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COMIC BOOK DAY!™ Thread - July 8th, 2004

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Re: Please Save My Earth

JackFrost2012 said:
WOAH, when did this start coming out in English?

Late last year, I believe. Viz has had the rights to the OVAs for ages, so releasing the manga during the midst of the big-eye boom makes perfect sense to me. Volumes are released...hrm, I want to say bi-monthly, but dont' quote me on that. It may be "monthly, if we get our shit together" or "sporadically" or "whenever we want to make a quick buck". They're up to volume five and so far it's good stuff. I'm in it for the long haul, assuming Viz gets through all 21 volumes.

For anyone wondering what the hell Please Save My Earth is, allow me to pimp the series yet again:


It's 80s shoujo science fiction about a group of aliens (who look remarkably like humans) who have an outpost on the moon where the observe the Earth. Nothing sinister or anything, they're just scientists keeping an eye on something they find interesting. The aliens die and wind up being reincarnated on Earth, where they begin having dreams about their past lives. Now they're all in high school and are starting to meet up with one another to figure out the mystery.

As I mentioned above, it's good stuff. There's romance, angst, psychic powers, and plots involving the Tokyo Tower. The art is quite good, too, with plenty of goofy moments to balance out the flower imagery, all backed up by a really solid (if somewhat dated) shoujo art style. Here's a sample from a lighter moment:


And a more serious encounter:


Anyone looking for a good SF title should check out PSME. Like most US manga releases, you get 200 pages or so for $10. They're only up to volume 5, and releases are bi-monthly, so its' not an overwhelming drain on the ol' pocketbook. Also, you can get a great feel for the series by watching the OVAs:


The animation crams a fair amount of story (the first 6 or 7 volumes, I believe) into three hours, all of which is available domestically on a single DVD. If you can't be bothered with the manga, try the anime instead.

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