Got an email for the Comixology #1 promo. They're giving download access to users starting Thursday. Hope it works this time as I was only able to get 50-something issues the first time around.
Got an email for the Comixology #1 promo. They're giving download access to users starting Thursday. Hope it works this time as I was only able to get 50-something issues the first time around.
Hey Marvel Gaf
I bought volumes 1-3 of the Immortal Iron Fist. I think it's going to be an awesome ride <3
Hey Marvel Gaf
I bought volumes 1-3 of the Immortal Iron Fist. I think it's going to be an awesome ride <3
Batman #19
Batman and Red Robin #19
Constantine #2 (So I didn't think #1 was absolute shit, SUE ME)
Demon Knights #19
Green Lantern Corps #19
Saucer Country #14
Suicide Squad #19
Threshold #4
Avengers #9
Fantastic Four #6 (Fraction has finally found how to write for Bagley, so this should be good)
Hawkguy #9
Thor: God of Thunder #7
Uncanny Avengers #6 (Though after #5, it is on super thin ice and if this issue is shit I'll drop it)
Uncanny X-Men #4
Wolverine #2
Saga #12
Yo, ElNarez, Uncanny Avengers will most assuredly be shit. Look at that preview. More knockoff Claremont narration than ever before. At least the art is good.
i'd argue that both of Raven's main costumes in Injustice are actually better than that.The Raven's gotta be the most terrible I've seen....some Injustice Gods Among Us level shit.
The knockoff Claremont I don't really mind, especially when it's something as Big and Crazy as Apocalypse. But it's gotta stay on the super nutso crazy train, because as we've seen in #5, when it seeps into down time slice of life stuff, it's The Worst.
Huh, really? I found that Coipel issue (dumb shit at the end aside) much more readable than whatever the fuck was happening in the Cassaday stuff.
Followed by, “Back home from the Asbury Park Comic Con. Lots of fun bits to the day, but the definite highlight has to be this: Dan Didio and his wife came back around to my table and bought a copy of my New 52 piece. It will apparently be displayed at a place of honor somewhere in the Didio household.”
Even funnier: Trumbull shared that Didio’s wife is a Donna Troy fan, and it’s part of the reason Dan bought the print. To which Trumbull quipped, “Oh so you have a mixed marriage.”
I think the Cassaday issues were gloriously crazy and stupid, in an extreme B-Movie kinda way - I mean for fuck's sake THEY STEAL XAVIER'S BRAIN, how fucking nuts is that - and when it switched to more regular stuff, it felt forced.
The Red Skull parts, yeah, but the rest of it? Ehhhh. I liked the fifth issue because it actually kind of felt like an Avengers comic, which I guess gets a lot of good will from me.
e: especially after Bendis' prolooooooooooooonged run and the stuff Hickman is doing now, which I find to be pretty tedious.
Ain't shit happening in Hickman's books. Avengers are in a worse place than with Bendis.
you guys are so fucking wack it's like I've opened a portal to the Wackverse (not to be confused with the Wackerverse, in which everyone just takes potshots at DC Comics and Spider-Man fans all the time)
Plus he doesn't seem to realize that he is working with great artists instead of his PowerPoint comics. So that prevents him from the echelon of comics superstar.I think as a writer, Hickman had really bad tendencies that get reinforced by a lot of people. Like, I get that positions me in the minority (I guess?) but his love of Three Year Plans or whatever makes his single issues as well as his arcs suffer. Avengers especially is really unsatisfying on an issue-to-issue basis.
Plus he doesn't seem to realize that he is working with great artists instead of his PowerPoint comics. So that prevents him from the echelon of comics superstar.
Got an email for the Comixology #1 promo. They're giving download access to users starting Thursday. Hope it works this time as I was only able to get 50-something issues the first time around.
Whaaaaaaat?This is going to be a sad week for Saga, aren't they going on another 2-3 month break after this one?
Just read Dial H #12, where. What's going on in the Flash right now?they accidentally steal the Flash's powers
I think as a writer, Hickman had really bad tendencies that get reinforced by a lot of people. Like, I get that positions me in the minority (I guess?) but his love of Three Year Plans or whatever makes his single issues as well as his arcs suffer. Avengers especially is really unsatisfying on an issue-to-issue basis.
Gail Simone doing Red Sonja? News to me.
Also, to the few reading Avengers Arena, how is it so far?
Gail Simone doing Red Sonja? News to me.
Also, to the few reading Avengers Arena, how is it so far?