i miss the days of SDCC whare as a sd local i could just roll down there on site and get a badge.

last time i went was in 2008
My first con was 1991. It was the first year that SDCC was in the convention center.
2002 was the first time the line to buy tickets onsite was impressively long. It went from the right side of the building back to the water and to the right a tiny bit into Seaport Village. And it was only even close to that bad on Thursday.
I used to volunteer in the '90s and I was an exhibitor in 1994.
I missed several years because of work and now I'll probably never get to go again even though I still live here. I don't remember if my last one was 2007 or 2008.
I worked on a party in the US Grant this week. I've heard several times that the con started there but never which room it was in. I found a PDF of the show program but I didn't see it in there.