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COMICS! |OT| August 2016. That's Rare Groove. Volume is Crucial.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Totally Awesome Hulk #3 - Boy this book sure is fun huh? And pretty. Hulk beats up Fin Fang Foom, which impresses the alien lady so she kidnaps him. Oops!

Spider Woman #2-4 - Fantastic arc to start off the new series, as Jess goes to a fancy space hospital to have her baby only to get caught up in what is basically Die Hard where Jess is McClane and Skrulls are the Hans Gruber gang. Great writing, great art (some really trippy scenes as Jess travels the various wings of the space hospital), funny, good action, badass moments, this book is pretty much git it all. Highly recomended.

Skrull Kid: "I get earth TV here, you're an Avenger."
Skrull Kid: "The one with the butt."
Jess: "..."
Deathstroke #1. Man, it's hard to deny that Priest's long hiatus left him rusty. The transitions in particular are a mess. Some of the dialogue is really great. He might manage to make Slade an interesting character (if the book lasts long enough for him to do so, which it probably won't). Some of it is not so good. I can't help but make the comparison to Claremont's return to the industry, dude was unreadable for years. I hope Priest picks it back up faster.

And then there's this

which I'm guessing nobody is talking about because everybody already dropped this book. But it's Priest so he gets two or three more issues from me.

I HATED the Rebirth #1, and didn't even pick up the second sales-boosting #1 issue. Rough as fuck. If I like absolutely nothing about a character, there's got to be some other hook to bring me back. Humor, good dialogue, great art, whatever. Found none of that here.


Should I read Saga? I always see the cover arts and think they look cool. I guess that is reason enough, but figured an ask here would be worth it. I have enjoyed most all of you guys suggestions when I peak in here for more stuff to read.


Unconfirmed Member
Should I read Saga? I always see the cover arts and think they look cool. I guess that is reason enough, but figured an ask here would be worth it. I have enjoyed most all of you guys suggestions when I peak in here for more stuff to read.

Romeo and Juliet, to a degree, updated for science fiction and space tomfoolery. Great art, intelligent writing, neat twists, stunning page layouts. Go for it as it's a lot of fun!


Should I read Saga? I always see the cover arts and think they look cool. I guess that is reason enough, but figured an ask here would be worth it. I have enjoyed most all of you guys suggestions when I peak in here for more stuff to read.
Saga is really good.


Romeo and Juliet, to a degree, updated for science fiction and space tomfoolery. Great art, intelligent writing, neat twists, stunning page layouts. Go for it as it's a lot of fun!

Just looked it up and my library actually has it, should have done that before. Sounds right up my alley though so thank you :)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Angela Queen of Hel #2-4 - Well this was a surprise, I was all prepared to not like this since the first issue did nothing for me months ago, and in fact I went into it with a "might aswell get this shit over with" but I thoroughly enjoyed these three issues. Angela partakes on three trials to face Hela in order to save Sera (I love Sera btw) and there's some nice action and moments wuth Sera throughout, and some cool characters showing up. Also the book looks fantastic. Im actually kinda bummed it was canceled now.

Oh and Angela's new look in it is great.

Angela Queen of Hel #2-4 - Well this was a surprise, I was all prepared to not like this since the first issue did nothing for me months ago, and in fact I went into it with a "might aswell get this shit over with" but I thoroughly enjoyed these three issues. Angela partakes on three trials to face Hela in order to save Sera (I love Sera btw) and there's some nice action and moments wuth Sera throughout, and some cool characters showing up. Also the book looks fantastic. Im actually kinda bummed it was canceled now.

Oh and Angela's new look in it is great.
Well Marvel hopes you like her classic bikini look.


Unconfirmed Member
Really enjoyed Giant Days v2. Charming and heartfelt without ever feeling like they are trying too hard. Love the art (Both Treiman and Sarin's work). The Friday Night Lights gag was hilarious.

For some reason, till this volume, it completely missed me that this was set in England...

That book is completly beyond charming. I absolutely love it.
Just looked it up and my library actually has it, should have done that before. Sounds right up my alley though so thank you :)

It's not for everyone, but I feel it has the usual BKV feel and mass appeal. He's the writer I always break out for non-comic book readers, and they're usually blown away that comics aren't all Avengers bashing bad guys. Have you read Y: The Last Man?

Saga is always interesting and always good. We don't discuss it in these threads enough, but I think a lot of us pull it whenever it drops.
Spider Woman #2-4 - Fantastic arc to start off the new series, as Jess goes to a fancy space hospital to have her baby only to get caught up in what is basically Die Hard where Jess is McClane and Skrulls are the Hans Gruber gang. Great writing, great art (some really trippy scenes as Jess travels the various wings of the space hospital), funny, good action, badass moments, this book is pretty much git it all. Highly recomended.

Spider Woman is a totally fun and enjoyable series.
I still can't get over how good Pretty Deadly looks sometimes. Reading that thing I feel like if I sneeze I'll blow the sand and dirt off the pages.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Amazing Spider-Man #4-8 - err guys... I think this book lost me :/ I really liked the first few issues but, yeah this Parker Industries thing isnt doing it for me anymore. Zodiac arc ended with a whimper (and a cliffhanger) and this next one with mr.negative (who I hate) and evil cloak and dagger was a dud. Doesnt help that Camuncoli wasnt the artist on it. Hopefully it gets better again because those first few issues were really good :(

If Messi was here we would be seeing a rant over this lol.

He doesn't like it?


Amazing Spider-Man #4-8 - err guys... I think this book lost me :/ I really liked the first few issues but, yeah this Parker Industries thing isnt doing it for me anymore. Zodiac arc ended with a whimper (and a cliffhanger) and this next one with mr.negative (who I hate) and evil cloak and dagger was a dud. Doesnt help that Camuncoli wasnt the artist on it. Hopefully it gets better again because those first few issues were really good :(

He doesn't like it?

He likes that costume and was upset over it being replaced as well as Angela not currently having her own book IIRC.

ASM is meh and it felt like Slott was just trying to kill time until Clone Conspiracy.
He likes that costume and was upset over it being replaced as well as Angela not currently having her own book IIRC.

The costumes she had in her own book were better suited to her character, I thought. Though if Marvel is going to throw her back into Guardians, she needs something more feasible for ease-of-movement. I still wouldn't have put her back in a costume so similar to her original. They managed to do something tasteful with Gamora when they got rid of the bikini + cape combo she'd been wearing for years. Angela needs the same treatment, I think. She's more covered than she was in the old Spawn outfit, but it's not very believable for a cosmic character to be running around in.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Should I read Saga? I always see the cover arts and think they look cool. I guess that is reason enough, but figured an ask here would be worth it. I have enjoyed most all of you guys suggestions when I peak in here for more stuff to read.

Definitely give Saga a shot.
Angela's bikini outfit was not good and I didn't care for the first redesign Marvel tried either. The one that Rhaknar posted is by far her best design. It looks cool and makes good use of the ribbons.


The costumes she had in her own book were better suited to her character, I thought. Though if Marvel is going to throw her back into Guardians, she needs something more feasible for ease-of-movement. I still wouldn't have put her back in a costume so similar to her original. They managed to do something tasteful with Gamora when they got rid of the bikini + cape combo she'd been wearing for years. Angela needs the same treatment, I think. She's more covered than she was in the old Spawn outfit, but it's not very believable for a cosmic character to be running around in.

Well she doesn't have to worry about that anymore considering
the Guardians are staying on earth post Civil War 2 lol.
At least Aaron is giving her love in Mighty Thor. I feel Angela was just fucked over, even after the attention with GLAAD.

It has more to do with sales, for Marvel. Anything that under-performs, they junk it and try something else. They have a pretty high turnover rate for series.


It has more to do with sales, for Marvel. Anything that under-performs, they junk it and try something else. They have a pretty high turnover rate for series.

And yet, Moon Girl, Hellcat and Squirrel Girl are still trucking but I assume their trade and digital sales keep them afloat.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
It has more to do with sales, for Marvel. Anything that under-performs, they junk it and try something else. They have a pretty high turnover rate for series.

Squirrel Girl? Moon Girl? Spider Woman? Surfer? Arent those all stinkers?

Sales wise obviously.


Maaaan, read through what's out of (the current) Ultimates, and freaking events is all I have to say there. Was REALLY enjoying it, and yet it's gone into heavy tie-in mode, so rather than a consistent chain of events it's all reliant on crap from Civil War II, which I don't want to read because it's an event so I must assume it sucks. But nope, the plot is now entirely being driven by events that don't occur in this book, and it's lame. Like, they obviously couldn't avoid this with Carol on the team, but it still sucks and it's dragging the book down rather noticeably for me.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Remind me, CW2 is shitting the bed but Standoff was good right?


So are they changing their name to the
Guardians of Earth

No, but this is going to be Bendis' final arc and given how meh Marvel's cosmic books outside of Silver Surfer were during ANAD I welcome all these status quo changes like Rosenberg Rocket and Sex Symbol Star Lord.

And yet, Moon Girl, Hellcat and Squirrel Girl are still trucking but I assume their trade and digital sales keep them afloat.

Squirrel Girl? Moon Girl? Spider Woman? Surfer? Arent those all stinkers?

Sales wise obviously.

Moon Girl and Squirrel Girl seemingly do well enough to stick around and are all age books. Silver Surfer and Spider-Woman sell better than those other books and will stick around for at least one more round. Silver Surfer better get a relaunch if that happens lol.

Remind me, CW2 is shitting the bed but Standoff was good right?
Standoff was good.
I disliked the art from the 90s X-Men. Started reading the Blue and Gold team series but there was just too much going on for me aesthetically.

The thing that got me was that back then, the linework wasn't bad but the vast majority of the coloring was done with flat colors and bad (if any) gradients.


Maaaan, read through what's out of (the current) Ultimates, and freaking events is all I have to say there. Was REALLY enjoying it, and yet it's gone into heavy tie-in mode, so rather than a consistent chain of events it's all reliant on crap from Civil War II, which I don't want to read because it's an event so I must assume it sucks. But nope, the plot is now entirely being driven by events that don't occur in this book, and it's lame. Like, they obviously couldn't avoid this with Carol on the team, but it still sucks and it's dragging the book down rather noticeably for me.

Ewing does handle both Ult and Newavengers well if the tie in bullshit. Problem is with the delay, I fear it'll drag both books down with it.

Hawkguy has been taken out from NA and Carol is a lead for CW 2 so she's the de facto leader despite Galactus/BP/Blu Marvel before.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Yoooooo this reveal at the end of Standoff Welcome to Pleasant Hill

I thought it was
Bucky but its Zemo

I mean I knew it involved the Thunderbolts reboot but it still caught me off guard heh.

The premise is fucked up too, great start to the arc / event.





Yoooooo this reveal at the end of Standoff Welcome to Pleasant Hill

I thought it was
Bucky but its Zemo

I mean I knew it involved the Thunderbolts reboot but it still caught me off guard heh.

The premise is fucked up too, great start to the arc / event.



Yoooooo this reveal at the end of Standoff Welcome to Pleasant Hill

I thought it was
Bucky but its Zemo

I mean I knew it involved the Thunderbolts reboot but it still caught me off guard heh.

The premise is fucked up too, great start to the arc / event.



Enjoy issues 1-5 before CWII takes it over.

The book has a good Sway lookalike.


Unconfirmed Member
I made a bad call and decided to watch The Fellowship of the Ring, extended edition. Good god, that movie is long.

Also, why'd they let Boromir into the fellowship? That dude was obviously going to fuck stuff up from the very second he saw the ring.

Gotta say I wasn't that impressed with Wytches at all. The book needed a few more issues to flesh the story out. Instead we just get a massive info dump explanation at the end since there was no way we could have know any of that shit. Also Jock's paint spatter BS ruined the art and made the book a pain in the ass to look at.

Did you read the back after at the end of the book? I like it more than the book itself.


It's not for everyone, but I feel it has the usual BKV feel and mass appeal. He's the writer I always break out for non-comic book readers, and they're usually blown away that comics aren't all Avengers bashing bad guys. Have you read Y: The Last Man?

Saga is always interesting and always good. We don't discuss it in these threads enough, but I think a lot of us pull it whenever it drops.

Nope I haven't read Y: The Last Man. I should add that to the list I am guessing? I am actually quite looking forward to some different types of graphic novels instead of the normal marvel things I have been reading lately. Should be fun.

Definitely give Saga a shot.
After everyone saying so, now I must. I will get it as soon as possible.
Summary response of the thread:

I've been really enjoying CW2 and even its tie-ins and have become completely enthralled in the hype-train that is Champions.
just saw the latest Cap issue spoilers. Damn, Cap
smokes a fool
? :eek:

its probably from next week's issue btw, not last month when I say latest, I saw it on comic vine, so beware with CLICKING THE SPOILER BAR
Steve or Sam?

Congrats! That's the stuff I grew up on and still love immensely.
I just outed myself as "Old Guy," didn't I?
It's what got me in to comics.
"Hey Logan I heard you was a punk bitch"
Remind me, CW2 is shitting the bed but Standoff was good right?

Standoff was top tier
Does Jason Aaron's Thor stuff start with the god butcher arc? Is there only two hardcovers? I bought the first one the other day and burned through it. Fantastic stuff.

My store only had hardcovers numbered 1 and 2 so ill be getting the second one next week.


Does Jason Aaron's Thor stuff start with the god butcher arc? Is there only two hardcovers? I bought the first one the other day and burned through it. Fantastic stuff.

My store only had hardcovers numbered 1 and 2 so ill be getting the second one next week.

Yup those two hard covers encompass his entire first run. I'm actually waiting for mine to arrive today...

I had a break from 1996-2016 (except for a few months in 2008, which didn't take because of graduate school workload).

God damn! Haha, your break entirely encompasses the time I've been reading comic books!

It's not for everyone, but I feel it has the usual BKV feel and mass appeal. He's the writer I always break out for non-comic book readers, and they're usually blown away that comics aren't all Avengers bashing bad guys. Have you read Y: The Last Man?

I completely agree with this, I take the same tact with people. BKV's fundamentals as a storyteller, and his tv friendly scripting style really does make sure a) super accessible to people who want to branch beyond superheroes or come into comics in general) and b) just a great writer full stop.

Nope I haven't read Y: The Last Man. I should add that to the list I am guessing? I am actually quite looking forward to some different types of graphic novels instead of the normal marvel things I have been reading lately. Should be fun.

I love to hear this. Not sure what you have on your list man, but Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez's Locke & Key is a sure fire recommendation as well. It's already a complete work, not too long, and it just a perfect series, an absolutely classic. I would always recommend that alongside BKV's stuff. It's a little more mystery/horror tinged while Y is a bit more sci-fi tinged, but they are both really about people. The character's get put first and the stories are compelling for it.
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