on the same day.


I dunno man. I had cleared out the barbarian camps around me, and was sitting pretty just working on stuff. Russia had hidden troops in some nearby woods and declared a surprise war on me, then marched out en masse. Despite being outnumbered, they were only warriors and I had a bunch of archers nearby.

During the same movement he declares war and moves his guys in? Three barbarians march in from the completely different direction. It was too well coordinated just to be crazy random happenstance.

I still managed to fight them all off, and took a Russian city in the process, but no way that was a coincidence.

I haven't had that happen to me yet but it'd be hilarious if that's true, they screw up in very some basic stuffs for the AI yet they spent time making a method for the AI and barbarian to coordinate attacks? I'll just have to take you at your word.


I'm not sure if it has been discussed but there's something about barbarians that makes loading between rounds a lot longer. When I

start a huge map game with full civs
the same but no barbarians

my rounds load more than twice as fast in that second scenario. Barbs make the game a loooot slower in big games. Just a tip if your game is running slow for you loading wise. It's not really that noticeable/bothersome in normal size games but with biggest map + max civs the difference is huge.

I hope they can do something about this because early game is so damn boring without barbarians.

Quoting myself because someone in Civfanatic forums found the cause to this barbarian slowdown. It's... Windows Defender. Yes you read that right. When you disable Windows Defender barbarians don't slow down the game anymore. I don't know how the hell that works but I just tested it myself and my rounds go a lot faster now.

Hari Seldon

Quoting myself because someone in Civfanatic forums found the cause to this barbarian slowdown. It's... Windows Defender. Yes you read that right. When you disable Windows Defender barbarians don't slow down the game anymore.

This is the Firaxes I know and love lol.
I haven't had that happen to me yet but it'd be hilarious if that's true, they screw up in very some basic stuffs for the AI yet they spent time making a method for the AI and barbarian to coordinate attacks? I'll just have to take you at your word.

If it happens again I'll have to document it. That was my first time someone got made enough with me to actually declare war, and I went from "I can handle this" to "Feeling the pressure" when the surprise pincer happened.
Sumeria is pretty bullshit early on with their war-carts.

He declares war on me and just starts rocking my shit with those damn donkey carts. Warriors just can't keep up. Had to restart.
I hate that AI on harder difficulties gets a straight up damage bonus on units. Greece was on 4 cities by the time I got my 2nd and while I could beat them in production I couldn't win a war because I'd lose every fight.
For the life of me I can't figure out why China declared war on me. I had two small cities on their continent with a musketman and a red coat. They had spearmen, archers, and catapults. A lot of them, sure. I was able to capture both Chinese cities within 10-15 turns by buying two more red coats and going ham. I actually captured there capital with a single red coat that was closer while my other units were walking over. I don't know why the AI would allow that to happen. This is the third Civ to declare war on me only to be thrashed. I'm winning the domination victory while attempting cultural or science.
I hate that AI on harder difficulties gets a straight up damage bonus on units. Greece was on 4 cities by the time I got my 2nd and while I could beat them in production I couldn't win a war because I'd lose every fight.

Yeah, if feels like a BS thing to do in terms of 'balance'. I'd rather have them just be smarter rather than being impossible to fight. Even when fighting smarter than them, unless you have great bonuses it is a rough brawl. Thankfully most of my games have been with other people, and that keeps things interesting.



That's some hidden technical secret. Looks like unlike Civ V you can keep getting tech boosts all the way to the end.

Yeah, if feels like a BS thing to do in terms of 'balance'. I'd rather have them just be smarter rather than being impossible to fight. Even when fighting smarter than them, unless you have great bonuses it is a rough brawl. Thankfully most of my games have been with other people, and that keeps things interesting.

The damage boost is only really painful in the beginning. It doesn't scale at all so if you can wait it out it becomes less unfair.
That's some hidden technical secret. Looks like unlike Civ V you can keep getting tech boosts all the way to the end.

The damage boost is only really painful in the beginning. It doesn't scale at all so if you can wait it out it becomes less unfair.

"So I was wandering around, and found this village out in the middle of nowhere, but apparently they gave some good tips on Fusion. So that's a plus."

The headcanon of playing Civ games is one of the main reasons I play constantly.


It's a bit of a drag you can't lock it though.

Here's someone who figured out how to do that:


This should solve the issue of camera rotating back to origin when you stop dragging while holding ALT key.

Note: you can make all changes while game is running and it will pick up changes immediately - no need to restart it.

1. Right click on game in Steam, go to Properties->Local Files and click on "Browse Local Files...".
2. Find file WorldInput.lua in Base\Assets\UI folder and make backup of the file (save as WorldInput.lua.bak, for example).
3. Open WorldInput.lua with text editor (I recommend Notepad++ - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.1.html).
4. After line 127 (it should contain value m_kTutorialUnitMoveRestrictions) add two following lines:
local m_spinStartX					:number	= 0;	
local m_spinStartY					:number	= 0;
5. Search for function UpdateDragMap() - after step 4 it should be around line 397.
6. Below look for this block (should start around line 414):
if m_isALTDown then
        UI.SpinMap( m_dragStartX - x, m_dragStartY - y  );
7. Replace it with:
if m_isALTDown then
        UI.SpinMap( m_spinStartX + dx, m_spinStartY + dy );
		m_spinStartX = m_spinStartX + dx;
		m_spinStartY = m_spinStartY + dy;
8. Search for function EndDragMap() - after step 7 it should be around line 429.
9. Comment out line 430 so it looks like this:
-- UI.SpinMap( 0, 0 );

Quick and dirty solution that seems to work. Needs more testing and for sure can be improved :)

I dunno man. I had cleared out the barbarian camps around me, and was sitting pretty just working on stuff.

Camps can respawn in any space hidden in the fog of war. You can spot them when they reappear on the map if you look around even in the fog of war though, there will be no cue or signal of it so you'd only notice if you looked for it.


Camps can respawn in any space hidden in the fog of war. You can spot them when they reappear on the map if you look around even in the fog of war though, there will be no cue or signal of it so you'd only notice if you looked for it.

Actually there is a sound when a barb camp appears. It is some kind of drums and "huhs". But no indication. So when you hear that sound, look all over the map for the camp. And I think it only happens if the camp appears on a zone you already visited.
Yeah, if feels like a BS thing to do in terms of 'balance'. I'd rather have them just be smarter rather than being impossible to fight. Even when fighting smarter than them, unless you have great bonuses it is a rough brawl. Thankfully most of my games have been with other people, and that keeps things interesting.
If they had a way to make the AI smarter I'd think they'd apply it to the game proper not just higher difficulties.
The damage boost is only really painful in the beginning. It doesn't scale at all so if you can wait it out it becomes less unfair.
I like early aggression if I meet a nearby civ, all the more if they took my spot for the 2nd city. They already start with multiple settlers and warriors on immortal and gain huge bonuses, the damage bonus makes it so turtling up is the better strategy unless you're aztec then you have OP Eagle Warriors. Due to early Civic bonuses they even get access to oligarchy to even further boost their early game.


The damage boost is only really painful in the beginning. It doesn't scale at all so if you can wait it out it becomes less unfair.

How sure are you? I had the impression that relative absolute damage difference matters, not percentage difference. For example 10 strength difference will still be as effective early game as in late game, it doesn't matter what the base strength is for a unit. I think that's why Corps only give 10 extra strength when you combine them.


How sure are you? I had the impression that relative absolute damage difference matters, not percentage difference. For example 10 strength difference will still be as effective early game as in late game, it doesn't matter what the base strength is for a unit. I think that's why Corps only give 10 extra strength when you combine them.

I too thought this is how it works. Think it was one of the first game play streams they mentioned that it's no longer just a ratio between to two strengths?


I won my first game ever! Culture Victory
on Prince but whatever :)
I was playing as Greece.

By the end I encountered a weird glitch, I was winning the game but it told me that Brazil was about to win... LOL?


How sure are you? I had the impression that relative absolute damage difference matters, not percentage difference. For example 10 strength difference will still be as effective early game as in late game, it doesn't matter what the base strength is for a unit. I think that's why Corps only give 10 extra strength when you combine them.

Hmm, so the combat system just looks at the difference between the strengths of the 2 units and calculates from there? I guess I was wrong then. Still, the bonus maxes out at +4, and can be evened out via terrain and promotions. The AI doesn't seem to use their units well even if they have a lot of them.
Turn 136 and I still haven't met another civilization. I'm suspecting that the world is divided into three continents. I am stuck on the eastern continent with four other city states (suzerain over all of them) and the other powers are somewhere else fighting between them lol.


so what am i supposed to with the naturalist?

sorry if it's already been asked

Find a diamond shaped area of four tiles within your territory that has no improvements with enough appeal. Create a national park zone on those four tiles and it'll give you amenities and tourism.

You can select a naturalist then scroll around your territory and highlighted areas are areas you can make national parks at.
Find a diamond shaped area of four tiles within your territory that has no improvements with enough appeal. Create a national park zone on those four tiles and it'll give you amenities and tourism.

You can select a naturalist then scroll around your territory and highlighted areas are areas you can make national parks at.

if i don't see any list there's no suitable zone in my territory right?

the option to create a park is grayed out


if i don't see any list there's no suitable zone in my territory right?

the option to create a park is grayed out

Yeah, it's greyed out unless it's standing in suitable territory. Use the appeal overlay, find a suitable zone, and then move your builders there to remove the improvements. You can also plant woods to increase appeal.


Rodent Whores
So I'm playing around with those +100% bonus to specific units policies, and I'm Montezuma, so I have plenty of builders around. I get +100% of the production bonus from clearing forests towards making the unit, and if the unit gets completed by that, the overflow that's left over (which is saved for whatever I build next) is still getting the +100% production bonus, even if it's not the unit type modified by the policy.

If the production cost of the unit is small relative to the production output of the city or the forest clearing, then you can build up a huge amount of production in the city. My whole list of potential wonders to make is at 1 turn remaining lmao.


Rodent Whores
So I'm playing around with those +100% bonus to specific units policies, and I'm Montezuma, so I have plenty of builders around. I get +100% of the production bonus from clearing forests towards making the unit, and if the unit gets completed by that, the overflow that's left over (which is saved for whatever I build next) is still getting the +100% production bonus, even if it's not the unit type modified by the policy.

If the production cost of the unit is small relative to the production output of the city or the forest clearing, then you can build up a huge amount of production in the city. My whole list of potential wonders to make is at 1 turn remaining lmao.





Okay, very stupid question incoming:

If I upgrade a tile (let's say a build a farm). Do I get any kind of benefits (besides the 0.5 housing) if nobody works the tile?


2 quick questions folks.

1 - If I wipe out everyone on my starting contact before the other continent reaches us do I suffer any warmonger penalties for said wiping out?

2 - a few posters here have mentioned being able to replant forests. How is that ability unlocked?


Okay, very stupid question incoming:

If I upgrade a tile (let's say a build a farm). Do I get any kind of benefits (besides the 0.5 housing) if nobody works the tile?

Aside from eureka, adjacency bonuses, changing movement and defensive bonuses, no.

2 quick questions folks.

1 - If I wipe out everyone on my starting contact before the other continent reaches us do I suffer any warmonger penalties for said wiping out?

2 - a few posters here have mentioned being able to replant forests. How is that ability unlocked?

1. No clue, but I would assume not if you haven't met other civs.
2. Conservation in the civics tree.
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