This is definitely an X-book.
BK youre out again, TheFlow is my new favorite ComicGaffer
This is definitely an X-book.
Low #11-15
5/5 I can't keep reading something so dark and depressing
Remender's darkest joint by far
I lAlways wishing I had people's full pulls on hand too.
Outside of GAF people seem to think Uncanny is the best X book lol.And riiiiiight when you hit exactly why S3 of Angel is the worst one...
Day just went kablooey
I'm really curious to see what this is going to be given how Marvel is teasing it and it has multiple artists. I'm guessing it will be an important tie-in book for IvX or something, but Marvel only tends to do teasers this long for the stuff they deem big.
Just looked up Dysart's Unknown Soldier run after seeing it mentioned a few pages back, and strangely enough only the first 6 issues are on Comixology. Though all the volumes are on IST for pretty cheap so I might pick it up from there.
It's Monday! You know what that means!
If you guessed that it's time to read comics, then you were right!
so i can play her more. Enjoy the blizzard ult that is as large as the entire point.
This is definitely an X-book.
Just looked up Dysart's Unknown Soldier run after seeing it mentioned a few pages back, and strangely enough only the first 6 issues are on Comixology. Though all the volumes are on IST for pretty cheap so I might pick it up from there.
Introducing the first afro-latina Puerto Rican superhero:
She's created to bring awareness of PR's current debt crises.
Outside of GAF people seem to think Uncanny is the best X book lol.
I'm really curious to see what this is going to be given how Marvel is teasing it and it has multiple artists. I'm guessing it will be an important tie-in book for IvX or something, but Marvel only tends to do teasers this long for the stuff they deem big.
oh, look. It's some 3rd-rate MAC.
Right down to the glowing star.
Uncanny is the worst book. A terribly recycled plot that's basically nonsense, Land's art is mediocre at best and usually just bad. Lashley's art was enjoyable, but like I said that entire arc's writing was pure nonsense. The team has average chemistry, again, at best.
Extraordinary, '92, and All-New are all better than it by a lot.
The X-Men are moving to Mu!Silly PsychBat. It's never time to read comics.
oh, is that all? Let me know when they give her icicle gun a rapid-fire mode. I bet that's coming next.
Nah, man. I'm telling you guys it's about the lost civilization of Mu.
That's bizarre. It was a good run, definitely check it out. Underrated book right there.
oh, look. It's some 3rd-rate MAC.
Bruh she got powers from latino gods. She's legit.oh, look. It's some 3rd-rate MAC.
Right down to the glowing star.
I just had to express why I thought it was terrible. And emphasize it. I can't imagine why that's a prevailing opinion anywhere.I'm not saying I agree with them, but that seems to be the prevailing opinion for whatever reason.
Why do you read comics?
I actually only want to tell this story.
Great idea. I'll post mine when I get the list on Wednesday.
(at that time, they were published by Abril in size smaller than the one used on the US).
I mean, I'm sure once I've been around a while again it'll be easier, but I'm literally always reading things you guys all say then scrolling back pages trying to get a track on what you read, like, don't like haha.
The X-Men are moving to Mu!
Apparently Run DMC has his own comic publisher company.
So does Gene Simmons. Not saying a lot.
I've seen this artist somewhere. I forgot her name.
Is the stuff within Amazing Spider-Man OHC Vol. 2 the end of the run up to ANAD?
Here's what's included in it: Amazing Spider-Man 7-18, Superior Spider-Man 32-33, Free Comic Book Day 2014 (Guardians of the Galaxy) 1 (Spider-Man story)
Also, is ANAD a direction continuation?
Yes to both.
Does this look familiar:
I've seen this artist somewhere. I forgot her name.
It sets up the new direction of ANAD.Thank you, sandfox. I wish it had gone to a different creative team and different direction. I like having completed runs.
It sets up the new direction of ANAD.
I'm a junior, too. So this would be cool to see, as well.
And you are killing me in posts, 206 to 66, so you'll get a better understanding much quicker.
It's the star from the Puerto Rican flag.
No, but there is already the next ASM OHC announced that will include the missing issues.So do you think the Marvel NOW Amazing Spider-man run feels like a completed run?
I know, but you've got to admit, that's exactly what MAC would look like if she had a traditional costume.
Maybe Slayven will buy it off you.Shit. Entertainment Earth charged me for something I ordered and meant to cancel.
Maybe Slayven will buy it off you.
Mmm, bleeding cool speculating MU could be a fantastic four revival or at least a Richards book not using the FF name.
I read it on its own without feeling lost. You should be fine.So I went ahead and bought the DnA Guardians of the Galaxy omni. I was able to get it for $40 from someone because Marvel did a bad guy move. For anybody who doesn't know, they released this book like three months ago. Then, about a month ago, they solicited three huge cosmic omnis, that contain, among other things, THIS WHOLE RUN. In a much more complete format. Can't believe they did that.
Anyway, I don't think my budget would allow me to buy those three $125 cover price omnis, not to mention a crucial part of their cosmic line - Annihilation - is horribly out of print and hasn't been re-solicited along with this other stuff. So I bought this book cheap. I hope it at least has a summary page or something that will allow me to read this coherently without feeling lost. Maybe I'll get the War of Kings OHC too since it apparently overlaps with that a lot.
So I went ahead and bought the DnA Guardians of the Galaxy omni. I was able to get it for $40 from someone because Marvel did a bad guy move. For anybody who doesn't know, they released this book like three months ago. Then, about a month ago, they solicited three huge cosmic omnis, that contain, among other things, THIS WHOLE RUN. In a much more complete format. Can't believe they did that.
Sure, Rich.
The current X-Men writer is definitely writing the FF returning, not a book clearly called