Anyone reading Sword of Storms?
Anyone reading Sword of Storms?
like, Hellboy?Google tells me this was just the name of the animated film and didn't have a corresponding comic arc
Totally whiffed it in my tiredness.
Swords of Sorrow
It's Gail Simones Dynamite event book. Want to know if the good reviews are her fans being her fans or if it it legit good. Her twitter fans are intense and like every single thing she does.
Makes me interested in what they got going on over at Dynamite, especially Green Hornet and Red Sonja
Is there any good Vampirella I could read?
What got you interested in Vampy now?
So I'm reading classic Fantastic 4 on MU, because why not.
So The Thing is super pissed ALL the time, and he randomly changes back to Ben Grimm at the most inopportune moments.
Dr. Doom's first story involves taking The Invisible Girl hostage, and forcing the others to go back in time so that they can steal Blackbeard's treasure, which contains Merlin's jewels that he can use to take over the world. In the process, it turns out The Thing (in disguise) starts the legend of Blackbeard.
There's a plot where the fantastic four go broke because Reed lost all their money in stock trading, so Namor buys a movie studio just for kicks, and decides to produce a movie about the fantastic four. The movie is just an excuse to embarrass them so he can get with Sue, but they beat him and make the movie anyway, thus recovering their money.
There's a plot where the fantastic four go broke because Reed lost all their money in stock trading, so Namor buys a movie studio just for kicks, and decides to produce a movie about the fantastic four. The movie is just an excuse to embarrass them so he can get with Sue, but they beat him and make the movie anyway, thus recovering their money.
Only thing I genuinely don't like about Kitty is her costume. It's always been super basic and uninteresting. She's never had a good costume. In fact, her first costume was just one of the O5's costumes.Best Pryde
How can you hate something that's soft and fuzzy?
SHITNah man, Ghus is pretty fucking hardcore.
Paging BKatastrophe
Caught up with the latest D.Gray-man and I'm just like
The entire time as it was being explained I'm like " are you SAYING!?" because of my disbelief.
I've also read 10 volumes worth of this in two days and the mythos/lore in this series is just incredible. There are a lot of things to explore, and that whole deal withThosethe Heart having its own faction was surprising and very interesting direction to take the series.remind me of Fullmetal Alchemist, and not just because the one looks like Shou Tucker. Well, I mean, besides that it takes place in 1900s Western Europe. lolApocryphos
I have nothing against battle shonens, they're actually some of my favorite series, but I liked how this series moved away from that; it only really had one foot in that genre in the first place, but things are now structureless and unpredictable. Also, it somehow got even darker with thestoryline - that whole backstory was fucked up to the max.Alma
Anyway, really happy with that last chapter. Not a lot of dialogue, but page-wise, it was about 3 monthly chapters long. I'd be ok with getting that length 4 times a year. I'm just glad it's back. I was happily reminded of why this has always been my favorite manga.
That darknet thread. I feel sick.
This should make you feel a little better:
Bought the same $4 clearance sweater as my coworker tonight so we could be matching.
This should make you feel a little better:
Bought the same $4 clearance sweater as my coworker tonight so we could be matching.
Of course it was on clearance lol
This should make you feel a little better:
Bought the same $4 clearance sweater as my coworker tonight so we could be matching.
Classic fantastic four is insane amazing stuff. They're pissed at each other all the time, insane things happen every issue. It's nuts.So I'm reading classic Fantastic 4 on MU, because why not.
So The Thing is super pissed ALL the time, and he randomly changes back to Ben Grimm at the most inopportune moments.
Dr. Doom's first story involves taking The Invisible Girl hostage, and forcing the others to go back in time so that they can steal Blackbeard's treasure, which contains Merlin's jewels that he can use to take over the world. In the process, it turns out The Thing (in disguise) starts the legend of Blackbeard.
There's a plot where the fantastic four go broke because Reed lost all their money in stock trading, so Namor buys a movie studio just for kicks, and decides to produce a movie about the fantastic four. The movie is just an excuse to embarrass them so he can get with Sue, but they beat him and make the movie anyway, thus recovering their money.
I love her Red Sonja but I think I will wait this out and buy the trades of it turns out well.
Is there any good Vampirella I could read?
So I'm reading classic Fantastic 4 on MU, because why not.
So The Thing is super pissed ALL the time, and he randomly changes back to Ben Grimm at the most inopportune moments.
Dr. Doom's first story involves taking The Invisible Girl hostage, and forcing the others to go back in time so that they can steal Blackbeard's treasure, which contains Merlin's jewels that he can use to take over the world. In the process, it turns out The Thing (in disguise) starts the legend of Blackbeard.
There's a plot where the fantastic four go broke because Reed lost all their money in stock trading, so Namor buys a movie studio just for kicks, and decides to produce a movie about the fantastic four. The movie is just an excuse to embarrass them so he can get with Sue, but they beat him and make the movie anyway, thus recovering their money.
Ok Saga looks cool. I will be picking it up in the near future.
And I also see that's where that super cute little seal person is from.
So then one day sue opens reedoom's office to discover that there's a bunch of shrunken zoo animals. Reedoom explains his plan; the dinosaurs went extinct
because their bodies were too big for their brains, so naturally if he were to shrink the team members and then grow them back, they would be able to control their bodies better (his real plan is to shrink them until they disappear). The team is super excited about this.
What is this from?
Vampirella Masters series Vol 1
Written by Grant Morrison and Mark Millar
art by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti. Wow.
Gonna get this.
What is this from?
There ya go, just don't stare at the art too much, the dialog and story's gotta be just as enticing.
Irredeemable and Incorruptible by Mark Waid
What about me makes you believe that I need the story to be good to read something. I own all the trades and floppies of Nocenti Catwoman. Also Amanda Conners art could get me to overlook massive amounts of bad writing. That said I don't believe for a second the Morrison bit would be badly written, it might be incomprehensible to me but it won't be badly written. Millar could go either way.
Yeah that did seem out of line so apologize if it was rude or offensive.
However it's all due to how my view of comics over the years. I've read lots of comics over the years to the point that no amount of good art can save a book's writing. At the very least it turns into an artbook (Ultimates 3).
There are be books that have a great story and great art, but if the pacing and writing puts me to sleep, at the very least I'd recommend it if I've heard good things about it.
So previously Dr doom was shot into space on a comet. In this one issue of f4 the story is interrupted by stan lee and jack Kirby in their office talking about how hard it is to think of a supervillain and wishing Dr doom was back. Doom BURSTS in an declares that he's back now. When asked how by Kirby and lee he says it doesn't matter and orders them to call mister fantastic so the story can start.
He knocks reed out and explains he returned after being rescued by aliens called the oviods whose secrets he's learned. He proceeds to then telepathically switch bodies with reed and tricks the f4 into locking doomreed in a glass prison.
So then one day sue opens reedoom's office to discover that there's a bunch of shrunken zoo animals. Reedoom explains his plan; the dinosaurs went extinct
because their bodies were too big for their brains, so naturally if he were to shrink the team members and then grow them back, they would be able to control their bodies better (his real plan is to shrink them until they disappear). The team is super excited about this.
His fool proof plan is foiled when doomreed returns, and Johnny tests them by making a heat mirage of a stick of dynamite from across the street. Reed tries to defuse it, doom tries to escape. Now discovered, he switches back to his body and gets hit by the shrink ray, supposedly fading into oblivion.
So previously Dr doom was shot into space on a comet. In this one issue of f4 the story is interrupted by stan lee and jack Kirby in their office talking about how hard it is to think of a supervillain and wishing Dr doom was back. Doom BURSTS in an declares that he's back now. When asked how by Kirby and lee he says it doesn't matter and orders them to call mister fantastic so the story can start.
He knocks reed out and explains he returned after being rescued by aliens called the oviods whose secrets he's learned. He proceeds to then telepathically switch bodies with reed and tricks the f4 into locking doomreed in a glass prison.
So then one day sue opens reedoom's office to discover that there's a bunch of shrunken zoo animals. Reedoom explains his plan; the dinosaurs went extinct
because their bodies were too big for their brains, so naturally if he were to shrink the team members and then grow them back, they would be able to control their bodies better (his real plan is to shrink them until they disappear). The team is super excited about this.
His fool proof plan is foiled when doomreed returns, and Johnny tests them by making a heat mirage of a stick of dynamite from across the street. Reed tries to defuse it, doom tries to escape. Now discovered, he switches back to his body and gets hit by the shrink ray, supposedly fading into oblivion.
Sue has been reading too much ComicGAF and taken up Sunstone confirmed.
Nah, that's some straight 50 Shades shit. "Look at this rich, humiliating all of us just to prove he can! Sooooooo sexy!"
Hip Hop Variant cover based on Snow's legendary "12 Inches of Snow" by Clay Mann.
So I'm reading Avengers Vs X-men, about to read issue #3. So far this has been a poor choice as an entry point. It contextualizes the events but in really clunky (and at times with tongue in cheek) ways. The story itself so far is not good with the battle at Utopia being contrived and not even visually interesting. Some of the panels look so silly and one has to hold their brain back to not analyze the specifics of the battle. I certainly hope this isn't one of the better big events.
So I'm reading Avengers Vs X-men, about to read issue #3. So far this has been a poor choice as an entry point. It contextualizes the events but in really clunky (and at times with tongue in cheek) ways. The story itself so far is not good with the battle at Utopia being contrived and not even visually interesting. Some of the panels look so silly and one has to hold their brain back to not analyze the specifics of the battle. I certainly hope this isn't one of the better big events.
So I'm reading Avengers Vs X-men, about to read issue #3. So far this has been a poor choice as an entry point. It contextualizes the events but in really clunky (and at times with tongue in cheek) ways. The story itself so far is not good with the battle at Utopia being contrived and not even visually interesting. Some of the panels look so silly and one has to hold their brain back to not analyze the specifics of the battle. I certainly hope this isn't one of the better big events.
How is Gran Morrisions Flash?
I own both TPBs, it's fantastic, def. read them. The art may not have aged well but it's a fun romp.
Rocket league looks like i would be driving around a lot and never hitting that ball, is it easier than it looks?
On that note, what the hell is Image doing? They're just sitting on Fatale and Criminal and won't release some OHCsin Fatale's case they won't release the second one
Good^^ I hope they are going to be released as a Deluxe...