so apparently other brands are also considering removing black people from packaging
People have long complained about the use of African-American stereotypes in marketing. The Aunt Jemima decision has prompted more companies to take action.
ironically, Mrs. Butterworth was modeled after Thelma "Butterfly" McQueen, who was the first black actor to win an Oscar, for a movie that has also recently been pulled.
so we are fighting back against racism by... removing the iconic work of this black woman from the popular conscious?
TaySan even you must see how absurd this is
An old trademark based off on a Black Slave Mammy isn't worth preserving.
the mammy stereotype is still around. have you never heard white allies call black women "Auntie"? up until a week or so ago the K-Hive Twitter was called "Madam Auntie Kamala Harris for VP!"
white libs are always othering black women, calling them "magical", saying "they will save us" etc. it's all unacknowledged mammyism. some might go so far as to say this got mainstream with Oprah which i tend to agree.