Shadow of the Sun said:
Really nice game. I really like how you kept moving from one spot to the next. That is how i like to play as well I can't do that in Black ops due to the amount of bullet lag or wonky hit detection. I am SMH after watching your match at the ease at which you get your kills. I noticed that a majority of them came from short bursts from your weapon. I will give you credit with great aiming but from what I've witnessed first hand, as have a majority of others, is the amount of rounds it takes me to bring someone down. I have to use nearly half a clip or more to get one kill even though my aiming is dead on. I do get the kill but having to use so many rounds leaves me vulnerable for the next enemy encounter which may be within seconds or emmediately. Very rarely have I had the good fortune of having the hit detection you had on this game. I'm glad someone looks to be having a blast playing this. It gives me hope that it will get straightened out for the rest of us who are having the problem I described.
I completely agree with you, and I actually change my playstyle depending on the games connection right at the start. Wanna know a good way to see how shitty/good the connection of a game is with not looking at the lying green bars?
Shoot your weapon once at the start. Reload. How long did it take the reload animation to go into effect? If it wasn't close to being immediate, then you need to prepare for what type of game you're getting into.
In those situations, I run Ghost/Steady Aim Pro/Hacker with a silenced Galil. I keep my game at mid-long range, and if up close it's sneaky (waiting behind corners, and staying out of direct paths). However, if the connection is good...I'll run the same perks but with Hardline and a AK74u/Dual Mags.
Sure you get some really bad connections, and shit luck games...but I've been able to maintain a K/D of around 3.6 and a win ratio of 2.5. Just past 21,000 kills as well I believe. But the games biggest issue is still the connectivity(lag) during matches. Sometimes I'll get a whole group where everyone is in California, and it feels amazing. Others, I'll investigate to find out why the game felt like see that the majority of opposing forces came from the east coast.
I don't know why this game has such an issue with host advantage compared to games that never did before (COD4/W@W), but I really hope it gets addressed eventually. If Treyarch wants to make BO the MLG goto game since COD4, then it needs to happen.