Goro Majima
Kitty Genovese Member
I think sports writers are just spreading rumors at this point to see if coaches out there will deny or affirm the rumor.
Mwhaaaaaaaa, take the fat face!!!!!
Are they gonna give him more than 2 years?
Tell us more about yourself.
Answer these questions:
Threeballz or hc2?
- Cyan said Threeballz so I'm not going to argue with a mod
Which has been worse for College Football:
- Notre Dame
Which is the Better Rivalry Trophy
- The Michigan State-Michigan Paul Bunyan Trophy. No others exist.
Our AD could teach Petraeus a thing or two.
This smokestorm is getting ridonk.
George Schroeder from USA Today also reporting the rumors are false.
I won't believe anything until Gundy issues a statement or puts on a different colored hat at a press conference.
Tell us more about yourself.
Answer these questions:
Which is the Better Rivalry Trophy
- The Michigan State-Michigan Paul Bunyan Trophy. No others exist.
Tom Murphy, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Sports reporter:
TomMurphyADG: Our people are saying that unless this falls through, Arkansas has found its man in Mike Gundy
Meanwhile, Wally Hall, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Sports Columnist:
WallyLikeItIs: Hogs have their coach. Not Gundy. Should be announced today
One news paper, two reporters, two different coaches
Speaking of which, CFBGAF needs to chime in with their thoughts on B1G Expansion.
Gundy doesn't even wear a visor normally.Don't you mean visor?
Also, I think we should change the name of visor. That's way too cool of a word to burn on a baseball hat without a top.
Which is the Better Rivalry Trophy
- The Michigan State-Michigan Paul Bunyan Trophy. No others exist.
A drunken Dacula woman ended up in jail after a night of attempted debauchery at two local restaurants.
Gwinnett County Police were dispatched to El Jinete on Liam Avenue at approximately 7:14 p.m. on Dec. 1 after the manager called to advise a woman, later identified as Jana Lawrence, 46, of Dacula, had exposed herself to his customers. The manager said Lawrence left the restaurant and began walking toward Dacula Road.
The responding officer arrived at the scene in time to see Lawrence being escorted out of nearby Friends Sports Grill.
I smelled a strong odor of alcoholic beverage emitting from her person, the officer wrote in the arrest report.
Lawrence reportedly told the officer she had recently been released from prison and had been watching the UGA game at another restaurant. Lawrence allegedly insisted she did not know why the police officer wanted to speak with her.
The officer subsequently spoke with the manager at El Jinete who explained that Lawrence began yelling and using profanities while at the bar. The manager told police Lawrence exposed her breasts to other customers and licked one of the female customers.
The female customer confirmed the managers account of Lawrences behavior and said that Lawrence had been rubbing on her and had rubbed her genital area.
Lawrence eventually left El Jinete and walked next door to Friends. The manager of Friends said Lawrence was sitting at the bar with her buttocks exposed. When told she had to leave because she was exposing herself, Lawrence reportedly pulled her pants down even further. The manager further advised that Lawrence had licked one of her customers before being asked to leave.
Two men who had been seated on either side of Lawrence at the bar told police Lawrence had inappropriately touched them. One of the men said Lawrence had licked the tattoo on his arm, the other said Lawrence had playfully rubbed her hand against his penis.
When informed she was under arrest, Lawrence reportedly replied, What the [expletive deleted] are my charges? The officer listed the charges and placed Lawrence in the back of the patrol car.
[Lawrence] immediately began spitting on my middle partition and striking her head against the door window, the officer wrote in the report.
Lawrence reportedly continued to yell at the officer, repeatedly calling him derogatory terms for homosexual males and people of African-American descent.
Later during the ride [Lawrence] said that she was going to sue me because she had been to prison. [Lawrence] also said she would bury me under the jail, the report stated.
Lawrence also allegedly said she was glad to be going to jail because her husband beats her ass and would be unable to do so while she was incarcerated.
Once at the jail, a female deputy instructed Lawrence to stand against the intake wall to be searched. Lawrence reportedly replied by asking the deputy if she wanted a girlfriend.
Lawrence was booked into the jail on charges of sexual battery, simple battery, public indecency and public drunkenness. She remains jailed on a hold for another agency.
I'd have a problem with that, too.Drunken Woman Exposes Herself, Licks Restaurant Patrons
Not going to post the pic, but here is a reaction shot:
Drunken Woman Exposes Herself, Licks Restaurant Patrons
Not going to post the pic, but here is a reaction shot:
Tell me it's at least an axe.
All trophies should be based on potential deadly weapons.
@chambc1 said:RT @CBS8News Auburn President Dr. Gogue tells CBS 8 News Reporter @jgertler_CBS8 that coach announcement to be made within 24 hours.”
NO, its this dumb looking thing:
NO, its this dumb looking thing:
NO, its this dumb looking thing:
Tell me it's at least an axe.
All trophies should be based on potential deadly weapons.
The UCLA administration met with Mora Monday and he assured them that he's not entertaining any other coaching position and committed to returning to UCLA.
Apparently, Mora and his agent did receive overtures from other programs, but he turned them down, the sources indicated.
Mora's entire staff, too, is committed to returning. Of course, guaranteeing the entire staff will return is a bit dubious, but as of now the staff intends to return.
Mora, according to sources, wanted assurances from UCLA that it intends to increase the staff's salaries, and to further support the football program financially.
Sources have told us that Mora, after achieving the first clearly successful football season at UCLA since 2005, has expressed to UCLA a need for more resources, in terms of facilities, better staff support, and an effort to generate more fan support.
If I were in a position to fuck with reporters, I would just start leaking rumors about Gundy being hired to as many places as possible before someone calls me out on my shit.
Drunken Woman Exposes Herself, Licks Restaurant Patrons
Not going to post the pic, but here is a reaction shot:
Also, why does everyone in the Big 10 need a fucking trophy? Hell, the only rivalry in the Big 10 that anyone gives a damn about doesn't have a trophy.
Did Stanford's starting offensive line get injured or something?
Yahoo reporting it is Beilema going to Arky.
Eeeeasy there, champ.YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!
They fired Gundy already?
I'm more worried about their defense. But I never thought we'd be able to get rid of Bielema.
NooooooYahoo reporting Wiscy coach to Arkansas.
Saban. Gruden.So... who is this great hire you expect Wisconsin to make?
Bret Bielema this summer said:"We (#B1G) don't want to be like SEC in any way, shape or form"