I'm surprised you'd list Remender among your favorite writers. I like Deadly Class and Uncanny X-Force a lot, but he's very inconsistent. Tokyo Ghost is probably his worst writing (beautiful comic, though), and Low, although entertaining has been going downhill, and the dialogue has never been strong. His dialogue in general isn't that good.
His style of writing feels like it packs a punch. A lot of raw and grit to them. Low and Tokyo Ghost are his "Weak" titles (personally I think they are fine) but he is doing a great job on Deadly Class, Black Science, and so far Seven to Eternity. Different strokes for different folks. He's a unique writer in the industry.
Sorry, evidence:
Yesssssss. It is so good man. I enjoyed Plague Of Frogs alot, but Hell On Earth is so freaking good, it blows it out the water. It just gets better and better. I'm one volume behind right now, but it's just awesome, the places it goes...wait til you get to the stuff with Harren on pencils. If you read Rumble, you'll see the genesis of it in there.
they go in depth and get critical
He thinks it's stuff that they do unconsciously.
Yeah I'm real excited for when I DO eventually read it. It sounds so good.
I'm behind on Rumble but I really dug what I read on that. Harren does some rad action scenes there.
And side note, but I am looking for books to include in next month's OT since everyone didn't like this one. Need books for:
Dark Horse
The alternative publishers
Feel free to post/PM suggestions. I don't read anything from IDW and I'd like to show off more than the usual TMNT, MTMTE, and Jem that everyone talks about.
Neat deal: TPB Book of Firsts from Dark Horse:
Is Seven to Eternity this week?
Oh, look. DC's bad ideas are spreading.
Remender and Rafa pitched a Justice League book back in 2006:
Interesting line-up. Is that Russian Batman?
Lol that is a hook upIt's $6 for 8 firsts... that's a bad idea?
Weird. Return Superman, Batman (?), Poison Ivy, Firestorm, Atom, Negative Man, Hawkgirl, and Sandman.Remender and Rafa pitched a Justice League book back in 2006:
Interesting line-up. Is that Russian Batman?
Nazi Batman is a thing?
I need to read that Elseworld Story.
Gwenpool #3 makes me have doubts about the book going forward after liking the first two issues. Not as funny, less action, basically Gwenpool gets paperwork with the help of a guest character.
this was so good, really loving the threads it's pulling from UXF, Aaron's early Thor issues & Scarlet Witch's history.
can't wait to start Vol 4.
Bruh, you should have bought Vol. 5 cuz after your done reading this your gonna be so pumped to know what happens next. Vol. 4 ends on a banger.
isn't it AXIS related?
might get a hard pass from me...
No. Vol. 6 is the Axis prelude.
Volume 5 is the AXIS prelude and is skippable
Post AXIS run was okay
It's $6 for 8 firsts... that's a bad idea?
I still have a 30% discount coupon from Comixology. I can't decide if I should use it on Blue Beetle (2006) or more DC Rebirth. :/ I know it is unlikely we'll see a sale on DC Rebirth related titles for some time, but I am keen for more Blue Beetle. Please help.
Maybe Slayven will buy it off you.
i'm gonna hop off UA after vol 4
i am thinking of starting My Hero Academia afterwards... kind of in the mood for something light & breezy. school related. wish there was something Harry Potter-ish, tbh.
One of the best. *A moment of silence*Awwwww. Mr. Fuji died.![]()
How about school related, Harry-Potter-ish, and somewhat surreal but also with hijinx?
'Cause I got that!
(The art improves)
I legitimately thought that link was going to lead to Gotham Academy lol.
Only because you didn't see me edit it like 3 times lol
It's a great series, btw.