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College Football 2017 Offseason: We're Not a Football School Anyway


Poet Centuriate
this is one of the big selling poitns Mike Riley and company are using to get recruits (with killer success right now):

"We'll teach you to actually play professional with pro football techniques at Nebraska."

And that's why coaches, former pros and pro execs etc are sending their kids to Nebraska.

All of those types at Nebraska are WRs though (except for a lone FB).


I'm not sure Lovie Smith will make it long enough to develop anyone. Sledding got tougher when Purdue and Minnesota made much better hires. Jeff Brohm and PJ Fleck are much more known quantities as college coaches.

This offseason is really starting to wear on me. So many hot takes regarding Auburn being a top 10 team, Harbaugh being the #4 coach in CFB, etc. It's about time for us to do a podcast again.


Super Sleuth
He can give out tags now, right? I say he should give out tags to CFB-GAF members who don't have them already during the season.

But they have to be random non sequiturs. If a tag has a clear meaning it's worthless. Still no idea where mine came from. But it feels sarcastic.
Yeah, he doesn't sweat the small details at all. I know on the message boards,that a lot of posters like to excuse the fact that Ash doesn't sweat the small details, but to me, it's very telling. Simple things like knowing how to dress when speaking to a room full of coaches, or how to handle a media interview are vital to your job. Image is how you recruit, and right now, Ash doesn't have much of a positive image. What he does have to his credit is '78-0'.

In any case, I think the school will keep Ash around till 2020 (when the B1G payout kicks in) because I doubt he's going to be the off the field disaster Flood was, and I'm positive Pikiell is going to bring b-ball back, so the pressure on the school for a bad football team will be much less, because at least there will be b-ball to fall back on.

Man... these post-Schiano coaches are really making me miss Schiano.

Ash pissed off a lot of people by pretty much minimalizing anything Rutgers ever accomplished prior to him coming here.

Ash screwed up royally last year by having first year coaches in positions of power like OC and HB Coach.

The only good thing is that Ash was able to get rid of Mehringer after one year. Mehringer was the reason why we had 78-0 losses. Hey the offense can't do shit, let's run 3 plays in 30 seconds every possession and put the defense on the field for 40 minutes a game and wonder why they are gassed going into the 3rd.

What hurts Ash is he's the quiet, no personality type. I can't imagine him giving a pep talk and his players wanting to run through a wall for him. Then this falls back onto recruiting, when he's fighting battles against JMU/Towson/New Hampshire for recruits and Rutgers isn't #1 on that kids list, there's a huge issue.

Ash doesn't seem like a closer, and he has ZERO ties to any HS programs in NJ it's just killing recruiting. When BC/Temple/NCST are cleaning up in NJ you have a HUGE PROBLEM


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I just want to see one of those polls where a team gets 0 votes. Not even the biggest fanboy would waste a vote on an impossibility.


Prepare yourself by listening to this until your ears bleed. So after the first play through.

So California is imposing a travel ban to a handful of red states including Alabama and Texas, which may affect some CFB scheduling down the road.


I'de really hate to see politics get in the way of playing football :(

I'm an Alabama fan who lives in Texas and I don't mind. We should stop being ass backwards.

Doesn't effect any games agreed to before January 1 of this year.
Oh for fuck's sake.

Yeah, sounds like you might face some awfully serious repercussions because of the policy of a state. Doesn't that sound terrible? I feel really sorry for you!

The hidden headline is that Texas's chances of getting in the Pac12 are almost zero now with this impending travel ban. RIP MDC
Got really sad that one of our standout players in the spring game announced he's transferring. Then realized this recruiting class, we got 2 5* and a 4* at his position, and one of those 5*'s was one of the few players to outperform him in the same game.

*sigh* I hate the time of the year between the NBA Finals and the start of the season. So dull.
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