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Climate denial will be the official policy of Trump’s administration

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Look at how the counties voted. You mentioned flooding coastlines? Republicans might WANT that to happen.

Half the country are anti-intellectual, anti-science evangelical christians. The other half who acknowledge man-made climate change begrudgingly tolerates their presence.

Racism. Everything goes back to racism. The big corporations are against climate change because they see regulations as a dent in their profits. So they sell racism to the evangelicals to get their vote, while pushing the stuff they actually care about. Evangelicals have no theological reason to care about climate change one way or the other but have bought into being climate change deniers because it's on the platform along with racism. If the environmentalists had sold racism to the South instead of the rich, conservatives would be all about conservation right now.
Actually dug in to the transcript to find the quote from a non-editorialised source.

Number two, as far as this issue on climate change -- the only thing he was saying after being asked a few questions about it is, look, he'll have an open mind about it but he has his default position, which most of it is a bunch of bunk, but he'll have an open mind and listen to people. I think that’s what he’s saying.

Link to transcript. http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2...ce-on-cuba-cabinet-picks-rep-tim-ryan-on-why/

Gee whiz, this source isn't actually saying anything extra than what Trump's already said! It's almost as if the writer of the editorial was using sources to push an opinion.


Is it possible for the GAF admins to enforce a rule about using more direct quotation and neutral sources? Whilst I am on the side of saving the climate, the historian in me cries every time a GAF thread is started that uses what is obviously an editorial as a source.

An editorial is a piece that is used to push the opinion of the writer. It isn't news, and I think it's actively hurting GAF news discussion right now. :\
They won't understand that harsher Winters are also a consequence of all this.
As a quick example, the apocalypse-level blizzard from last winter that threw 30"+ in so many cities was a result of record warm gulf stream waters trailing up the mid-Atlantic coast and below Long Island. Record amount of energy available for a storm = record snow. Bonus trivia; The same boosted gulf stream is what made the whackjob Hurricane Matthew mess with Florida and dump record rain in NC in October. Ooh, and the massive lake effect snow event in upstate NY this past week is a result of record warm lake temperatures for this time of year. Yeah I could go on all day with examples of this stuff.

Someone needs to introduce climate changes in Alaska to the deniers. Alaska matters because oil and whatnot. Tell them that Alaska has been suffering ~3-5x the rate of warming as the global average, and temperatures in the arctic ranged anywhere from 10-50F above average at times last winter. Melting permafrost could require a rebuild of that massive pipeline in another 10 years. That's not just a degree or two a day to shrug off like most people can in the lower 48. That's a freaking gigantic change.

Oh, right, I forgot Trump is a vaxxer nut, too. Christ.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Why does America not believe in climate change again?
Oil and other industry interests promote dismissal and conspiratorial opinions of climate change in fringe media, which trickles down to the population and brainwashes a large proportion of them.

If it weren't threatening to business, the American people wouldn't have thought to dismiss it on their own.
Have we got any Trump supporters in here yet? Really looking forward to being told how I'm supposed to ignore all of this so we can "unite".
I notice a lot of people lately - not just on GAF - seem to get into hysterics about this and act as if global warming is going to kill them.

We'll all be dead before anything happens - It's not worth worrying about.

We should of course try to minimise the damage, I 'believe' in global warming and don't want us to speed up the destruction of society as we know it, but if we can't then don't lose sleep over it because it's not going to kill you.

Bit different if you have kids, admittedly.

40% of the worlds population lives within 100km of the sea coast. Currently only people that live on small, isolated islands in the middle of the oceans are in immediate danger, but if sea levels continue to rise, over 2 billion people will be affected directly, and the rest indirectly.
You can't just migrate over a third of the worlds population inland, people will die because of that, there's little room to debate.


Actually dug in to the transcript to find the quote from a non-editorialised source.

Link to transcript. http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2...ce-on-cuba-cabinet-picks-rep-tim-ryan-on-why/

Gee whiz, this source isn't actually saying anything extra than what Trump's already said! It's almost as if the writer of the editorial was using sources to push an opinion.


Is it possible for the GAF admins to enforce a rule about using more direct quotation and neutral sources? Whilst I am on the side of saving the climate, the historian in me cries every time a GAF thread is started that uses what is obviously an editorial as a source.

An editorial is a piece that is used to push the opinion of the writer. It isn't news, and I think it's actively hurting GAF news discussion right now. :\

The reality is that Trump is a pathological liar, and you can't trust him when he says stuff like "I have an open mind when it comes to climate change" and yet picks people who deny its existence as his cabinet members and said that he wants to defund NASA's environmental sector because of "politicized science" literally around the same day as his interview where he said he was open minded.

ThinkProgress's piece is just stating the fact that you can't have an open mind when the rest of the world already confirmed that climate change is here and it's manmade is fact after decades of research.

Priebus confirmed Trump wasn’t being forthright with the Times, telling Wallace, “As far as this issue on climate change — the only thing he [Trump] was saying after being asked a few questions about it is, look, he’ll have an open mind about it but he has his default position, which most of it is a bunch of bunk, but he’ll have an open mind and listen to people.”

You can’t you have an “open mind” on climate if your default position is “most of it is a bunch of bunk.” What is there to “listen to” if you believe the decades of research by thousands of scientists embraced by every nation in the world is mostly bunk? That’s the definition of epistemic closure of the mind. No surprise, then, that FoxNews — a major promoter of denial — didn’t call Priebus out on this absurd statement.

Yes, this is an editor's piece, but it shouldn't be considered an opinion because there's a lot of truth to it. Trump doesn't have an open mind to climate change, his quote about it was given to the New York TImes, what he perceives to be a heavy liberal news organization, and it's clear that he won't listen and will find some other hoo hah conspiracy to blame for the issues he's likely to cause.


Anti-Immigration figurehead Donald Trump inadvertently kick-starts the greatest refugee crises of our time.

What a fucking world. The right-wing are the most idiotic fuckers to ever live; they have done NOTHING but make the causes they're fighting for/against worse/better off, it's disgusting.


Guess it's up to the cities and China to continue doing something about this.

I genuinely want to understand the point of view of the moderate Trump supporters about this.
They will say they don't believe in climate change, or they do but are more concerned with their immediate problems. Like education, climate action is too long term of an investment for people too wrap their heads around.


So be it. Let him get pissed of. USA must understand the consequence of their choice. He is abysmally unpopular in the rest of the world, and one of the most unfavorable elects in recent times. We cannot risk the future of the planet because we fear the tantrums of a 70-year old manchild.
It really is time for America to learn some humility and sense for others but Trump will be simply the least likely president to achieve that.
It hurts my head that both republican POTUS of the 21st century are such manchildren like you said but Trump is a fully out of control brat. I'm scared as hell...


Since they're refusing to accept that climate change is real, they might as well deny climate itself.



He's an authoritarian white nationalist, this was already known. I say burn as many flags as possible, specifically in Washington D.C. when he get inaugurated. Let the man throw a tantrum on international tv.

Thought you guys had freedom of speech?

"It's freedom of speech only if I'm free to say what I want and no one else can criticize me for saying it" - the GOP's motto.
I'm still pissed at the ignorance of the people that voted for this absolute buffoon; they have endangered the entire world. I'm ready for this county to split in two.
I genuinely want to understand the point of view of the moderate Trump supporters about this.

I listen to a, now insufferable, podcast called PKA (Painkiller Already from youtubers that use to play CoD when I was in high school). Two of the hosts are Trump supporters. They justified votes for Trump as people voting against the system and establishment.

It is so mind numbing to hear them say this. They talk about how they wanted to screw over the establishment by not voting for Clinton because she was prepped up to be the next president and that it was "her time."

They never talk about the issues all they argue is that people wanted someone not within the establishment.

A billionaire that benefits from tax loopholes is not within the establishment.

I mean I don't look towards guys named MurkaDurka and FPSRussia for political insight but it is amazing how dense they are.

Just admit you voted for him because you do not like Clinton due to the GOP and Fox multi-decade attack on her.


As a quick example, the apocalypse-level blizzard from last winter that threw 30"+ in so many cities was a result of record warm gulf stream waters trailing up the mid-Atlantic coast and below Long Island. Record amount of energy available for a storm = record snow. Bonus trivia; The same boosted gulf stream is what made the whackjob Hurricane Matthew mess with Florida and dump record rain in NC in October. Ooh, and the massive lake effect snow event in upstate NY this past week is a result of record warm lake temperatures for this time of year. Yeah I could go on all day with examples of this stuff.

Someone needs to introduce climate changes in Alaska to the deniers. Alaska matters because oil and whatnot. Tell them that Alaska has been suffering ~3-5x the rate of warming as the global average, and temperatures in the arctic ranged anywhere from 10-50F above average at times last winter. Melting permafrost could require a rebuild of that massive pipeline in another 10 years. That's not just a degree or two a day to shrug off like most people can in the lower 48. That's a freaking gigantic change.

Oh, right, I forgot Trump is a vaxxer nut, too. Christ.

Yup. Unfortunately they don't care much for facts... money talks louder.


As a Turk it is sad to see America like his. Believe me I understand how you feel, having a fuckwit as a president.

Wait. Even Erdogan doesn't deny the fucking climate change.


This man is legitimately insane.

Also, someone needs to give him social media training or just ban him from ever using Twitter and Facebook ASAP.
You're right, if only he wasn't so involved in social media, maybe he'd have done better in the election.


I notice a lot of people lately - not just on GAF - seem to get into hysterics about this and act as if global warming is going to kill them.

We'll all be dead before anything happens - It's not worth worrying about.

We should of course try to minimise the damage, I 'believe' in global warming and don't want us to speed up the destruction of society as we know it, but if we can't then don't lose sleep over it because it's not going to kill you.

Bit different if you have kids, admittedly.

Nah, I'm certain that effects of climate change will escalate greatly within my lifetime.


I have a feeling democracy will be a thing of the past in a few decades after the disaster that was Brexit and Trump. A political system that relies on people to educate themselves about various policies and positions is not an efficient, and possibly dangerous, one when confirmation bias is going to be a critical issue thanks to Web 2.0 and 24/7 news cycle.
My fear is that we're electing people who have a vested interest in maintaining the current system simply because it's easily exploited. We should be moving towards a more intelligent system, but what does the process of replacing our current system even look like?


Nah, I'm certain that effects of climate change will escalate greatly within my lifetime.

Exactly. Sure, we likely won't have a "Day after Tomorrow"-type Doomsday scenario for a while but mass refugee movements, climate/resource wars, diminishing of our quality of life, etc WILL definitely happen. Makes me want to just give up, but I know I can't.


GG. Guess we're fucked for good then. Small countries like my own (Portugal), Norway, Sweeden, etc, going all green (or moving in that direction) has a lot less impact if the big ones (US, China, India, Russia, etc) also don't move in that direction....

China (and Russia to an extent) are moving in that direction, though they're so huge it will take time. China has the "benefit" of not really having a choice because they have such a pollution problem that it's literally killing their citizens.


You're right, if only he wasn't so involved in social media, maybe he'd have done better in the election.

I don't think it would've mattered anyway (maybe if Hillary wasn't his opponent, but whatever), but now that he actually won the election, he has to do something about his social media behaviour. I mean, I'm all for Trump saying something idiotic that will backfire so badly he never gets taken serious again, but he's about to become the voice of an entire country, so everything he says on social media will reflect back on the international standing of the USA.


I don't think it would've mattered anyway (maybe if Hillary wasn't his opponent, but whatever), but now that he actually won the election, he has to do something about his social media behaviour. I mean, I'm all for Trump saying something idiotic that will backfire so badly he never gets taken serious again, but he's about to become the voice of an entire country, so everything he says on social media will reflect back on the international standing of the USA.
He knows that. He's surrounding himself with people that dont care.


Have we got any Trump supporters in here yet? Really looking forward to being told how I'm supposed to ignore all of this so we can "unite".

This has been kinda bothering me. In all these threads about the horrible shit Trump plans on doing, why aren't his supporters defending it? Where did they all go?

This shit is literally concerns the future of the human race as a whole and people still think we shouldn't worry about it, or that it's some sort of hoax. I seriously do not know what the downside to believing in climate change is. The worst that happens is we make an effort to preserve our planet for future generations. Guess these people don't care about the future though, it's all about making money right now. Makes me sick.


....Maybe Putin can sit him down and talk to him about climate change?? Good lord....Putin might be our only hope.

It can be a Donald and Vladimir movie night. They can watch Before the Flood together and drink hot cocoa with those tiny marshmallows.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I once told an American friend of mine to listen to the scientific community and not the politicians when it came to scientific subjects. He replied that scientists are not objective because they do science for a living.

I didn't really know how to respond to that. How can people hold science in such a low regard?

At this point people should go nuclear and tell these people to also ignore doctors and physicians and see if they finally see the stupidity of their thoughts or else.
This has been kinda bothering me. In all these threads about the horrible shit Trump plans on doing, why aren't his supporters defending it? Where did they all go?

This shit is literally concerns the future of the human race as a whole and people still think we shouldn't worry about it, or that it's some sort of hoax. I seriously do not know what the downside to believing in climate change is. The worst that happens is we make an effort to preserve our planet for future generations. Guess these people don't care about the future though, it's all about making money right now. Makes me sick.

Most of them didn't want all this. So they're still in denial right about now. At least in my experience. They stopped saying 'wait and see' about a week ago, and have just gone quiet.


At this point people should go nuclear and tell these people to also ignore doctors and physicians and see if they finally see the stupidity of their thoughts or else.

Frankly we should go even further. Doctors should find anyone who denies climate change and simply refuse to give them any form of treatment. They clearly don't want it seeing as they don't believe in science.


My fear is that we're electing people who have a vested interest in maintaining the current system simply because it's easily exploited. We should be moving towards a more intelligent system, but what does the process of replacing our current system even look like?

The first thing we need to do is find an answer and solution to the major strength and weakness of democracy, the people.

I think having people have a say in how the state should be ran is a valuable thing, and it's one of the biggest things about democracy I can like. It allows us to prevent picking corrupted, terrible, and/or evil leaders, and it allows us to pick the direction the country needs to go in the coming future.

But there's the issue of how easily it is to manipulate people and misinform them, or how people will vote for candidates that they feel are better than the others rather than looking at the facts and suggested policies in place. We need to answer for that, because tyranny of the majority is a very real thing and it can be disastrous in a global stage.

Until we have an answer for that, democracy is flawed and in the coming decades that flaw is going to end up getting more and more severe. Education was always the main way to combat that flaw, but now it's not enough thanks to the post-truth reality that was caused by 24/7 news channels and social media.
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