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Class of Heroes 2 |OT| Our dungeons go to 11!

Thanks for the answers! I remember seeing a 'lost' message. Thought that I need to find the said character in the previous map. Didn't know he was lost forever. Guess there's always a first time for everything.


Any further info on when the UMD's for this game ship?

Waiting for it to clear QA. Hopefully we'll have an update in the near future. I don't know if I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but in addition to the Alchemy Recipe fix, the mini-map will now have a pointer to show which direction you're facing in both the UMD and the online patched version.


And a fix to the 99.9% completion thing, for any others who have reached that far.

I forgot Muramasa was coming out. Now what do I do ;__; Grind more here or grind more there.


And a fix to the 99.9% completion thing, for any others who have reached that far.

I forgot Muramasa was coming out. Now what do I do ;__; Grind more here or grind more there.

Right, there's the 99.9% completion bug fix and the Idol Lullaby Song fix and other bugfixes along with the Alchemy Recipe fix. The pointer is more of a fan-requested feature addition than a bug fix.


Right, there's the 99.9% completion bug fix and the Idol Lullaby Song fix and other bugfixes along with the Alchemy Recipe fix. The pointer is more of a fan-requested feature addition than a bug fix.

Will the digital versions get all of the fixes the UMDs are getting?


Will the digital versions get all of the fixes the UMDs are getting?

Yes. The digital patch will have everything fixed and added. We held the UMD and remade it to re-submit because the Alchemy Recipe bug came to light after the PSN release and, while not game breaking, was big enough that I wouldn't feel comfortable knowingly shipping a physical UMD product with it.
Yes. The digital patch will have everything fixed and added. We held the UMD and remade it to re-submit because the Alchemy Recipe bug came to light after the PSN release and, while not game breaking, was big enough that I wouldn't feel comfortable knowingly shipping a physical UMD product with it.

Makes the wait certainly worthwile imo.


So, I bought this a while ago but never actually started. Decided to go for it the last couple of days and I am completely lost, any tips for a newcomer?

I have my fair share of experience on dungeon crawlers but never played Class of Heroes. Is there anything I should know? Essential classes, etc?


So, I bought this a while ago but never actually started. Decided to go for it the last couple of days and I am completely lost, any tips for a newcomer?

I have my fair share of experience on dungeon crawlers but never played Class of Heroes. Is there anything I should know? Essential classes, etc?

There's a pretty good amout of discussion on the gaijinworks forums to help out new adventurers. www.gaijinworks.com/interact . (There are also maps, alchemy recipes, and a digital copy of the manual in the help section of gaijinworks.com)


If you've played Wizardry or any of the other Wizardry descendants (Elminage, for example) you should be right at home.

Sorcerer is Bishop without identification. There is no mage or cleric directly, the spellcaster gets both spells.

Ranger is Thief with more of a focus on ranged combat.

If you've played later Wizardry games, Puppeteer has the Bishop Magic Wall ability.

Monk is the same as Brawler in Elminage and other Xth Generation based Wizardry descendants -- high DPS, does fist damage.

Idol gets some buff magic, and can be played by all races, so it makes a good class if you plan on taking some races to a different class later on -- for example, getting a Dwarf Samurai that has a lot of mana, or a Khulaz with magic for Geomancer.

Novice is special. Novice can equip ANY item in the game, and gets good spells of all types (leading to them getting the best healing magic in the game around level 40). The downside is they get horrible MP growth until level 90, when they start gaining literally hundreds of MP a level.

You'll want a class that can open chests (Ranger, Gunner, Ninja) and a class that can heal (Sorcerer). Your front three should probably be melee -- Samura, Novice, Warrior, Monk, Ninja.

All races get a race specific class later on in the game:

Fairy: Sage (better Sorcerer)
Dwarf: Berserker (magic-less Samurai)
Felpur: Beast (magic-less Monk)
Celestian: Fallen Angel (Kinda a cross between Ninja and Samurai)
Bahamun: Dragon Knight (Lords from Wizardry with Dual wielding)
Gnome: Alchemist (status effect spells with bonuses to the game's crafting)
Human: Gunner (Ranger only with innate instant death)
Diablos: Necromancer (Spellcaster that focuses on doing damage to specific monster types)
Elf: Summoner (Summons a 7th party member, gender specific)
Khulaz: Geomancer (Elemental specific attacks, gets huge bonuses to farming XP / Money / Items)


Thanks a lot for the tip guys, decided to roll with a Monk Ninja Warrior on front, ranger sorcerer and... I forgot the last one on back.
Anyways cleared a couple of floors and having a lot of fun, not dying a lot =P.

Well, I just got back from a trip so now I might have even more time to play this
I'm wondering a tad too...? :) Vic?

From the Gaijinworks website:

Gaijinworks said:
07/10/2013 Class of Heroes 2 UMD update!

Thanks to all for their patience while we get the UMD version out to the physical+digital purchasers. All digital codes were distributed on June 3rd. If you bought a physical+digital version and didn't get your digital code, email us and we'll re-send your PSN code.

The UMD was pulled from production last month when some of the digital users found a problem with the Alchemy Recipe system that caused the wrong recipes to be unlocked. It did not affect the ability of players to complete the game, but it was annoying and affected about 200 or more recipes. Rather than deliver a UMD game we knew was buggy, we pulled it, fixed the Alchemy Recipe bug and a number of other bugs reported by players of the digital version, retested the game, and remade the master UMD image. The new build also adds a pointer to the mini-map screen showing which way your character is facing, a common fan request we were able to squeeze in to the fix.

We're in the process for getting the physical sample UMDs now. Once we receive those, we should have a good estimate of when these will finally be shipping. We're almost there!

A luxury Vic currently has, and for which I personally am grateful. :)
Of course, they will. They also still have to give us the opening that was cut. Has there been any news how the opening will be handled?

Vic has said on here that it wouldn't be on the UMD, but would be made available through a patch on PSN later on (ie when the licensing issues are resolved).
So...will the physical copy be shipping soon? We're almost into August...

Vic posted below quote today on the Gaijnworks forum. He hasn't received the proof UMD discs yet from the manufacturer and wants to wait for them before posting an update apparently.

[...], and considering that manufacturing samples are enroute, it seems like we will. It's not that I have NO idea when you'll get them, only a very approximate one and don't want to say anything until the manufacturing samples are received and pass inspection, which is any day now.
So hey. Remember that time we paid to get the physical copies of these discs and were promised they were coming soon? Yeah that was cool.

It's not like I need the UMD to play the game, but I'm starting to get the feeling we're never going to be getting these. It'd be nice to know that we didn't pay extra for nothing.


08/01/2013 Class of Heroes 2 UMD update!

The good news is we got the manufactured sample UMDs this week and they passed Sony bug testing - except for a technical failure. And that's the bad news: the production ID on the disc had a technical failure, so we're remaking the image now and making 20 more manufacturing samples that will pass the check. Yes, it sucks, and we're tired of the wait, too.

Sooo, to take the sting of more waiting out a bit, we're going to share some of the secret we've kept that we wanted to surprise purchasers of the physical+digital set with when they opened their shipment. Every physical copy of Class of Heroes 2 will ship with a special certificate we made that also features a laser-etched, numbered holographic sticker. The sticker is in a box on a scored tab on the right side of the certificate. The numbered holographic sticker will exactly match another hologram on the back of each game package. We're going to keep the hologram itself under wraps, but here's what the 4" x 7" custom-made certificate will look like:


(The hologram goes in the box on the right side)​

Thanks to all the physical+digital purchasers for their patience in this process. All digital codes were distributed on June 3rd. If you bought a physical+digital version and didn't get your digital code, email us and we'll re-send your PSN code. Once we receive the manufacture UMD samples for version 1.01 and have a timeline for the actual pressing of the production run, we'll post here and in the forum here. Thanks again for the patience. We hope you like this little extra - it's even better in person!

A recap from last update: The UMD was pulled from production last month when some of the digital users found a problem with the Alchemy Recipe system that caused the wrong recipes to be unlocked. It did not affect the ability of players to complete the game, but it was annoying and affected about 200 or more recipes. Rather than deliver a UMD game we knew was buggy, we pulled it, fixed the Alchemy Recipe bug and a number of other bugs reported by players of the digital version, retested the game, and remade the master UMD image. The new build also adds a pointer to the mini-map screen showing which way your character is facing, a common fan request we were able to squeeze in to the fix.


I was just about to post why I haven't received my physical copy. Thought it got lost lol. Im glad they are fixing the bugs and keeping us up to date on whats going on.
No, but I'm not expecting them to ship within the next 4 weeks either, so I'll be abroad till november and will probably be away :/

Oh, ok, have a nice trip then. And feel free to PM me if you would travel to Belgium and need some travel advice. ;-)


Oh, ok, have a nice trip then. And feel free to PM me if you would travel to Belgium and need some travel advice. ;-)
My aunt lives in Bruxelles :p but thanks for the offer ;) (and my parents in Paris!)

I'm supposed to spend a few days in Belgium actually :)


This reminds me that I've since moved ... I should really look into getting that shipping address changed.
Thought this was worth posting on here:

Question: I think I read somewhere here that the opening sequence did make it into the UMD version? Did I read correct?

Vic Ireland on Gaijin Outpost said:
It hasn't been announced, but speculated. The speculation is correct, though.

With the discs taking so long to get through approvals, and the last SNAFU with version 1.00, we gambled that the license would be done in time for the UMD release (it was very close to finishing negotiation). The gamble paid off, and the song license finally approved, so the physical UMDs will be complete and code-identical to the revised PSN version that's coming, including the English opening. Also, we negotiated a bonus in that we can include the original opening's Japanese version that the user can select by holding a button while the game boots, or during the attract mode. So BOTH will be on the UMD and in the revised PSN version.

I was told that the version 1.01 UMD samples are expected early next week at SCEA. Once they're approved for manufacture, we can FINALLY start making them!

Thanks to all for their patience. Hopefully this news makes the wait a little better.

Source: http://www.gaijinworks.com/interact...f-Heroes-2-Physical-Version-UMD-Updates/page7
Great news. So can the English version be made public now? :D

Kind of weird Vic stopped posting in this thread.

I think he just wants to centralize the discussion of the game to just one outlet, so that he doesn't have to double post. And clearly the GW forum is the most convenient for him.
Some news! (Vic, hope you don't mind me copying and pasting your answers from the Gaijinworks forum here)

Vic Ireland said:
CoH version UMD ver. 1.01 approval came in! We can start the manufacturing process!

What does that mean for a possible release?

Vic Ireland said:
Can't say yet. UMD manufacture is down to 1-2 days per month, so we're a bit at the mercy of that schedule. I don't know what days those are in Sept yet. As soon as I have more info, I'll post.

And what about a Euro PSN release, Vic?

Vic Ireland said:
SCEE's scheduling is sometimes kind of bizarre, so I can't say for sure - but I *think* it will be this year. Vanguard Bandits has been tied up waiting for a release slot for like a year. I don't think non-emulated stuff takes as long, but I haven't figured out the trick to how SCEE decides what goes where.
I'll repost cyborg009's post in the other thread here:

Update from Vic on his site:

Vic Ireland on Gaijinworks forum said:
We have a tentative delivery date of 10/4 for the finished physical version of CoH2 from Sony's plant. There's still a few days trucking back to us so we can do the fulfillment, but we're almost there! I'll post when the delivery date is final (probably this coming Monday). Some crazy last-minute manufacture drama (non-Sony), too, but I'll share that once we've recovered a bit. This was a crazy week.

Now we might get the game before the end of the year it seems.
Got my email saying late Thursday early Friday for my LE to be shipped
And the new psn version will be out Oct 15 to match the Umad with fixes in alchemy bugs and such

Also, version 2.0 of Class of Heroes 2 will be available on PSN on October 15th.  Since it is now functionally identical to the final UMD release, it contains a fix for the alchemy recipe bug, has the English opening song added back in, a pointer on the mini-map and a host of other tweaks and fixes.  If you already have used your PSN code to download the game, you can just delete the one you have and re-download the updated version late on October 15th to get these fixes.  Save data is compatible between the versions
A friendly reminder that Class of Heroes II version 2.0 has been deployed. Just redownload the game from the CoH II's PS store page or through the Download History.

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