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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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Ha ha! That pic reminds me of Willem Dafoe in The Boondock Saints!
I have Absolute All-Star Superman on my shelf, its the pride and joy of my collection. Sometimes I whip it out and just look at it, giggling like a little schoolgirl.
^I TOTALLY forgot about that! What's the plot/setup? Why do they fight? Who comes up on top?

One of my favorite Superman v Wonder Woman matches happened in


The story wasn't that hot, but dat Byrne/Perez combo was like an all-star team-up to my teenage self!

The story takes place on the verge of World War II. Wonder Woman discovers the Atomic Bomb designs and sets out to stop the world of Man from making use of them. Superman intervenes in the typical hero misunderstanding trope to stop her seemingly senseless attack in Chicago.

Damn this was 72 pages of awesome! Fun story, fantastic to look at.

This is probably my favorite depiction of Wonder Woman outside of New Frontier. She's statuesque, heroic, and sexy all at once. Satchy needs to read this now, now, now!

I've been looking for this comic. I grabbed the Captain America/Jack Kirby treasury and a Neal Adams Batman treasury the other day. Everything being huge makes it so much better.

Chance and opportunity man. Was walking out of the shop and they had a stack of the Marvel / DC oversized comics for sale. This was sitting right on the top and caught my eye instantly. Glad I parted ways with the $10 for it.

Garcia-Lopez is a living god.

Fuck yes.

I need to read my Modern Masters related to him and seek out more of his work. It's fantastic. Clean line work, yet detailed where it counts.

Damn he draws the shit out of Wonder Woman!

Now I want to see Wonder Woman in a WWII era invisible fight plane all the time. Just cuz!


I have Absolute All-Star Superman on my shelf, its the pride and joy of my collection. Sometimes I whip it out and just look at it, giggling like a little schoolgirl.
*high five*

I just bought it last month. Sits aside my other Absolutes: Watchmen, Kingdom Come, Batman: Hush, Dark Knight, and Crisis on Infinite Earths.


I just finished reading the Invincible vol. 14 tpb and damn that shit was good. My dumbass fucking drunk friend already ruined the Atom Eve
shit for me though.

Jedeye Sniv

Marvel announces AvX: Versus tie-in book for 'Avengers vs X-Men' (Comic Book Resources)


Uh, Tom? Promoting a book by saying up front that it's the "least essential" aspect of your big crossover event? May not be such a good idea.


On the other hand, promoting it as nothing but wall-to-wall fight scenes with fan-favorite characters going at it like hobos brawling over a steak dinner?

That might work.

Am I the only person that thinks fight scenes are the shittiest things about comics? Any fight longer than a couple of pages is so redundant. Drama is where you have people with different viewpoints trying to get their way. Fight scenes are drawings of people hitting each other. Yaaaawn.

Although, I say this and I know I'm a hypocrite. I read issue 2 of The Dark Knight Returns yesterday and nearly teared up when Batman got his ass handed to him by the mutant leader... it was the subtext that got me, that's what I keep telling myself.
Am I the only person that thinks fight scenes are the shittiest things about comics? Any fight longer than a couple of pages is so redundant. Drama is where you have people with different viewpoints trying to get their way. Fight scenes are drawings of people hitting each other. Yaaaawn.

Yeah you are!

Don't worry though.

There are plenty of black & white bio-comics about baristas with no health insurance contending with testicular cancer for you to read instead of all the awesome fun punchy stuff. :D

Time to poop and read this Defenders book to see if Matt Fraction is still just another joker at Marvel with a good frames and a "cool" name.


I just finished reading the Invincible vol. 14 tpb and damn that shit was good. My dumbass fucking drunk friend already ruined the Atom Eve
shit for me though.
yeaaah that's a big one. hope you didn't punch that dude into the sun :lol

Am I the only person that thinks fight scenes are the shittiest things about comics? Any fight longer than a couple of pages is so redundant. Drama is where you have people with different viewpoints trying to get their way. Fight scenes are drawings of people hitting each other. Yaaaawn.

Although, I say this and I know I'm a hypocrite. I read issue 2 of The Dark Knight Returns yesterday and nearly teared up when Batman got his ass handed to him by the mutant leader... it was the subtext that got me, that's what I keep telling myself.

i actually think i might be having the same problem as you when it comes to fight scenes in comics. the thing for me is that so many are "choreographed" the same, and they frequently look exactly alike. cut from the same cloth i guess, but it really throws a wet towel on any fun i could be having while looking at fight scenes.

i'm enjoying batwoman a lot, and there aren't really any knock-down-drag-out fights to look at, but when there are fights, the consequences are tremendous (ie the reveal in Batwoman #4). that book is about emotional battles more than physical.

and yet, when i read a new Wonder Woman issue, i keep saying "So when is Diana going to force her foot into somebody's asshole???"

comics use fighting as the "means to an end", but they also use it as "the end", so it's really easy for me to get fatigue from seeing them so often. there needs to be a balance with the body and mind for me to find it effective.
Wow, Matt Fraction still sucks. He writes all his characters exactly the same, the only way to tell who is speaking is by the colored boxes indication HULK, NAMOR, SUB-MARINER. None of these characters have a voice that makes them unique. All snarky self loathing twats.

Dodson is still good at drawing pretty girls and bad at drawing everything else.

I can't believe this got compared to the Giffen/Maguire JLA. Retarded ass reviewers.
Ah bummer, I wanted to pick that up but 4 bucks and Fraction had me waiting on it. :/

Yeah, wait on a trade and get it cheap on Amazon if you gotta.

fixed that for you

No argument.

Dodson is the guy you get because Adam Hughes can't be bothered to draw comics anymore, and just like the generic brand; isn't as good as the original product.

His men still piss me off. TOO MANY LINES! TOO MANY LINES! It's like he takes all the lines he doesn't draw on women and puts them on his men, resulting in weird looking characters. Just having this highlight line on a character's jawline for no reason, making it look like their face is made of flesh colored metal or something.

Man. . .

Well at least that Superman Vs. Wonder Woman comic I bought was great. Helps ease the pain.


i actually think i might be having the same problem as you when it comes to fight scenes in comics. the thing for me is that so many are "choreographed" the same, and they frequently look exactly alike. cut from the same cloth i guess, but it really throws a wet towel on any fun i could be having while looking at fight scenes.

I'd almost go so far as to say most mainstream American comics have no choreography to the action. It's mostly just splash pages and guys falling down.

Seems like no one is actually interested in telling the story of the fight, it's just guys getting punched a few times and that's it.

I suppose it's the writers fault in a lot of cases too.
Am I the only person that thinks fight scenes are the shittiest things about comics? Any fight longer than a couple of pages is so redundant. Drama is where you have people with different viewpoints trying to get their way. Fight scenes are drawings of people hitting each other. Yaaaawn.

Although, I say this and I know I'm a hypocrite. I read issue 2 of The Dark Knight Returns yesterday and nearly teared up when Batman got his ass handed to him by the mutant leader... it was the subtext that got me, that's what I keep telling myself.

I'm starting to feel this way. I sort of think it has something to do with the amount of money I'm spending now on comics though. If I spend $4, I don't want an issue of pure fighting when I can get through it in a minute or two. But it's not even the price always. I'm just tired of it. In either issue one or two of All-Star Western when Jonah Hex goes on his rampage, I was disappointed because I wanted more story. Plus, depending on the artist, I may not even be able to tell what's going on in a fight. That's when it really gets bad.


Marvel is pretty up front about how the Versus miniseries works. If extended brawls are not your thing then don't get it. Brevoort says that is not essential to the main A vs. X 12 issues.

Also preview for ASM # 677 by Waid and Emma Rios. Crossover with Daredevil #8. Hopefully will boost sales. Daredevil needs to be in the top 10 every month.







I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Just wanted to say on the record that for every sentiment shared regarding Defenders and Terry Dodson in the last dozen posts or so, I feel the exact opposite. Thank you. Have a great evening.
Marvel announces AvX: Versus tie-in book for 'Avengers vs X-Men' (Comic Book Resources)


Uh, Tom? Promoting a book by saying up front that it's the "least essential" aspect of your big crossover event? May not be such a good idea.


On the other hand, promoting it as nothing but wall-to-wall fight scenes with fan-favorite characters going at it like hobos brawling over a steak dinner?

That might work.

All the promotion this book ever needs:

The first bout is Magneto versus Iron Man by Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert, while the second will feature Namor versus Thing by Katherine and Stuart Immonen,

Marvel is pretty up front about how the Versus miniseries works. If extended brawls are not your thing then don't get it. Brevoort says that is not essential to the main A vs. X 12 issues.

Also preview for ASM # 677 by Waid and Emma Rios. Crossover with Daredevil #8. Hopefully will boost sales. Daredevil needs to be in the top 10 every month.



Why the loooong face Pete? :X


Is that AvX mess going on inside the main books? I may need to drop marvel to Spiderman DD, and FF only if so. :/

The main 12 issue series.

6 issue Versus tie in.

i think there is a tie in with core Avengers titles ( both of Bendis's books) and core X-books (UXM and WaXM).

Anyway I am cautiously optimistic it will be great.


The Mystic Trade comes out next week. Have to get this and the Ruse trade as well.

Hopefully nice sales encourages Marvel for more Crossgen.


Don't you draw comics or am I thinking of someone else?

I'm pretty terrible, but I at least appreciate styles I might not like and try to learn a little something about their technique for my own edification and growth as a cartoonist.

Maybe it was Spike I'm thinking of?

I love Emma Rios's work. She was great on the Doctor Strange mini with Waid and is working on the Season one version with Pak.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm starting to feel this way. I sort of think it has something to do with the amount of money I'm spending now on comics though. If I spend $4, I don't want an issue of pure fighting when I can get through it in a minute or two. But it's not even the price always. I'm just tired of it. In either issue one or two of All-Star Western when Jonah Hex goes on his rampage, I was disappointed because I wanted more story. Plus, depending on the artist, I may not even be able to tell what's going on in a fight. That's when it really gets bad.

Although, your avatar reminded me how awesome the fight was at the start of Batman #3 where Bruce magnetised the thugs and stuck them to the train.

There are definitely a lot of fights I've really enjoyed in comics. When the writer/artist is inventive or playful they can be a joy. They can be very cathartic if built up to correctly, and they can be thrilling if the creators are skilled enough. But then you get 'fight comics' where the whole book is a big scrap and they're just really boring. In many ways a single punch can be a lot more interesting than a long drawn out brawl. It's all about the emotion and the reasons behind the actions.

But then again, when you really think about it, it's kind of ridiculous that the main means of conflict in comics is people hitting each other with their fists...
Don't you draw comics or am I thinking of someone else?

I'm pretty terrible, but I at least appreciate styles I might not like and try to learn a little something about their technique for my own edification and growth as a cartoonist.

Maybe it was Spike I'm thinking of?

You're thinking of somebody else.

You might have a point if the cartoonists from 40-50 years ago didn't shit on modern cartoonists from a great height.

Learn from Eisner, Wood, Manning, and Caniff before you waste your time with these shit heads.

so I just read World War Hulk for the first time. Or, as I now like to call it, Onomatopoeia: The Miniseries

How was this? Never read it, but recently I've come to appreciate Greg Pak's writing.


Just wanted to say on the record that for every sentiment shared regarding Defenders and Terry Dodson in the last dozen posts or so, I feel the exact opposite. Thank you. Have a great evening.
That's cool. People like what they like. It's all good.

Went to Half Price Books today and left a happy camper. Caught up (more-or-less) on a couple monthlies I'd dropped due to cost and delays:

Superior #4-6
Avengers: Children's Crusade #4-7
Legion of Super-Heroes 100-Page Spectacular #1

Got a bit turned off by the reveal at the end of Superior #3, but I like Leinil Yu's art and the kid-turned-super-hero plot.

Figure I should catch up on Children's Crusade before AvX kicks off. I liked this book, but the delays were infuriating.

And my LoSH 100-Page Spec is misprinted. =(
I didn't realize the chapters were printed out of order until I finished reading the first one.

Half cover price is really where comics should be. It's crazy to realize that $4 is pretty standard these days. At $2 a pop, I'll pick 'em up without much hesitation. Thank god for places like Half Price Books!
I don't think you can disagree about Dodson, though. Every woman he draws is the same damn(fine ass) chick.




And his action is still terrible. I don't think I can read an Iron Fist book that doesn't have an Aja or a Foreman to draw it.



the first time i ever really noticed terry dodson's art was when he was working on wonder woman. since then, every woman he draws with long hair looks "like wonder woman" to me
Wow, JC just helped push it over the edge.

You can't get Adam Hughes to do interiors anymore. You get Terry Dodson.

You can't afford an Adam Hughes con sketch anymore. You can get a Terry Dodson.


Jedeye Sniv

I like the boots that Dodson draws. It's an odd thing to like, but that's me. They're chunky and they have hardy looking treads.
Doing this:

I like the boobs that Dodson draws. It's an odd thing to like, but that's me. They're chunky and they have hardy looking treads.

Makes it super funny!

Jedeye really is that kid who can find the silver lining on anything. A bowl of oatmeal, a clone grown in a lab, or a bio comic about a barista with testicular cancer and no health insurance.

Oh wait, sorry you can't find the silver lining on fisticuffs. :(


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
DC Reboot is a success if only for Swamp Thing.

DC Reboot is a success if only for Animal Man.

No love for the new Aquaman?

Come one this has to be one of the greatest reboots of a character ever, he went from "i just dont care about this cat" to wow what a good book....if I had more disposable income it would be a day one purchase every time.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
No love for the new Aquaman?

Come one this has to be one of the greatest reboots of a character ever, he went from "i just dont care about this cat" to wow what a good book....if I had more disposable income it would be a day one purchase every time.

The art's amazing, but the first arc was boring as shit. I just dropped it. It didn't make me care about Aquaman anymore than I did pre-reboot. It's hard to care about him doubly when Marvel's "water dude" is Namor. How come Namor doesn't get his own ongoing? I would read the hell out of that.

There are tons of rebooted DC books though that I can't live without. I need (need!) my monthly fixes of stuff like Batwoman, The Shade, JL Dark, et al, as well as A.Man and Swamp Thing, which I think combined are the single best thing happening in comics presently.
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