I'm very surprised to find people refuting climate change in GAF. I don't know if the end will start by 2050 but it's clear that we are fucking this planet pretty bad.
Even if the possibility of climate change was real, wouldn't be worth it to use other kind of energy sources? I mean, what's the drawback?
We should be developing alternative energy sources just because oil is a finite resource.
You don't know anything. You follow research from researchers that have no clue themselves what goes on. You follow politician opinions that are heavily influenced by green markets and same goes for research on that front.
All i hear from both sides is lots of blablablabla.
But the reality is, if you move into "a better enviroment" it's going to cost you a ton of money and it's going to effect your markets massively not only in your country self but also on the world market.
That's why trump is against it most of all and anybody with any valid sense of realisme.
No matter how hard people try to talk about "but research proofs this" yet everything has a effect on everything. the shit we spout in the air could very well be extremely healthy for a lot of animals and vegetation that helps us at the end of the day.
I would say watch this and then realize how little people know about anything. These dam wolves basically changed the living enviroment for tons of new animals favorable at the cost of only one animal.
The same goes for oceans. How do we know if maybe the heating up of the earth is actually the deep sea that has far more vulcano activity which result in heating up the water that cools other water parts or changes water flows as result that heat up ice and make it melt? or salt flows whatever.
And then if you watch stuff like this and watch it to the end u will honestly start to realize that those scientists are more and more sounding like religieus people that honestly just end where the bible starts.
I watch scientific stuff all day long on youtube and read about it in papers. but honestly the more you read the more you start to realize that there is so much flawed data that gets misused for agenda's or twisted for gaols that you can't take most of it any serious anymore.