A what?
Hahah sorry, my phones autocorrect has been creative this month, it's started correcting real words with a letter missing into nonsense >_<
A what?
We have six. It is our first time doing a league and give me a sec to pull up a list. I ended up getting average players for the rest of my list thoughnext time consult comicGAF beforehand!
picking up 3 QBs is lunacy lol
cam / brady is a pretty terrific 1-2 punch.
how many people are in your league? what does the rest of your line up look like? post em!
Gillen has started answering. People who wondered who came up with the "Tony is adopted" plotline or the original plans for Gillen's Work For Hire books for Marvel before he left superhero books behind to start working on Vader and focus on his own books can get their answer here.
That's one long ass sentence.
I was collecting all the ones we would care about to post once in a big batch.Without even the actual answer! lol
Scrapped Uncanny plans and a bit on Siege:
Uncanny Plans... well, its less plans and more ideas for direction. It was always likely I would move off Uncanny after AvX. Some of the ideas were brought forward - like the SINISTER stuff I used for the Phoenix Five. Fairly obviously, I would have done a big story with UNIT, which is probably my main regret. I like the commentary in terms of UNIT getting away with it everything AvX is happening (I forget if I used the line When heroes fight heroes who wins? By definition, not heroes. but it was on my mind.)
Mainly, itd have been structured on Scott going further and further. I wanted to end the Schism by Scott appearing to win, and then Emma stabbing him in the back in a mirror of AvX. Emma would have never have forgiven Scott for AvX. Which isnt fair, but Emma isnt fair. Emma is a creature made of pride and he took that from her. Her turning full Supervillain and setting up a school in Latveria.
Generally speaking, I would have happily made more villains. Theres too many heroes in the MU. We need more good villains - or rather, antagonists.
But UNIT would have been fun. I do regret not getting to write how people defeat him.
And Siege was a lot of fun. I sort of designed it to be fun, really. A lot of it was me doing alternate versions of stories I never got to tell. Abigail Brands Siege origin is a riff on her real one, which has never been told. The UNITS are similar in that way.
Adopted Tony maybe being a idea from the higher ups:
The short answer is that I had an original plan for Iron Man, which was basically a hard-science-fiction Deadwood-On-The-Mood take about the death of Space Travel. Then the idea to make him join the Guardians appeared, which immediately makes any hard-science take on Tony impossible. He cant be having fun space adventures and also worrying about oxygen generation.
So we did what I did, and I got him into space, and THEN we realised that it was the 50th anniversary coming up and would probably be a good idea to do a story that harked back to his beginnings. Clearly, I growled. Id spent so much effort getting him into space and now have to do something about Earth? Thats impossible. Unless...
I try to be additive with my WFH work. You can do any story you could with Tony before, and more - not least introducing Arno Stark in time for 2020.
Will Aphra survive and hopefully get a spin-off book in the future?
Issue 25 of Darth Vader is quite the thing. Im really proud of what everyone has done with it.
Lets leave it at that, eh?
On puns:
Oh, definitely. The really bad ones dont normally get stopped. Its the ones which arent bad enough. I generally am aiming to get more people shouting NO! at me than pressing like.
Jesus Christ that swerve in Invincible volume 3 is amazing. Why did I never think to start this before? Good thing I have like 18 more volumes to read.
I had that issue. It's hard to believe now, but that Nocenti run was solid, and I remember quite liking most of the Daredevil issues at the time, although to be fair I was 13, so I'm not sure how well it would hold up now.
1) jon bones
2) Tragicomedy
3) TheFlow
fuck, i might be down for a free comicGAF FF league. will be a good opportunity for comicGAF to bull shit and learn how to play a new game.
So long as all the team names are comic related puns. Deal breaker otherwise.
In for fantasy football!
1) jon bones
2) Tragicomedy
3) TheFlow
4) KoruptData
Whats that?
So long as all the team names are comic related puns. Deal breaker otherwise.
this too!I'm a casual fan of football, so if you need an extra person, I'm in.
I'd be down for an NBA fantasy league if that ever gets arranged.
I was collecting all the ones we would care about to post once in a big batch.![]()
Nah, like in what is Fantasy Football? I have no idea what its supposed to beits like you pick players and get points when they do stuff?
So Mjölnir and yet so Mjölfar.
Oh Grodd, that was bad. It's a work in progress.
Tales of the Batman - Alan Brennert.
58% off.
I haven't gotten around to reading it yet but I know ViewtifulJC and others have been strongly recommending this on here.
Looks like the comic store I used to use that disappeared off the face of the Earth, Disposable Heroes, has [URL=""]resurfaced with a different name[/URL], after never fulfilling a shed load of orders and ignoring all and any contact.
Definitely won't be using them.
I remember you posting about that! Did they actually charge you for the orders?
Why do I continue to listen to a comic podcast even though it continues to annoy the hell out of me?!
Why do I continue to listen to a comic podcast even though it continues to annoy the hell out of me?!
you want to keep up with continuity so that when the podcast has an event you're not lost.
Especially when they're so many good podcasts to listen to.
Honestly, my biggest complaint about living close to work is that I don't have a ton of time to listen to podcasts.(Many people I work with don't see this as a very valid complaint)
bf1 is so good I can't focus on anything else
bf1 is so good I can't focus on anything else
There isn't a two or three week break in between Hearthstone seasons, QP is terrible, i'd like to check out the map and character updates...Overwatch right now is dumb.
This is some real Hillary Clinton stuff right now, the Blizzard establishment must end people, we have to do it.
ohh baby, we're almost cookin
1) jon bones
2) Tragicomedy
3) TheFlow
4) KoruptData
5) Bii
6) RepairmanJack
7) Zombine
The fact that I am a Jaguars fan is depressing.
I'm a lifelong Browns fan if that helps.
It's a good day to bring up football with me, Bengals finally cut Brandon Tate. A dream came true today.
There's two of us here? Nice.
It blew my mind every year when Tate would stick around, good riddance.
There's two of us here? Nice.
It blew my mind every year when Tate would stick around, good riddance.