COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush

It seems like they decided to tell the story in the movie and the tv series and everything but the game itself. Odd choice.

I started telltale Batman. Episode one is pretty good. Not quite Tales from the Borderlands good, but an interesting take.

I'm tempted to get it in the sale but I didn't really enjoy the last Telltale game I played. Thrones was a bit of a disappointment after TWD and Wolf Among Us and it seemed to have a lot of technical problems which I managed to avoid in the others.


I was trying to get back into FFXV today but yeah it's certainly weird. Can't say I enjoy the combat very much or the quests. Only on Chapter 3 though so maybe I'll appreciate it further on. Game looks nice at least.

Only book I'm going to pick up soon is Han Solo I think.
I'm stalled on ff15 due to overwatch and having no desire to get back in after 1.5 hours. I don't like the combat and the world seems needy/fetchy. Deliver your own letters.


I'm stalled on ff15 due to overwatch and having no desire to get back in after 1.5 hours. I don't like the combat and the world seems needy/fetchy. Deliver your own letters.

Hmm yeah the quests are mmo shit. I thought I got a quest to find Titan but then it was just a door opened, I fought a giant robot and then the door closed. I should just get back to playing World of Final Fantasy instead.

I picked up Telltale Batman in a sale, it seems just as janky as the the rest of their games but it's Batman so I'll play it soon.


I recently just plantiumed Ffxv the other day. Took 69 hours to do so. I loved it but is shows the reason why I don't mmos. It would fuck my life up. I almost did playing Destiny. Stopped after 665 hours.
Also the first find game FF game I beat.


I am working on the March OT and. I hope yall weren't looking for any marvel books that aren't #1's. This is a fucking disgrace. I am only halfway through marvels books and I already have 9 books.

This cover seems really ... final. Even if the solicit doesn't say so. :(


Tess Fowler did a venom month variant cover...and its really cool?

I am working on the March OT and. I hope yall weren't looking for any marvel books that aren't #1's. This is a fucking disgrace. I am only halfway through marvels books and I already have 9 books.

Just pick all the books that catch your eye and I'll cut out all the trash. Not sure I'll have 9 books left, though.

Interesting reading all your thoughts on XV. Can't say I disagree! The strange thing is, I would change something about literally every part of the game, from top down. Story, characters, quest design, world design, combat design, but I've actually had a pretty decent time too. There are moments in the first half where I'm racing across the plains on chocobo back, or fighting a cockatrice in a storm and it's awesome. There are moments in the second half where the story and characters briefly find their footing and really hit a level that makes me wonder why it's All story in the back half, and all open world with fetch quests before that.

Weird game. Got tons to get to after I finish up. Grabbed the last guardian, world of final fantasy, dragon quest builders and God eater in the sales.


Remember that one guy who was going to make the January OT then got banished to the shadow realm. Lol


We have an OT making machine, we are months ahead at this time.

Just pick all the books that catch your eye and I'll cut out all the trash. Not sure I'll have 9 books left, though.


I was actually only a quarter of the way though. Damn.

Image was a bit tricky too. I want to avoid always having the same books.
Interesting reading all your thoughts on XV. Can't say I disagree! The strange thing is, I would change something about literally every part of the game, from top down. Story, characters, quest design, world design, combat design, but I've actually had a pretty decent time too.

I think the major problem was that they tried to make an open world FF game. It led to it being reeeeally easy to veer into an area with monsters much too high for you to fight. RPGs traditionally avoid an open-world format to prevent this very problem.


Remember that one guy who was going to make the January OT then got banished to the shadow realm. Lol

Eh I ain't that mad.
I'll give Marvel and DC a year to see if they actually manage to publish some actual good comics this year around.


It will probably post in like 1 hour and 19 mins. If I was to predict it.

Remember when that guy stole my thread for another site. SMH.


Interesting reading all your thoughts on XV. Can't say I disagree! The strange thing is, I would change something about literally every part of the game, from top down. Story, characters, quest design, world design, combat design, but I've actually had a pretty decent time too. There are moments in the first half where I'm racing across the plains on chocobo back, or fighting a cockatrice in a storm and it's awesome. There are moments in the second half where the story and characters briefly find their footing and really hit a level that makes me wonder why it's All story in the back half, and all open world with fetch quests before that.

Weird game. Got tons to get to after I finish up. Grabbed the last guardian, world of final fantasy, dragon quest builders and God eater in the sales.
If anything FF16 is going to be great if FF15 was so rushed.



So they straight up calling him Morph now? His powers don't even function the same. I hope they don't make him a generic shapeshifter.
We'll see how they handle it I guess.
I've finally gotten around to reading Mighty Captain Marvel #0 and it's exactly the tone-deaf, self absorbed garbage I expected it to be.

At least I enjoyed IvX #1, but beginning issues of big events tend to be the best ones because they have to be to hook the audience.
What did you find tone death an self absorbed about it? I can't really think of anything off the top of my head.
my guess for top 5

1. Neil Gaiman Sandman
2. Claremont/Byrne/Austin X-Men
3. Alan Moore Swamp Thing
4. JACK KIRBY/stan lee Fantastic Four
5. Frank Miller/Klaus Jenson Daredevil
I don't think I know anyone who actually considers Snyder Batman to be a top 10 all time run.

While definitely not a top 10 all time run out of all the comic books, that link mostly has modern era superhero runs. In that respect, sure?

I like Snyder and Morrison's bat runs, and would pick Snyder by a hair. Morrison's run has higher highs but lacked the same consistency for me.


While definitely not a top 10 all time run out of all the comic books, that link mostly has modern era superhero runs. In that respect, sure?

I like Snyder and Morrison's bat runs, and would pick Snyder by a hair. Morrison's run has higher highs but lacked the same consistency for me.

Morrison Batman has some wondrous highs but I thought it wasn't all that great. And I can't stop thinking about the worst two issues I've ever read. Clown at Midnight and that one with the early 90s CGI art. I'm a huge Morrison fan and Batman is easily my least favorite thing I've read from him. But I completely understand that weird runs can have varied opinions. And this is certainly one weird run.
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