I totally ge the love of Simonson but can't for the life of me get into Larsen, either writing or art. I think we are just polar opposites!
If you say so! I think it's just easier for your generation to come late to the game, pick and choose the esteemed works by writers, and have this very crystalized opinion of a limited body of work.
I've been at this for about 31 years assuming I was five when I started monkeying around with my step brothers comics. I know what I like when I see it, and I know what I don't. :\
I forgot about Greg Pak, who I've read very little of thanks to him not having a lot of talented artists to collaborate with; but the stuff I have read I've found to be enjoyable.
That Hickman guy was doing pretty okay on the bits of Fantastic Four I read, but again - shaking up the art teams and just getting some visual stinkers on there. Man, putting Alan Davis covers on those books and then filling them with that terrible art. I got used to the cover bait and switch back in the 90's, but it doesn't prevent my heart from sinking every time I see Art Adams or Alan Davis doing a cover on a book and a bucket of shit for the interiors.
Quitely may be a little lumpy, but his body language and background detail is exquisite, he's better than almost any artist for that IMO.
I'm more of a fan of angular takes on comic characters. Quietly's characters all look like Jeremy Renner, Katie Holmes, and that vampire kid from Twilight. Just not appearances I can stomach. I need more Pierce Brosnan, Jean Reno, and Sofia Vergara. His story telling is solid from the little of his work I could choke down, but he's not the only solid storyteller in the industry; so I'm just going to go elsewhere.
Apart from maybe the late greta Seth Fisher, that guy was a genius.
High falutin' blowhard from the Geoff Darrow school of comic work. Way to throw yourself off a building bro. That's assuming somebody didn't get sick of his gaijin ass and help him get to the ground floor via express.
I found his art intriguing, but he wasn't a favorite.
But if our opposites hold up, you should persevere with the run since Quitely only does about 6 issues and you'll probably love Igor Kordey's work on it
No - that run is just oatmeal, vomit, and diarrhea visually. :X
But then again, you do have some good taste, since you like Darwin and Garth so you're not all bad. But really, Morrison could in no way be described as mediocre. Polarising, yes, but he's never been anywhere near the middle of the road in his career!
Morrison has crapped out some stinkers. It's absurd to just blanket everything he shits out with praise, more so it's outright fanatical.
Every writers churns out clunkers. See also, Garth Ennis.
Read Sentry mini-series today. Can't say I like the character any more than I did previously. He's just a fucking turd. Parts of it felt like ground work lifted for Ultimates and World War Hulk (from what I know of the whole Illuminati thing).
Added World War Hulk to the Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited reading list. There are a lot of old runs on there I'm missing, but over all it's still something I enjoy. Buffet style comic reading FTW!
Does anybody know if the Parker Martini Edition hard covers have dust jackets? I couldn't find anything on Amazon or IDW's website regarding it.