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COMICS!!! |OT| August 2017 | Gwenpool's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard


Re: Hulk Generations

The really really should have chose a different artist for this. This art is quite nice, but they needed an artist who deals in more detail. Every page I had to take a few seconds to figure out which hulk was which...

While the Keown cover (a variant?) on it shows what kind of artist this needed. You can see the difference in the hulks a mile away.
Really really good? I saw it was $5 and was like lmao

I don't really factor that in...hmmm. If it was four dollars it would be an easy recommendation but at five I'm hesitant

But yes it was a nice little one shot, I thought. And I loved the OG Kirby stories at the back.

If I had one criticism it would be that some of it might be too basic for some fans, but it didn't bother me

PS Happy birthday man!

Re: Hulk Generations

The really really should have chose a different artist for this. This art is quite nice, but they needed an artist who deals in more detail. Every page I had to take a few seconds to figure out which hulk was which...

While the Keown cover (a variant?) on it shows what kind of artist this needed. You can see the difference in the hulks a mile away.

I completely agree with this. The fights were a total mess.

I get that it's hard to draw a long fight with two green Hulks, but we know it can be done a lot better than this


All new GotG: OH. Well that makes sense then. 😨

Avengers: This is emblematic of my issues with Secret Empire. We have this team of Hydra Avengers that seemingly cropped up out of nowhere. When was this team formed? What book? Reading Secret Empire constantly feels like you missed an important tie in issue that revealed something crucial, except you didn't miss anything the story is just glossing over details. I think it's a good concept poorly executed, particularly in the area of event scope and ramifications (some of the things that happen could and should have an impact on comics that aren't currently slated to tie in).

Batman: I still like the war of jokes and riddles on a conceptual level. I think that much like Civil War was redeemed in the MCU, the DCEU could make this work well. Or even just an Arkham sequel would be enough to make it work. I like the concept of Deadshot vs Deathstroke. That would be an interesting battle to see play out.

Black Bolt: This comic is super compelling. It's making me preemptively disappointed in the Inhumans show because I don't feel like they will nail the pathos in this book. Also I'm retroactively disappointed in AoS for wasting Crusher Creel.

Champions: Can't wait for a better team to take on this book! That said, this issue plays to the strength of the characters: hopeful idealism for a better world. That being said, I can imagine that some of the team book writers were pretty pissed at having their characters stolen and replaced by this event. Suddenly Waid has Nadia, Falcon 2, Riri, and Patriot thrust into his team and he loses Scott, Sam, and Kamala (aka the team leader). Also, Riri in particular seems ooc; was Bendis too busy to consult? And Miles had me cringing.

Again, good concept badly executed (and I refer to both Champions and Secret Empire here)
Messi, do you want a temporary avatar or something? I'm sure someone could send you one if you don't want one of my old ones.
How does Comixology Unlimited compare to Marvel Unlimited? Like, what would be the newest issues that CMXU would get?

Comixology gets just about everything on release day. It always gets everything from the big pubs...Mahvoo books drop a few minutes after midnight on release day.

The quality of the reader and the image on CMX are much better than Unlimited imho. You are basically paying a (large) premium to read the books as soon as they come out and get a moderately improved reading experience

Edit: Oh I just realized you said unlimited. Well, the quality issues still apply there but last I checked the selection kinda sucks for Marvel. It's not a "everything after six months" deal.
Sorry I can't believe I missed that key word :/


Just read Hulk Generations and it was a nice issue. Pak writes the characters well, but I agree with the comments on the characters being drawn too similar.
How does Comixology Unlimited compare to Marvel Unlimited? Like, what would be the newest issues that CMXU would get?

It varies pretty wildly. For some books, you only get the first few issues (Marvel stuff); for some, you get right up until the last trade of issues (East of West, Lazarus); and for some, it has the whole series (Archer & Armstrong). For $6 and actually getting good quality images, it's a way better service than MU in my eyes.


Had the Living Brain ever an appearence between Slotts current use of the character and his introduction in 1964?

Say what you want, but he knows the lore. I am currently reading through the first Spider-Man Omnibus and its funny how Electros attempt to break everyone out of the prison in the current run is and failed attempt to do this as his first try to do something like this in his first issue.

:( I want this.

I like how there will be two Captain Marvel movies next year


Generations not off to a good start, surprise surprise.

I'm going to start reading Geoff Johns run on Teen Titans later tonight.

Guys, my birthday is this weekend-i'm turning 40. I'm so fucking depressed. What a bummer.
Generations not off to a good start, surprise surprise.

I'm going to start reading Geoff Johns run on Teen Titans later tonight.

Guys, my birthday is this weekend-i'm turning 40. I'm so fucking depressed. What a bummer.
Hey I turned 40 today so know you're at least not the oldest person in this community
I'm going to start reading Geoff Johns run on Teen Titans later tonight.

I'm so fucking depressed. What a bummer.


I'll be getting there soon. Not much we can do other than embrace it...

Hey I turned 40 today so know you're at least not the oldest person in this community

Happy birthday!


Just read this week's Iron Fist and it's always nice to see Shang-Chi get notable roles in a book.

I wonder what Pak is planning to do with Cho now that
he's been disillusioned about how good it is to have Hulk powers. He saw how hard Banner had had it and the lengths his hero had to go just to survive. We know he's going to Planet Hulk, but he'll have a completely different outlook now when his book was previously built on him seeing the powers as a gift. There have been hints in the ongoing about him having problems controlling the Hulk and he's more messed up than Banner, so we'll see if that comes to a head.

I'll read more of my stuff later.
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