Unconfirmed Member
Fear Agent is amazing. I need the second half of the series now. This week I'm only getting Green Arrow. The artwork is great and I'm eager to see what Lemire does with the character.
New Remender interview on the Uncanny Avengers #5 controversy. He actually responds to what his critics are actually saying this time! Much, much, much better than his initial "I'm sorry some random person on the Internet forced me to be an asshole by (supposedly) calling me racist" quasi-apology.
That said, there's nothing in the actual issue that suggests to me Havok wasn't intended to be a completely sympathetic POV character when he gives his big speech, so I'm dubious about Remender's claims to the contrary. Maybe I'm just being overly cynical, but I wouldn't be surprised if he just didn't fully think through the implications of that scene and is now retconning himself.
Is there a good medieval comic whith out superheroes or magic in it? I think someone should do a proper Robin Hood comic. I think that would work out really well actually.
Northlanders by Brian wood
I didn't know The Last of Us comic actually had interesting art, I was expecting a throwaway tie-in. Got me curious about the story, if it stands well on its own I may check it out.
She looks like a Scott Pilgrim character.
She looks like a Scott Pilgrim character.
So Leinil Yu had to leave Indestructible Hulk to draw the Avengers tie ins for Infinity? Uuugggghhh I hope an Inhumans series spins out of this from comics superstar Matt Fraction.
I'm not sure how I feel about that...
Only issue I got today was All New X-Men and it was great as usual.I bet it's Angel who joins the other team
The art definitely has an O'Malley feel, which honestly make the book more interesting than it probably is. Still, will try out.
Earth-2.....damn, son.
Earth-2.....damn, son.
Would you describe it as What the Fuck?
At least for the books I've read so far, that Bleeding Cool rumor that creative had to tell a story around the What the Flashpointing Fifty Two covers is false. The GL and E2 covers certainly happen, but probably not to the degree people are expecting.
Is it the DKR design? If so that's fucking lame.Just read Detective #19 holey moley I was glad to see that design of Bane finally coming to the comics! Let's hope it's not a one off and that they keep the design![]()
Is it the DKR design? If so that's fucking lame.
EDIT: I found a pic: keeps his comic book size and mask, but the clothes are all Rises
Bane's design is one thing. I want to see them write him as the competent villain he is. This was a guy who was smarter than most gave him credit for, even Ra's underestimated how educated the man was. Plus Bane was the guy who figured out Batmans ID and a way to take him down. Sadly since then he was written as a muscle bound wrestler and not much more. The movie gave him the first nice boost in awhile even as other media still made him look like a third rate bad guy ie: See his Young Justice appearance.
All New X-Men 10
Has to be Jean right? Angel going seems like Bendis already played with that idea awhile back with him wanting to return to his timeline. Jean would be the most exciting option of the bunch.
All New X-Men 10
Has to be Jean right? Angel going seems like Bendis already played with that idea awhile back with him wanting to return to his timeline. Jean would be the most exciting option of the bunch.
ome people have theorized that this happened before Marvel NOW! somehow. No, it's happening right now and the tie-in books that just shipped today, "Fantastic Four" and "Superior Spider-Man," help illustrate that. It becomes a lot clearer as Ultron intersects with the Fantastic Four who are off on their time-space journey, and in the Spider-Man story we get the perspective of Otto Octavius whose brain is in Spidey's body.
So it's happening right now in the same way that every Marvel story is happening right now. Not too long ago I answered a question by saying, "'Age of Ultron' is happening now. The current issue of 'Avengers' is happening now. The current issue of 'Wolverine' is happening now. So are the current issues of 'Savage Wolverine' and 'Wolverine and the X-Men.'" Every one of those comics is happening right when you read it. Ultimately, once those stories are finished, you'll kind of be able to put them together in a chronological sequence. "Oh, this Paul Cornell 'Wolverine' story must have happened after this Frank Cho 'Savage Wolverine' story and before this 'Avengers' story."
Artists Brandon Peterson and Carlos Pacheco are joining the series to tackle very distinct sections of the story, but Brevoort couldn't go into more detail
It's the same thing with "Age of Ultron." The story is happening in the here and now when it's being published. Once it's all through you'll be able to see how it intersects with other stories that are going on at the same time. So it's no different than any other situation where characters are appearing in multiple books.
Considering the connection this arc has had to your "Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine" run, will we get a chance to see more of the characters you introduced in that series in "Wolverine and the X-Men?"
I do have plans for one other character seen in "Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine," but can't say who just yet. And no, I'm afraid it's not Doom the Living Planet.
All New X-Men 10
Has to be Jean right? Angel going seems like Bendis already played with that idea awhile back with him wanting to return to his timeline. Jean would be the most exciting option of the bunch.
ANXM:it has to be Jean, they even elude to the fact that Emma will see through any double agent. So it's probably a fellow telepath
loflll you KNOW that shit at the end of Age of Ultron #4 wasn't in the script Hitch got a billion years ago.
All that shit "off camera"
When can diamond go die in a fire? My store still hasn't gotten their FF #5 in. Pieces of shit.
Since you like Hawkeye I guess you would enjoy Fraction's far superior work in FF.
Never heard of this, looks good! Do the two volumes cover the whole series? I don't normally get hardcovers but that really looks like a nice one.