Literally the last thing I can recall reading from Marvel is the odd issue of the first Secret Wars. I'm going in quite blind!Have you read Ultimate Spider-Man? It leads quite nicely into Miles' story but it is quite a commitment. The original run's about 140 issues. Most of ComicGAF would recommend it though.
I've still never read an event, I don't think. Wooo
So I'm reading Avengers Vs X-men, about to read issue #3. So far this has been a poor choice as an entry point. It contextualizes the events but in really clunky (and at times with tongue in cheek) ways. The story itself so far is not good with the battle at Utopia being contrived and not even visually interesting. Some of the panels look so silly and one has to hold their brain back to not analyze the specifics of the battle. I certainly hope this isn't one of the better big events.
Final Crisis, my dude. Strap those 4-d glasses to your face and get to reading.
AvX is pretty damn terrible, IMO. Most event comics don't elevate above average, but that book that one of the worst in recent memory.
i did love Queen & Country, but i'm waiting for Lazarus to wrap up before i dive in
got any completed favorites i should check out?
Gotham Central!
Final Crisis, my dude. Strap those 4-d glasses to your face and get to reading.
Woooo. Starting my new job today.
Also just put my schedules from both my jobs into Google Calendar and as it turns out I've still got tons of free time this week! Totally gonna be able to keep this comics train rolling. Hopefully I'll finish Sleeper in a few days. Gonna read a couple more issues right now, in fact.
I definitely need to use a calendar to keep my schedule in line at work but can't really imagine doing that for my personal life. I set up reminders here and there for upcoming events but not like how I have it at work. Haha
Someone at Image must have heard you.
Nameless and Shutter are coming too.
And someone at DC heard you.
So glad to see Fatale finally getting that second volume and the rest of the stuff has my interest as well.
DC needs to expand more on their OHC line
Infinite Crisis is having it's ten year anniversary at the end of the year, would be nice if they release a nice OHC like they did for Identity Crisis.
First piece of news, Walmart carries graphic novels online.
Second piece of news, most of them are on sale for close to 50% off.
Yeah, what's the last series from DC to get an OHC? I always found it strange how few there are, and somehow Moz's B&R got one right off the bat.
I cannot even begin to fathom how struggle their packaging would be.
Yeah, what's the last series from DC to get an OHC? I always found it strange how few there are, and somehow Moz's B&R got one right off the bat.
Yeah, what's the last series from DC to get an OHC?
I don't know why but it seems like they are being extremely selective about the new52 stuff.
Dial H by China Miéville
Green Arrow By Jeff Lemire
Swamp Thing By Scott Snyder
Flash By Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato
What they need
Animal Man by Jeff Lemire
Wonder Woman by Brian Azzarello
Action Comics by Grant Morrison
Batman Incorporated Vol 2
Batman in volumes Court of Owls, Death of the Family, Zero Year
Superman Unchained, then Dial H.
They gave Unchained an OHC? That's bogus
Yeah, Unchained was the most disappointed I've been with any DC comic for years.
Serves me right for getting excited for a comic with Jim Lee art, I guess. Snyder's QI narration was in full force as well. At one point, Superman just starts talking about whales or something in the middle of a disaster and I'm like "I'M DONE."
Superman Unchained, then Dial H.
a fuckton of old Star Wars issues added to MU to celebrate Star Wars (2015) #1 release
I wasn't counting omnis, I was thinking smaller collections in OHC format.
Well DC seems to only be releasing books of certain writer/artist runs for now, these books aren't given "Omnibus" title, but "Deluxe Edition" which is like their OHC.
Oops I thought I saw omnibus attached to the GA Lemire one. My mistake.
Still, I think perhaps Marvel/Image's got the best strat, OHCs cover 2-3 trades shortly after release. I wish Valiant would adopt this also.
You mean instead of OHCs years after release? But how would they sell their TPBs with pricing that may actually be worse than Marvel/DC then?
Wait, who are we talking about?
Yessss! Finally!where mah gket at?
Valiant. All the trades I've seen for them tend to hover around the price per page you normally see from Marvel or DC, except they end up being even more expensive from IST because the discount off of cover price is smaller. And the hardcover stuff should speak for itself.
Err well hold on a second. List prices are fine for Valiant - $10 for the first trade, $15 for any subsequent unless it has more pages that what they usually collect (like Harbinger vol 5). The deluxes always cover 3 trades for $40, even if the previous 3 trades added up to $45 in paperback. I just checked and it's usually only a few (6 usually) months after the release of the last one. Image and Marvel actually usually only collect 2 trades in an OHC and price it at $35. It's just the 30% off from IST that might throw people off.
I guess my original comment was kind of dumb because they usually keep a good schedule, it just takes them longer to wait out the 3 trades. I just wish it were only released a month after the last trade.
Ice cold brah
Err well hold on a second. List prices are fine for Valiant - $10 for the first trade, $15 for any subsequent unless it has more pages that what they usually collect (like Harbinger vol 5). The deluxes always cover 3 trades for $40, even if the previous 3 trades added up to $45 in paperback. I just checked and it's usually only a few (6 usually) months after the release of the last one. Image and Marvel actually usually only collect 2 trades in an OHC and price it at $35. It's just the 30% off from IST that might throw people off.
I guess my original comment was kind of dumb because they usually keep a good schedule, it just takes them longer to wait out the 3 trades. I just wish it were only released a month after the last trade.
I just counted, I bought over 40 OHCs in about 1 year.
I almost have every I want^^
Err well hold on a second. List prices are fine for Valiant - $10 for the first trade, $15 for any subsequent unless it has more pages that what they usually collect (like Harbinger vol 5). The deluxes always cover 3 trades for $40, even if the previous 3 trades added up to $45 in paperback. I just checked and it's usually only a few (6 usually) months after the release of the last one. Image and Marvel actually usually only collect 2 trades in an OHC and price it at $35. It's just the 30% off from IST that might throw people off.
I guess my original comment was kind of dumb because they usually keep a good schedule, it just takes them longer to wait out the 3 trades. I just wish it were only released a month after the last trade.
No, I have a Amazon checklist^^Until you realize you want more as part of the never ending flow of money from your wallet and/or bank accounts.
Oh, the prices on the OHC are perfectly fine. Wasn't complaining about that. Hell, I even went and ordered a bunch of them within the last week to see what things were all about. It's actually where my comments are coming from.
And while it may be true that the Valiant OHCs collect 3 trades, I'm seeing a bunch of those trades only collecting 4 issues so that's a bit misleading, I think.
And now I'm confused. The first X-O Manowar hardcover was Nov 2013 at least according to Amazon and the second is a couple weeks from now, but only contains 8 X-O Manowar issues and 4 Unity. This seems to match with the 4th and 5th X-O Manowar trades + 1st Unity trade (all of which appear to have been out well over a year), but the 9th X-O Manowar trade comes out the same day.
I'm not looking for a fight. Sorry for being a bit, uh, careless in my remarks. :x
Edit: To be super clear, I'm mostly saying "I may be interested in buying these things, but the OHCs seem like vastly better deals than the trades so I wish they'd come out sooner."
I can see what Sarah is saying. It is the number of issues in a trade as well.
Daredevil v1 ohc - 12 issues, $20 ($35 retail)
hawkeye v1 ohc - 12 issues, $20 ($35 retail)
Archer and Armstrong v1 deluxe - 14 issues, $28 ($40 retail)
Quantum and Woody v1 deluxe - 13 issues, $28 ($40 retail)
We don't fight like we used to.
We don't fight like we used to.