Kipp - You're currently 3 for 3 when it comes to making me jealous of your avatar. Keep up the good work, friend.
I'm confused, are we hooking Messi up with Kipp or something?
I think I could use some of that.
I don't think Messi would ever go for me. I don't love girly hijinks enough.
Checking it out, why does the deluxe edition not have issue five?It's basically a love story wrapped in a war story. Has some sci-fi and fantasy elements hybridized in there too.
EDIT: okay, the Secret Six preview looks PRETTY GOOD, like what Suicide Squad would be if it was made by cool people, I dig it. COMICS!
the last would have been Tooth & Claw #1.
Thank you for posting this, loving what's shown of the art!!
Real talk Freeza is my ComicsGAF waifu. In my heart everyone else is on ignore.
Kipp's Budgeting and Price Responsibility Deposits: Because You Deserve That Omnibus (But You Still Have To Eat)
Your heart is taken by Mignola anyways.
If I could bring another to my dinner it would be you. Then Kipp, but then I'd have to buy dinner for Kipp. Then it'd be really awkward.
Real talk Freeza is my ComicsGAF waifu. In my heart everyone else is on ignore.
Haha. I should write that book.
Speaking of my budgeting and silly level of frugality, there's a chance I'll be buying a house in Colorado at the beginning of next year... Really, really hope that this actually happens.
I cannot deny it. There would always be that distance between Messi and me because of my feelings for Mignola that just couldn't ever go away.
Hahaha. No, no, it's cool. I just won't eat. You guys can eat, I'll just enjoy your company.
Mignola does nothing for me.![]()
Mignola does nothing for me.
It wasn't meant to be Kipp.
Checking it out, why does the deluxe edition not have issue five?
Was it an unrelated story?
I'll be totally honest. I actually have no idea who this character is in my avatar. I mean, I know it's some BPRD guy, but that's about it. I just saw him/this image in the Hellboy: First 20 Years book and loved the design.
Mignola is too good.
Mignola does nothing for me.
It wasn't meant to be Kipp.
What were your two favorite furry things in Tooth & Claw #1? There is only one right answer.
I need to watch the second one. I watched the first and utterly forgot it existed.wish they would make another hellboy movie
This thread has the woooooorst opinions sometimes. Mignola art hate? I can't guys I can't. I can not.
Even his early stuff is gold.
Messi do you know there is a chick with fire powers in Hellboy REAL TALK
I love Mignola Art! He draws the best Gothic Blobs in the business.
Are we still talking about characters or have you slipped into perversion again
This thread has the woooooorst opinions sometimes. Mignola art hate? I can't guys I can't. I can not.
Even his early stuff is gold.
Messi do you know there is a chick with fire powers in Hellboy REAL TALK
Thanks, I put it on the wish list.Yes and no. It covers the events of the first four issues from another perspective.... that of the prison laborers. So it doesn't seem like an essential issue when you're reading the first two arcs as one epic tale.
Thank you for posting this, loving what's shown of the art!!
Real talk Freeza is my ComicsGAF waifu. In my heart everyone else is on ignore.
I didn't hate. I just said it does nothing for me. I appreciate that the man has talent.
Can I see a picture of this fire carrying lady?
Yo I completely forgot about my Spider-Woman review. It's still on its way.
I didn't hate. I just said it does nothing for me. I appreciate that the man has talent.
Can I see a picture of this fire carrying lady?
I didn't hate. I just said it does nothing for me. I appreciate that the man has talent.
Can I see a picture of this fire carrying lady?
Dragon Age? I didn't think people were still talking about that.
I'M 52 GODDAMN HOURS INTO THIS GAME AND STILL HAVE THREE LOCATIONS I HAVEN'T EVEN TOUCHED YET! I would almost say that this game might be too long. But I won't mind if the new Mass Effect game ends up being this long. Needs fewer Ubisoft quests, though.
I'M 52 GODDAMN HOURS INTO THIS GAME AND STILL HAVE THREE LOCATIONS I HAVEN'T EVEN TOUCHED YET! I would almost say that this game might be too long. But I won't mind if the new Mass Effect game ends up being this long. Needs fewer Ubisoft quests, though.
I think I'm about ready to move out of the creator.
LOL! See, I'm learning from you guys how long Dragon Age is. So I spent 10 hours on it, and then decided I should try and wrap up unfinished games first for my GOTY list.Cheska, we need to talk.
Why are you playing Tales of Xillia 2 instead of Dragon Age? It's like I don't even know who this person is.
Good plan. What are you rolling? I'm definitely going female Qunari for my second playthrough.