Unconfirmed Member

Comic-Con 2013 Thread of Exclusives, Panels, and Lines Galore (July 17-21)
Comic-Con 2014 |OT| nothing because they are dumb and I don't like them (July 23-27)
Comic-Con 2015 |OT| Even Marvel couldn't get tickets this year (July 8-12)
Comic-Con 2016 |OT| Go Beyond the Convention Center (July 20-24)
Welcome to the Comic-Con 2017 thread! The festivities kick off with Preview Night on Wednesday, July 19, and run through Sunday, July 23.
Clicking on the blue banners takes you to the corresponding topic on the official Comic-Con website.

Got a ticket? That means you've somehow survived the bloodshed and tears of the Comic-Con ticket battlefield. I welcome you, brave soldier.
Getting a ticket to Comic-Con is a trial by fire. Not only do you need an account on the website, but you must also have your badge code from the previous year.
If you want to buy your friends and family tickets, then they also need an account with their badge code.
Fortunately the process has become smoothed out since the horrific TicketLeap FailFrog madness of 2011. You can visit the official website to find out how to prepare for next year.
Don't have a ticket? You can still enjoy the festivities in Downtown San Diego. Almost all the locals have special promotions and fun exhibits to visit outside of the Convention Center!

Every year, Nintendo sets up the Nintendo Gaming Lounge (more recently changed to the Play Nintendo Family Lounge) at the Marriott hotel adjacent to the Convention Center.
There are many stations set up for game demos with giveaways, freebies, live chatting with Mario, costumed friends, and more! Entry is free, so bring your gaming systems and prepare for fun!

DON'T:+ Bring a portable battery charger! Your phone and other important devices will thank you.
+ Have plenty of cash on hand.
+ Have good hygiene. You'll basically be in a zoo with a bunch of smelly gross people. A shower and deodorant will save your life.
+ Bring a backpack full of snacks, a hat, and hand sanitizer. You also need room for those freebies!
+ HAVE A PLAN! It can get disorienting being in the huge exhibit hall. Every year I print out the list of exclusives I want and draw a path on the exhibit hall map.
+ Attend the panel before the one you want so you can get good seats! (And it might actually be something you're interested in!)
+ Attend the Masquerade. It's a fun event with a lot of amazing cosplayers.
+ Take some time to explore San Diego! It's beautiful down here.
+ KEEP YOUR BADGE AFTER THE SHOW! You must have a valid Comic-Con badge to register for next year. Don't toss it!
+ Bring your Nintendo 3DS for StreetPasses galore!
- Don't park downtown. Take the trolley!
- Don't spend all your money the first day.
- Don't overexert yourself. Pick your panels and signings wisely.
- Don't settle for convention hall junk. Pay a bit more for some real food.
- Don't tackle Hall H unprepared!