American Vampire #6 - Not enough Pearl or Skinner in this issue, but yeah. This book is gonna be here for a while. Love the cover and art. One of the better creator-owned books going. Can't wait for the next issue; Snyder's gonna be just fine.
New Avengers #4 - Bendis and Immonem are a damn great team. Really love the dynamic between Strange, Voodoo and Daimon. Loved all the attention Strange got this issue.
Thor - The Mighty Avenger#4 - Such a wonderful, light, heartwarming issue. Definitely the best of the Thor books out now.
X-Men #3 - Enjoying this for the most part and interested in seeing where it goes. And while I usually don't get caught up on continuity nuances, but don't both Uncanny and X-Men take place just after Second Coming? It's weird that they'd be dealing with the Five Lights and the vampire threat at the same time. Even if they were, you think they'd acknowledge it.
Also, was able to get my hands on a friends copy of the Old Man Logan trade. It's pretty goddamn great. I can imagine that it would be hard to read in issue form because of it's slow, deliberate pacing. But I was able to plow through it in a single sitting. The twist was great. Never saw it coming, but if I sat enough and thought about it, I could've come to that conclusion; those are the best kinds of twists. Probably one of the better Wolverine books I've read, especially since it was more about Logan than Wolvie.