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CNN: FBI investigating possible spy for Israel

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Unconfirmed Member
Mossad man, they are the sh!t! when it comes to espionage.

If I had the MI5 (British Intelligence) after me I'd go into politics to escape them, if I had the CIA after me I'd hide in Israel, but if I had Mossad after me I'd go book my place at the cemetary and make my peace :p


Setec Astronomer
In other news, the Bush Administration has condoned the building of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, to an extent.


The suspect could have been in a position to influence Bush administration policy toward Iran and Iraq, the senior official said.

Us liberals already knew this. :p
I guess it may not be such a "conspiracy theory" anymore.

Nice of CNN to throw in the Jew rule the government speculation, Arab news will be a hoot to read over the next couple of days.


MIMIC: Stop giving liberals a bad name. :p

or Mimic is a larouche fan. you can always think of it that way.


Ripclawe said:
Nice of CNN to throw in the Jew rule the government speculation, Arab news will be a hoot to read over the next couple of days.

CNN was using an indirect quotation FROM THE SENIOR OFFICIAL.

Now how exactly is CNN making the speculation?


-jinx- said:
CNN was using an indirect quotation FROM THE SENIOR OFFICIAL.

Now how exactly is CNN making the speculation?

I said CNN threw in the speculation, I never said they made it up. But it was irresponsible.


Unconfirmed Member
Just out of curiousity, if you're investigating a spy, and you break the story that you are doing so to a major news corporation, doesn't that completely undermine your investigation? I mean, the spy knows you're talking about him. It's not like he's in a position where he'd be thinking "oh, maybe they don't mean me."

With that logical thought process in mind, then this is either bullshit OR this is true and the FBI is run by morons. Either seems equally true to me.
Ripclawe said:
I said CNN threw in the speculation, I never said they made it up. But it was irresponsible.

Why is it irresponsible? Can't the Arab news sources have access to that senior official's remarks through other ways?
Just curious, why doesn't the government try to have the alleged spy become a double agent for us? Also, I'd think that the government suspects more people of spying, but oftentimes these spies are diplomats.


First tragedy, then farce.
Its time for Americans to be vigilant..

Im going to stake out the local Deli, and look for anyone not ordering BLT's.. or playing with Dradels.




This isn't suprising at all. It's been (rather quietly) reported for awhile now that Israel is one of the most active countries engaging in espionage in the US. Interesting to see how the media and politicians will handle this as US & Israeli defense and anti-terrorism forces even train with each other and are developing a joint missle project.

Ill Saint

Mossad did get busy in New Zealand recently, fumbling around with passports, and consequently royally pissing off Helen Clark in the process (what a lady she is).

They are not quite what they used to be, though still very formidable.


Yeah, this is like the Xth time this year the Mossad are being caught by different nations to be spying on them.

As far as shaping policies go, I remember reading a jpost article a while ago about how "if 12 particular Israelis were on a stranded island, Iraq would not have been invaded", implying that these people had such a powerful push in American politics. I think they are trying to make themselves feel important in that one article, but I do think that they have a lot of say in American foreign policy, especially in the Middle East.


Drensch said:
I wonder if the story would be different if it was France doing the spying.

better yet if france claimed some israeli was spying on them....how would the american media react? "oh those anti semetic french people...always hating jews".
Drensch said:
I wonder if the story would be different if it was France doing the spying.

That would make a great conspiracy... France somehow getting the US to attack Iraq (or generally "shaping US policy" in mideast.


MetatronM said:
Just out of curiousity, if you're investigating a spy, and you break the story that you are doing so to a major news corporation, doesn't that completely undermine your investigation? I mean, the spy knows you're talking about him. It's not like he's in a position where he'd be thinking "oh, maybe they don't mean me."

With that logical thought process in mind, then this is either bullshit OR this is true and the FBI is run by morons. Either seems equally true to me.

The intelligence agent is no longer active - there is no man hunt for him or anything. He has been seized as has any evidence.


Drensch said:
I wonder if the story would be different if it was France doing the spying.

France actively spies on us just like we actively spy on them. Everyone spies on their friends as well as their enemies just so that they will know what's going on. There was considerable talk about bugging of the US representatives during the march to (edit) war with Iraq to find out how far they were going to go and if they would back down.

Its really just a way of life for modern governments. Everyone wants to know what everyone else is planning to do. Won't even start on the corporate espionage stuff.


Drensch said:
Obviously, but I meant in the context of this story-getting caught.

I'm sure it would be treated just like any 'traitor' story that has run on the major networks.

Here is a sampling of the known Russian spies that made the news in America. Many unclassified reports talk about how MI6, KGB, Mossad, etc all 'retired' spies. I don't think a French spy getting caught would have been any bigger than the recent spy fiascos, the apparent theft of secure drives from Los Alamos, or the sell of ballistic missile technology to the Chineese.

June 14, 2000 – U.S. Army Colonel George Trofimoff of Florida becomes the highest ranking U.S. military officer charged with spying. The FBI says Trofimoff was a spy for 25 years, photographing U.S. documents and passing the film to KGB agents.

Nov. 29, 1999 – U.S. military officials charge Navy code breaker Daniel King with selling data to Moscow.

October 1998 – A retired U.S. army intelligence analyst named David Sheldon Boone is charged with selling secrets to Moscow after FBI sting.

December 1996 – FBI arrests one of its own, agent Earl Pitts. Pitts, who was stationed at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va., had been selling secrets to Russia for nine years. He was paid more than $224,000. Pitts was caught in a sting, giving FBI cipher codes and his own security badge to FBI undercover agents he thought were his new Russian handlers. He was sentenced to 27 years.

November 1996 – The FBI arrests veteran CIA officer Harold Nicholson on charges of spying for Russia. Nicholson was at a Washington airport on his way to Europe to meet with his Russian intelligence handlers. At the time of his arrest, he was carrying rolls of exposed film that contained secret information. In March 1997, Nicholson pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to 23 years.

February 1994 – Aldrich Ames, 52, an alcoholic who had been a CIA employee for more than 31 years is charged, along with his wife, with spying for the Soviet Union and then later for Russia. Ames passed information to the KGB from 1985 to 1994 including the identities of U.S. agents and U.S. counterintelligence techniques. It was called the most damaging espionage case in American history. Later CIA chief John Deutch told Congress Ames compromised more than 100 U.S. spies. Ten were executed and others turned by the KGB to then feed selective information to the CIA. Ames and his wife received over $2.7 million, the most money paid by the Soviet Union/Russia to an American spy. Ames pleaded guilty in 1994 and was sentenced to life.

1986 – Ronald W. Pelton, a former employee of the U. S. National Security Agency, is convicted of selling top-secret signals intelligence information to the Soviet Union. Pelton revealed to his handlers that U.S. intelligence had tapped Soviet undersea cables and was listening to navy communications.

1985 – What the media call the Walker Family spy ring is exposed. A retired U.S. Navy Warrant Officer, John A. Walker Jr. pleaded guilty along with his son, Navy Seaman Michael L. Walker, 22, to charges of spying for the Soviet Union. John Walker passed secrets to the Soviets while he was a shipboard communications officer. After he retired, he recruited his son, brother and a friend. Walker's brother, Arthur Walker, a retired Navy lieutenant commander, was convicted of stealing secret documents from a defence contractor. Jerry Whitworth, a Navy chief petty officer, was convicted in 1986 of passing secret Navy codes to Walker.

1985 – Former CIA officer Edward Lee Howard flees from the U.S while the FBI is investigating him for spying. Howard was suspected of disclosing the identities of CIA agents in Moscow. He turned up in the Soviet Union in 1986.

1980 – Former CIA agent David H. Barnett pleads guilty to spying for the Soviet Union between 1976 and 1979 while based in Indonesia. Barnett was the first current or former CIA agent convicted of espionage. He exposed the identities of 30 U.S. agents.

May, 1957 – KGB Lieutenant Colonel Reino Hayhanen defects to the United States in Paris and names members of a Soviet spy ring operating in the U.S. Hayhanen had been a spy in the U.S. since 1954, reporting to spy masters named "Mikhail" and "Mark". Mikhail Nikolaevich Svirin was a Soviet diplomat at the UN. Mark was using a cover name of Emil R. Goldfus. He ran a small photography studio in New York. In reality, "Mark" was KGB Colonel Rudolf Ivanovich Abel, who had been spying in the U.S. since 1948. On October 25, 1957, Abel was convicted of spying and sentenced to 30 years in jail. On February 10, 1962, he was exchanged for the American U-2 spy-plane pilot, Francis Gary Powers, who was held by the Soviets. An American member of the ring, code named "Quebec," was an Army sergeant named Roy Rhodes, who was court-martialed and sentenced to five years.

1949 – The FBI receives a tip that the Soviets had stolen the secrets of the American atom bomb. As a result of the preliminary investigation, the British arrest Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs, a German-born atomic scientist. Fuchs admits his involvement in Soviet atomic espionage. The FBI identifies Fuch's contact as Harry Gold, a Philadelphia chemist. That leads to David Greenglass, a U.S. Army enlisted man who was stationed at the U.S. atom bomb lab at Los Alamos, New Mexico, in 1944 and 1945. Gold's handler was Anatoli Yakovlev, a former Soviet vice-consul in New York City. FBI interrogation of Greenglass and his wife brings the arrest of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Ethel is Greenglass's sister. Then two other spies, Max Elitcher, a naval ordnance engineer and Morton Sobell, a radar engineer and former classmate of Julius Rosenberg, are arrested as part of the spy network.

David Greenglass pleaded guilty and testified against his colleagues. Gold also testified in the case.

On March 29, 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, and Morton Sobell were found guilty. The Rosenbergs were sentenced to death and Sobell to 30 years. The Rosenbergs were executed at Sing Sing Prison, New York on June 19, 1953. David Greenglass received a 15-year sentence.

1948 – William Weisband, a Russian-speaking member of the U.S. Armed Forces Security Agency (the predecessor of the NSA) betrays U.S. codes to the Soviet Union. The Soviets change their codes and this hampers U.S. actions in the early days of the Korean War. Weisband had been a Russian spy since 1934, but he was never charged with espionage. He was fired from the NSA and served a year for contempt of a grand jury. His actions were not revealed until the 1990s.
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