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COMIC BOOK DAY!™ Thread - July 8th, 2004

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My pull list is probably excessive. Here's what I can remember off the top of my head:


Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate X-Men
Ultimate FF
Ultimate The Ultimates
Ultimate Secret War
Ultimate The Pulse
Ultimate X-Statix
Ultimate Astonishing X-Men
Ultimate She-Hulk
Ultimate Runaways
Ultimate Wolverine
Ultimate Avengers/Thunderbolts
Ultimate Powers


Birds of Prey
Wonder Woman
The New Frontier
Y: The Last Man
Tom Strong
Tom Strong's Terrific Tales

Oni/Image/Slave Labor/Dork Storm

Queen and Country
Blue Monday
The Walking Dead
Street Angel
Dork Tower


Girl Genius
The Desert Peach


Five Star Stories
Please Save My Earth
Maison Ikkoku
Crayon Shin-chan

Man, that's a lot of comics. However, it's not nearly as rough as it looks - many titles here are published sporadically (with two of the independents coming out annually at best) and there are several titles that are either mini-series (such as Seaguy, or the latest Blue Monday), about to end (X-Statix), I'm about to give the ax (Wonder Woman), or a combination of the last two (Runaways, which I probably won't be following in it's sequel series). The manga listed is released either bi-monthly, quarterly, or sporadically.

So, looking over the list, I get 14, maybe 15 comics that can manage a monthly release schedule, with the rest being minis, showing up bi-monthly, or whatnot. Let's say 20 comics a month (at roughly $3 a pop), plus three volumes of manga (usually $10 each) for around $90 each month. Throw in the inevitable impulse buys and back issue binges and we're looking at $100 a month. As I like to tell folks, my comic book habit is best described as debilitating.

FnordChan, who is eternally thankful for his 20% discount

Edit: Damn, can't forget Nausicaa! And, er, several other titles.


well not really...yet
FnordChan said:
Nausicaa Volume 5 - Despite being a huge Miyazaki fan, I never got around to reading the Nausicaa manga when it was being released...or re-released...or re-re-released...etc, etc. Fortunatly, a friend gave me the first volume of the latest edition as a birthday present, and I'm now kicking myself for putting off an amazing read for so long. At least I got on the bandwagon in time for a beautiful new edition, oversized with sepia tone ink and full color poster inserts, for a mere $10 a pop. Environmental themes meet masterful world building and one of comics' finest heroines: Nausicaa is manga at it's finest. If this is a slow week for any of you, make a point to at least flip through the first volume:



<3 <3 <3 best comic ever <3


DeadStar said:
<3 <3 <3 best comic ever <3

See above, where I belatedly realize, "Oh, yeah, I just added Nausicaa!" Okay, so volume 5 is out tomorrow and there's only two more volumes after that, but it's worth listing. Nausicaa is so damn good it hurts. So is Planetes for that matter.



well not really...yet
FnordChan said:
See above, where I belatedly realize, "Oh, yeah, I just added Nausicaa!" Okay, so volume 5 is out tomorrow and there's only two more volumes after that, but it's worth listing. Nausicaa is so damn good it hurts. So is Planetes for that matter.

Planetes manga is fantastic as well. Once of the best things ive read in a while.

Fnord sets the example.

Five Star Stories <--- awesome
Please Save My Earth <----- great
Maison Ikkoku <------ awesome. More people should buy this and less love hina
Planetes <----- great
Buddah <---- only read one but goes without saying. great
Phoenix <------- same as above
Nausicaa <------ <3

People should be buying stuff like this instead of all the crap that clogs the manga shelves.


DeadStar said:
Planetes manga is fantastic as well. Once of the best things ive read in a while.
You won't hear me saying this very often about manga, but I actually liked Planetes Book 1.

*kills self*


nomoment said:
You won't hear me saying this very often about manga, but I actually liked Planetes Book 1.

That's right, folks - Planetes is so freakin' awesome that even Nomo likes it. Nomo, be sure to pick up volumes two and three when you get the chance, and give Nausicaa a try while you're at it.

DeadStar, allow me to compliment you on your superior taste in manga. Anyone who likes the same things I like obviously has the right idea.



Spoilers from Ultimate Spider-Man #62.


Gwen dies.


I haven't started a pull list with my lcs, though maybe I should as I really have nothing to lose by doing just that. In fact, I think I'll discuss it with them tomorrow and get that handled. I mean, why the hell not? Anyways, of the books I purchase monthly, here's what I would add to the list:

WildCats version 3.0 (Trades only)
Y-The Last Man (Trades only)
Ultimate Spider-Man (Trades Only)
Daredevil (Trades only)
Fables (Trades only)
Gotham Central (Trades only)
HERO (Trades only)
Planetary (Trades or HC's only)

Marvel Knights 4
Marvel Knights Spider-Man
The Pulse
Sleeper season 2
Sea Guy (series ends this month)
Astonishing X-Men
Ex Machina
Amazing Spider-Man
DC: Thew New Frontier (series ends in two months)
Avengers (at 500)
The Ultimates (later this year)

That's actually a lot for a month when you think about it. If each of those titles were 3 bucks, it comes out to about 42 dollars a month on comics. If any one of those trades come out, the total quickly jumps anywhere from 54 to 65 dollars. Tomorrow, for example, will see the release of Ultimate Spider-Man volume 10 in trade while last week there was a huge sale at my LCS where I blew 70 bucks, but saved 50% off all items. It really does vary greatly from month to month thanks to the trades and the occasional sale.
BuddyChrist83 said:

The best Grand Morrison interview I've ever read. Pretty lengthy, but he talks about a bunch of stuff, including New X-Men, SeaGuy, Seven Soldiers, etc.

He always gives great interviews, but this one is especially cool. Also, it's kind of interesting that he mentioned his next project with Quietly would be a 12 issue series in 'the DCU'. Superman, anyone?

But first, we3. I'm really looking forward to that book - the previews so far have been amazing (especially that soon to be classic 'dude getting blown apart by a hail of bullets' splash). Morrison & Quietly are such a great team.
Comics I'm getting this week (my brithday):
MAY040022 MILKMAN MURDERS #1 (Of 4) (MR)$2.99
MAY040358 WILDCATS VERSION 3.0 #23 (MR)$2.95
MAY041705 POWERS #1 (MR)$2.95
MAY042395 RUULE KISS & TELL #2 (Note Price)$1.99

I'm willing to try most things Joe Casey writes (Wildcats 3.0 one of my favs, though recently cancelled, nobody even waited on the trade for that one) so I'll try Milkman Murders. Casefiles continues the more mature HBO Sam & Twitch, one of the most consistent quality reads. Powers has been pretty good for a long time also, a no brainer for me. Ruule, now, not sure how I got the number one, but it was so audacious that I have to try issue 2. Dude comes in, smacks everybody around, kicks their ass, and is into some pussy a few frames later. I'll see if issue 2 has some actual story to it.

Since people are sharing their pull lists, I will also!

Singles (Monthly and Miniseries):
100 Bullets (the one title that deserves buying both trades and singles because of the depth of the story requires rereading to catch everything)
2 to the Chest (my man James Hudnall's new company and series and it is good)
Adam Strange #1 (DC)
Authority: More Kev (hilarious extreme humor of Garth Ennis)
Authority Vol 2. (Big Wildstorm fan, all other superhero comics I can care less about)
Bloodstream (liked the first 2 issues)
BMW Films: The Hire
Casefiles: Sam & Twitch
Challengers of the Unknown (haven't read the first issue, but will before the 2nd comes out, may drop)
Deep Sleeper (Image)
Darkminds Macropolis Vol 2 (Dreamwave lateness sucks hard)
Doctor Cyborg Outpatient GN
Ex Machina (a keeper)
Fierce (a Ghettosake comic, kind of a blaxploitation, I will try)
Hevens Devils (4th issue should've come out and may have missed it. Surprisingly edgy read)
Losers (Vertigo)
Majestic (may drop after first issue)
Milkman Murders (depends on the first issue)
Phantom Jack (close to dropping)
Ride (Image)
Singularily Seven
Sleeper Vol 2 (my second favorite comic series right now)
Small Gods (Image)
Stray Bullets (my absolute favorite comic series of all time, pure genius)
Superman (dropping after Jim Lee and Azz exits)
Valentine Fully Loaded
Walking Dead (another great comic. Intelligent take on the zombie movies)
Wanted (outrageous superhero shit)
Waterloo Sunset (Image)

Trade Paperbacks,Graphic Novels, Manga, Manwah:
5 is the Perfect Number GN
Absolute Planetary HC
Bloody Winter GN
The Bush Junta GN
Cain GN
Chocolate Thunder GN
Gulf War Journal TP
Horde TP
House on Pollack Street GN
Image Comics 10th Anniv (haha)
Johnny Jihad GN
Kinderbook GN
Lou Cale Vol1: Eye for an Eye GN
Seven Block GN
Terminator: Rewired TP
Walking man GN (Jiro Taniguchi, I'll buy anything made by him translated to english)
Worst Vol 2 GN

Maybe if I had a store that would order all of these I'd thumb thru them, but I'm forced to order so many GN's just by Previews alone. But I know my tastes so only occassionaly I misstep.

I average about... 50-70$ a month, even with the GN's. A lot of that stuff is late so it doesn't come out in the month it's supposed to. On the other hand, it could be like couple weeks ago when several GN's came in at the same time. That's what credit is for.


nomoment said:
Spoilers from Ultimate Spider-Man #62.


Gwen dies.

You could tell by looking at the cover [@ Midtowncomics.com is where I saw it]. Peter is holding her hand.

And I thought you dropped USM in favor of trades?


Bowser said:
You could tell by looking at the cover [@ Midtowncomics.com is where I saw it]. Peter is holding her hand.

And I thought you dropped USM in favor of trades?
Nah, I dropped USM entirely. I'm not planning to pick it up anytime soon. :p

I actually got the spoiler from the Bendis boards. Everyone seemed to be freaking out there over the issue.


nomoment said:
Nah, I dropped USM entirely. I'm not planning to pick it up anytime soon. :p

I actually got the spoiler from the Bendis boards. Everyone seemed to be freaking out there over the issue.

Ah. Y'know, I never liked Ultimate Gwen anyway. 616 Gwen was...sophisticated. Ultimate Gwen...ugh.


Uhh... Bowser... Isn't what you said somewhat of a spoiler already? ... I mean, just mentioning Gwen is one thing, but then saying you never liked her anyways... Doesn't that just give away what people are trying hard not to spoil? :p


Ryu said:
Uhh... Bowser... Isn't what you said somewhat of a spoiler already? ... I mean, just mentioning Gwen is one thing, but then saying you never liked her anyways... Doesn't that just give away what people are trying hard not to spoil? :p

Ah, point taken; post edited.


My pull:

The Legion (BUY IT DAMMIT)
Teen Titans
Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine
Street Fighter
New XMen

I dropped all of the Transformers books, and a few other ones when I got laid off, so I'm down to these for now.


omg, nomo, the people @ Bendis' board have got their panties in a bunch! Damn, I didn't know
Gwen was liked that much; I always never cared for her, heh.
. Jeez, it's like Bendis pissed on them or something.

BTW, I finished Watchmen last night; here's what I thought (spoilers):

Bowser said:
I just finished Watchmen as well, but I think I'll need to reread it to get the whole bit. I'll admit that I skipped a lot of the text parts (I read the first three, the one on Dr. Manhatten [something about physics], and the one with Viedt describing expansion of the toyline and etc., but I didn't read the rest). They felt like a chore, to be honest. But maybe that was because I felt the book was very sluggish in the beginning and decided that the rest of the text parts would be the same.

The feeling I get from the book is...mixed. On one hand, I was bored out of mind with the first three or so chapters. As Wellington said, it starts out great with the murder of Blake. But after that, I felt that the book just droned on and I found it really hard to read. So hard, in fact, that after Chapter III or IV, I put down the book and left it for about a week. It kind of took (for lack of a better word) courage to pick it up and finish it. However, towards the end of the book, I really liked it. I loved Dr. M's origin chapter and the one with him on Mars, the chapters dealing with Rorschach, and the ending chapters. I liked the way Dan and Laurie's relationship progressed (although I was a bit miffed when Dr. M returned and swiped her away from him [but the ensuing chapter of Laurie presenting the case of the human race was wonderful]) and I loved the irony in what Viedt was doing, about how he created the "alien invasion," killing [half of New York] as a means to reach peace.

Overall, I think the book is very good, and while right now I'd say I was a bit disappointed, I may change my opinion by rereading it once more and reading the text bits that I skipped over. Even though it sounds like I'm a bit negative, I don't regret spending the time to read the book at all. It was an enjoyable experience, and I can't wait to reread it and pick up on the parts I missed.


shoplifter said:
My pull:

The Legion (BUY IT DAMMIT)
Teen Titans
Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine
Street Fighter
New XMen

I dropped all of the Transformers books, and a few other ones when I got laid off, so I'm down to these for now.

New X-Men? You do realize that Morrison is gone now, right? New X-Men sucks now (It's changed to X-Men now, I believe. And that Academy book got changed to New X-Men, I think. I dunno, it's a big mess; Astonishing is the only one worth reading).
About Ultimate Spider-Man...

I glanced at this one today at the shop, and if Gwen actually is dead (it certainly doesn't look good, but I'm recalling a similar cliffhanger with MJ long ago), then that was a pretty sh*tty death scene. Ultimate or not, Gwen deserves better.
my weekly list


adventures of superman
action comics
gotham knights*
detective comics
birds of prey*
green lantern* (getting cancelled anyway)
teen titans
wonder woman
DC: the new frontier
identity crisis



ultimate spider-man
fantastic four
ultimates vol 2 (or whatever)*

that's about it..... those tittles with an asterisk might get dropped for whatever reason, or may not. i havent decided. and then there is the fact that i buy single issues of say JSA if they interest me. and stuff like the new frontier and identity crisis which are specials and not regular series. but i always spend about 70-100 bucks a month.


Also about Ultimate Spider-Man:

I was unprepared for this. I was disturbed when the couple in the alleyway were killed by Carnage, especially the woman who is dragged into the dark as she screamed. When I saw Gwen trying to get into the locked house, I feared the worst.

The whole thing disturbed me, it was shocking, I liked her character. I can't believe Bendis put that in. And I can't believe she has survived, but you never know until next issue.


I read Birds of Prey this week to see what it's like and so far I think it's pretty nifty, but I'm totaly lost on it at this point as to who these characters are. I know Simone's work on this title is the only stuff worth touching, but when did Simone's run start? Any trades I can pick up?
Ryu said:
I read Birds of Prey this week to see what it's like and so far I think it's pretty nifty, but I'm totaly lost on it at this point as to who these characters are. I know Simone's work on this title is the only stuff worth touching, but when did Simone's run start? Any trades I can pick up?

her run started in issue #56 and i believe there are two trades to pick up. i forget the names though.


This issue of Y was awesome. Powers rocked. Last week's Sleeper was great.

Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Fantastic Four? Not so much.

Fables looks really good for next week too. It's a feel good kind of day.


solrac: Why you're reading all three Superman books, and not Hawkman is beyond me. The Superman books currently suck!

And to note: Read USM #62 in the shop today. Haha, not too great an issue, aside from the shock value of the spoiler. I'm pretty glad I dropped this title.
I completely missed the Stray Bullets #34 issue in the Diamond list, so this week has been a pretty damn good week. Read both Wildcats and Stray Bullets and both were as good as it gets. SB never fails in blowing me away in quality. A nice surprise at the back of the SB book as it seems David Lapham is working on another miniseries, in a sci-fi subject that I'm very interested in. Rich folks with tech that allows them to live forever, so the chosen 30 million are paranoid about dying by murder, separate themselves from the rest of the population by building huge walls and I assume robotic defense forces. Since I'm into conspiracy theories, that sounds fantastic, as I've heard that's a possible endgame scenario in some of those theories. Certianly helps to answer the question of why some of these ecco groups say the earth needs a 80% reduction in human population.


Hollywood Square
nomoment said:
And to note: Read USM #62 in the shop today. Haha, not too great an issue, aside from the shock value of the spoiler. I'm pretty glad I dropped this title.

You hate Bendis for the sake of hatin'!


Hollywood Square
nomoment said:
Ultimate Spider-Man (has been) is too consistently average! The series started to slide into redundancy during the Venom saga...

I didn't care for Venom, but I don't think Bendis did either. The Carnage arc has been pretty good so far. If you drop a book that's been awesome because you didn't like an arc or two, but supported Uncanny X-Men until forever (read: we harrassed you enough to drop it) is crazy! Bendis is still the king, bay-bee.


I read USM in trade and although volume 10 today started off really average, I thought it really picked up about half way through to the very end of the book. Maybe USM just wasn't meant for single issues with you, nomo. Maybe you should just read the trades only.

As for what else I picked up today, I have to show my love to Sleeper #1, DC Comics Presents Batman #1, and Powers volume 2 #1. All great stuff in addition to Birds of Prey 69. I'll add BoP so long as simone stays on it to my pull list.


It varies for me as to how much I spend a month, but I'll go with $80-100. IF you include manga, then that'll shoot up to 180 or so. Unfortunately, I screwed up my relationship with my local comic shop, so I buy from Newbury comics. A new shop just opened up on Thayer St, so I might start pulling from there. My "pull" list:


Amazing Spider-Man
Astonishing X-Men
Uncanny X-Men
Ultimate X-Men
The Ultimates


Action Comics
Identity Crisis
Teen TItans
100 Bullets
Human Target
Ex Machina

Everything Else

Transformers: Generation One
Street Fighter


Willco said:
I didn't care for Venom, but I don't think Bendis did either. The Carnage arc has been pretty good so far. If you drop a book that's been awesome because you didn't like an arc or two, but supported Uncanny X-Men until forever (read: we harrassed you enough to drop it) is crazy! Bendis is still the king, bay-bee.
Dude, I dropped Uncanny X-Men before anybody else did. 25 cent issue was my last (which was still too long, I should've dropped it before that Asamiya crap). Everyone was still complaining about "The Draco" when I was like, "I dropped that shit five issues ago, bud."

And Ult. Spidey has been pretty weak since the Venom arc. It's been three weak arcs, at least. And goddamn, with Flash tell Peter whatever he needs to tell him already? That was like, a dangling plotline from 20 issues ago!

BobbyRobby said:
Is Starjammers #1 out this week? Don't laugh.
Why would you actually want to buy this?

(And yes, it did come out)

Ryu said:
I read USM in trade and although volume 10 today started off really average, I thought it really picked up about half way through to the very end of the book. Maybe USM just wasn't meant for single issues with you, nomo. Maybe you should just read the trades only.
Maybe. I'm considering selling off my single issues, and instead, start buying the book in HC. Of course, the book would have to get good again, though...


Chili Con Carnage!
Cafeman said:
Also about Ultimate Spider-Man:

I was unprepared for this. I was disturbed when the couple in the alleyway were killed by Carnage, especially the woman who is dragged into the dark as she screamed. When I saw Gwen trying to get into the locked house, I feared the worst.

The whole thing disturbed me, it was shocking, I liked her character. I can't believe Bendis put that in. And I can't believe she has survived, but you never know until next issue.


In addition..

I really like how they are creating carnage, looks like he actually thinks he is/wants to be Peter, and has his memories etc, i was a bit miffed over killing Gwen because of that, maybe the Peter side of carnage will kick in and bring her back before she dies, that'd be a cheap trick to get everyone to buy #63 though...

On the Subject of Y:

I love Y too, ive missed loads though (#16 was the last one i have, i think) have to try and catch up before getting any new ones, comics 'aint so easy to find round here though :-/


This week's comics:

Ultimate Spider-Man: Disappointing, in a half-assed sort of way. We'll wait and see what happens.

Tom Strong: Disappointing, in a "Alan Moore didn't write this issue, and it shows" sort of way.

Birds of Prey: Pretty decent, if not amazing. I like the idea of a well-done cult story arc, but this looks to be a tad cartoony. This ain't a bad place to start reading the comic, but not the best.

Powers: If they had to choose a point to start volume 2 of the series, this is as good a place to do it as any. Excellent, and not a bad starting point, though it looks like you'll get more out of it if you've read at least the first volume. Also, the Powers Personals in the bacfk are priceless.

Y The Last Man: The highlight of the week. A great read and a truly appropriate jumping on point for folks curious about the comic. This is the first half of a two-parter, so, again, this isn't exactly a major comittment. If you're curious about Y - and, if you ain't reading it, you should be - this is a great place to start.



What is this new Powers book? I've been hearing the word "re-launch" thrown around and I'm having a hard time figuring out just what the heck that means in this case.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
So... if USM volumes 9 and 10 are out now, then where the hell is HC #5? And why haven't I seen volume 10 anywhere, even yesterday?
Those Powers personal ads were
.... I'm totally sending one in ASAP!!

Powers relaunched because
the last two arcs really changed up the whole universe.
It's a very different situation. Also... now
putting it out. I'm impressed that they're keeping the book pretty much the same - no ads,
same goofball letter column
, etc. So it's a pretty good re-launch.

What's up with
lately, anyway. Dude is on a
spree. Kills somebody in
Ultimate X-men
Ultimate Spider-Man
, and apparently
too (haven't seen the preview on that one, though). Cold Blooded!

About USM, I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Unless there's some sort of twist or extra spin on Gwen's death, I think it's kind of weak. Yeah, it surprised me, and it shakes up the status-quo, but it also rules out a lot of cool stories that could have happened down the line. No Ultimate Spidey Love Triangle! Bendis could have killed with that material!

Vague Y Non-Spoilers:
Y was cool. BKV is so good at writing this book - the scene when Yorick kisses that girl was a perfect character moment. Just made total sense that he would kiss her after she made that comment.

The DC Presents Batman book was sort of iffy. The first story was OK, but
the second one was awful
. Made me
my whole 'I'm going to buy all of these DC Presensts books' strategy. I'll still
grab next week's book
, though, for the Morrison story.


My quickie reviews for the week...

Uncanny X-Men #446 - Excellent! I wished they'd killed Sage though, I still hate the character.

Ultimate Spider-Man #62 - Read it in the shop. Pretty dull, and a bad way to go for Gwen. Where's the angst, Bendis? MORE ANGST! I think Bendis should just do one arc focusing on the characters, with no villains, or Spider-Man, etc.

Invaders #0 - Wow, CP Smith's art really took a turn for the worse. This book is okay so-far, kinda like a cheap JSA knock-off for the Marvel Universe. I'll check out a few issues and decide if I want to keep going later.

Fantastic Four #515 - Kesel should stick to inking. Paco Medina's art is pretty crappy, too. Easily the worst issue in Waid's otherwise great run.

Action Comics #775 - Very good! The themes presented in the issue have already been discussed to death, but it was fresh three years ago. Joe Kelly proves that he CAN write a comic that's not called Deadpool.


Alucard said:
What is this new Powers book? I've been hearing the word "re-launch" thrown around and I'm having a hard time figuring out just what the heck that means in this case.

"Re-launch" isn't quite the right word for it. It's mostly gone to Vol. 2 #1 because of the shift in publisher; the status quo of the book has changed enough to justify a new number one, but it's still basically picking up where the previous series left off. So, if you're an old reader, you can just continue with this with no worries, but if you're a new reader it's a good way to jump on.

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