COMICS!!! |OT| December 2016. Motor Girl is my new Motor Crush


Man, read volume 10 of Transformers: More than Meets the Eye, and that series is so, so freaking good. Like, I have no problem whatsoever calling it the best ongoing series right now, and I'd almost certainly put it in my top 10 for comics of all time for me. I'd say top 5 isn't out of the question, though I haven't thought that through very thoroughly and competition of course gets really damn tough up that high. (I should give that a shot some time and see what I come up with. All I know is that I definitely have All Star Superman and Sandman in 1 and 2, as those are the two that made me go "yeah, these feel like they're straight up on a whole other level than pretty much anything I've ever read". And hell, I wouldn't be opposed to putting MTMTE at #3, though it's a tough call as I don't know how I'd rate it against other contenders like Hellboy, Usagi Yojimbo, and Kabuki (also huh, apparently Dark Horse is doing pretty well by me)).

Edit: I'm still disappointed that that guy "Morph" (apparently) from Bendis X-men has his powers apparently work the way they do. Like, I was reading alongside the run, and was hoping it'd pull something like him being able to not only double the appearance but also powers of someone nearby, which would be kind of neat. Like letting a team "double down" on powers depending on the circumstances. So the issue that "fleshed him out" with all that convoluted
oh he turns into you and then there's pheromones or some crap so you totally trust him or something
was really not to my tastes.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I feel like I'm the only one reading Tomboy and Princeless.

I bought and read the first 8 issues of Tomboy last week when you recommended it. I like it so far.

I also just finished the Sasquatch arc of Manifest Destiny. While it didn't have the emotional gut punch of the previous arc it was a well-told tale that better explained the reason for the mission and the purpose of
Sac's baby.
Very true, only 7:40PM in the UK
20:49 currently here in Sweden.

Edit: Remember the ones we lost this year. Both large and small.



I've finally gotten around to reading Mighty Captain Marvel #0 and it's exactly the tone-deaf, self absorbed garbage I expected it to be.

At least I enjoyed IvX #1, but beginning issues of big events tend to be the best ones because they have to be to hook the audience.


I've finally gotten around to reading Mighty Captain Marvel #0 and it's exactly the tone-deaf, self absorbed garbage I expected it to be.

At least I enjoyed IvX #1, but beginning issues of big events tend to be the best ones because they have to be to hook the audience.
One of the few comics where I listened to GAF instead of trusting my instincts. I wish I could give digital comics away

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The good thing about getting caught up on my weeklies is I can now get caught up on my podcasts too. I just got a couple of shoutouts from one of the Serious Issues hosts for hassling him into reading Manifest Destiny. If you can believe that I would do such a thing.
Rom #6
It's always interesting when an issue comes up like this and you go against the main character in this kind of scenario. I'm banking on an upcoming power struggle withon the Wraith ranks and I'm upset
Axiom hasn't come back yet. Or did he die during Revolution? If he did I forgot about it
. The new Knights are pretty cool, and this issue did a fantastic job of establishing the dynamics between them: abilities, personalities, and personal relationships.

Also that dialogue. God this book is so good.

Locke and Key: Small World #1
Really fun story. I enjoyed a lot of the callbacks and easter eggs in here
Mary's shadow is Peter Pan, the same as Bode's and their shadows sort of reflect their roles in the story
. Just a genuinely delightful story all around. Although
Ian having a seizure hit a little close to home, since I have epilepsy and a fear of having a seizure at such an important time like that as a result

This one story reminds me of why I love Locke and Key so much.
Ordered that Legend of Wonder Woman HC earlier, thanks again guys.

Pacing my trades out, so spent the day playing FFXV. Right before the end. Weird weird game. So up and down. Watching Hail Caesar now. It's been a good holiday week.

Really wish I could read all these Locke and Key one shots.
The good thing about getting caught up on my weeklies is I can now get caught up on my podcasts too. I just got a couple of shoutouts from one of the Serious Issues hosts for hassling him into reading Manifest Destiny. If you can believe that I would do such a thing.
What casts are you following?


Ordered that Legend of Wonder Woman HC earlier, thanks again guys.

Pacing my trades out, so spent the day playing FFXV. Right before the end. Weird weird game. So up and down. Watching Hail Caesar now. It's been a good holiday week.

Really wish I could read all these Locke and Key one shots.

I was trying to get back into FFXV today but yeah it's certainly weird. Can't say I enjoy the combat very much or the quests. Only on Chapter 3 though so maybe I'll appreciate it further on. Game looks nice at least.

Only book I'm going to pick up soon is Han Solo I think.
Ordered that Legend of Wonder Woman HC earlier, thanks again guys.

Pacing my trades out, so spent the day playing FFXV. Right before the end. Weird weird game. So up and down. Watching Hail Caesar now. It's been a good holiday week.

Really wish I could read all these Locke and Key one shots.

I finished FFXV the other night. Can't say I enjoyed the story, but I've still had a good time with it. Chapter 13 was awful though.


Unconfirmed Member
I finished FFXV the other night. Can't say I enjoyed the story, but I've still had a good time with it. Chapter 13 was awful though.

It seems like they decided to tell the story in the movie and the tv series and everything but the game itself. Odd choice.

I started telltale Batman. Episode one is pretty good. Not quite Tales from the Borderlands good, but an interesting take.
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