The good news: I don't even have a first mortgage
the bad news: everything else
The first mortgage was implied. You'll need both the first mortgage and second mortgage.
The good news: I don't even have a first mortgage
the bad news: everything else
Wasn't he mentally ill, not drunk?
I got Spider-Gwen #1, the first single issue of a comic I've ever ordered, in the post today. Now I'm looking at tablets to use Comixology on.
is this how it begins
The first mortgage was implied. You'll need both the first mortgage and second mortgage.
I feel like sillymonkey because so far none of the Secret Wars series/minis/whatever are doing anything for me from the announcements :/
If all of my Marvel stuff goes on hiatus because of this, I'm gonna be pretty bummed out.
can't I just sell a kidney
I feel like sillymonkey because so far none of the Secret Wars series/minis/whatever are doing anything for me from the announcements :/
If all of my Marvel stuff goes on hiatus because of this, I'm gonna be pretty bummed out.
that only works once
Yeah but pretty soon Stem Cell research will allow us to sell our kidneys multiple times. That's unlimited comics.
Whale shenanigans is kind of the point of the story, my dude. That's what brings us to the endgame. Also, Unwritten Apocalypse is really fucking good, so my suggestion is to keep going and then give us a random review when you're done.Finished Unwritten vol 8, it was okay, better than vol 7. I'm not that interested in the characters or story right now, especiallyNot sure if i'll go ahead and get vol 10 and 11 to finish the series presuming i skip vol 9's Fables Crossover.whale shenanigans
But then they can grow new kidneys in people who need them, so less comics?
Grow people without kidneys so we have people to donate our unlimited kidneys to.
But then they can grow new kidneys in people who need them, so less comics?
Hank Pym is the deepest and most human of any superhero ever created.
So this arrived today
side-note: I can't tell if Spider-Gwen has web shooters or not
The people who think are usually contrarians that got into Pym purely because of the slap.
None of them at all though? At the very least there are some fun ideas being tossed about.
Not even Garth Ennis + WW1 + dinosaurs?
Get out
Sorry fam but I've got no real experience with Ennis.
.Get out (and fix this with Hitman)
Whale shenanigans is kind of the point of the story, my dude. That's what brings us to the endgame. Also, Unwritten Apocalypse is really fucking good, so my suggestion is to keep going and then give us a random review when you're done.
So in Darth Vader #2Vader planted false evidence just to get that soldier off his back and not be observed. Clever bastard
The good news: I don't even have a first mortgage
the bad news: everything else
Sorry fam but I've got no real experience with Ennis. I'm not interested in Punisher and beyond that I just haven't read any of his other popular stuff like Preacher or Hitman. Got too much to read as it is, but I'd like to try out Hitman eventually since that seems kinda up my alley.
Like I just said though, if anything gets good word of mouth in here, I'll definitely check it out. But right now there's nothing like Howard the Duck where I look at it and know that I have to read it.
Grab a tablet + Marvel Unlimited sub and you'll be good to go. Floppies + bankruptcy lawyer is a good combo too.
Jigga, spare me your excuses.
Read the upcoming Garth Ennis comic that has dinosaurs when it is out.
...and while we're at it, everyone get this book
It's only a fiver!
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there will be some good things in it, and I'll look into whatever gets positive buzz in here, but there's nothing announced so far that's made me really excited.
Sorry fam but I've got no real experience with Ennis. I'm not interested in Punisher and beyond that I just haven't read any of his other popular stuff like Preacher or Hitman. Got too much to read as it is, but I'd like to try out Hitman eventually since that seems kinda up my alley.
Like I just said though, if anything gets good word of mouth in here, I'll definitely check it out. But right now there's nothing like Howard the Duck where I look at it and know that I have to read it.
I just spent an hour reading about City of Heroes again. Goddamn, do I miss that game.
So this arrived today
I'm worried about you. Why have you said nothing about the Sega x Capcpom collab?
Teaser is so hype.
can't I just sell a kidney
I just spent an hour reading about City of Heroes again. Goddamn, do I miss that game.
My first MMO. Great times were had in that game. The alternatives just aren't the same.
Indeed. That's not stopping me from downloading DC Universe Online right now to give it a shot.
But man, CoH is something special to me.
I've been trying to get into Champions Online recently, but it's just not the same.
Indeed. That's not stopping me from downloading DC Universe Online right now to give it a shot.
But man, CoH is something special to me.
City of Heroes went offline years ago. Lol.
Still hurts, though.
I've got high hopes for City of Titans, but the lack of a Mastermind class at launch is disappointing.
City of Heroes went offline years ago. Lol.
At the very least get yourself a 970. I'm running Sleeping Dogs on extreme at 120fps.
Was talking about DC Universe Online. I do love the opening cinematic, even if it's very grimdark.
Here it is, if you haven't seen it.
It's Bend Studios so it's pretty awesome.
Also cool from that game:
Batman explains how to beat the Justice League (Conroy voicing)
I'm getting a 970 hopefully. The VRAM thing bugs the shit out of me but I guess I can buy a new card for my birthday next year. I would get a 980 but not worth the extra scratch for the marginal improvement. Building from the ground up, even getting new KBAM and some proper speakers, so every penny counts.
I got a job
Email them about switching vol4 out with 3. They've been good about that with meCongrats, Messi!!!
Woot, my an IST order in the mail today!
DC The New Frontier
Spawn Origins Volume 4 trade (which was really stupid of me because I meant to order volume 3)
They didn't send me my copy of Lost at Sea though so looks like I'll have to contact them over that.
Think I'll start reading Trees today.
Just watched the Teaser Trailer and I'm getting some Third Reich vibes from the architecture lol. That's some SS looking shit. I hope it does turn out well though.
chill fam, I never said I would flat out not buy anything from Secret Wars
My lack of experience with Ennis is the whole reason why I'm not all that excited in his book. It's not like I'm just dismissing it entirely. If I hear it's good from people here then yeah, I'll check it out. I've blind bought quite a few books based on impressions here: Stray Bullets, Casanova, Kill Your Boyfriend, Batgirl, etc. so it's not like I'm just saying empty words.