So I went ahead and bought the DnA Guardians of the Galaxy omni. I was able to get it for $40 from someone because Marvel did a bad guy move. For anybody who doesn't know, they released this book like three months ago. Then, about a month ago, they solicited three huge cosmic omnis, that contain, among other things, THIS WHOLE RUN. In a much more complete format. Can't believe they did that.
Anyway, I don't think my budget would allow me to buy those three $125 cover price omnis, not to mention a crucial part of their cosmic line - Annihilation - is horribly out of print and hasn't been re-solicited along with this other stuff. So I bought this book cheap. I hope it at least has a summary page or something that will allow me to read this coherently without feeling lost. Maybe I'll get the War of Kings OHC too since it apparently overlaps with that a lot.
What exactly is in these new cosmic omnis? You have piqued my interest.