Thunderbolts #156: This comic was made for sitting around scarfing junk food with. And I mean that as a compliment, I love junk food. It's just fun without being heavy or topical, with a good character moment on almost every page. It's something I kind of always forget about but then get excited when I see it on the stands and almost always end up reading it first. Plus, any team with the Shocker, Juggernaut, Ghost, Man-Thing & Luke Cage on it has to be cool.
Avengers #12: Fuck yes. I really feel like Bendis is getting to another level here as a straight up Marvel Comics writer, rather than a Tarantino dialogue guy. He gives Red Hulk a couple of awesome moments, keeps the long-dormant Illuminati subplot interesting, and lets JR jr draw huge page after huge page of craziness. I think this series might be able to top his original New Avengers run if he keeps this up.