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COMICS! |OT| August 2013. The only time of year when everyone envies Bobby Drake.

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Uncanny Avengers just the most verbose goddamn thing with about a hundred plots and love triangles happening at the same time, but it's that very same quality that reminds me of Claremont's X-Men so it pushes all my buttons that I can't help but dig it.

Right?? It's all these things I thought I wasn't really into anymore but holy hell it works for me. A lotta people said that the Wood X-Men is a "classic" X-Men book, but man -- pretty sure it's this one.



Read Heart of Hush before bed tonight. So good! Just about equal part Catwoman story than Batman story. Has there ever been a story of them exploring a relationship farther than where it goes here?


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Have any of you just sat back and try to analyze some thing comic related? I've been sitting here wondering why mutants have their own classification, when they share little to no external traits with each other outside the x-gene. I mean humans come in all shapes sizes and colors, but the defining traits are the same. Mutants don't have that
There is a positive to the Affleck fallout. It led to me introducing someone to Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown. She now thinks Steph is awesome and wants to be Cass. I might get her reading Batgirl.


There is a positive to the Affleck fallout. It led to me introducing someone to Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown. She now thinks Steph is awesome and wants to be Cass. I might get her reading Batgirl.

Which reminds me that I really need to check out the Cass/Steph stuff. I've been enjoying Gail Simone's run with Barbara a lot.

Jedeye Sniv

So, Jeff Lemire's new project has been announced and it's





(Okay so actually he's taking over JLA and moving the team north)

That sounds really fucking stupid. Yes Jeff, it does sound like a joke. A one note joke.


On a non-current tip, I've recently been on a full on Batman binge and I'm finding myself fascinated with some of the 70s stuff, particularly the pre-Crisis Jason Todd stuff, it's very interesting and the era has been entirely forgotten when it comes to 'classic runs'. When I was a kid one of the first Batman books I ever read was A Death in the Family, so Jason has always had a place in my heart, this forgotten and papered over Robin with multiple origins. Particularly interesting is the stuff with Nocturna - there is a period where almost every Batman story is some comination of Jason, Bruce, Nocturna and Catwoman and it's fascinating.

Another interesting thing to consider is 'when did Batman comics get good?', and seeing the evolution of the styles through the ages from the stilted, exclaimatory approach of the Golden Age material through to the silver/bronze ages where you can almost see the writers struggling with trying to introduce some more mature concepts, while still a little shackled by the bombastic nature of how comics were usually written.

Also, that famous panel of Batman holding a battered and bloody Robin was not even new back in Death of The Family, I've found at least half a dozen instances of the image throughout my research, and that's not even an exhaustive search.

So yeah, history is cool kids. Thinking of maybe putting together a blog to try and investigate this stuff, it's woefully under represented.
I'm willing to give Affleck a chance. Dude is a legit solid actor, and I think as long as he puts on some muscle mass, brings his A game with it, he'll make a damn fine Batman/Bruce Wayne.

Some thoughts on this week

Superman Unchained, I know it looks pretty straight forward but I'm learning with Snyder that he's just setting you up. I'm still enjoying this and looking forward to see where it goes.

Supergirl, did not expect that or see that coming, really wonder how that is going to effect
the Nu52 version of the death of superman, I guess we'll find out next month.

Batman and Nightwing, soo many god damn feels. I stand by my comment that Tomasi is handling the death of Damian better than any other writer.

JLD + Pandora, Trinity War soooo good


Wonder Woman was enjoyable as well, I have one issue with this run though. The character and everything about it just feels so completely disconnected from the rest of the DC Universe. The WW here almost feels like a different character from the one we see in JL, or other titles.

GLNG I wonder what the end game for all this is. We can't see a complete disbanding of all the corps, they sell too many copies each month. Are we heading towards less of them though? Will we see it down to just the GLs, or just the GLs and RLs?

Batwoman, Animal Man, good reads as well, Batwoman seems to be coming back around to it's original quality, and Animal Man is getting interesting again.
Should've gone with Justice League Detroit.

Wonder Woman was enjoyable as well, I have one issue with this run though. The character and everything about it just feels so completely disconnected from the rest of the DC Universe. The WW here almost feels like a different character from the one we see in JL, or other titles.
From what I hear others are saying, that's typically considered to be a good thing, or saving grace even.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I'm willing to give Affleck a chance. Dude is a legit solid actor, and I think as long as he puts on some muscle mass, brings his A game with it, he'll make a damn fine Batman/Bruce Wayne.

Batman and Nightwing, soo many god damn feels. I stand by my comment that Tomasi is handling the death of Damian better than any other writer.

Droppin' some straight truth, here. Affleck was the bomb in Phantomz, yo, and Tomasi and Gleason have done one of the coolest, most emotional Bat-book runs in a long time.
They have Valiant 99-cent sales every few weeks. It's usually a rebooted series (all but the newest issue or two) and the original. The last one was new Shadowman and old Shadowman. Sometimes it's the whole line, but the last time that happened was the holidays.
I signed up for Comixology in early April and the only thing that hasn't been a buck since then is new Archer and Armstrong.

Oh, awesome! Well, thanks for the tip, I'll keep an eye out for that, then.
From what I hear others are saying, that's typically considered to be a good thing, or saving grace even.

I'm not saying I dislike the version of her in her solo book or anything like that. I just wish there was more consistency. Part of what I enjoy about DC is the collective Universe and having a character be one thing in her solo book and something else everywhere else breaks that.


Yep. Vibe needs ro stick around. Please Im begging. Surprised Johns is letting Matt Kindt write Stargirl in the updomg arc. And McKone is the JLC artist, brah is so sterile.

I thought Kindt's run was focused on J'onn?

I kinda hope Vibe and Stargirl spinoff to form a new Young Justice team.


Or they'll just send them to the Titans.

Being written by Scott Lobdell, a fate worse than death.

I was thinking more along the lines of a team of young heroes who works directly with the League and has their blessing (basically the premise of the YJ cartoon without the sidekick part).
I'm not saying I dislike the version of her in her solo book or anything like that. I just wish there was more consistency. Part of what I enjoy about DC is the collective Universe and having a character be one thing in her solo book and something else everywhere else breaks that.

Yeah, but I fear for Wonder Woman when the day comes that Azzarello decides or is forced to quit, because his WW is so far ahead of the other female centered books and female characters in DC that it shames the rest and even his use of her mytholological background is not cringe worthy.


Do we have any kind of information on the team?
You wrote that Adam Strange will return?

And a new "YJ"-Team: That would be great :)

That article said Adam Strange and a new Canadian character, other than that we have no roster info. It has been implied in interviews that the team lineups will be different as a result of Trinity War and Forever Evil.
Is this one of the Omnibuses that was revealed? Or new?


It's time to play the music, it's time to light the lights and, for a new generation of fans, it's time to meet the Muppets in a Marvel Comics omnibus.

The upcoming hardcover tome The Muppets Omnibus collects four series by cartoonist Roger Langridge featuring Jim Henson's fan-favorite creations: The Muppet Show, The Muppet Show Comic Book: The Treasure of Peg-Leg Wilson, The Muppet Show Comic Book and The Muppets. Slated for an April release, the book pulls from material originally published by Disney and Boom! Studios, which previously had the license to release Muppets comics.
Being written by Scott Lobdell, a fate worse than death.

I was thinking more along the lines of a team of young heroes who works directly with the League and has their blessing (basically the premise of the YJ cartoon without the sidekick part).

That would be ideal, I just don't see DC doing it. They tried a second youth team book (granted it wasn't good) and it bombed so I don't know if they're willing to try again.

Yeah, but I fear for Wonder Woman when the day comes that Azzarello decides or is forced to quit, because his WW is so far ahead of the other female centered books and female characters in DC that it shames the rest and even his use of her mytholological background is not cringe worthy.

I don't think you have to worry about him being forced to quit. They've given 2 years already to tell this story and haven't really forced any other DC Universe stuff on him. He does use her mythological background great, though I don't know if I would agree with it shaming the rest of DCs female characters. Definitely most of them but IMHO Batwoman and Batgirl have been just as up there.

Like I said the only thing that bothers me is the disconnect. In some ways it almost feels like WW is taking place in an elseworlds DC Universe or not on Earth Prime. I've been loving his take on her though.

I don't think you have to worry about him being forced to quit. They've given 2 years already to tell this story and haven't really forced any other DC Universe stuff on him. He does use her mythological background great, though I don't know if I would agree with it shaming the rest of DCs female characters. Definitely most of them but IMHO Batwoman and Batgirl have been just as up there.

Like I said the only thing that bothers me is the disconnect. In some ways it almost feels like WW is taking place in an elseworlds DC Universe or not on Earth Prime. I've been loving his take on her though.

I can't get into Batwoman - oh my how could I have forgotten this gem. That happens when one does trade-waiting on specific series ... Out of sight and out of mind. You are sooo right!

And Batgirl - not my kind of book to be honest. I love Simone, but this book constantly rubs me the wrong way so I don't even look up announcements and previews anymore. But definetly a personal thing and not about the quality of the book.


First tragedy, then farce.
Going back to a monthly release schedule for Forever Evil is going to be excruciating. It has been so great having Trinity War span 6 issues but only two months.

But there are the tie-in books. I suspect the three JL books, Titans and SS will have some sort of plot advancement. Especially JL and JLA.

So I figure we will get 3+ Forever Evil tie ins.

I for one am liking Trinity War. Mostly because it hasn't been all about people punching each other like these things normally turn our.

DC has actually been doing pretty good recently. Supes still needs some help (Unchained is ok, B&S might wind up somewhere eventually but at least looks good - both are a huge improvement over the situation since AC changed hands), but I think the JL, Bat Family, WW, Aquaman, Flash, Green Arrow and GL books are all knocking it out of the park right now.
Are the Batman books not equally disconnected from the rest of the New52, though?

Not in the same way, Batman Inc yes, the other Bat books not so much. Her character just comes across very different from the WW we see in the rest of the DC Universe, where as Batman is still Batman. Batman is interacting in his books with other characters in the DC Universe, outside of Orion and a brief experience with the other New Gods that isn't the case for WW.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I don't care whatever fake out is occuring, YEAH BOIIIIIIII ITS HAPPENING~~~~~

Finally! Ben Reilly Scarlet Spider is still my favorite Marvel character and the sleeveless blue hoodie is classic. If Stegman was still on art, this comic would Hawkeye-levels of best Big Two sleeper hit.


First tragedy, then farce.
Like I said the only thing that bothers me is the disconnect. In some ways it almost feels like WW is taking place in an elseworlds DC Universe or not on Earth Prime. I've been loving his take on her though.

I'm totally, 100% ok with the disconnect. Eventually I would like to see the book return to continuity, but it's been so good I will take it. Considering the alternative would be a million WW/Supes cross-over things to remind us I guess they are still an item or something.

This run has done more for the character than anything in a very long time. Mostly out of continuity or not.
But there are the tie-in books. I suspect the three JL books, Titans and SS will have some sort of plot advancement. Especially JL and JLA.

So I figure we will get 3+ Forever Evil tie ins.

I for one am liking Trinity War. Mostly because it hasn't been all about people punching each other like these things normally turn our.

DC has actually been doing pretty good recently. Supes still needs some help (Unchained is ok, B&S might wind up somewhere eventually but at least looks good - both are a huge improvement over the situation since AC changed hands), but I think the JL, Bat Family, WW, Aquaman, Flash, Green Arrow and GL books are all knocking it out of the park right now.

The problem is that tie ins not written by the main writers of an event are in most cases only filler and the info we have on the books that take place at the same time as FE shows that they are not that closely tied to the main event. And yeah Geoff Johns is doing the JL tie ins but that only makes two books.

Why can't the pull a AvX or AoU with this one? Mostly because we know that the majority of the new52 are set PRE-FE and thus the outcome of several storylines is serverly hampered or delayed. It hurts.
Not in the same way, Batman Inc yes, the other Bat books not so much. Her character just comes across very different from the WW we see in the rest of the DC Universe, where as Batman is still Batman. Batman is interacting in his books with other characters in the DC Universe, outside of Orion and a brief experience with the other New Gods that isn't the case for WW.

I'm totally, 100% ok with the disconnect. Eventually I would like to see the book return to continuity, but it's been so good I will take it. Considering the alternative would be a million WW/Supes cross-over things to remind us I guess they are still an item or something.

This run has done more for the character than anything in a very long time. Mostly out of continuity or not.
What StoOgE said. From what I've seen (and again, I don't read but I do catch what other people are saying and see the occasional pages posted elsewhere), Wonder Woman's characterization outside her own book typically revolves around her being ill-tempered and combative, or becoming hopelessly enamored with her boyfriend Superman. No one wants to see that injected into her solo book, I should hope.


Spider-Girl was great for a long while. It eventually turned to shit a bit as Defalco lost his passion or something. But the first 50 issues or so were great classic Spidey.

I miss Spider-Girl, Mayday Parker was awesome.
That was a really fun book.
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