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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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The only thing good about the RC Reboot is getting Babs out of the chair and Batwoman, both of which could have been done without the reboot so fuck it. Screw you, DC.


The only thing good about the RC Reboot is getting Babs out of the chair and Batwoman, both of which could have been done without the reboot so fuck it. Screw you, DC.

whoa whoa whoa fuck you buddy

No wait that came out wrong.

DC's lineup is the strongest it's been in forever, and there's plenty of great books for everyone. Sure the continuity might confuse and anger you but who fucking cares as long as the books are good.

e: Oh, and not to beat a dead horse or anything, but current Batgirl is the motherfucking pits and if you like it I have a series of studies and graphs showing that you are wrong.


DC's lineup is the strongest it's been in forever, and there's plenty of great books for everyone. Sure the continuity might confuse and anger you but who fucking cares as long as the books are good.
Agreed. Some of you need to get over the butthurt.


Got to the end of Action Comics 5. DAMN!

Superman, Lightning Boy, Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy! Will have a pic up later


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
DC Reboot is a success if only for Animal Man.


Thats the beginning of the new event, right? You can't leave us hanging with a tease.


-Issue starts with Iron Man and Rulk fighting off the Lethal Legion. Tony spots Red Wing and leaves Rulk to clean up the mess and investigate why Cap and Sam havent reported in

-We get more timeslides to Cable/Hope and more Cable inner dialogue about how much he cares for Hope

-Cable fights tony with a future armor that Tony invented. Cable wins by encoding Aksani into the programming code and frying Tony's tech

-Cable gets ambushed by Rulk while trying to find out info from the captured Avengers. Cable reveals some interesting future info on Rulk by calling him Talbot. The TO virus takes over cable to end the issue

-More great art

-Issue starts with Iron Man and Rulk fighting off the Lethal Legion. Tony spots Red Wing and leaves Rulk to clean up the mess and investigate why Cap and Sam havent reported in

-We get more timeslides to Cable/Hope and more Cable inner dialogue about how much he cares for Hope

-Cable fights tony with a future armor that Tony invented. Cable wins by encoding Aksani into the programming code and frying Tony's tech

-Cable gets ambushed by Rulk while trying to find out info from the captured Avengers. Cable reveals some interesting future info on Rulk by calling him Talbot. The TO virus takes over cable to end the issue

-More great art

So they (Cable and Iron Man) just start fighting just to give us a VERSUS fight? :(


Online Ho Champ
So they (Cable and Iron Man) just start fighting just to give us a VERSUS fight? :(

nah in the first issue cable captures the falcon (racist) and cap america (put over job) cause he knows something about their choices and how it affects hope. I think X sanction is tied into Avengers childrens crusade too but who knows that series is so late.


Got to the end of Action Comics 5. DAMN!

Superman, Lightning Boy, Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy! Will have a pic up later
Oooh, looking forward to reading it! Just got back from the shop with

Action Comics #5
Avengers Annual #1
Uncanny X-Force #19.1 (why .1?)

Can't read til later, tho. =(


Uncanny X-Force #19.1 (why .1?)
It's not connected to the ongoing UXF but serves as a launch pad for the new Age of Apocalypse ongoing that shows humans taking the fight against mutants. I think it's being written by David Lapham

The whole issue man. The whole Morrison wacked out issue!

there's something im not 100% sure of in this issue

The ship is also Braniac?
definitely one of the worst things I've read in a long time

Well, it's not truly awful like Ultimates 3 or Ultimatum. It's just really fucking stupid.

It's kind of funny that Loeb brings Cable back from the dead with no real explanation other than "He just survived his explicit on-panel death, okay? I'm not going to bother explaining exactly how," and then immediately tries to milk tension with an "I have 24 hours before I die really FOR REAL this time I swear" setup.

As for its relevance to AvX, all you need to know is that Hope is connected to the Phoenix Force and you can guess why the Avengers killed her in the timeline Cable was warned about. I can't see it being relevant in any other respect. I suspect that Children's Crusade #9 will be somewhat more important as a lead-in, but even that will probably be summed up in AvX #0.
there's something im not 100% sure of in this issue

The ship is also Braniac?

slight action comics 5 spoilers, so just don't read it if in doubt:
I got the impression that braniac was a generic kind of kryptonian AI and they had one in the rocket. He was definitely separate from the world collector, I guess the world collector is kryptonian in origin but came from some other instance of the generic braniac stuff? Have they called him Braniac by name? I can't remember, I just went, oh hey brainiac when I realized the story was gonna feature him.


Well, it's not truly awful like Ultimates 3 or Ultimatum. It's just really fucking stupid.

It's kind of funny that Loeb brings Cable back from the dead with no real explanation other than "He just survived his explicit on-panel death, okay? I'm not going to bother explaining exactly how," and then immediately tries to milk tension with an "I have 24 hours before I die really FOR REAL this time I swear" setup.

The cable ongoing during messiah complex and second coming was one of my favorite books, and in one issue loeb managed to negate the whole conclusion while managing to borrow one of its tropes in a much worse way.
Bandit, wait until you see who sponsored X-23 to join the Avengers Academy -- you'll flip! :D


Oh wait, you hate X-23. Never mind.

EDIT: Also, I added Fatale to the pile this week because Brubaker/Phillips.
It's kind of funny that Loeb brings Cable back from the dead with no real explanation other than "He just survived his explicit on-panel death, okay? I'm not going to bother explaining exactly how," and then immediately tries to milk tension with an "I have 24 hours before I die really FOR REAL this time I swear" setup.

First issue out of a four issue series.

I'll put my neck out there and say we'll get an explanation of how Cable managed to make it back in time before the series is over.

Bitching about the lack of answers in the first 22 pages out of 88 pages is like crying that you don't know who Keyser Soze is after the first act of The Usual Suspects.

The cable ongoing during messiah complex and second coming was one of my favorite books, and in one issue loeb managed to negate the whole conclusion while managing to borrow one of its tropes in a much worse way.

Get used to it. There is no noble sacrifice or permanent death in corporate comics.

Anyhow - today was a good comic book day!




And figured I'd take a chance on Vampirella Vs. Dracula.


Plus used the Christmas cash to help pay for Wally Wood's EC Stories Artist Edition. :3

First issue out of a four issue series.

I'll put my neck out there and say we'll get an explanation of how Cable managed to make it back in time before the series is over.

Bitching about the lack of answers in the first 22 pages out of 88 pages is like crying that you don't know who Keyser Soze is after the first act of The Usual Suspects.

Well, except that nothing in the first two issues even hints at any mystery about how Cable returned. There's no indication that the "explanation" in #1 shouldn't be taken at face value. And Loeb hasn't exactly earned much in the way of benefit of the doubt.

...anyway, you seem to viscerally hate just about everything DC and Marvel publish, yet you're gushing over X-Sanction? You have interesting taste.
Well, except that nothing in the first two issues even hints at any mystery about how Cable returned. There's no indication that the "explanation" in #1 shouldn't be taken at face value. And Loeb hasn't exactly earned much in the way of benefit of the doubt.

...anyway, you seem to viscerally hate just about everything DC and Marvel publish, yet you're gushing over X-Sanction? You have interesting taste.

I'm not "gushing" over it by any stretch of the imagination. I just like when Ed McGuinness draws them funnybooks.

I'll be completely willing to eat crow for my comments if Cable's return is not explained.

Red Hulk under Loeb / McGuinness / Adams is the most fun I've had with a Marvel comic since Astonishing X-Men (Whedon / Cassaday), and it even managed to make Ian Churchill magically less shit in the process! So Loeb has earned some leeway with me.
I dropped Rulk as soon as Iron Man said "OH THE HUMANITY!" un-ironically when the SHIELD carrier went down. Loeb is just completely tone deaf.
I dropped Rulk as soon as Iron Man said "OH THE HUMANITY!" un-ironically when the SHIELD carrier went down. Loeb is just completely tone deaf.

Too soon?

Just read X-Sanction #2, it delivers.

Speaking of the rare good Marvel comic, last weeks Captain America with art by Alan Davis is pretty much everything I've wanted out of a Captain America comic for years. Cap fighting other costumed clowns.

I think my project for this year will be to get up to speed on Gold Digger. Plow through all of my Gold Bricks and Platinum trades to get back up to speed with the single issues.


I'm not "gushing" over it by any stretch of the imagination. I just like when Ed McGuinness draws them funnybooks.
I used to like McGuinness' work long ago (Return to Krypton), but during his run on Batman/Superman I got tired of how all the guys' builds looked identical. Whether it was Captain Atom, Batman, Superman, or Captain Marvel, their bodies all looked the same. Doesn't help that the muscles constantly look tense, either.

On another note, just got back from Target with this little ditty:


They had all the other sets, but I think I'll wait for sales before picking them up. But I had to get something to tide me over. =)
I used to like McGuinness' work long ago (Return to Krypton), but during his run on Batman/Superman I got tired of how all the guys' builds looked identical. Whether it was Captain Atom, Batman, Superman, or Captain Marvel, their bodies all looked the same. Doesn't help that the muscles constantly look tense, either.

Yeah his style early on was clearly from the Bengus / SFA school of proportion. I believe I read an interview where he cited Capcom artists back in the day as an influence, and honestly I wasn't a fan of his DC work. His Superman looked too muscular and too short.

His characters are still a bit squat, but he seems to draw a few variations in build now as opposed to earlier in his career.

In summary, I appreciate his modern work more than his early work.

On another note, just got back from Target with this little ditty:


They had all the other sets, but I think I'll wait for sales before picking them up. But I had to get something to tide me over. =)


I do not need this, but I want this!

I was pooping today and thinking about how green and purple are sort of the unofficial colors of bad guys in the DC Universe.

Speaking of the DC Universe and pooping - I also realized that because of the new 52 I may never see what became of Lobo and his red lantern ring. D:


Speaking of Lobo - Lobo Unbound was re-released in trade last week! Alex Horley painting his ass off. If you like Lobo and titties it's a must buy. Best Lobo book since Simon Bisley was drawing it.


Krul's Green Arrow was fairly terrible and I couldn't really get into Giffen and Jurgens' since it built up on that. Could you elaborate a bit on what you liked and what they did to make you not like it anymore ?

Also, if you want to be happy reading rebooted DC comics, and this goes to everyone reading this, PICK UP O.M.A.C., it's a gleeful grin-inducing book with plenty of crazy old-school action. It's amazingly fun and you should read it.

I really enjoyed the Ollie 2.0 thing they were going for with him going back to the island, and getting all that assassin training and dealing with his internal turmoil. Yeah they futzed everything up with Connor and previous storylines, but just before the Blackest Night stuff and the aftermath of that, it seemed like he was turning into a leveled out character. Then they did the whole GA: Murderer thing, and that seemed like they were reverting, and suddenly post reboot we have a 20 something scruffy kid I don't recognize and am having a hard time connecting with. All he wants to do is bang on the drum all day, and talk to thin air, with his team Arrow twins.

Disliking Firestorm, sort of intrigued by the new Superman, and it seems like they got the death threats and kept their hands off of the Bat, for the most part. There's some things I get a kick out of, like the new JLA dynamic, but JLA Lantern seems totally different from GL comic book Hal. All in all, it feels like some form of quantum dislocation, and I expect to be spitting up blood at some point, because something is just not right.

edit: loved Byrne's Omac, so I am not surprised. It's the ch-ch-ch-changes that I'm chaffing at.
I used to like McGuinness' work long ago (Return to Krypton), but during his run on Batman/Superman I got tired of how all the guys' builds looked identical. Whether it was Captain Atom, Batman, Superman, or Captain Marvel, their bodies all looked the same. Doesn't help that the muscles constantly look tense, either.

On another note, just got back from Target with this little ditty:


They had all the other sets, but I think I'll wait for sales before picking them up. But I had to get something to tide me over. =)



I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Action Comics: Can anybody explain the entire second half of the book to me? Not the backup story with the Kents but who
were the dudes with all their crazily lettered text, what were they investigating, etc?
I've read through it twice now and I'm not sure what is going on.

For background, I'm pretty new to all comics as of New 52 relaunch, have read no other Superman (the main Superman title lost me after one boring issue) and I've just been keeping up with Action because I like Grant Morrison a lot. Basically, I have almost no Superman knowledge outside what we've seen in the movies.


Action Comics: Can anybody explain the entire second half of the book to me? Not the backup story with the Kents but who
were the dudes with all their crazily lettered text, what were they investigating, etc?
I've read through it twice now and I'm not sure what is going on.

From what i've figured, this is what i got

Its the anti-superman army that Morrison mentioned in a interview once. For now, these characters are new. The guy in the bandages seems to me like the criminal in the Phantom Zone that Krypto bite earlier. A clue to the mysterious benefactor can be seen in the secret word. It appears in a rainbow box and is incomprehensible. This might mean that it's 5th-dimension based. Which points to Mr Myx. Otherwise, its Morrison, who the fuck knows?


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
From what i've figured, this is what i got

Its the anti-superman army that Morrison mentioned in a interview once. For now, these characters are new. The guy in the bandages seems to me like the criminal in the Phantom Zone that Krypto bite earlier. A clue to the mysterious benefactor can be seen in the secret word. It appears in a rainbow box and is incomprehensible. This might mean that it's 5th-dimension based. Which points to Mr Myx. Otherwise, its Morrison, who the fuck knows?

Ok great, thanks. This was a good an answer as I needed. I didn't know if it was some returning thing from past books or not, but knowing what I do of Morrison (having read stuff like Animal Man and some of his Batman stuff) I know eventually everything will come full circle.
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