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Class of Heroes 2 |OT| Our dungeons go to 11!


Now we'll just see how long this last .01% haunts me for.

I really hope this post-game leveling of enemies is infinite. Could use Level 99 enemies if only for faster grinding. And maybe something that doesn't get one-shot by Dance Rapture.


Well yay! got past the living gem. Game started to come together for me. I'm getting crucial skills like my ninja's assassinate and more and more spells for my sage. Tackle the final quest for the starter academy? Sure! Get all the way to the end of the Ancient Labrynth and wtf. Whole team except for my fairy dead? What is this? Uh oh.. must be the null magic death trap section that the thread was talking about. Good thing I've been buying stilts when I saw them. Except...... I only have 3. :(

I'm guessing I can't leave the dungeon without failing the quest huh. Even if I did, I bought every stilt I could find. No idea where I'd find more. I'm so screwed. Basically I have 4 party members against the dragon that heals itself for 90 a turn. Ugh. I don't think I can do it :(


Looks like the recipes are up on Gaijinworks site. Fantastic!!



Found a class spell list. Handy


Based on that, I'm on the cusp of some real important spells. Most of my team is level 11 or 12 now. I can probably grind out Ancient Ruins a bit more and get Revival for my Sorc. That might give me a chance to beat the drag. Patience and persistence.


Pandolo Town should sell Angel Cuffs in infinite supply as well. 15,000 Gold each so they're a bit more expensive than Stilts but they're also a pretty good ring in their own right.

And you're free to leave the dungeon.

Edit: ...hey, I should check times. That was almost 7 hours ago.

Edit2: On one hand, grinding Persimmon Seeds is great for EXP/Gold. On the other hand, they have a skill that lowers your level :| I just noticed my Sage is now barely Level 50.

That and they're rather limited in their spawn location. Why couldn't it have just been some 3x3 room so I don't have to keep track of the four tiles I can walk on?


Pandolo Town should sell Angel Cuffs in infinite supply as well. 15,000 Gold each so they're a bit more expensive than Stilts but they're also a pretty good ring in their own right.

And you're free to leave the dungeon.

Edit: ...hey, I should check times. That was almost 7 hours ago.

Edit2: On one hand, grinding Persimmon Seeds is great for EXP/Gold. On the other hand, they have a skill that lowers your level :|

That and they're rather limited in their spawn location. Why couldn't it have just been some 3x3 room so I don't have to keep track of the four tiles I can walk on?

Actually that helps a lot. Knowing I can leave the dungeon and where I can buy angel cuffs. As well as reminding me that I actually have a pair of angel cuffs. That means I can try this with only one dead person. Or I can grind one more level for my sage to get TP and I can go buy some. My money problems are mostly over. Getting 1-2k per fight + robbery is pretty good at my level.

I've been at work all day so haven't even tried the dragon again since my post.


Actually that helps a lot. Knowing I can leave the dungeon and where I can buy angel cuffs. As well as reminding me that I actually have a pair of angel cuffs. That means I can try this with only one dead person. Or I can grind one more level for my sage to get TP and I can go buy some. My money problems are mostly over. Getting 1-2k per fight + robbery is pretty good at my level.

I've been at work all day so haven't even tried the dragon again since my post.

Well that's good :x I was in the same spot as you (except I had zero Stilts) so I was stuck sitting there trying to figure out how to cobble together a clear with zero deaths. Then I just ... left the dungeon.

Just for the record, I'm at the end of the game and I still have Angel Cuffs equipped. Keep them around (or just equipped) so you don't get blown out by a random Deep Tile.

Edit: Best part of the game? Grinding in the final post-game dungeon at Level 70-ish. Tier 5 Chest! Lucky disarm a Reaper trap!

Beginner's Brush map.

Thanks game.


Beat the dragon. Turns out the angel cuffs I thought I had in my inv were really Angel Wings. Which also have the active item ability of teleport.... dammit. I've had those for awhile. Could have been teleporting this entire time.

Either way, Spent all 50k on upgrades (including paralysis arrows, that helped) and angel cuffs, went back and managed to squeek out the dragon. Assassination is REALLY strong. The ninja is the reason I'm winning so many of these boss battles.

revival will be the next major milestone that should make things a little easier. Couple more levels for my sorcerer.


So close to reincarnating most of my team.

For the first time.


I feel like I'm missing something for fast EXP :/ Maybe I'll just go ahead with the Geomancers for faster EXP? Dunno if it'll save that much time considering the grind will be with two groups now.


Ran into a crash shortly after the Hero Costume quest. Random monster did an attack, game froze. Fortunately I saved right before going into the BB, since it required a solo adventurer.

Loved the desert dungeon.


Ran into a crash shortly after the Hero Costume quest. Random monster did an attack, game froze. Fortunately I saved right before going into the BB, since it required a solo adventurer.

Loved the desert dungeon.

What model/run of PSP are you on, with what brand/size memory card? We haven't been able to do one of these random lockups on PSP-1001's/sony memory cards we have with the released version. I know the Japanese one had random lockups reported, too, but we haven't been able to reproduce any here, so I'm wondering if it's model-specific or perhaps non-sony memory sticks or something..


What model/run of PSP are you on, with what brand/size memory card? We haven't been able to do one of these random lockups on PSP-1001's/sony memory cards we have with the released version. I know the Japanese one had random lockups reported, too, but we haven't been able to reproduce any here, so I'm wondering if it's model-specific or perhaps non-sony memory sticks or something..

2000, SanDisk 4GB.


Well, it only happened once, was kind of a fluke. I don't think it's something I can worry about replicating.

You won't be able to reproduce it in the same place/way, but if it's memory card related, changing cards to official Sony ones can possibly eliminate the issue. If you have another freeze with the Sandisk one, let me know.


I've had plenty of them on my Vita. It's basically one crash per day. Error Code C1-2858-3 if I remember right, though it usually locks up with no error code at all. Official (...are there others?) 32GB card, launch Vita.


I've had plenty of them on my Vita. It's basically one crash per day. Error Code C1-2858-3 if I remember right, though it usually locks up with no error code at all. Official (...are there others?) 32GB card, launch Vita.

Error codes are Vita emulation error codes, not from CoH2, but at least that's something to work from. If you get any others, or can verify that's the error number, that'd be great.


Yeah, I kind of figured it was more a Vita one than anything else. It hasn't been a huge issue (though I now save like every few fights ... but part of that is due to Persimmon Seeds with the random level drain).

I'll try and keep an eye on what actions, if any, trigger it more often. I want to say that there's no real correlation, just that most of the freezes are during the actual attack animations. A few on screen transitions / opening the save menu (no menu itself freezes yet). Don't think there's been too many others.


Someone should add to the OP that you can buy the physical version from VG+. I had to search through the thread to learn this...


Pandolo Town should sell Angel Cuffs in infinite supply as well. 15,000 Gold each so they're a bit more expensive than Stilts but they're also a pretty good ring in their own right.

And you're free to leave the dungeon.

Edit: ...hey, I should check times. That was almost 7 hours ago.

Edit2: On one hand, grinding Persimmon Seeds is great for EXP/Gold. On the other hand, they have a skill that lowers your level :| I just noticed my Sage is now barely Level 50.

That and they're rather limited in their spawn location. Why couldn't it have just been some 3x3 room so I don't have to keep track of the four tiles I can walk on?

Where do u farm these seeds out of curiosity


It's in the post-game.
Condemnation Labyrinth - Illusion of Freedom, Warning Tiles

Condemnation Labyrinth - Divine Judgment, Warning Tiles
has an easier spot with less EXP (and Gold, which is actually noteworthy) with the Minotaurs. They have better synthing drops with the Strength Sources vs Spirit so its worth it to spend some time there.

Persimmons can yield 100-200k+ Gold in a fight which is helpful. Even on the faster Soul Circle characters, you'll earn enough Gold to just straight buy another batch of reincarnation levels for one person. They're really fast, though, and they have instant-death and can drain two levels from your characters. Dark Persimmons show up too and hit for like 2000 :/ Basically, save a lot or deal with deaths.

In retrospect, I probably should be grinding with Geomancers if I'll be using the Gold that way.

Edit: As an aside, the worst part of this grind are the status effects you can be hit by. Not because they're disastrous or anything but because Fear persists after combat and, when it wears off, it doesn't remember where they were in your party order. Having to redo this every single time is probably my biggest annoyance in the game :(

My poor Beast spends so much time in the back-row.


So, protip: Hard mode, you can save in the dungeon. Not sure exactly what makes the "hard" save mode hard, other than higher level and stronger monsters.

The "can save in dungeon" thing would have been useful to know when I accidentally encountered the first boss, since bosses have random (and absurdly powerful) drops, but are super rare -- so you have to save scum them. Ah well.

If I'm understanding the wiki, one of the early bosses may have a map that's... rare? Not available elsewhere? Something about 100% map / item collection, not sure.


So, protip: Hard mode, you can save in the dungeon. Not sure exactly what makes the "hard" save mode hard, other than higher level and stronger monsters.

The "can save in dungeon" thing would have been useful to know when I accidentally encountered the first boss, since bosses have random (and absurdly powerful) drops, but are super rare -- so you have to save scum them. Ah well.

If I'm understanding the wiki, one of the early bosses may have a map that's... rare? Not available elsewhere? Something about 100% map / item collection, not sure.

Might be talking about the "Master Map," which shows all Labyrinths.


Which drops a billion times.

I have like 300 of them :|

Edit: Not that it's a problem, just noting that it's not rare eventually.
I've been meaning to get back to this game but erm...

I've been playing a lot of Elminage Original. In fact I beat the game yesterday and I'm now jumping around the post-game dungeon. Also I started Wizardry 8 and have put quite a few hours into that one already as well.

I've tried going back to CoH2 a few times but I just get frustrated. I think it's mostly because the gear sucks. Elminage has this great situation drop system. Everything you find is determined by the dungeon & floor you're currently exploring. There are marked encounters that are always guaranteed to have a chest with 1-3 items inside.

More importantly, the gear is actually good. Whether it's more powerful equipment, special rarities, or weapons that can cast spells if used as an item, there's a lot of awesome stuff to acquire.

It also helps that EO is very open-ended. Almost every dungeon is available after the introductory section. I'm not doing a dozen quests in the same area just to get some BS rewards.

I don't know...maybe I'm just really miffed because CoH2 had me waste a wyvern call ticket. MAJOR STORY SPOILERS
They decided to drag me out of a dungeon to tell me the principal was murdered.


What are the difference between the different teleport tickets? Two are the same price, and wyvern's is way too expensive for being single use. I thought I'd at least get to go to different dungeons, not warp between rooms.


What are the difference between the different teleport tickets? Two are the same price, and wyvern's is way too expensive for being single use. I thought I'd at least get to go to different dungeons, not warp between rooms.

Wyvern tickets are to go from place to place (town/waypoint) on the overhead map, the other (return) ticket is for exiting dungeons.


Were "Wings of Wyvern" called that in Japanese Dragon Quest games, or were they called Chimera Wings back east? If so, Wyvern Tickets may be a reference to DQ, heh.


Protip: L+R+Select+Start works as standard for FPDCs -- it resets the game to the main menu. Useful if you've saved before a boss fight and are trying to get a good drop.

Apparently this is the ... second... boss drop table of the game ("Library vs Discipline Committees" -- shouldn't that be 'Discipline Committee?' There's only one group, three members though.):

種別 アイテム名
装備品 あぶない下着、あぶないパンツ、ブルマ
基本素材 折れたアックス、砕けたトマホーク
合成素材 神秘の貝殻、丈夫な皮、硬い皮、神秘の皮、中骨、大骨、神秘の布、究極の布、鉄、合金、超合金、銀の粉、銀、金の粉、金、白金の粉
特殊素材 光の粉、光の石、銀の皿、獣骨、獣の血、乙女の血、精霊石、神の裁き、神の誓い、白虎の爪、恐竜王者の爪、獣王の牙
その他 フレンチトースト、ハニートースト、ホットケーキ、クレープ、三色団子、ドックフード、古代の銅貨、古代の銀貨、古代の金貨、魔力の銅貨、魔力の銀貨、魔力の金貨、聖水

3 special armors, each one... a type of hot pants / short shorts / etc. Including bloomers. Oh, Japan.

Two broken weapons for synthing. An absolute ton of possible synth items, most of which (Platinum Powder, Gold, etc) are special.

Here's the first boss's drop table, for comparison:

種別 アイテム名
基本素材 壊れたパチンコ、折れたレイピア、変装キット
合成素材 中骨、大骨、金の粉、金
特殊素材 獣の血、獣骨、サソリのしっぽ、コブラの毒、恐竜王者の爪、乙女の血、酸性の雫
その他 魔力の銀貨、魔力の金貨

3 broken items -- a... Broken pinball machine, a "Rapier A" (not sure if the A is a mistake of the machine translation), and a "Disguise Kit." Apparently the kit is used to synth a weapon or a special stone or something.

The third boss drops the map that works on all dungeons. Getting it from him is important because... it doesn't appear till much later otherwise?

7th's boss drops a specific item that makes ... one of the strongest katanas in the game (and the strongest you can make via alchemy). Hm.


Just for the record, Platinum, Gold, etc. are "special" in the sense that they're only used in certain synthesis recipes; they're not all that rare either, really. I think the bigger one is some of the early bosses can drop Mysterious components, the Tier 6 stuff.

"Rapier A" is just the normal Broken Rapier item and "Disguise Kit" is for one of the late game Sling ammos. The three Armors aren't really all that special either.

The Master Labyrinth Map is not a common drop until the post-game. So you can reset a lot for it here to save you the trouble of buying the rest of the maps throughout the game. Because that's really about all that it does.

And Kitetsu requires 2x Mysterious Iron so it's not like you can even try to use the drop from the boss before the end of the game anyway. Hell, I've been grinding for awhile and I still have very few Mysterious Irons :/


Man, I'm 0 for 30 or so for good drops off the 2nd boss (Library Committee vs Discipline Committee boss). I saved a spare save with the Dangerous Pants I got the first time and one more with a Magical Gold Coin (think that's just for selling). Might give it up.


Protip: L+R+Select+Start works as standard for FPDCs -- it resets the game to the main menu. Useful if you've saved before a boss fight and are trying to get a good drop.

Apparently this is the ... second... boss drop table of the game ("Library vs Discipline Committees" -- shouldn't that be 'Discipline Committee?' There's only one group, three members though.):

種別 アイテム名
装備品 あぶない下着、あぶないパンツ、ブルマ
基本素材 折れたアックス、砕けたトマホーク
合成素材 神秘の貝殻、丈夫な皮、硬い皮、神秘の皮、中骨、大骨、神秘の布、究極の布、鉄、合金、超合金、銀の粉、銀、金の粉、金、白金の粉
特殊素材 光の粉、光の石、銀の皿、獣骨、獣の血、乙女の血、精霊石、神の裁き、神の誓い、白虎の爪、恐竜王者の爪、獣王の牙
その他 フレンチトースト、ハニートースト、ホットケーキ、クレープ、三色団子、ドックフード、古代の銅貨、古代の銀貨、古代の金貨、魔力の銅貨、魔力の銀貨、魔力の金貨、聖水

3 special armors, each one... a type of hot pants / short shorts / etc. Including bloomers. Oh, Japan.

Two broken weapons for synthing. An absolute ton of possible synth items, most of which (Platinum Powder, Gold, etc) are special.

Here's the first boss's drop table, for comparison:

種別 アイテム名
基本素材 壊れたパチンコ、折れたレイピア、変装キット
合成素材 中骨、大骨、金の粉、金
特殊素材 獣の血、獣骨、サソリのしっぽ、コブラの毒、恐竜王者の爪、乙女の血、酸性の雫
その他 魔力の銀貨、魔力の金貨

3 broken items -- a... Broken pinball machine, a "Rapier A" (not sure if the A is a mistake of the machine translation), and a "Disguise Kit." Apparently the kit is used to synth a weapon or a special stone or something.

The third boss drops the map that works on all dungeons. Getting it from him is important because... it doesn't appear till much later otherwise?

7th's boss drops a specific item that makes ... one of the strongest katanas in the game (and the strongest you can make via alchemy). Hm.

Weird, I didn't remember seeing the broken pachinko part in the item table - ever, so I looked it up in the Japanese untranslated version, and it's not there. It was probably changed before we got it.


We got the no fun version confirmed.

Pffft. Pachinko IS the no-fun version of gambling. That's why Japanese visitors go nuts when they come to visit us and can gamble without having to collect their illicit prizes in a back alley slot.


Man, I'm 0 for 30 or so for good drops off the 2nd boss (Library Committee vs Discipline Committee boss). I saved a spare save with the Dangerous Pants I got the first time and one more with a Magical Gold Coin (think that's just for selling). Might give it up.

Finally got a Broken Tomahawk. Took forever. Need Tier 2 Iron to fix it up, but boy, when I can get that going, that's going to be nice.

Can almost afford a bow for my ranger, that'll make him not useless. My Idol remains worthless, should probably switch him out once he hits the soft cap (18).


Pffft. Pachinko IS the no-fun version of gambling. That's why Japanese visitors go nuts when they come to visit us and can gamble without having to collect their illicit prices in a back alley slot.

Back alleys are all the rage though.

They're like the best gamble!


Hm. The alchemy recipe list on the website is incomplete. I have a Venomous Needle Mace -- or rather, a broken one.


Hm. The alchemy recipe list on the website is incomplete. I have a Venomous Needle Mace -- or rather, a broken one.

Yes. I didn't put up *everything* - just a majority of the recipes to hold people over until the fix comes in.

For that mace, you need to add 5 Wires, I think, to complete the synthesis.


Is the Dragon Elixyr for a certain quest an alchemy item?

Also, is there a penalty for losing to the (first exam)
dragon boss in the ancient labyrinth? Only two people had stilts. Four corpses, no chance.

But he's still there after I 'cleared' the quest...


It's for a quest involving
a Celestian and a Dark Dragon

And regarding that boss/quest,
it doesn't matter if you win or lose as far as the story is concerned

Edit: Every time I get a non-Alchemy equipment drop that has a massive negative modifier on it, I get sad. I think I got the second best sword in the game (Karlsnautr) ... that's a -8. :(


At least, I think it's a Sword.


It's for a quest involving
a Celestian and a Dark Dragon

Yep, I started the quest. I need to get the item now.

Also, best line by a country mile so far:

You read that right, she's sexy AND strong. Testify.

Stuff like that is the reason I'm doing every quest.

What was the point of no return quest for the first academy again?


Fierce Martial Arts Tournament.

And I think my favorite line in the game is still: "I don't want to be an antagonist!"

Good life decision there, if I must say.


Every time I get a non-Alchemy equipment drop that has a massive negative modifier on it, I get sad. I think I got the second best sword in the game (Karlsnautr) ... that's a -8. :(


At least, I think it's a Sword.

It IS a sword.


So if I'm understanding this right, there's no real reason to NOT class change from a Sorcerer to a Sage the second you can. The Sage gets every sorc spell -- and then some.

The only alternate path would be Sorc -> Puppeteer -> Sage, but that's pointless cause Sage gets most of the Puppeteer spells, and Puppeteer is really more for the Magic Wall skill than anything else.

Sound right?

Edit: Also, as an aside, getting REAL tired of my Fairy and Celestian's HP totals. Celestian is a Samurai so is front line, but is a Samurai has low defense, and is a Celestian so has crap HP. My Bahamun has literally 10 times the HP as my Fairy, and despite being in the very FAR back row, she still gets hit often enough to die (in one hit), and trap walls instant kill her if they nail her.


Yep, I started the quest. I need to get the item now.

Also, best line by a country mile so far:

You read that right, she's sexy AND strong. Testify.

Stuff like that is the reason I'm doing every quest.

What was the point of no return quest for the first academy again?

That line and others of a similar nature I did are a little controversial because they directly tell the player how to feel about a character they encounter, which is kind of verboten in Wizardry and its ilk. But my personal feeling is that as long as it's color and not the whole of the game's dialogue, it adds a little spice and levity to the game to make it more fun. Glad you enjoyed it.


I never minded levity in Magic Knight Rayearth or Lunar, I sure don't mind it now. Seriousness when necessary, and it's all good. (which meant, uh, all of Elemental Gearbolt)

So is the Dragon Elixyr a craft or a drop?
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