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College Football Week Ten Thread: Unranked Miami Upends Ranked Duke


besides just "southern accent", not really. My best guess, that's how Shug Jordan said his name. Suge Jerden.

I think you're probably right, and this is what I was thinking. It gets on my nerves every time I hear it though.

Couple interesting tidbits about the stuff going on at Mizzou. Reuben Faloughi is one of the main organizers of the "Racism Lives Here" protest. He's a graduate student and was previously a reserve outside linebacker at UGA from 2010-2012.

Faloughi, a graduate student at MU, grew up in Georgia, where he was exposed to racism from a young age.

“Georgia’s an interesting place because the racism is there, but everybody kind of understands it,” Faloughi said. “Everybody’s been confronted by it in some way.”

Faloughi was no exception to experiencing racism in Georgia. He remembers having to pick whether his friends were going to be white or black. He remembers seeing Confederate flags flying from pickup trucks.

But ironically, Faloughi’s first-ever personal experience with racism came from other black children. He remembers being made fun of in elementary school for his dark complexion: “You’re so dark that when you get out of the car, the oil light comes on.”

Even though Faloughi didn’t fully understand the concept of racism at that time, he understood it enough for those words to sting. More than a decade later, the words still hurt Faloughi, but for a much different reason.

“We live in a society that doesn’t value blackness, even for black people to not value blackness,” Faloughi said. “It’s like the air we breathe; we can’t escape it.”

The racism still followed him. But as a member of the football team, Faloughi experienced both the god-like status of being a college athlete in a college town and being a black male in the South.

On game days, motorcades would drive in front of the team bus to get through traffic faster. As he entered the stadium, fans would ask for pictures and hugs. They even asked for kisses for their babies. But as soon as the game ended, everything changed.

“But Sunday morning rolls around, and you’re back to being a minority in America,” Faloughi said. “You’re seen for your athletic ability, not your academic ability. It’s exploitative. You’re used for your performance and entertainment.”

“Racism felt different here (at MU),” Faloughi said. “In the South, people have dealt with racism for so long, so they kind of know how to work between each other.”

When Faloughi arrived, he felt as though people hadn’t seen anyone who looked different from them. He went to some of the clubs and bars and saw how segregated they were. Black and white people didn’t hang out together.

Growing up in the Deep South, Faloughi inherited a bias toward the LGBTQ community. As he grew up, he made homophobic jokes, laughed at them and let them go on in the locker room. It was not until he had a teammate at Georgia who identified as gay that Faloughi realized that his actions weren’t morally right.

This is interesting to me. I remember when Michael Sam came out, and someone asked Richt how he'd handle a player who was gay.. Richt's response was basically that he'd love them and treat them no differently than anyone else on the team. Sounds like that already existed during Faloughi's time at UGA.

Welp, it was fun while it lasted!
Scott Wolf said:
#USC has only played night games in November at Colorado since Buffaloes joined the Pac-12 (2011, 2013, 2015)

That seems weird. You'd think USC would want to play earlier int he day when it was warmer.

Bowl Projections:

IOWA VS UTAH in the Rose Bowl. Just like they imagined!

aTm vs TTech would be fun. USC vs Oklahoma in the Alamo would be intriguing.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I thought this was posted last week and that everyone said that LSU looked into this last year and determined there were no problems.
The underlying article was, but apparently LSU found something else to look into?


The underlying article was, but apparently LSU found something else to look into?

So at this point, if it's true, he can get punished for his parents profiting from this, even without his knowledge, correct? The Cam Newton "I had no idea this was going on between my dad and them" defense doesn't have any weight anymore, right?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
So at this point, if it's true, he can get punished for his parents profiting from this, even without his knowledge, correct? The Cam Newton "I had no idea this was going on between my dad and them" defense doesn't have any weight anymore, right?

Yeah, I thought they changed the rules in light of that situation.
So at this point, if it's true, he can get punished for his parents profiting from this, even without his knowledge, correct? The Cam Newton "I had no idea this was going on between my dad and them" defense doesn't have any weight anymore, right?

I mean USC got the death penalty because Reggie Bush's parents were getting paid, soooo who knows?


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
They could just be exercising due diligence in response to last week's article.
Most likely, which is what I meant. They investigated this before he enrolled, so I'm sure there was something in that article that was probably outside what they looked into prior that prompted a closer look.


Didn't Sports Illustrated break all this type of news in the past? All I know is I won't believe any of it until Bleacher Report has a story.
LSU is a cheating scoundrel program that doesn't play clean.


It's hard for clean, good, virtuous coaches like Kyle Flood to compete with slimeballs like Les Miles.
I watched the 30 for 30 doco on the Colorado Buffaloes under that Mac dude.

Was interesting. Good to see Lou Holtz footage in his hey day. Semi relevant with the black students feeling underrepresented and unsafe at the University too.

Not sure my opinion on Mac though. I like him from the film, but he seems fake also.
Rounded to the nearest whole number, guess how many points per game Texas is averaging this season on true road games.


I'm sure looking forward to our game @ WVU this week!
Ohio State
Notre Dame
Ok State
Mich State

Per Steward Mandel's Twitter.
Stewart Mandel ‏@slmandel 1m1 minute ago
Interesting subplot: Undefeated Houston is behind three 1-loss teams from its own conference. (Moot after this weekend.)

Chris B. Brown ‏@smartfootball 3m3 minutes ago
I still fail to understand why all these 1-loss teams are ahead of all these undefeated teams, but it won't matter by the end of the season

Stewart Mandel ‏@slmandel 11m11 minutes ago
TCU dropped farther for losing big to 8-0 Oklahoma State than Michigan State did for losing close to 3-6 Nebraska.

Hot Takes!
CFP has already changed the procedure for the Navy situation should they be in contention for one of the 6 New Year's bowls. They will just keep one slot open until after Army-Navy.

And if ND is in the top 6, they will not wait for the Army-Navy game. Potentially affecting ND I guess.


We both know the SEC, B1G, ACC and PAC can't do round robin anymore. Too many teams, not enough weeks. It also takes votes to move up to more conference games, and Alabama by itself, won't get the other 13 to change.

Oh, and the only teams in the Big XII that have SEC OOC level games, are OU and the cellar dwellars (Texas, Kansas, TTU, Iowa State, Kansas State) and those 5 seemingly went 2-5 against P5 opponents. The Big 3 have miserable OOC's.

Here's where you bring up the sugar bowl, and here's where I go "where the hell did Derrick Henry go???" :/

After the LSU game I kind of want to see a Zeke vs Henry face off again. This time with JT at Qb.



COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State quarterback J.T. Barrett will pay a $400 fine and have his license suspended for six months after pleading guilty Tuesday to operating a vehicle under the influence.

In addition, the 20-year-old Barrett must complete a three-day alcohol education program as a result of the misdemeanor stemming from his stop at a DUI checkpoint early on Halloween.

Barrett must complete the class and pay the fine by Feb. 15 or face jail time, Judge H. William Pollitt said as he accepted Barrett's plea.

Barrett was home Oct. 31 relaxing with friends when a "heavily intoxicated" friend stopped by and Barrett decided to drive him home, said Barrett's attorney, Phil Templeton, who wouldn't identify the friend.

The lawyer noted to the judge that Barrett's blood-alcohol level of 0.099 was only slightly above the legal limit of 0.08 for adults, though he acknowledged Barrett was underage. In Ohio, the limit is 0.02 for people under 21.

On the field, Barrett's situation for Ohio State has also been resolved, as he is in line to return to the starting lineup for the No. 3 Buckeyes against Illinois on Saturday.

What he did was stupid, he should of just called his friend a cab. Hopefully he will do that in the future, I did that for a few friends during my time at OSU, one of them in fact on Halloween. The police checkpoints in Columbus, Ohio State campus area are pretty common knowledge to students and even if you are legal age, you can reach the limit just drinking 1 beer so .....don't drive.

.099 is pretty much 1 beer within an hour of drinking it if you drink it start to finish in that hour and get checked also within the hour (There is no standard since everyone's different so it could be more or less some amount, I would be curious how a athletes body treats alcohol). The limits are just set at what they can legally prove was from an actual single serving size average alcoholic beverage and not from something else. Its not an actual intoxication level. If your feeling a buzz, you're way beyond .08

EDIT: Im probably wrong about the limits thing, I just play it safe rather than sorry. I know there's a .02 limit as well which I always found just weird because I am pretty sure you could reach that with communion wine. I was just told by an officer friend that .08 is a level chosen because its a decent amount below an intoxication level for any type of human build man or woman and you don't want to set limits at where you would be getting intoxicated at but quite a bit below it for safety.

What he did was stupid, he should of just called his friend a cab. Hopefully he will do that in the future, I did that for a few friends during my time at OSU, one of them in fact on Halloween. The police checkpoints in Columbus, Ohio State campus area are pretty common knowledge to students and even if you are legal age, you can reach the limit just drinking 1 beer so .....don't drive.

.099 is pretty much 1 beer within an hour of drinking it if you drink it start to finish in that hour and get checked also within the hour (There is no standard since everyone's different so it could be more or less some amount, I would be curious how a athletes body treats alcohol). The limits are just set at what they can legally prove was from an actual single serving size average alcoholic beverage and not from something else. Its not an actual intoxication level. If your feeling a buzz, you're way beyond .08

EDIT: Im probably wrong about the limits thing, I just play it safe rather than sorry. I know there's a .02 limit as well which I always found just weird because I am pretty sure you could reach that with communion wine. I was just told by an officer friend that .08 is a level chosen because its a decent amount below an intoxication level for any type of human build man or woman and you don't want to set limits at where you would be getting intoxicated at but quite a bit below it for safety.

Pretty sure you're way off. If 1 beer an hour gets you to .099, then 3 beers in an hour and you're at .3%? That's almost fatal. Anyone who does a power hour would die.


Defense is night and day compared to last year, and UA actually has corners this year.

I could swear I heard the same thing last year though about how amazing Alabama's defense was and if Ohio State could actually get anything done against it. I do remember stories about how shit your secondary was and I remember seeing it blown up with major plays last year in the games I watched.

Pretty sure you're way off. If 1 beer an hour gets you to .099, then 3 beers in an hour and you're at .3%? That's almost fatal. Anyone who does a power hour would die.

Yeah I'm way off, I looked up the mathmatical formula. Makes me think that .08 is too high of a limit now lol

Some things though, apparently low body fat means higher blood achohol, plus if you have a high motabolism it hits the blood stream faster, and there are other things that makes differences. Would explain why I got drunk so fast when I was younger on what was not much to drink (I ran cross country) .08 is more like 2-3 beers for a 180-200 pound athelete. Which makes sense It took about 3 in an hour to get me tipsy/buzzed when I was in college.

Either way in the end it doesn't matter, doesn't excuse him from drinking and then driving. I am sure he will learn from it as its not like hes ever gotten in trouble before so its not something I think will happen again.

Also I now know I can drink more than I thought and not worry about driving soon afterwords and be in the limits. :jnc


Unconfirmed Member
I could swear I heard the same thing last year though about how amazing Alabama's defense was and if Ohio State could actually get anything done against it. I do remember stories about how shit your secondary was and I remember seeing it blown up with major plays last year in the games I watched.

Bama's secondary was bad last year. This year it isn't. Corners are young and make some mistakes, but most of the time they are doing well.

Front 7 were good last year, but are better this year.


Let's talk for a minute. Why are they rankings at this point in the season? Why can't it just be "here are 25 teams that we believe are the best 25 teams at in alphabetical order." If the committee is doing their job correctly, any actual rankings wouldn't be influencing their decisions for who would be in the final 4. It does no good except boost ESPN's ratings on a Tuesday night to have an actual ranking for the teams. Also, the whole "resume up to this point" is stupid as hell, because of the fact that the season isn't going to end today. /rant


It does no good except boost ESPN's

In the end, that's all it boils down to. Even this late in this season, there is a lot that can happen to any of the teams in the cfp top 4 between now and the end of November.


That's because it wasn't close. Ohio State was trying to gift the game to Bama. OSU had at least 3 turnovers that game (I think 2 were unforced) and I can't remember if Alabama had any.
Alabama threw 2 interceptions. One being a pick 6 and the other near the red zone. The game was stuck at a margin of 6 for about 12 minutes IIRC.

Also we we were trapped inside our 10 for at least 3 drives in the 4th Q until the big Zeke game. It was extremely close as I remember it.


Unconfirmed Member
The only thing I specifically remember about that game was that I came away pretty unhappy with Kiffin's playcalling.

At least it's been better this year. He actually ran the ball three times at the goal line, for example!
Stewart Mandel: the committee hates the Big 12.

Or at least their scheduling.

As referenced earlier, Long made a passing comment on TV about the fact No. 7 Stanford’s season-opening loss to Northwestern took place at 9 a.m. Pacific. Asked on a conference call afterward whether the committee really discussed that, Long replied: “Absolutely, we discussed that. We discussed a lot of things in that committee room. Remember, we're spending two days in there. And yeah, I think that it is a significant thing. ... I think we would not be doing our due diligence if we didn't recognize that that team was playing at 9:00 a.m. Pacific.”

You mean travelling outside the state of Florida is tough?


Let's talk for a minute. Why are they rankings at this point in the season? Why can't it just be "here are 25 teams that we believe are the best 25 teams at in alphabetical order." If the committee is doing their job correctly, any actual rankings wouldn't be influencing their decisions for who would be in the final 4. It does no good except boost ESPN's ratings on a Tuesday night to have an actual ranking for the teams. Also, the whole "resume up to this point" is stupid as hell, because of the fact that the season isn't going to end today. /rant

Well, lists are fun. They encourage debate (i.e. ratings, lol). Plus, if the CFP didn't issue a weekly ranking, we'd just be talking about the AP ranking instead and everyone would just make their own list. Might as well have an official one.
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