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COMICS! #8 / January 2012 - Happy New Year, Comic Book GAF!

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I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Can we talk about how great Animal Man and Swamp Thing are? Seriously.

Animal Man and Swamp Thing are amazing. ST was a little sparse, dialog wise this month compared to past issues but Paquette more than made up for it with that unbelievably dense art. One of the best looking books I've seen in a long, long time.

AMan... I'm not sure how they can even call this the end of an arc since the pedal is still firmly to the metal. This book never stops. I'm dying to see what happens to the art with Foreman playing catch up, but he's earned a break.

Alone, either of these books would be worthy of being called my favorite thing on the rack, but with their combined mythos, and the impending crossover coming this year, excitement for both is going to be at maximum pretty much nonstop.


To the people saying Avengers X-Sanction #2 was not terrible: you are wrong. It was LESS terrible than issue #1 for sure, but it was fucking terrible nonetheless.
To the people saying Avengers X-Sanction #2 was not terrible: you are wrong. It was LESS terrible than issue #1 for sure, but it was fucking terrible nonetheless.

I think you have a vagina and that's the problem here. :|

If anybody else picked up Vampirella Vs. Dracula, make sure to read the Moore/Frank story at the back of the issue first. Although that may not help as the artist who handles the main book is pretty crap at clearly distinguishing his male characters. All these indistinguishable medium build brown haired guys. . .

Can't say I'm a fan of the art, or the fact they insist on putting a trench coat on Vampirella. She ain't Gambit, stop horsing around! >:|


I think you have a vagina and that's the problem here. :|

I don't. Even if I did, I don't think it would matter, because for fuck's sake a comic with the line "MEET THE FUTURE... FUTURIST" and expects to be taken seriously should not be considered any good by anyone. It's a monument to Jeph Loeb's incredible tone-deafness, whose only redeeming feature is McGuiness' art. It doesn't help AT ALL that the setup makes absofuckinglutely no sense continuity-wise, and that it's setting up an event that's one of the most creatively bankrupt ideas in years.


Online Ho Champ
I don't. Even if I did, I don't think it would matter, because for fuck's sake a comic with the line "MEET THE FUTURE... FUTURIST" and expects to be taken seriously should not be considered any good by anyone. It's a monument to Jeph Loeb's incredible tone-deafness, whose only redeeming feature is McGuiness' art. It doesn't help AT ALL that the setup makes absofuckinglutely no sense continuity-wise, and that it's setting up an event that's one of the most creatively bankrupt ideas in years.

,... i honestly dont know if they set anything up in x sanction yet...yeah we saw some flashbacks in these issues but right now cable is basically playing magneto/quicksilver from house of M. The whole im back from the dead...thing hasnt even been elaborated on unless he ...hell i dunno.
It doesn't help AT ALL that the setup makes absofuckinglutely no sense continuity-wise, and that it's setting up an event that's one of the most creatively bankrupt ideas in years.

I guess that's why I'm enjoying it.

Continuity in Marvel/DC is bullshit, so I just put my toe in the water for a laugh and get back out.

Creative bankruptcy is the very definition of Marvel and DC. From "New 52" to Avengers Vs. X-Men all over again. Can't wait for the new Crisis or the new Fall of the Mutants by the middle aged Marvel Boyband this time!

It really makes no sense as I'm not a big fan of heroes fighting heroes either. Though to be fair, that's mostly an annoyance when a surly mortal steps to modern gods in the DCU.


Actually, the thing that pisses me off the most is that AvX will take place BARELY SIX FUCKING MONTHS after Schism. Like you can't even let the dust settle on this bit of continuity.
Actually, the thing that pisses me off the most is that AvX will take place BARELY SIX FUCKING MONTHS after Schism. Like you can't even let the dust settle on this bit of continuity.

Wow really?

The whole event comic cycle is crazy accelerated by Marvel and DC these days. It used to be, not saying it was better, that it would be an annual event that affected all titles at the company. Now you have events for subcategories of books. So you get your avengers event, your x-men event, your spiderman event, your hulk event, etc. etc. etc.

Marvel is the easy target, but DC did the same with Blackest Night, Brightest Day, that pre-New 52 shit, New 52. :|

I can understand your frustration; but this has been going on for years now.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I dunno, X-Sanction isn't exactly high art or anything but it hasn't really made me want to slit my wrists either. Maybe being new to these event cycles hasn't eroded my soul or ability to feel joy but Cable kicking the crap out of a random Avenger every month is fun enough to get me to check in for a couple of issues.

I do really agree though that I wish this split X-Men had more time to breathe a bit before they went into another big ass crossover. They've barely established a status quo yet at this point and they've already branched off into Alpha and Omega (which is good but lacks the tongue-in-cheekiness of the main WatXM book) with an impending event coming in just a few short months.

Jedeye Sniv

I think you have a vagina and that's the problem here. :|

If anybody else picked up Vampirella Vs. Dracula, make sure to read the Moore/Frank story at the back of the issue first. Although that may not help as the artist who handles the main book is pretty crap at clearly distinguishing his male characters. All these indistinguishable medium build brown haired guys. . .

Can't say I'm a fan of the art, or the fact they insist on putting a trench coat on Vampirella. She ain't Gambit, stop horsing around! >:|

I've never read any Vampirella, but what is the point of this book? Is it another one of those books where I miss the point and think they should go the whole hog and make full-on porno comics, or is there something else to the book other than boobs an ting?

What are the themes? What does it say?

Not read my comics for this week yet, but the talk about Action is getting me good and lubed up. Love me some crazy Moz.
I've never read any Vampirella, but what is the point of this book? Is it another one of those books where I miss the point and think they should go the whole hog and make full-on porno comics, or is there something else to the book other than boobs an ting?

What are the themes? What does it say?

Pretty much boobs, only modern license holders don't deliver that because we've got to be all PG-13 and bullshit lofty literate. Generally what it says today is we've got this T&A license, but no balls to do anything with it.

Vampirella Archives are the way to go. Back then she was more of a host of the horror anthology (think Crypt Keeper only fappable) drawn by an impressive array of wildly talented creators (Forest J. Ackerman, Don Glut, Tom Sutton, Neal Adams, Ernie Colon, Billy Graham, Alan Weiss, Jeff Jones, and Frank Frazetta). Something most Vampirella books of today cannot boast.

If you have to do a modern Vampirella book, then Joe Jusko's Bloodlust is probably the highlight of the past 25 years.



Seriously, what's the point if you're going to dodge the T&A and good girl art? It would be like Russ Meyer directing Inception. Better, it would be like Christopher Nolan trying to direct Picasso Trigger. :|
You know things have gone wrong when your lead character looks like this on covers...


...and then dresses like this on interiors.


Mind you, this is published by the same company that has no qualms about Dejah Thoris parading around in a thong and pasties each month (and John Carter in a bulging banana hammock, for equality's sake). What's next? DC will be taking away Wonder Woman's lasso because of the bondage implications?


Oh wait, they ARE doing that.

It must work, like it or not Tarot has been around for 12 years and 71 issues. Longer running than "fan favorite" lamestream books of the past decade like Nextwave, She-Hulk, Ironfist, etc. Jim Balent clearly has an audience he markets to well and continues to survive on. More indie creators should enjoy that degree of success.

Even if it means delivering on the T&A and sometimes haunted vaginas the lewd covers promise. The audience has been served.

It's not at all unlike how mom & pop video rental chains managed to fend off Blockbuster and Hollywoo. Video by renting out the porn and niche (B-Ware Video here had all the cult, troma, Russ Meyer, and Takashi Miike stuff) videos.

My hats off to them. They don't need a Spiderman for all ages, the aging collector fanbase, and for minorities. To quote Sea Manky, "How will I know what kind of Spiderman you want if you won't tell me?"

Which is how a lot of convention artists make their living, by giving the fans the Black Cat and MJ pinup Marvel can't. Haw!


Tarot also serves it's purpose of being great source of comedy. I really miss Chris Sims recaps on those and the Anita Blake books.

Jedeye Sniv

Pretty much boobs, only modern license holders don't deliver that because we've got to be all PG-13 and bullshit lofty literate. Generally what it says today is we've got this T&A license, but no balls to do anything with it.

Vampirella Archives are the way to go. Back then she was more of a host of the horror anthology (think Crypt Keeper only fappable) drawn by an impressive array of wildly talented creators (Forest J. Ackerman, Don Glut, Tom Sutton, Neal Adams, Ernie Colon, Billy Graham, Alan Weiss, Jeff Jones, and Frank Frazetta). Something most Vampirella books of today cannot boast.

If you have to do a modern Vampirella book, then Joe Jusko's Bloodlust is probably the highlight of the past 25 years.

Seriously, what's the point if you're going to dodge the T&A and good girl art? It would be like Russ Meyer directing Inception. Better, it would be like Christopher Nolan trying to direct Picasso Trigger. :|

James Robinson? Interesting! These books juts boggle my mind, I need to read some just so I can form an opinion for it other than "Looks like it's for virgins" :D IMO there's no point in T&A unless there are nipples. As I've said before, I have no qualms about hardcore nudity and adult situations, but porn without the porn is just odd.


Is anyone else close to giving up on buying individual issues, and just sticking to trade paperbacks? I have decided to collect only four books now, which may be cut down to one:

Daredevil (my favourite superhero)
Green Arrow (collecting it out of loyalty to the character)
Uncanny X-Force (still have the entire Dark Angel saga sitting in individual issues in my room)
Action Comics (loved the first two issues, and the new-look Superman)

I'm actually thinking of dropping the bottom 3, and only trying to collect all of the Daredevil back issues, since he's the only character that I actually feel pretty tied to. (Green Arrow isn't cutting it right now, but I'm sticking around to see what Ann Nocenti does starting with issue #7) There are three reasons for this.

1. Comics take up a lot of space. I have five boxes right now, and need to buy at least one or two more to store stuff that's laying around my basement.

2. Comics are not cheap, especially once you start collecting more than 2-3 titles. I'm 30 years old, married, and my wife is going to have a baby in July.

3. Trades are much easier to store and place on your shelf. The fact that I'm married with a kid on the way also ties into this: I need to be more efficient with my space, and realize that I own a lot of stuff that just sits around and collects dust. I will probably end up going to the shop with a load of comics, and I will ask for a trade-in value so I can just stock up on Daredevil books and on trades of other stories I'm interested in.

Honestly, as great as Uncanny X-Force is, I don't feel the need to buy it issue by issue. Daredevil is the only one that I genuinely care about from month to month. I think I can enjoy the others by waiting for the trades. Is anyone in a similar position?


^ Yes, I feel much the same way you do. As it is, I drift in and out of monthlies. I much prefer to read the trades, but they take SO LONG to come out, especially in paperback. And then I miss out on the hype and discussion as the stories unfold in monthly form.

It's brutal hearing about the Dark Angel Saga while waiting for the trades to come out. I know I'm gonna break down and get the hardcovers or something.

For me, monthlies have simply gotten too expensive, and I tire of constant events. I sat out Fear Itself (cause I really didn't see much sense in the storyline), but I know I'll be on board for AvX.
James Robinson? Interesting! These books juts boggle my mind, I need to read some just so I can form an opinion for it other than "Looks like it's for virgins" :D IMO there's no point in T&A unless there are nipples. As I've said before, I have no qualms about hardcore nudity and adult situations, but porn without the porn is just odd.

Reading the Vampirella Chronicles from Harris and the character is basically Barbarella from a planet called Draculon where the water has the same consistency of blood. There's a drought which is why she needs to leave Draculon and come to Earth to find sustenance.

The character really is more entertaining and amusing in these short stories. Plus she has more conventional vampire powers; turns into a bat, can turn invisible, and she can sprout wings from her back. Plus it seems she's lost her little bat birthmark on her right breast in the new books. That, or she's just so clothed all the damned time so we don't see it.

Plus all sorts of crazy monsters.

It's just fun stuff.

Can't say the same for the new Dynamite series. Which is neither sexy nor funny.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
Is anyone else close to giving up on buying individual issues, and just sticking to trade paperbacks? I have decided to collect only four books now, which may be cut down to one:

Daredevil (my favourite superhero)
Green Arrow (collecting it out of loyalty to the character)
Uncanny X-Force (still have the entire Dark Angel saga sitting in individual issues in my room)
Action Comics (loved the first two issues, and the new-look Superman)

I'm actually thinking of dropping the bottom 3, and only trying to collect all of the Daredevil back issues, since he's the only character that I actually feel pretty tied to. (Green Arrow isn't cutting it right now, but I'm sticking around to see what Ann Nocenti does starting with issue #7) There are three reasons for this.

1. Comics take up a lot of space. I have five boxes right now, and need to buy at least one or two more to store stuff that's laying around my basement.

2. Comics are not cheap, especially once you start collecting more than 2-3 titles. I'm 30 years old, married, and my wife is going to have a baby in July.

3. Trades are much easier to store and place on your shelf. The fact that I'm married with a kid on the way also ties into this: I need to be more efficient with my space, and realize that I own a lot of stuff that just sits around and collects dust. I will probably end up going to the shop with a load of comics, and I will ask for a trade-in value so I can just stock up on Daredevil books and on trades of other stories I'm interested in.

Honestly, as great as Uncanny X-Force is, I don't feel the need to buy it issue by issue. Daredevil is the only one that I genuinely care about from month to month. I think I can enjoy the others by waiting for the trades. Is anyone in a similar position?

How about buying digital -for the comics that support them– for single issues and then buying the physical trades? In this regard, while the money difference might not be very drastical, it has advantages like reading each issue has it is published on your computer, having the option to read them for owned or potential buys of devices -Android platforms, iOS devices, etc- and physical space will be considerable less, I guess.
Richard Alf, one of the co-founders of San Diego’s Comic-Con, has died from pancreatic cancer at age 59. Alf joined up with a band of volunteers in 1970 to start the now-annual convention celebrating comic books. Friend and fellow Comic-Con co-founder Mike Towry says Alf fronted a few thousand dollars to pay for the convention for the first three years and gave other co-founders rides in his car.

In 1970, the first Comic-Con was relatively modest compared to the convention that now draws more than 125,000 people to San Diego every summer for a 3-day extravaganza.

Alf also founded the Comic Kingdom shop in North Park in the 1970s. Alf was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer in December. He is survived by his mother.



How about buying digital -for the comics that support them– for single issues and then buying the physical trades? In this regard, while the money difference might not be very drastical, it has advantages like reading each issue has it is published on your computer, having the option to read them for owned or potential buys of devices -Android platforms, iOS devices, etc- and physical space will be considerable less, I guess.

I would do this, but i have issues with paying the same price for what i consider an inferior version of said product.

Also, my work has hired a few comic book fans, so there's a lot of trade sharing all over the place. It's kind of fun trading Vertigo/indy books around
Marvel announces AvX: Versus tie-in book for 'Avengers vs X-Men' (Comic Book Resources)


"In a nutshell, as we've said in the past, in 'Avengers vs. X-Men,' we're only doing tie-ins in our core Avengers and X-Men titles," said Brevoort. "'AvX: Versus' is the least essential read of 'AvX,' but it will probably be the most bestselling. It is literally the fight book." Brevoort said the series would expand the battles seen in the main pages of "AvX" and would have heavy action.
Uh, Tom? Promoting a book by saying up front that it's the "least essential" aspect of your big crossover event? May not be such a good idea.


On the other hand, promoting it as nothing but wall-to-wall fight scenes with fan-favorite characters going at it like hobos brawling over a steak dinner?

That might work.


How about buying digital -for the comics that support them– for single issues and then buying the physical trades? In this regard, while the money difference might not be very drastical, it has advantages like reading each issue has it is published on your computer, having the option to read them for owned or potential buys of devices -Android platforms, iOS devices, etc- and physical space will be considerable less, I guess.

Nah. I don't really feel all that tied to comics, or feel the need to keep up on everything that's happening in my favourite books as it happens. Again, Daredevil is really the only book that does that for me.


The entire narration of these Vs issues should be ripped straight out of Vs. topics from message boards
Now that's something I can get behind!

At least a Magneto v Iron Man match can be done in Marvel Super Heroes. (the gems originator! lol)


Ahhhhh back in the days when Capcom knew how to make a good fighting game
Went to the comic shop to get Defenders #2... WHY?! I HAVEN'T READ THE FIRST ISSUE! This is the power muscle bound colored women have over me! D:

In the meantime I found the best fucking thing on Earth on the way out of the shop:



Dat Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez! OMG so full of awesome. Man, if only comics today were this good. Being an oversized issue is just the icing on the awesome cake!


In the meantime I found the best fucking thing on Earth on the way out of the shop:



Dat Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez! OMG so full of awesome. Man, if only comics today were this good. Being an oversized issue is just the icing on the awesome cake!
^I TOTALLY forgot about that! What's the plot/setup? Why do they fight? Who comes up on top?

One of my favorite Superman v Wonder Woman matches happened in


The story wasn't that hot, but dat Byrne/Perez combo was like an all-star team-up to my teenage self!
Went to the comic shop to get Defenders #2... WHY?! I HAVEN'T READ THE FIRST ISSUE! This is the power muscle bound colored women have over me! D:

In the meantime I found the best fucking thing on Earth on the way out of the shop:



Dat Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez! OMG so full of awesome. Man, if only comics today were this good. Being an oversized issue is just the icing on the awesome cake![/QUOTE]

I've been looking for this comic. I grabbed the Captain America/Jack Kirby treasury and a Neal Adams Batman treasury the other day. Everything being huge makes it so much better.


I find it utterly hilarious that Jimmy is crying while in drag. There's so much that can be taken out of context there
You sure that's Jimmy? I assume that was Lois!

Not that Jimmy dressing in drag is uncharted territory for him.


unrelated, but still funny:

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