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Cliffy B...stand up comic?


Sorry if this is old news but I thought you guys would appreciate this. Anyway, I was listening to the latest Jeff Gerstmann podcast when the subject of Cliffy B came up, and Jeff casually mentioned that Cliffy is doing stand up. I checked youtube hoping that someone recorded a show and...here it is:

Props to anyone who has the balls to try stand up but, yeah. Not great.


Gold Member
Crazy, when the accumulation of your career turns out to be a stand up comedy bit.
And right at the start already talking about some dudes junk


Dude is a self confirmed cuck



Gold Member
CliffyB: "What's the deal with C++? Why haven't we moved onto something better, like A++? Maybe because we moved away from the Asian market and no one cares about the grade table? I mean, am I right? Definitely left, but am I right"

angry audience GIF by South Park
See, now this was funny 🤣


I was watching an old gears documentary the other day (the one that came with the collectors edition) and while everyone on the team was talking about difficulties regarding the development of the game, he was talking about his then 19 year old girlfriend and (a couple of minutes later into the video) how they broke up. Wtf? As if anyone who watches this cared about that? I think nobody denies his talent but the guy is just self-centered.


Didn't watch it, but if it is what he wants to do, good on him. Maybe he will become good at it and sell arenas one day.
Meanwhile, Unreal and Jazz are still awesome.
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CliffyB: "What's the deal with C++? Why haven't we moved onto something better, like A++? Maybe because we moved away from the Asian market and no one cares about the grade table? I mean, am I right? Definitely left, but am I right?"

angry audience GIF by South Park
"I mean, whaaaaat's the deal with cancel culture? I sexually harassed my assistant and yet my bank account was still charged for my subscriptions!"


Paul F Thompkins No GIF


Gold Member
Don’t make fun. Cliffy B got the biggest laughs in stand up history. The crowd even gave him a standing ovation his act was so funny.

The other day he went on stage and said one word “Lawbreakers” and then walked off.


Gold Member
CliffyB: "What's the deal with C++? Why haven't we moved onto something better, like A++? Maybe because we moved away from the Asian market and no one cares about the grade table? I mean, am I right? Definitely left, but am I right?"

angry audience GIF by South Park
I didn’t watch the video but I’m going to assume you made that up. There is no way anyone would come up with that so called joke.
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He did an interview on Sacred Symbols recently and it was incredibly painful. The comments were universally negative. Coked up and shot out of a cannon, doing a 17 year olds version of a stand up routine.

Guy is a total piece of shit, not just his comedy of course he’s done much worse.



CliffyB is the best

..and it takes balls to give stand up a shot. Only thing I love more than Cliffy B is trolling him


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Much more cringe than I was expecting, though some of his jokes were kinda funny!


Don’t make fun. Cliffy B got the biggest laughs in stand up history. The crowd even gave him a standing ovation his act was so funny.

The other day he went on stage and said one word “Lawbreakers” and then walked off.
Better than his Radical Heights joke which resulted in everyone walking out and Boss Key Productions locking their doors so they couldn’t get back in.
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Crazy to think he was sort of on top of the world of gaming at one point

Indie comedy is hard and not really disrespecting that, just wild that he went from so high up to kind of irrelevant
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Frustrated World Cup GIF
Oof. This would have been terrible as drunken best man wedding speech.

Haha dicks and beavers. That's my wife. Her ass has dingleberries. Japanese toilets make you gay. More dicks. I watch a lot of gay porn btw. I wiped my face with a shit stained towel.

Why would you do this?
Forget Stand Up, this is Sit Down comedy.
Having watched this, I don't think it's comedy. It's just CliffyB ranting on stage. Could you imagine having to work for this guy, and then at the end of your toiling, he gets credit for fucking Gears of War? In fact he managed to make it through a whole trilogy before he "stepped away". Guess someone finally found out what the guy is really like. Take a minute and think - this guy is 50 years old and he acts like a 15 year old.
I miss the old Cliffy, the decline of him is a perfect example of what kind of energy has been lost in gaming in the western sphere, replaced by low energy, boring people who at best lack the same cocky talent and at worst, actively hate gamers and are mainly here out of a parasitical carpetbagger mentality.

Basically, Cliffy was the ultimate "bro" figure in gaming, there's been a desperate, desperate bid to "unbro" gaming has much as possible, Cliffy decided to bow to it than lean against it and here we are.
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