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Coca-Cola Advertises the PSP in Theaters


Just got back from The Grudge. Ugh.

Anyways, before the movie was a neat little promotion for the PlayStation Giveaway that Coca Cola and Sony are doing this fall. It features appearances of characters from ATV Offroad Fury 3, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank and Sly Cooper.

Well, halfway through the ad they show the PSP. Just the unit, and they make sure to give a clear shot of the backside with its PSP branding.

A bunch of people around me were confused, intrigued. So, it's starting.


It's going to be weird in a few months. For practically the past 15 years, Nintendo's handheld marketshare has been around 98% on average. In a few months, it'll probably drop below 80% for the first time...ever maybe? Certainly within the last 8 years or so.

And in a few months, when you say you have a handheld, you'll have to specify which one again. That hasn't happened in a long time.


I knew it, Sony are just going to rely on their brand name and the appearance of the unit to make it popular, and what's even more sad is that it might work. Nintendo really need to highlight the great new games they have on the DS and the new ways to play them, PSP may be "cool" but the DS offers a better gaming experience, it is very important for Nintendo to get their games out there, hopefully there will be DS demo units in stores soon so people will realise this.
"I knew it, Sony are just going to rely on their brand name and the appearance of the unit to make it popular"

Yes because the PSP has no games on it at the moment that people would be interested in. Have you ever heard of teaser ads?


well not really...yet
Grubdog said:
PSP may be "cool" but the DS offers a better gaming experience, it is very important for Nintendo to get their games out there, hopefully there will be DS demo units in stores soon so people will realise this.
hahahahaha :lol Some of you people are just too much


Unconfirmed Member
Grubdog said:
I knew it, Sony are just going to rely on their brand name and the appearance of the unit to make it popular, and what's even more sad is that it might work.
Of course it will work. We're talking about the PlayStation brand here.

And why is it sad?


Gold Member
Grubdog said:
I knew it, Sony are just going to rely on their brand name and the appearance of the unit to make it popular, and what's even more sad is that it might work. Nintendo really need to highlight the great new games they have on the DS and the new ways to play them, PSP may be "cool" but the DS offers a better gaming experience, it is very important for Nintendo to get their games out there, hopefully there will be DS demo units in stores soon so people will realise this.

Do not underestimate the power of the PlayStation brand name.


Grubdog said:
I knew it, Sony are just going to rely on their brand name and the appearance of the unit to make it popular, and what's even more sad is that it might work.

What's sad about people buying psp's?


This 21-year-old loves his Coke. Pepsi isn't thick enough for me. If it doesn't leave a ring in the back of my throat, then it's not worth drinkin'.


OK I've snapped. WTF is with all the PSP hate.

Did Sony kill peoples parents? Shit

Finally someone develops a credible alternative to the GB line and people have to run a jihad against it. WHY??

The PSP certainly looks good. The screen is stellar, it is very powerful for a handheld device, it does more than one thing (some see this as bad, i'm all for it and those with receivers pls never comment, if u don't have your sound processor separate from your pre-amp and that separate from your amps, or video cameras that take stills or PS2s, PS1s, XBoxs, PCs for that matter, u all have multifunction devices).

Nintendo haven't done a particularly good job with the GB line. The orginal format lasted way to long. The GBA had a DIRE screen, terrible, awful, couldn't play it in other than perfect conditions.

We should be pleased, it seems to have forced Nintendo to do something and now we have choices. SP, DS and PSP. :D


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
seanoff said:
OK I've snapped. WTF is with all the PSP hate.

Did Sony kill peoples parents? Shit

Finally someone develops a credible alternative to the GB line and people have to run a jihad against it. WHY??

The PSP certainly looks good. The screen is stellar, it is very powerful for a handheld device, it does more than one thing (some see this as bad, i'm all for it and those with receivers pls never comment, if u don't have your sound processor separate from your pre-amp and that separate from your amps, or video cameras that take stills or PS2s, PS1s, XBoxs, PCs for that matter, u all have multifunction devices).

Nintendo haven't done a particularly good job with the GB line. The orginal format lasted way to long. The GBA had a DIRE screen, terrible, awful, couldn't play it in other than perfect conditions.

We should be pleased, it seems to have forced Nintendo to do something and now we have choices. SP, DS and PSP. :D


What about the game gear? Sega probably had just as big of a shot as Sony does.

Sega was slightly ahead of Nintendo when the Game Gear came out in the Gensis vs. SNES wars in the US. The Game Gear hardware mopped the floor with the Game Boy's hardware. It had great support, some VERY good games, and nice marketing. Even the battery flaw was workaroundable with the battery pack.

Yet, it still lost to the Game Boy.

True, Sega wasn't mopping the floor with Nintendo's console ATM, but Sega had a LOT of brand recognition with Sonic. Sony is a known electronics company, but in terms of character and brand recognition, Sega was in better condition.

Whether the results are different remains to be seen, but we do know that Sony has the POTENTIAL to be big. Whether or not they succeed is yet to be seen.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
SEGA not only had as good a shot, they actually succeeded in outselling the Game Boy for a run before losing focus on the market. That was before the real handheld explosion Nintendo would later bring about, though.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Lazy8s said:
SEGA not only had as good a shot, they actually succeeded in outselling the Game Boy for a run before losing focus on the market. That was before the real handheld explosion Nintendo would later bring about, though.

Very true. I remember restaurants and stuff handing out game gears to play for free to kids while they waited for their meals.

Game Gear was VERY popular.

And, of course, as you said, this was before the pokemon boom, but still: Game Gear was huge, and nearly toppled Game Boy. I don't understand why people dismiss Sega's effort as being half-assed, or them not being a "viable" contendor. Just because they no longer have their own systems does not take away from the credibility of their past efforts.
GaimeGuy said:
Have you really forgotten history that much? :/

No but do you really realise how popular Sony is? They've dominated Nintendo 2 generations in a row. Not any "barely leading" crap, absolutely dominated. Their marketing department is the best the industry has ever seen. The amount of hype Sony is able to generate for products is something Sega could never even dream of accomplishing (even back when they were popular).

Was the GG in a good position? Yah sure, Sega at one time had a pretty decent image. But is it in a better position than the PSP? In no f'cking way is it.


Some Nintendo fans are terrifired of PSP. :)

That's the only way you can explain a thread about Coca Cola advertising PSP going negative.


I thing Grubdog's post is really sad. Like the DS is not going to sell just because of the Nintendo name and the Gameboy compatibility. And the DS offering a better gaming experience? Sorry, I think that PSP is far better. Touch screen and double screen are just nice touches. Try saying such a thing to someone that has seen both Ridge Racer DS and Ridge Racer PSP in motion. It could be fun :)


Elios83 said:
Sorry, I think that PSP is far better. Touch screen and double screen are just nice touches. Try saying such a thing to someone that has seen both Ridge Racer DS and Ridge Racer PSP in motion. It could be fun :)
Sure, Ridge Racer on PSP might look better (a lot better) than Ridge Racer DS, but once you start playing it the graphics will just fade into the back of your mind and it'll be the same game. Whatever, I guess I don't understand how some people can make such a fuss over graphics. Maybe when we start seeing more of PSP games i'll find a title that excites me, it was a bit unfair of me to dismiss the PSPs quality considering it might not even be out until next September.

:lol at thread, sorry folks.
Wow, we are a bit overdue for a long winded PSP vs. DS thread aren't we? Falling back on the topic a day thing.

Anyways, to get back on the original topic, I don't really feel like jumping it this argument, so far I've only seen silly claims anyways, on both sides, so I won't. But, I'm glad to see Sony is taking an early punch with some advertising. Surprising showing off the PSP in some means of ads in the US before the DS has even really been shown in any video related advertising. Hell, I wonder when Nintendo is going to start campaigning this thing on the TV, or if they'll even bother anytime soon.

With each day that passes, I wonder about the DS' launch. It feels really really sloppy. I don't think it's a problem at all, the DS will sell it's initial shipment, that's a given. So really worrying about make the launch flashy isn't of a big concern, but at least get the name out there to the general public. I want to see what's happening in the Japan. They've got three commercials, tons of events and showings, print ads, plenty of news reports, and so on. And they're getting it a month later than we are.
Dan said:
Actually, it's less than two weeks after the US launch.

Dog months I meant! Hush!

Actually, you're right. For some reason I kept thinking it was launching on the 14th of December as opposed to the 2nd.


A high powered portable is great and all (that screen is[/ii] rather nice), but I won't touch it with a ten foot pole at least till the second or third iteration of the hardware. It's not that I don't like the PSP because of the competition it provides, but instead because of what it says about Sony's opinion of the consumer. All I hear from the PSP is that it's a pretty toy meant to be shown off and not used. It's meant to leave a great impression for the 5-10 minutes that you might get will showing it off to friends and who cares if you have to be attached to a wall outlet while doing it.

If the PSP was all that it is AND had a battery life 3x's greater for games, I'd be all for it, high price point or not because at least it was designed to be used and not as a trophy for the desperately vain. The PSP without a decent battery life is almost worthless as a portable. If I'm more or less going to be plugged in while playing any games on it, why not just play the games on a ps2?

The Game Gear's situation is rather different, not because the challenge if different, but instead this time with the psp, the market space is different. Sony's definitely aiming towards the older crowd just like it did with the ps1 compared to the shared audiance that Nintendo and Sega had back in the day.
Grubdog said:
Sure, Ridge Racer on PSP might look better (a lot better) than Ridge Racer DS, but once you start playing it the graphics will just fade into the back of your mind and it'll be the same game. /QUOTE]

The graphics isn't even RR PSP's main advantage over the RRDS. It's that RR PSP is being developed by NAMCO and not NST.


The problem with RR DS is just the gameplay...I couldn't care less about the graphics. Play RR64 to understand this.
Mike Works said:
Congratulations you're the biggest nerd in the history of homosexuals


Insertia said:
Some Nintendo fans are terrifired of PSP. :)

That's the only way you can explain a thread about Coca Cola advertising PSP going negative.

Wrong. You can explain it like this: people are dicks.
The term "People" of course not being exclusive to Nintendo fans.
GaimeGuy said:

What about the game gear? Sega probably had just as big of a shot as Sony does.

Sega was slightly ahead of Nintendo when the Game Gear came out in the Gensis vs. SNES wars in the US. The Game Gear hardware mopped the floor with the Game Boy's hardware. It had great support, some VERY good games, and nice marketing. Even the battery flaw was workaroundable with the battery pack.

Yet, it still lost to the Game Boy.

True, Sega wasn't mopping the floor with Nintendo's console ATM, but Sega had a LOT of brand recognition with Sonic. Sony is a known electronics company, but in terms of character and brand recognition, Sega was in better condition.

Whether the results are different remains to be seen, but we do know that Sony has the POTENTIAL to be big. Whether or not they succeed is yet to be seen.

The difference..PSP will have better 3rd party support then the Game Gear. Sega had 3rd Party support for the Genesis but that didn't crossover for the Game Gear. Sony has carried over thier 3rd Party support from the Playstaion brand. So this time Nintendo should expect a real fight.


SolidSnakex said:
Grubdog said:
Sure, Ridge Racer on PSP might look better (a lot better) than Ridge Racer DS, but once you start playing it the graphics will just fade into the back of your mind and it'll be the same game. /QUOTE]

The graphics isn't even RR PSP's main advantage over the RRDS. It's that RR PSP is being developed by NAMCO and not NST.

Don't bother it's not worth trying.
A) I love Coke and I am a Nintendo nut

B) The only way I'm getting a PSP is by winning one by drinking a COKE (rock on free PSP)

C) I would buy a DS to win a free Coke though :)

All of the above!


Ante Up
The DS is too gimmicky. It seems that Nintendo is creating solutions to problems that don't exist.

The PSP, however, attacks all the issues that have kept me away from serious handheld gaming. Poor screens, dated graphics, and relatively shallow gameplay experiences are the things that I hate about nearly all previous portables. I hate the fact that every handheld that I have tried previously ended up in my drawer after the initial new toy factor wore off (luckily, I've always managed to be able to return them just before the expiration of the 30 day return period).


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
lockii said:
Innovation = Gimmick?

Wait, I'm not getting into this.

Haven't you heard? Anything nintendo does is gimmicky. Pokemon is gimmicky. Cel Shading is gimmicky. Fludd is gimmicky. Realistic Zelda is gimmicky. Paper Mario is gimmicky. the DS is gimmicky. Shigeru Miyamoto is gimmicky.
mashoutposse said:
The DS is too gimmicky. It seems that Nintendo is creating solutions to problems that don't exist.

The PSP, however, attacks all the issues that have kept me away from serious handheld gaming. Poor screens, dated graphics, and relatively shallow gameplay experiences are the things that I hate about nearly all previous portables. I hate the fact that every handheld that I have tried previously ended up in my drawer after the initial new toy factor wore off (luckily, I've always managed to be able to return them just before the expiration of the 30 day return period).

Sounds like someone was waiting for a Portable PS2 :)

ah the true sony fan


Tag of Excellence
I'm sorry for not reading this thread (endless bashing) but I think it's a very suave and cool idea for Sony to have done this.

I don't think they're ready just yet for an advertisement so they went ahead and had it marketed along with the Coca Cola tie-in in order to pique consumer's interests in a positive way (positive meaning that it's tied to a tangible advertisement for two solid companies).

EDIT: Durr that came out a wee bit retarded. What I meant to say is that I don't think Sony has enough product or material to really start the type train going for the PSP alone. I think what they've done is attach the unit to an advertisement related to the Playstation brand in order to generate interest before they're ready to roll out their full marketing strategy for the unit. Which I think is ideal and perfect for the situation that their in.
mashoutposse said:
The DS is too gimmicky. It seems that Nintendo is creating solutions to problems that don't exist.

The PSP, however, attacks all the issues that have kept me away from serious handheld gaming.
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