Santo said:I lot of people are requesting really gay tags.
Santo said:Super Forum Member!!!
But the super has to be in bold so peeps know how super i really am. thx
I really liked "Scans Darkly, Dances Whitely"bob_arctor said:Through A Scanner Darkly
Tritroid said:This thread is for losers.
I earned my tag bitches.
Tritroid said:This thread is for losers.
I earned my tag bitches.
Kobun Heat said:If you can see the Japanese characters below, I'd definitely like this as my tag. (It means "forty-first Kobun")
BuddyChrist83 said:I really liked "Scans Darkly, Dances Whitely"
Blackace said:huh?
Agent Dormer said:A lot of people earned their tags on the old boards too. I made a post about how my cousin hit me in the nuts about 15 times in a visit and it got me my TESTICLE PUNCH tag on GAF Classic.
Dr.Guru of Peru about something related to my avatar? I dunno...
Kuroyume said:Craze is the best band ever